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Powerful MVC from Appc
●   What is Alloy
●   Why Alloy
●   How to work with Alloy
●   Examples
●   Questions
What Is Alloy?
● Alloy is built on Node.js, available on npm,
  and integrated with Titanium Studio

● Alloy is an open source MVC framework with
  the goal of making Titanium development
  easier, faster, and more scalable
Why Alloy?
● Scaffolding generation and advanced tooling

● Best Practices

● With Alloy, developers can build apps not
  only faster, but of higher quality, effortlessly
  leveraging features like compile time
  validation, advanced code generation, and
  reusable components.
Alloy Key Features
● UI and app logic separation through MVC
● Develop your apps using XML and JSON
● Reusable widgets and templates
● Built-in Backbone.js and Underscore.js
● Command Line interface
How to Start?
● Alloy Quickstart Guide

● Alloy Google Group!forum/appc-ti-alloy

● Alloy on Github
Getting Start
●   Ti SDK and Studio 2.1 or greater
●   Node.js 0.6.3 or greater
●   Support only on OSX 10.6 or greater(Windows and Linux Support Later)

Platform Support
●   Android - 2.2 (API8) or greater
●   iPad - 4.2 or greater
●   iPhone - 4.2 or greater
●   Mobile Web
Install Alloy
Once Titanium and Node.js are installed then
run the below command from the OSX terminal
app to install Alloy

   $sudo npm install alloy -g
Sample Project

● Create Tab based App
● Call XHR request
● Display Results
New Alloy Project
● Create a new Titanium Mobile Project

● Using Terminal change to the directory
  where the newly created project lives

● To set up the project to use Alloy run
  $alloy new
Directory Structure
views - index.xml
styles - index.tss
controllers - index.js
Create Controller
   $alloy generate controller row

Above command will create following files
  a. controllers/row.js
  b. views/row.xml
  c. styles/row.tss
Create Model
   $alloy generate model todo name:string

Above command will create following files
  a. models/todo.js
  b. models/todo.json
  c. migrations/201208061357439_todo.js
Code Walkthrough
Github Link:
Appcelerator Titanium Alloy

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Appcelerator Titanium Alloy

  • 2. Ajenda ● What is Alloy ● Why Alloy ● How to work with Alloy ● Examples ● Questions
  • 3. What Is Alloy? ● Alloy is built on Node.js, available on npm, and integrated with Titanium Studio ● Alloy is an open source MVC framework with the goal of making Titanium development easier, faster, and more scalable
  • 4. Why Alloy? ● Scaffolding generation and advanced tooling ● Best Practices ● With Alloy, developers can build apps not only faster, but of higher quality, effortlessly leveraging features like compile time validation, advanced code generation, and reusable components.
  • 5. Alloy Key Features ● UI and app logic separation through MVC framework ● Develop your apps using XML and JSON ● Reusable widgets and templates ● Built-in Backbone.js and Underscore.js support ● Command Line interface
  • 6. How to Start? ● Alloy Quickstart Guide ● Alloy Google Group!forum/appc-ti-alloy ● Alloy on Github
  • 7. Getting Start Requirements ● Ti SDK and Studio 2.1 or greater ● Node.js 0.6.3 or greater ● Support only on OSX 10.6 or greater(Windows and Linux Support Later) Platform Support ● Android - 2.2 (API8) or greater ● iPad - 4.2 or greater ● iPhone - 4.2 or greater ● Mobile Web
  • 8. Install Alloy Once Titanium and Node.js are installed then run the below command from the OSX terminal app to install Alloy $sudo npm install alloy -g
  • 9. Sample Project Objectives ● Create Tab based App ● Call XHR request ● Display Results
  • 10. New Alloy Project ● Create a new Titanium Mobile Project ● Using Terminal change to the directory where the newly created project lives ● To set up the project to use Alloy run $alloy new
  • 15. Create Controller $alloy generate controller row Above command will create following files a. controllers/row.js b. views/row.xml c. styles/row.tss
  • 16. Create Model $alloy generate model todo name:string active:boolean Above command will create following files a. models/todo.js b. models/todo.json c. migrations/201208061357439_todo.js
  • 17. Code Walkthrough Github Link: