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Powerful MVC from Appc
●   What is Alloy
●   Why Alloy
●   How to work with Alloy
●   Examples
●   Questions
What Is Alloy?
● Alloy is built on Node.js, available on npm,
  and integrated with Titanium Studio

● Alloy is an open source MVC framework with
  the goal of making Titanium development
  easier, faster, and more scalable
Why Alloy?
● Scaffolding generation and advanced tooling

● Best Practices

● With Alloy, developers can build apps not
  only faster, but of higher quality, effortlessly
  leveraging features like compile time
  validation, advanced code generation, and
  reusable components.

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Presentation from my conference in Lublin. Details, photos and video could be found there . Feel free to ask any questions.

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Appcelerator Titanium Alloy + Kinvey Collection Databinding - Part One

Information on an Appcelerator Alloy project demonstrating the use of a restApi sync adapter along with Model/Collection Databinding to a TableView Complete Project here on Github:

React JS
React JSReact JS
React JS

React is an open source JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It was created by Jordan Walke at Facebook in 2011 and is now maintained by Facebook, Instagram, and a community of developers. Major companies like Facebook, Netflix, Instagram, Khan Academy, and PayPal use React to build their interfaces. React uses a virtual DOM for faster rendering and makes components that manage their own state. It uses JSX syntax and a one-way data flow that is declarative and composable.

Alloy Key Features
● UI and app logic separation through MVC
● Develop your apps using XML and JSON
● Reusable widgets and templates
● Built-in Backbone.js and Underscore.js
● Command Line interface
How to Start?
● Alloy Quickstart Guide

● Alloy Google Group!forum/appc-ti-alloy

● Alloy on Github
Getting Start
●   Ti SDK and Studio 2.1 or greater
●   Node.js 0.6.3 or greater
●   Support only on OSX 10.6 or greater(Windows and Linux Support Later)

Platform Support
●   Android - 2.2 (API8) or greater
●   iPad - 4.2 or greater
●   iPhone - 4.2 or greater
●   Mobile Web
Install Alloy
Once Titanium and Node.js are installed then
run the below command from the OSX terminal
app to install Alloy

   $sudo npm install alloy -g

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Bootiful Development with Spring Boot and Angular - Spring I/O 2017
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To simplify development and deployment, you want everything in the same artifact, so you put your Angular app “inside” your Spring Boot app, right? But what if you could create your Angular app as a standalone app and make cross-origin requests to your API? A client app that can point to any server makes it easy to test your current client code against other servers (e.g. test, staging, production). This workshop shows how to develop with Java 8, Spring Boot, Angular 4, and TypeScript. You’ll learn how to create REST endpoints with Spring MVC, Spring Data REST, configure Spring Boot to allow CORS, and create an Angular app to display its data. If time allows we’ll cover microservices, security/authentication, continuous integration, and deployment to Cloud Foundry. Prerequisites: Java 8, Maven 3.5.0, Node.js 6.9.5, Chrome (higher versions ok) Install Angular CLI: npm install -g @angular/cli Optional: Yarn instead of npm Tutorial used for workshop:

Micro frontend
Micro frontendMicro frontend
Micro frontend

There is no doubt that one of the most emerging terms in today Tech Community is MicroFront end Architecture, in this Lecture, we will go through the Basics of Micro-FrontEnd Architecture Concept, and will discuss with Examples, How some techniques to implement it, Also will discuss if its suitable for you to migrate from old single Front-End App to Micro-FrontEnd Architecture.

Introduction to React Native
Introduction to React NativeIntroduction to React Native
Introduction to React Native

React has been named the front-end library to learn in 2016! React Native has also picked up tremendous steam as a way to build cross-platform apps with React. In this talk, Rami will do a quick 5 minute introduction to React's core concepts. Following, Rami will introduce React Native, discuss the differences between React & React Native, and show you how to build a simple Android application. By the end of this talk, you will have a greater grasp of the ecosystem and leave with new tools in your developer arsenal.

mobilemobile application developmentwebdev
Sample Project

● Create Tab based App
● Call XHR request
● Display Results
New Alloy Project
● Create a new Titanium Mobile Project

● Using Terminal change to the directory
  where the newly created project lives

● To set up the project to use Alloy run
  $alloy new
Directory Structure
views - index.xml

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Optimizing React Native views for pre-animation
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React Native is a framework that allows developers to use React to build mobile apps for iOS and Android. It uses JavaScript to render UI components to native mobile components. Maintaining 60 frames per second is important for a smooth user experience. To optimize performance, developers should limit the number of components rendered initially, optimize images, avoid over-nesting components, and write efficient JavaScript code.

An iOS Developer's Perspective on React Native
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An iOS Developer's Perspective on React Native

1. The document discusses the author's experience with native iOS development and introduces React Native as a way to write mobile apps using JavaScript instead of Objective-C or Swift. 2. It provides an overview of how React Native works by using JavaScriptCore and Node.js to render components while allowing developers to use familiar Flexbox syntax for layouts instead of Autolayout. 3. The author demonstrates how to install React Native, create a basic app, add components and styles, and use tools like the Inspector and Perf Monitor.

iosreactreact native

Troy Miles presented on ReactJS and related technologies. He discussed React which uses a virtual DOM and one-way data flow to build user interfaces. React uses JSX syntax to generate HTML and is component-based. React Router syncs the UI with the URL. Flux and Redux are patterns for managing data flow, with Redux being a predictable state container. Components are used to build reusable UI, and props are used to pass data between components.

styles - index.tss
controllers - index.js
Create Controller
   $alloy generate controller row

Above command will create following files
  a. controllers/row.js
  b. views/row.xml
  c. styles/row.tss
Create Model
   $alloy generate model todo name:string

Above command will create following files
  a. models/todo.js
  b. models/todo.json
  c. migrations/201208061357439_todo.js

Recommended for you

Intro to react native
Intro to react nativeIntro to react native
Intro to react native

This document provides an overview and introduction to React Native, including: - What React Native is and the problems it solves like enabling cross-platform development using a single JavaScript codebase. - The technologies that comprise React Native like ReactJS and how it binds to native platforms. - Getting started with a basic React Native app and examples of extending it with custom modules. - An overview of the React Native component library and APIs. - Recommendations to get familiar with related technologies like JSX, Flow, and Node.js. - Thoughts on the benefits and challenges of developing with React Native.

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Workshop Ionic Framework - CC FE & UX
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Workshop Ionic Framework - CC FE & UX

A dive into Ionic Framework. What is it, why should you use it, how can it work for you and we build a basic application to show how easy and fast it is to use.

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Ionic Framework
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Ionic Framework

This document provides an introduction to hybrid mobile applications and the Ionic framework. It discusses the differences between native and hybrid apps, and introduces Ionic as a framework that allows building mobile apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The document outlines components of Ionic including AngularJS, Cordova, plugins, and the ecosystem. It also covers basic Ionic concepts such as installation, commands, directory structure, routing, views, and UI components. The agenda concludes with a demo of a TODO list application built with Ionic.

Code Walkthrough
Github Link:

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Appcelerator Titanium Alloy

  • 2. Ajenda ● What is Alloy ● Why Alloy ● How to work with Alloy ● Examples ● Questions
  • 3. What Is Alloy? ● Alloy is built on Node.js, available on npm, and integrated with Titanium Studio ● Alloy is an open source MVC framework with the goal of making Titanium development easier, faster, and more scalable
  • 4. Why Alloy? ● Scaffolding generation and advanced tooling ● Best Practices ● With Alloy, developers can build apps not only faster, but of higher quality, effortlessly leveraging features like compile time validation, advanced code generation, and reusable components.
  • 5. Alloy Key Features ● UI and app logic separation through MVC framework ● Develop your apps using XML and JSON ● Reusable widgets and templates ● Built-in Backbone.js and Underscore.js support ● Command Line interface
  • 6. How to Start? ● Alloy Quickstart Guide ● Alloy Google Group!forum/appc-ti-alloy ● Alloy on Github
  • 7. Getting Start Requirements ● Ti SDK and Studio 2.1 or greater ● Node.js 0.6.3 or greater ● Support only on OSX 10.6 or greater(Windows and Linux Support Later) Platform Support ● Android - 2.2 (API8) or greater ● iPad - 4.2 or greater ● iPhone - 4.2 or greater ● Mobile Web
  • 8. Install Alloy Once Titanium and Node.js are installed then run the below command from the OSX terminal app to install Alloy $sudo npm install alloy -g
  • 9. Sample Project Objectives ● Create Tab based App ● Call XHR request ● Display Results
  • 10. New Alloy Project ● Create a new Titanium Mobile Project ● Using Terminal change to the directory where the newly created project lives ● To set up the project to use Alloy run $alloy new
  • 15. Create Controller $alloy generate controller row Above command will create following files a. controllers/row.js b. views/row.xml c. styles/row.tss
  • 16. Create Model $alloy generate model todo name:string active:boolean Above command will create following files a. models/todo.js b. models/todo.json c. migrations/201208061357439_todo.js
  • 17. Code Walkthrough Github Link: