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Practical API
Strategy with
APIOps Cycles
APIOps CyclesTM
For lean and business-oriented API Development
Openly licensed with CC-BY-SA 4.0
Marjukka Niinioja
Founding partner Osaango Oy, local organizer of apidays Helsinki
and APIOps meetups
Consulted and trained 200+ companies and public sector organiza
tions on platform economy and
API economy business models, service and product strategies and
enterprise architecture
One of the authors of API Economy 101 –
book (2019) combining research with practical experience
“Mother” of APIOps Cycles method.
“Help us create
guidelines for our
API development”
APIOps Cycles is all about
collaboration btw business & tech

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A presentation given by Alan Glickenhouse, API Business Strategist, IBM, at our API-as-a-Product LiveCast on April 28, 2021. Watch the presentation here: Learn more about the event:

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apidays LIVE Paris - Practical API strategy with APIOps Cycles by Marjukka Niinioja
@apiopscycles Use cases - API
 Take one business unit and one
ecosystem journey customer
segment first.
 Go through API Canvas-phase
and do around of partner and
developer experience reviews
Often API strategy emerges from
practical questions
You can’t build an API strategy
without thinking about the
ecosystem journeys & experience
Customer journey combined from resources provided by individual providers via APIs
 Analytics and
content APIs
 Awareness APIs
 Sense APIs
 Recommending
 Personalized offers
 Ordering
with voice
 Fraud detection in
 Optimizing routes
 Automated
maintenance calls
“The ecosystem together generates value for its end-customers by integrating functionally interdependent
subsystems. “(Source: In API Economy 101 book from Mäkinen – Dedehayir, 2013; more specifically Han,
J. et al. 2017. Uncovering the conceptual boundaries of the ecosystems: Origins, evolution and future

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APIs and data have not only become a competitive advantage for enterprises but also an innovation tool and source of revenue. Finding the right monetization program is crucial to help you deliver the right business model for your digital assets. In our deep-dive webcast, we explore how you can: - think about your APIs as a strategic revenue opportunity - strengthen and manage your partnerships - build and energize your developer ecosystem with creative pricing - how Apigee Monetization Services changes the game Listen to the podcast version here:

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API Maturity Model (Webcast with Accenture)
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API Maturity Model (Webcast with Accenture)

The document describes Accenture's API Maturity Model, which provides a framework to help organizations develop and manage their APIs from an initial "ad hoc" stage to a fully "industrialized" stage. The model outlines five stages of maturity - ad hoc, organize, tactical, mission critical, and industrial. For each stage, it describes key characteristics and capabilities an organization should develop in areas like strategy, architecture, development process, community management, and optimization. The goal of the model is to help organizations assess their current API maturity and identify steps to progress along the maturity curve to better enable and manage their APIs and digital ecosystems.

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API Strategy Introduction
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API Strategy Introduction

Are your APIs becoming too complicated and ad hoc? Feeling the need to set up policies for your API? This presentation will give you strategy options for designing and developing your APIs.

API ConsumerAPI Provider
• Login customer with
social logins or secure
• Check if customer exists
• Create customer
• Store info about
• Join customer to loyalty
• Check customer
personal and contact
information from official
and external customer
registries before
• Validate addresses
entered by customer
• Combine customers as a
• Inactivate customer
• Remove and transfer all
customer data (GDPR)
concrete results, benefits, positive outcome and aspirations
• Same up-to-date customer information easily in all
• Customer data from social media sites and official
registeries automatically but only as much as
• Enables short conversation time and self-service in
customer information maintenance – reduced
contacts from customers
• Improved security
• Improved customer experience – better shopping
• Reduced PCI audit scope
• Personalized marketing and adds (social media)
• Delivery problems - errors in customer address
information, can we store multiple addresses?
• Usability
• Reliability – data out-of-date in official or bought
• Not possible to remove customer
• Privacy issues – is data stored according to EU-
regulations? Can it be removed and how easy it is
to transfer if customer wants to?
• Payment / credit card information security (PCI
• Scalability problems during peaks (black Friday
• Add-hoc requirements from Business Units
Step by step
tasks consumer
needs to
Address Validation
• Social media linking (login, posting, personal
• Customer maintenance as self-service
• Alternative delivery address for gifts
• Security
• Oauth
• 2 factor authentication
• Tokenization
• Credit Card Information
• Validation (email, address, phone, etc.)
• Address validation – Use of 3rd party API
• Developer Portal
• Authentication (Oauth)
• Tokenization
• Credit Card number
• Confidential information
• Architecture
• Data privacy
• Performance
• Scalability
C Pains
prevents or makes it difficult to get the task done
and services
D Gain Creators
Produce, incr. or max outcomes and benefits
E Pain Relievers
Eliminate, reduce or minimize pains
API Value Proposition Canvas
Example by
How to handle
How to handle
authenticated users?
How to handle
verified users?
Key ActivitiesKey Partners
Key Resources
Name of the API
API Consumer Segment
Revenue Streams
API Value Proposition
API Canvas
[Who will help us with the
key activities ]
[What do we need to change,
create, buy or hire to provide
the API with the value
proposition, in addition to
the existing key resources ]
[Existing technical, human,
documentation and other
resources that help provide
thae API with this value
[Describe hear how each
stage and touch point in the
developer journey is going to
be handled]
API marketplaces
Developer center
API Management platform’s
Developer portal
[ Costs for the key activities and ongoing costs ]
External developers
creating end-user interface
for customers’
Customers’ developers
who want to update their
contacts and information
Reseller partners
Internal Developers from
other teams or business
Revenue share 20% from reseller partners per each new customer
Improved validation of customer data reduces the contact to
customer service
Improved authentication results into better reviews for service and
enables 3rd party access (ecosystems) to access the service.
Developer portal reduces support contacts when creating internal
Enriched customer data
maintenance as self-service with
uniqueness validation (based
on email, address, phone, etc.
Consent management (privacy)
Performance and scalability
ensured for large usage
Customer Contacts API
Example by
@apiopscycles use cases - API
management technology planning:
 Start with API strategy
and then use the NFR
canvases (Business
Impact, Capacity,
Locations of data and
 Give a thought on the
API design (events or
polling with requests).
What is our service
strategy? And then our
API strategy?
Example from water services
ecosystem – potential target state
Energy sector Real-estate
Potential customers
Construction, building management, living, wellbeing, safety etc. ecosystems
Supply planning
consumption data
Combining data,
Water service
Data hubs, API
providers, system
Potential production and service partners
Data analytics
and refinery
Data and
API services
Quality assurance
Fault detection

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Learn about APIs, the API Economy and how our tools fit into the puzzle in Martin McDonagh's presentation. Originally presented to first year NUI Galway students, these slides will introduce you to the basics & beyond of the API Lifecycle.

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What are the goals?
Business goals?
 Build an ecosystem?
 Scale business with partners?
 Grow market position?
 Go to new markets?
 Fulfill new customer needs to maintain position in
the market?
 Improve profitability?
 Improve quality?
 Fulfill policy and regulatory requirements?
Technical goals?
 Increase speed of development?
 Improve quality of development?
 Distribute development?
 Outsource development?
 Enable partner innovation?
 Prepare for new needs?
 Renew old technology?
 Security of supply (data and systems in secure
What are the goals of the water
services ecosystem?
“We provide
enough and safe
utilities (?)” with
data- and API-
driven partner
“We provide
service, also
digitally” with
portals and
“We provide
water” with old
2020 ->202X?<-2018
Public data and
Private sector
Public sector
Security of supply
Regulatory bodies
Put the APIs in the right context
 Why create an API-strategy, when you can create a business strategy that
includes APIs?
 Secure the team, budget and buy-in to build or consume the right APIs
 Build partnerships so you don’t need to build everything yourself
 Build the right APIs, plugins, SDKs etc. and build them in the right way
APIOps Cycles helps you to remove
the 8 wastes of Lean
= DevOps for APIs,
APIOps Cycles method
= a specific method combining APIOps
+ “BizDevOps” + Product
management + Minimum Viable API
Architecture + Lean

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Sam Ramji, CEO of Cloud Foundry Foundation, discusses continuous innovation and digital platforms at I Love APIs 2015

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It’s all about collaboration
 If your API team looks like this –
APIOps Cycles won't help you.
 Invite who ever you need to, to
get to the real truth on what
your partner strategy and API
strategy should be, and how
APIs could be used in your
business model.
Get more info

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apidays LIVE Paris - Practical API strategy with APIOps Cycles by Marjukka Niinioja

  • 1. Practical API Strategy with APIOps Cycles MARJUKKA NIINIOJA, OSAANGO APIDAYS PARIS 2020 APIOps CyclesTM For lean and business-oriented API Development Openly licensed with CC-BY-SA 4.0
  • 2. Marjukka Niinioja Founding partner Osaango Oy, local organizer of apidays Helsinki and APIOps meetups Consulted and trained 200+ companies and public sector organiza tions on platform economy and API economy business models, service and product strategies and enterprise architecture One of the authors of API Economy 101 – book (2019) combining research with practical experience “Mother” of APIOps Cycles method. Linked @mniinioja @osaangoltd @apiopscycles #apieconomy101
  • 3. “Help us create guidelines for our API development” THIS QUESTION OFTEN OPENS UP THE PANDORA’S BOX…
  • 4. APIOps Cycles is all about collaboration btw business & tech
  • 6. @apiopscycles Use cases - API strategy:  Take one business unit and one ecosystem journey customer segment first.  Go through API Canvas-phase and do around of partner and developer experience reviews first.
  • 7. Often API strategy emerges from practical questions “Customer API” guidelines CRM strategy Customer experience strategy
  • 8. You can’t build an API strategy without thinking about the ecosystem journeys & experience Customer journey combined from resources provided by individual providers via APIs  Analytics and content APIs  Awareness APIs  Sense APIs  Recommending products  Personalized offers  Ordering with voice  Fraud detection in payments  Optimizing routes  Automated maintenance calls “The ecosystem together generates value for its end-customers by integrating functionally interdependent subsystems. “(Source: In API Economy 101 book from Mäkinen – Dedehayir, 2013; more specifically Han, J. et al. 2017. Uncovering the conceptual boundaries of the ecosystems: Origins, evolution and future directions.)
  • 9. API ConsumerAPI Provider • Login customer with social logins or secure login • Check if customer exists • Create customer • Store info about preferencies • Join customer to loyalty program • Check customer personal and contact information from official and external customer registries before purchasing • Validate addresses entered by customer • Combine customers as a household • Inactivate customer • Remove and transfer all customer data (GDPR) Gains concrete results, benefits, positive outcome and aspirations • Same up-to-date customer information easily in all services • Customer data from social media sites and official registeries automatically but only as much as neeeded • Enables short conversation time and self-service in customer information maintenance – reduced contacts from customers • Improved security • Improved customer experience – better shopping experience • Reduced PCI audit scope • Personalized marketing and adds (social media) • Delivery problems - errors in customer address information, can we store multiple addresses? • Usability • Reliability – data out-of-date in official or bought registries • Not possible to remove customer • Privacy issues – is data stored according to EU- regulations? Can it be removed and how easy it is to transfer if customer wants to? • Payment / credit card information security (PCI DSS) • Scalability problems during peaks (black Friday etc) • Add-hoc requirements from Business Units A Tasks Step by step tasks consumer needs to achieve Customers Address Validation Login Preferences • Social media linking (login, posting, personal information) • Customer maintenance as self-service • Alternative delivery address for gifts • Security • Oauth • 2 factor authentication • Tokenization • Credit Card Information • Validation (email, address, phone, etc.) • Address validation – Use of 3rd party API • Developer Portal • Authentication (Oauth) • Tokenization • Credit Card number • Confidential information • Architecture • Data privacy • Performance • Scalability B C Pains prevents or makes it difficult to get the task done F API Products and services D Gain Creators Produce, incr. or max outcomes and benefits E Pain Relievers Eliminate, reduce or minimize pains API Product- Market Fit API Value Proposition Canvas Example by @mniinioja Journey… How to handle prospects? How to handle authenticated users? How to handle verified users?
  • 10. Key ActivitiesKey Partners Costs Key Resources Name of the API Relationships Channels API Consumer Segment Revenue Streams 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 API Value Proposition 1 API Canvas [Who will help us with the key activities ] [What do we need to change, create, buy or hire to provide the API with the value proposition, in addition to the existing key resources ] [Existing technical, human, documentation and other resources that help provide thae API with this value proposition] [Describe hear how each stage and touch point in the developer journey is going to be handled] API marketplaces Developer center API Management platform’s Developer portal [ Costs for the key activities and ongoing costs ] External developers creating end-user interface for customers’ administrators Customers’ developers who want to update their contacts and information automatically Reseller partners Internal Developers from other teams or business units Revenue share 20% from reseller partners per each new customer created Improved validation of customer data reduces the contact to customer service Improved authentication results into better reviews for service and enables 3rd party access (ecosystems) to access the service. Developer portal reduces support contacts when creating internal services Enriched customer data maintenance as self-service with uniqueness validation (based on email, address, phone, etc. Consent management (privacy) enforced Performance and scalability ensured for large usage amounts Customer Contacts API Example by @mniinioja
  • 11. @apiopscycles use cases - API management technology planning:  Start with API strategy and then use the NFR canvases (Business Impact, Capacity, Locations of data and systems.  Give a thought on the API design (events or polling with requests). What is our service strategy? And then our API strategy?
  • 12. Example from water services ecosystem – potential target state Energy sector Real-estate Building maintenance Building automation Consumers Potential customers Construction, building management, living, wellbeing, safety etc. ecosystems Supply planning Supply management Collecting consumption data Invoicing Combining data, analyzing Reporting Water service facilities Public authorities Maintenance Data hubs, API providers, system integr. Potential production and service partners Maintenance Data analytics and refinery Customer services Self-service Data and API services Quality assurance Designing network Fault detection Building metrics
  • 13. What are the goals? Business goals?  Build an ecosystem?  Scale business with partners?  Grow market position?  Go to new markets?  Fulfill new customer needs to maintain position in the market?  Improve profitability?  Improve quality?  Fulfill policy and regulatory requirements? Technical goals?  Increase speed of development?  Improve quality of development?  Distribute development?  Outsource development?  Enable partner innovation?  Prepare for new needs?  Renew old technology?  Security of supply (data and systems in secure locations)
  • 14. What are the goals of the water services ecosystem? “We provide enough and safe utilities (?)” with data- and API- driven partner ecosystem “We provide service, also digitally” with customer portals and apps “We provide water” with old systems 2020 ->202X?<-2018 Public data and interfaces Private sector partners Public sector partners Security of supply partners Regulatory bodies
  • 15. Put the APIs in the right context  Why create an API-strategy, when you can create a business strategy that includes APIs?  Secure the team, budget and buy-in to build or consume the right APIs  Build partnerships so you don’t need to build everything yourself  Build the right APIs, plugins, SDKs etc. and build them in the right way
  • 16. APIOps Cycles helps you to remove the 8 wastes of Lean APIOps = DevOps for APIs, but APIOps Cycles method = a specific method combining APIOps + “BizDevOps” + Product management + Minimum Viable API Architecture + Lean
  • 17. It’s all about collaboration  If your API team looks like this – APIOps Cycles won't help you.  Invite who ever you need to, to get to the real truth on what your partner strategy and API strategy should be, and how APIs could be used in your business model.