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OSGi, Scripting & REST
Web Development with Apache Sling
Carsten Ziegeler | Day Software

About Carsten Ziegeler
• Member of the Apache Software Foundation
     – Sling, Felix, Cocoon, Portals, Sanselan, Excalibur,
     – PMC: Felix, Portals, Cocoon, Incubator, Excalibur (Chair)
• RnD Team at Day Software
• Article/Book Author, Technical Reviewer, Speaker
• JSR 286 Spec Group (Portlet API 2.0)


Agenda – Apache Sling
1       Motivation
2       Content and JCR
3       Web and REST
4       Scripting
5       OSGi
6       Outlook


1 Motivation


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Flink Forward San Francisco 2022. In normal situations, the default Kafka consumer and producer configuration options work well. But we all know life is not all roses and rainbows and in this session we’ll explore a few knobs that can save the day in atypical scenarios. First, we'll take a detailed look at the parameters available when reading from Kafka. We’ll inspect the params helping us to spot quickly an application lock or crash, the ones that can significantly improve the performance and the ones to touch with gloves since they could cause more harm than benefit. Moreover we’ll explore the partitioning options and discuss when diverging from the default strategy is needed. Next, we’ll discuss the Kafka Sink. After browsing the available options we'll then dive deep into understanding how to approach use cases like sinking enormous records, managing spikes, and handling small but frequent updates.. If you want to understand how to make your application survive when the sky is dark, this session is for you! by Olena Babenko

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Web Challenges
• Publish huge amount of information
     – Different types
     – Highly dynamic
     – Different output formats
• Web 2.0 ready
     – Collaboration and integration
• Fast changing requirements
     – Rapid prototyping and development
     – Dynamic, extensible but maintainable

Web Challenges
• Publish huge amount of information
     – Different types
     – Highly dynamic
     – Different output formats                REST
• Web 2.0 ready
     – Collaboration and integration
• Fast changing requirements
     – Rapid prototyping and development
     – Dynamic, extensible but maintainable    OSGi

Apache Sling – The Fun is Back
                               5th Winner JAX Innovation Award 2008
• Web framework
• Java content repository (JCR)
• Scripting inside
• OSGi
• Apache Open Source project


Example: Apache Sling Powered Site

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2 Content/JCR


Content is Important
• Apache Sling makes handling content easy
• Java content repository (JCR)
     – Several different sources possible
• Direct mapping: URL -> content
     – Configurable
     – http://myserver.domain/products/sling.html
• Flexible rendering


Content Repository
• Generic application data store
• Structured and unstructured content
• Support small and large-scale data
• Locking, transactions, versioning, observation
 and searching


JCR – JSR 170
• Content Repository for Java technology API
• (Java) Standard
     – Supported by many vendors
     – Used by many products and projects
     – Several open source solutions
• How do you connect to a CR?
• How do you interact with a CR?
                   JSR 283 – Version 2.0 – scheduled for 2009

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1) Alfresco replaces traditional shared drives with a virtual file system that provides better document management capabilities than a standard file system, including search, version control, metadata, and collaboration tools. 2) It utilizes a rules engine and smart spaces to automate processes like metadata extraction and workflow. Rules can be created to organize, structure, and enrich content. 3) Alfresco provides a virtual file system via several protocols like CIFS, WebDAV, and FTP to emulate a shared drive and allow dragging and dropping of files while also enabling server-side actions.

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1. The document discusses several popular JavaScript frameworks including AngularJS, Node.js, Agility.js, and Backbone.js. It provides overviews of each framework and their architectures. 2. AngularJS is an open-source framework maintained by Google that assists with single-page applications. Node.js is a platform for scalable server-side applications. Agility.js is a lightweight MVC library, and Backbone.js helps organize code for single-page apps. 3. Each framework has advantages like reusability, testability and being lightweight, though some have disadvantages like learning curves or added complexity. The document provides examples of applications that use each framework.

web application developmentjavascript arraysjavascript frameworks

Sample Application
• Digital Asset Management                Poor man's flickr...
     – Hierarchical storage of pictures
     – Upload
     – Tagging
     – Searching
     – Automatic thumbnail generation


Content Repository Features
• Hierarchical content
     – Nodes and properties
• Structured
     – Nodetypes and typed properties
• And/or unstructured
• Fine and coarse-grained


Sample Content Structure

                       Travel              Family

                  Europe                            Weddings

      Amsterdam            Basel                         2008

                                City                            Photo



Content Repository Features
         Query (XPath, SQL)
         Export/Import (XML)
         Referential Integrity
         Access Control
         Locking and Transactions (JTA)

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• File System
     – Hierarchical, unstructured
• Database
     – Structured
     – Referential integrity, transactions
• Content Repository
     – Advantages of a FS and a database
     – Plus observation, versioning etc.


Content Repository )JCR – JSR 170(


The Repository Model
• Repository: one (or more) workspaces
• Workspace contains a tree of items
• Item: Node or property
• Nodes provide the content structure
     – May have children
• Actual data is stored as values of properties
• Types and namespaces!

                           Implementation of JCR   19

Nodes and Properties

     = Node

     = Property

                               a                                c

              d                                                                h

                                                        „Once upon
                                                        a time..“

      i                j   k


                                                       Implementation of JCR


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Apache Jackrabbit
• JSR 170 reference implementation
• Apache TLP since 2006
• Several releases
• JCR 2.0 RI later this year
• Additional components

Leverage the standard node types
     • Type hierarchy             • Content hierarchy







Modeling: Content Types

     my:album > nt:folder                      my:tag
     - description (string)                    - name (string)
     - date (date)                             - description (string)

           my:photo > nt:file
           - description (string)
           - location (string)
           - tags (string[])

                   my:resource > nt:resource
                   - width, height (long)
                   - format (string)


Modeling: Content Hierarchies

                        Travel              Family

                   Europe                            Weddings

       Amsterdam            Basel                         2008

                                 City                            Photo



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Rapid RESTful Web Applications with Apache Sling and Jackrabbit
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Rapid RESTful Web Applications with Apache Sling and Jackrabbit

This is the presentation from JavaOne 2011 that Ruben Reusser and I worked on. The presentation was heavily demonstration based, so there are not as many slides.


3 ROA and REST


Resource Oriented Architecutre
• Piece of information is a resource
     – News entry, product, photo...
     – (Descriptive) URI
• Stateless
     – Request contains all relevant information
• Use HTTP
     – Methods (GET, POST) for operations


REST with Apache Sling
• Default behaviour for GET
• Creating/Updating content through POST
     – Default behaviour
• Additional operations/method
• Resource-first request processing!


• Sling's abstraction of the thing addressed by
 the request URI
     – Usually mapped to a JCR node
     – File system, database...
• Properties of resources
     – Path, e.g. JCR Item path
     – Type, e.g. JCR node type
     – Metadata, e.g. last modification date


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Effective Web Application Development with Apache Sling
Effective Web Application Development with Apache SlingEffective Web Application Development with Apache Sling
Effective Web Application Development with Apache Sling

Apache Sling is an innovative web framework built on top of the Java Content Repository (JCR), that uses OSGi for its component model and fosters RESTful application design. This talk shows how Sling integrates various standard-based technologies, like OSGi and the Content Repository API for Java to create a coherent framework for web application development. We will walk through the development of a simple application with minimal effort and demonstrate how to productize the resulting application. We will pay special attention to some approaches which are not yet part of mainstream development, such as using OSGi for dependecy injection and JCR for persistence.

sling apache apachecon osgi jcr
Rest and Sling Resolution
Rest and Sling ResolutionRest and Sling Resolution
Rest and Sling Resolution

Sling is a RESTful web application framework that uses JCR repositories like Apache Jackrabbit as its data store. Sling maps HTTP requests to content resources in the repository and uses the resource type to locate the appropriate rendering script. The request URL is decomposed into the resource path, selectors, extension, and suffix path. Sling searches for a node matching the resource path and then locates a script based on the resource type and any selectors. Sling scripts cannot be called directly and must be resolved through the resource to follow REST principles. This document discusses how Sling maps URLs to content resources and scripts to process requests.

Effective Web Application Development with Apache Sling
Effective Web Application Development with Apache SlingEffective Web Application Development with Apache Sling
Effective Web Application Development with Apache Sling

This document discusses an overview of Apache Sling, including quick facts about its history and community, its conceptual foundations as a REST-based and content-driven framework powered by OSGi and scripting, its main building blocks like resource providers and JCR, and how to build Sling applications by modeling content in JCR, accessing resources, using templating with Sightly, extensions, deployment and tooling.


Resource- rst Request Processing
• URI Decomposition
•         /products/sling.print.a4.html

•           Resource Path Selectors Extension

     – Resource and representation
• Content retrieved from repository
• Rendering based on content type


Basic Request Processing Steps
• URI decomposition
• Resolve the resource
     – Source: request URI
• Resolve rendering script
     – Source: resource type
     – Scripts are wrapped by a generic script servlet
• Create rendering chain
     – Configurable (servlet) filters
     – Rendering servlet
• Invoke rendering chain

Resource Resolver
• Gateway for resources
• Abstracts the path resolution
• Abstracts access to the persistence layer(s)
• Configurable
     – Mappings (Multi-site mgmt, beautify paths)
• Tasks:
     – Finding Resources
     – Getting Resources
     – Simplification of Query Execution

Resource-First Request Processing
                Resource Resolver

                        Resource (resource type)
                 Script Resolver




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Sling Models allow for dependency injection and adaptation of Sling objects into POJOs using annotations. This document discusses how Sling Models work, the annotations used to configure them, standard injectors, and how to use Sling Models with Sightly and JSP. It also provides a live demo and references for further information.

Apache Sling - The whys and the hows
Apache Sling - The whys and the howsApache Sling - The whys and the hows
Apache Sling - The whys and the hows

This document provides an overview and introduction to the Apache Sling framework. It discusses why Sling was created, its architecture built on OSGi, JCR, and REST standards, and how it provides a content-centric approach. Key benefits of Sling include its modular design, support for multiple programming languages, and use by major companies for applications like digital asset management and wikis.

RESTful web apps with Apache Sling - 2013 version
RESTful web apps with Apache Sling - 2013 versionRESTful web apps with Apache Sling - 2013 version
RESTful web apps with Apache Sling - 2013 version

The document describes Apache Sling, an OSGi-based application framework for building RESTful web applications on top of a content repository. It uses Apache Sling to build a sample coffee shop ordering application called Slingbucks. The application is built with only a few hundred lines of Java code and uses content to define things like coffee options and styles rather than hardcoding them. Apache Sling promotes the principle that "everything is content" and enables building full-featured applications with relatively little code by leveraging out-of-the-box HTTP services and the ability to extend functionality through OSGi plugins.


4 Scripting


Scripting Inside
• It's your choice
      – JSP, servlet, ESP
      – javax.script (Apache BSF)
      – own script handlers
• Scripts stored in OSGi bundles or repository
• Scripts are searched at configurable locatiosn
• Default servlets (or scripts)
      – JSON, XML
      – Registerable
      – Fallback / Last Ressort


Script Resolving I
• Path to script is built from ...
     – Configured search paths ( /apps, /libs )
     – Resource type converted to path ( my/photo )
     – Selector string ( print/a4)
     – Request method & MIME Type
       • GET --> Request URL Extension ( html )
       • else --> Method Name ( POST, PUT, ... )


Script Resolving Example
• URI: /products/sling.print.a4.html
• Resource: /products/sling
• Resource Type: myapp:product
• Script for GET:
     – /apps/myapp/product/print/a4/html.*
• Script for POST:
     – /libs/myapp/product/print/a4/POST.*


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Apache Sling as an OSGi-powered REST middleware
Apache Sling as an OSGi-powered REST middlewareApache Sling as an OSGi-powered REST middleware
Apache Sling as an OSGi-powered REST middleware

Apache Sling is an innovative web framework built on top of the Java Content Repository (JCR), that uses OSGi for its component model and fosters RESTful application design. This presentation will showcase how the Apache Sling framework can be used to build a unified REST-based middleware for multiple data sources, such as MongoDB, Apache Cassandra, Apache Jackrabbit Oak or classical relational databases. In doing so it will present the benefits that come from a single Resource API over multiple data stores, both at the library level and at the HTTP boundary.

Oak, the architecture of Apache Jackrabbit 3
Oak, the architecture of Apache Jackrabbit 3Oak, the architecture of Apache Jackrabbit 3
Oak, the architecture of Apache Jackrabbit 3

Apache Jackrabbit is just about to reach the 3.0 milestone based on a new architecture called Oak. Based on concepts like eventual consistency and multi-version concurrency control, and borrowing ideas from distributed version control systems and cloud-scale databases, the Oak architecture is a major leap ahead for Jackrabbit. This presentation describes the Oak architecture and shows what it means for the scalability and performance of modern content applications. Changes to existing Jackrabbit functionality are described and the migration process is explained.

Service oriented web development with OSGi
Service oriented web development with OSGiService oriented web development with OSGi
Service oriented web development with OSGi

Introduction into service oriented web development using OSGi, includes latest Declarative Services (DS) and the Http Whiteboard Specification.

serviceshttp whiteboardjava

Script Resolving II
• Scripts are searched by best matching
     – /apps/myapp/product/print/a4/html.*
     – /libs/myapp/product/print/a4/html.*
     – /apps/myapp/product/html.*
     – /libs/myapp/product/html.*
• Resource has a type and a super type
     – Script inheritance
     – Default script (JSON...)


Powerful Scripting with Includes I
Request: /albums/travel.html

                Resource Resolver

                        Resource, resource type: my:Album
                 Script Resolver
                        Script: /libs/my/Album/html.jsp
                        Generates main html
                        sling:include with selectors
     response                                               38

Powerful Scripting with Includes II
      Request: /albums/travel.html

                    Script (/libs/my/Album/html.jsp)

       <sling:include resource=quot;<%= current %>quot; addSelectors=quot;treequot;/>

                     Script Resolver

                   Script: /libs/my/Album/tree.html.jsp


5 OSGi


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Declarative Services - Dependency Injection OSGi Style

This talk presents the simple yet powerful way of dependency injection as defined by the OSGi Compendium Declarative Services specification. Besides covering the basics of Declarative Services this talk also explains the many useful additions of the Declarative Services 1.1 in OSGi R 4.2.

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Reactive applications
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Reactive applications

A short introduction to reactive applications. This document details different traits of reactive applications and some of the languages that help implement them.

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Server-side OSGi with Apache Sling (OSGiDevCon 2011)
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Server-side OSGi with Apache Sling (OSGiDevCon 2011)

Apache Sling is an innovative REST based Web Framework which has been developped from the ground up as an OSGi based server side application. After a short introduction to Sling itself I will also show why OSGi has been chosen as the basis for the application.

slingdeclarative serviceapache sling

Runtime Framework: Requirements
• Modularization – Modularity is key
     – Manage growing complexity
     – Support dynamic extensibility
• Lifecycle Management
• Configuration Management
• Dependency Management
     – Modules
     – Services
• Dynamic System Changes               41

OSGi in 5..ehm..1 Minute
• Specification of a framework
• Module concept (bundles) with lifecycle
• Simple but powerful component model
     – Lifecycle management
     – Publish/Find/Bind service registration
• Dynamic!
• Uses the concept of bundles


An OSGi Bundle
• Leverages the Java packaging mechanism:
  JAR files
• Contains Java classes and resources
• Additional meta-data
     – Implicit dependencies to other bundles
     – Package imports/exports


• OSGi offers an API to register services
     – Service is registered by its interface name(s)
     – Implementation is bundle private
     – Several components for same service possible
       (from different bundles)
• Bundles can query services
     – By interface names
     – With additional filters


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Modern operations with Apache Sling (2014 adaptTo version)
Modern operations with Apache Sling (2014 adaptTo version)Modern operations with Apache Sling (2014 adaptTo version)
Modern operations with Apache Sling (2014 adaptTo version)

The document discusses using Apache Sling for modern operations. It describes using Docker and Fig to set up a cluster of stateless and elastic Sling instances that can scale. While Sling works well with some modern operations approaches, dynamic service discovery and handling eventual consistency between instances need more work. The full potential of Sling for modern operations can be unlocked with further testing and development.

Of microservices and microservices
Of microservices and microservicesOf microservices and microservices
Of microservices and microservices

Microservices are definitely the hot topic du jour . Everyone ( and their dog ) is using microservices or migrating towards them. To make things more interesting, the OSGi community has been talking about microservices for 6 years now, so now we have two clashing definitions of the term. Besides the dreaded monolith and the famed microservices-based architecture there is plenty of room for a middle ground, where an API gateway mediates between a host of microservices and their consumers. Such a gateway solves multiple cross-cutting concerns, such as authentication, API standardisation, logging and decoupling the API evolution. As it turns out, OSGi is an ideal setting for building such an application. The API gateway implementation demoed is based on Apache Sling - an innovative web framework built on top of the Java Content Repository (JCR), that uses OSGi for its component model and fosters RESTful application design. Although we will use Apache Sling for examples, previous knowledge of Sling or its components is not required.

CQ5 and Sling overview
CQ5 and Sling overviewCQ5 and Sling overview
CQ5 and Sling overview

CQ5 and Sling provide an overview of content management systems and frameworks. CQ5 is a content management system built on Apache Sling, which is an applications framework for JCR content repositories based on OSGi. Sling allows for dynamic modules and services and fosters modular code. Together, CQ5 and Sling provide a flexible and powerful way to manage content on a website through a content-centric approach where everything is treated as content.

sling apachesling daysoftware cq5 osgi felix jackr

The OSGi Core
• Minimal but sufficient API for services
     – Minimal overhead: Good for simple bundles
     – No support for component management
     – No support for configuration management
     – Requires sometimes a lot of Java coding
• Additional (optional) OSGi extensions
     – Declarative Service Specification
     – Configuration Admin Service Specification

Dynamic Services
• OSGi Declarative Services Specification
  – XML Configuration
     • Contained in bundle
  – Publishing services
  – Consuming services
     • Policy (static,dynamic), cardinality (0..1, 1..1, 0..n)
  – Default configuration
  – Service Lifecycle management
• Various Implementations
  – Apache Felix SCR                                             46
Confi g Admin and Metatype
• OSGi Config Admin
  – Configuration Manager
  – Persistence storage
  – API to retrieve/update/remove configs
  – Works with Declarative Services
• OSGi Metatype Service
  – Description of bundle metadata
  – Description of service configurations
• Various Implementations
  – Apache Felix                            47
Apache Felix
• Top-level project (March 2007)
• Healthy and diverse community
• OSGi R4 (R4.1) implementation
  – Framework (frequent releases)
  – Services (continued development)
  – Moving towards upcoming R4.2
• Tools
  – Maven Plugins, Web Console, iPojo
• New sub project
  – Karaf : Runtime Environment (Service Mix)

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RESTful Web Applications with Apache Sling
RESTful Web Applications with Apache SlingRESTful Web Applications with Apache Sling
RESTful Web Applications with Apache Sling

Sling is a RESTful web framework for building applications on top of Apache Jackrabbit. It allows resources like content, configurations, code, and binaries to be accessed over REST URLs. Sling maps URLs to resources rather than commands, supports various scripting languages as servlets, and has a modular OSGi-based architecture powered by Apache Felix. Examples shown include building a blog and coffee ordering application on Sling to demonstrate how it supports RESTful content creation and management.

Apache Sling as a Microservices Gateway
Apache Sling as a Microservices GatewayApache Sling as a Microservices Gateway
Apache Sling as a Microservices Gateway

Apache Sling as a Microservices Gateway --- Microservices are definitely the hot topic _du jour_ . Everyone ( and their dog ) is using microservices or migrating towards them. However, there is a gap between the enthusiam for microservices and the ability to create and maintain the infrastructure and culture to effectively use microservices. Apache Sling is an innovative web framework built on top of the Java Content Repository (JCR), that uses OSGi for its component model and fosters RESTful application design. And, as we will see, it is also perfect match for a microservices gateway. In this talk we will review the pros and cons of microservices and monoliths, and look for middle road that smaller organisations that follow to use services productively. One of the approaches we will outline and demo is an API gateway built on top of Apache Sling, used to adress the cross-cutting concerns that would otherwise be reimplemented by all microservices.

Aem maintenance
Aem maintenanceAem maintenance
Aem maintenance

The document discusses key maintenance activities for an AEM implementation including backup, compaction, purging, cloning, and other approaches. It provides details on planning and executing online and offline backups, online and offline compaction, version purging, workflow purging, audit log purging, and cloning publish instances. The document emphasizes the importance of backups, compaction, and purging to optimize storage usage, improve performance, and maintain an optimal AEM instance.

Apache Sling Runtime
• Uses Apache Felix
• Runtime: Apache Sling Launchpad
  – Might be merged with Felix Karaf
• Two flavours
  – Standalone Java Application
  – Web application
• But Sling can be deployed in any OSGi


Standalone Java Application
• One single executable JAR file
• Small Launcher
• Starts OSGi Framework (Apache Felix)
• Uses Jetty in an OSGi Bundle


Web Application
• Extends Standalone Application
     – Replaces Command Line Support with a Servlet
• Uses a Bridge to connect Sling to the Servlet


Facts about Sling
• Sling API
     – No reference to JCR API
     – Uses resource abstraction
• Highly modular and runtime configurable
     – OSGi framework
     – Everything is a OSGi bundle
• ConfigAdmin, Declarative Services, Metatype
• Felix Web Console

Recommended for you

Sling Models Overview
Sling Models OverviewSling Models Overview
Sling Models Overview

This document discusses Sling Models, which provide a simplified way to adapt Sling resources and other objects into domain models. Key points: - Sling Models use annotations to inject properties from resources and other sources into POJOs rather than requiring custom adapter factories. - Common annotations include @Model, @Inject, @Optional, @Source, and @Filter to customize property injection. - Sling Models are included in AEM and their usage has simplified adapting resources from over 30 lines of code to just 13 lines. - The API supports extensions like custom injectors, annotations, and future additions like grandchild resource lists.

Apache Con Us2007 Jcr In Action
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Apache Con Us2007 Jcr In Action

This document discusses content management using Apache Jackrabbit, a Java Content Repository implementation. It provides an agenda for the discussion, including an overview of JCR and Jackrabbit, content modeling techniques, using references and search features, and a sample music application to demonstrate JCR capabilities. The document concludes with opening the discussion to questions.

by day
JCR In Action (ApacheCon US 2009)
JCR In Action (ApacheCon US 2009)JCR In Action (ApacheCon US 2009)
JCR In Action (ApacheCon US 2009)

My presentation about JCR and Apache Jackrabbit from the ApacheCon US 2009, November, in Oakland, CA.

apache jcr jackrabbit jsr-170 jsr-283

                                   Sling API

            jcr/api         sling/core              sling/event

      jcr/resource         sling/servlet-resolver   sling/scheduler

          jcr/jackrabbit   sling/servlets-*         sling/threads

      scripting/api        sling/adapter            sling/bundleresource


          commons/*          Maven 2 Plugins           osgi/*


6 Outlook


Current State
• Apache Sling is in the Apache Incubator
• Second Release: RSN! :)
• Demo Applications
• Increasing interest -> Increasing community
• Graduating from the incubator to a TLP


• Easy to get started
     – Add content, add script, add more content
• Very flexible and dynamic
• Tooling
     – Maven Plugins
     – Apache Felix SCR Plugin
     – Additional Sling Plugins
     – But not tied to Maven of course :)


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This document discusses integrating rich media like video into technical documentation generated from DITA. It describes using the <object> element in DITA to embed Flash video but notes problems with this approach. It then introduces the SwfObject and playlist methods as better solutions. SwfObject uses JavaScript to embed Flash without breaking validation, and playlists allow centralized media management and metadata.

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Corona SDK is a software development kit that allows developers to code mobile apps faster using the Lua programming language. Lua is an industry standard scripting language that is simple yet powerful. Corona allows developers to write their code once and deploy their apps to multiple mobile app stores.

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Cloud Scaling with Memcached
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Cloud Scaling with Memcached

This document summarizes a presentation about Memcached and using the cloud. It discusses how Memcached alleviates database load for dynamic web applications by caching objects in memory. Using the cloud allows sites to leverage elastic, on-demand resources and pay only for what they use. The document recommends designing systems to be loosely coupled and resilient to failures when using the cloud. It presents two use cases - a system entirely in the cloud using Memcached and EC2 instances, and a hybrid model with an on-premise Memcached cache. Gear6 is introduced as a commercial distribution of Memcached optimized for use in the cloud.


And remember...
• (Nearly) Everything is content
     – Application content
     – HTML pages, CSS and JavaScript files, static
     – Documentation, resource bundles, etc.
     – With versioning, export/import, full text search,


Manage the Web Challenges...
• Publish huge amount of information
      – Different types
      – Highly dynamic
      – Different output formats
• Web 2.0 ready
      – Collaboration and integration
• Fast changing requirements
      – Rapid prototyping and development
      – Dynamic, extensible but maintainable

...with Apache Sling: State of the Art
• Modularity and dynamics (OSGi)
• Content Management (JCR)
• Resource oriented architecture (REST)
• Scripting inside


Apache Sling – The Fun is Back!
• Web Framework
• Java Content Repository
• Scripting inside
• OSGi
• Apache Open Source project
• Check it out today!


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Ruby Sapporo Night Vol2Ruby Sapporo Night Vol2
Ruby Sapporo Night Vol2

This document is about Ruby on Rails. It introduces RubySapporo and provides information about Ruby and Rails. Key points discussed include how Rails uses conventions over configuration, Don't Repeat Yourself principles, the MVC framework, and components like ActiveRecord and controllers. Links are provided to resources about Ruby, Rails, and an upcoming Sapporo workshop.

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The document outlines a 6-month curriculum for project-based training in .NET and related technologies. It covers topics such as introduction to .NET, C#, object-oriented programming, databases, ADO.NET, ASP.NET, web services, and JavaScript. It also includes advanced topics like remoting, reflection, assembly and deployment, and specialized topics like WPF, WCF, and WF. The curriculum aims to provide hands-on experience through a culminating live project.

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Evolution of a Memcached Deployment Webinar 2010 01 13
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Evolution of a Memcached Deployment Webinar 2010 01 13

Memcached has become a critical tool in the web technology stack. High traffic web sites with dynamic content - like Facebook, Twitter, and Wikipedia - rely on Memcached to scale and ensure “snappy” site performance. This presentation willl cover a brief overview of Memcached, then dive into the evolution of Memcached’s use in dynamic web sites and how you can scale your site and get better performance with Memcached. We’ll also review emerging architectures and tools of high performance, large scale dynamic websites. In this webinar you will learn best practices used by some of the hottest sites and get tips on how to avoid potential pitfalls when scaling. Whether you're just building the infrastructure for a brand new site or have a large dynamic site with millions of users, this webinar is for you.


     Thanks for your attention!


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Apache Sling : JCR, OSGi, Scripting and REST

  • 1. OSGi, Scripting & REST Web Development with Apache Sling Carsten Ziegeler | Day Software
  • 2. 2 About Carsten Ziegeler • Member of the Apache Software Foundation – Sling, Felix, Cocoon, Portals, Sanselan, Excalibur, Incubator – PMC: Felix, Portals, Cocoon, Incubator, Excalibur (Chair) • RnD Team at Day Software • Article/Book Author, Technical Reviewer, Speaker • JSR 286 Spec Group (Portlet API 2.0) 2
  • 3. 3 Agenda – Apache Sling 1 Motivation 2 Content and JCR 3 Web and REST 4 Scripting 5 OSGi 6 Outlook 3
  • 5. 5 Web Challenges • Publish huge amount of information – Different types – Highly dynamic – Different output formats • Web 2.0 ready – Collaboration and integration • Fast changing requirements – Rapid prototyping and development – Dynamic, extensible but maintainable 5
  • 6. 6 Web Challenges • Publish huge amount of information JCR – Different types – Highly dynamic – Different output formats REST ROA • Web 2.0 ready – Collaboration and integration Scripting • Fast changing requirements – Rapid prototyping and development – Dynamic, extensible but maintainable OSGi 6
  • 7. 7 Apache Sling – The Fun is Back 5th Winner JAX Innovation Award 2008 • Web framework • Java content repository (JCR) • ROA / REST • Scripting inside • OSGi • Apache Open Source project – 7
  • 8. 8 Example: Apache Sling Powered Site
  • 10. 10 Content is Important • Apache Sling makes handling content easy • Java content repository (JCR) – Several different sources possible • Direct mapping: URL -> content – Configurable – http://myserver.domain/products/sling.html • Flexible rendering 10
  • 11. 11 Content Repository • Generic application data store • Structured and unstructured content • Support small and large-scale data • Locking, transactions, versioning, observation and searching 11
  • 12. 12 JCR – JSR 170 • Content Repository for Java technology API • (Java) Standard – Supported by many vendors – Used by many products and projects – Several open source solutions • How do you connect to a CR? • How do you interact with a CR? JSR 283 – Version 2.0 – scheduled for 2009 12
  • 13. 13 Sample Application • Digital Asset Management Poor man's flickr... – Hierarchical storage of pictures – Upload – Tagging – Searching – Automatic thumbnail generation 13
  • 14. 14 Content Repository Features • Hierarchical content – Nodes and properties • Structured – Nodetypes and typed properties • And/or unstructured • Fine and coarse-grained 14
  • 15. 15 Sample Content Structure Travel Family Europe Weddings Amsterdam Basel 2008 City Photo Photo 2007 Photo Photo 15
  • 16. 16 Content Repository Features Query (XPath, SQL) • Export/Import (XML) • Referential Integrity • Authentication • Access Control • Versioning • Observation • Locking and Transactions (JTA) • 16
  • 17. 17 Comparison • File System – Hierarchical, unstructured • Database – Structured – Referential integrity, transactions • Content Repository – Advantages of a FS and a database – Plus observation, versioning etc. 17
  • 18. 18 Content Repository )JCR – JSR 170( 18
  • 19. 19 The Repository Model • Repository: one (or more) workspaces • Workspace contains a tree of items • Item: Node or property • Nodes provide the content structure – May have children • Actual data is stored as values of properties • Types and namespaces! Implementation of JCR 19
  • 20. 20 Nodes and Properties W o r k s p a c e AC Root = Node o n t e n t R e p o s it o r y = Property a c b g d h e „Once upon -25 a time..“ i j k 6.02x1023 true Implementation of JCR 20
  • 21. 21 Apache Jackrabbit • JSR 170 reference implementation • Apache TLP since 2006 • Several releases • JCR 2.0 RI later this year • Additional components
  • 22. 22 Leverage the standard node types • Type hierarchy • Content hierarchy nt:hierarchyNode nt:folder nt:file nt:linkedFile nt:resource 22
  • 23. 23 Modeling: Content Types my:album > nt:folder my:tag - description (string) - name (string) - date (date) - description (string) my:photo > nt:file - description (string) - location (string) - tags (string[]) my:resource > nt:resource - width, height (long) - format (string) 23
  • 24. 24 Modeling: Content Hierarchies Travel Family Europe Weddings Amsterdam Basel 2008 City Photo Photo 2007 Photo Photo 24
  • 25. 25 3 ROA and REST 25
  • 26. 26 Resource Oriented Architecutre • Piece of information is a resource – News entry, product, photo... – (Descriptive) URI • Stateless – Request contains all relevant information • Use HTTP – Methods (GET, POST) for operations 26
  • 27. 27 REST with Apache Sling • Default behaviour for GET • Creating/Updating content through POST – Default behaviour • Additional operations/method • Resource-first request processing! 27
  • 28. 28 Resource • Sling's abstraction of the thing addressed by the request URI – Usually mapped to a JCR node – File system, database... • Properties of resources – Path, e.g. JCR Item path – Type, e.g. JCR node type – Metadata, e.g. last modification date 28
  • 29. 29 Resource- rst Request Processing fi • URI Decomposition • /products/sling.print.a4.html • Resource Path Selectors Extension – Resource and representation • Content retrieved from repository • Rendering based on content type 29
  • 30. 30 Basic Request Processing Steps • URI decomposition • Resolve the resource – Source: request URI • Resolve rendering script – Source: resource type – Scripts are wrapped by a generic script servlet • Create rendering chain – Configurable (servlet) filters – Rendering servlet 30 • Invoke rendering chain
  • 31. 31 Resource Resolver • Gateway for resources • Abstracts the path resolution • Abstracts access to the persistence layer(s) • Configurable – Mappings (Multi-site mgmt, beautify paths) • Tasks: – Finding Resources – Getting Resources – Simplification of Query Execution 31
  • 32. 32 Resource-First Request Processing request Resource Resolver Resource (resource type) Script Resolver Script response 32
  • 34. 34 Scripting Inside • It's your choice – JSP, servlet, ESP – javax.script (Apache BSF) – own script handlers • Scripts stored in OSGi bundles or repository • Scripts are searched at configurable locatiosn • Default servlets (or scripts) – JSON, XML – Registerable – Fallback / Last Ressort 34
  • 35. 35 Script Resolving I • Path to script is built from ... – Configured search paths ( /apps, /libs ) – Resource type converted to path ( my/photo ) – Selector string ( print/a4) – Request method & MIME Type • GET --> Request URL Extension ( html ) • else --> Method Name ( POST, PUT, ... ) 35
  • 36. 36 Script Resolving Example • URI: /products/sling.print.a4.html • Resource: /products/sling • Resource Type: myapp:product • Script for GET: – /apps/myapp/product/print/a4/html.* • Script for POST: – /libs/myapp/product/print/a4/POST.* 36
  • 37. 37 Script Resolving II • Scripts are searched by best matching – /apps/myapp/product/print/a4/html.* – /libs/myapp/product/print/a4/html.* – /apps/myapp/product/html.* – /libs/myapp/product/html.* • Resource has a type and a super type – Script inheritance – Default script (JSON...) 37
  • 38. 38 Powerful Scripting with Includes I Request: /albums/travel.html Resource Resolver Resource, resource type: my:Album Script Resolver Script: /libs/my/Album/html.jsp Script Generates main html sling:include with selectors response 38
  • 39. 39 Powerful Scripting with Includes II Request: /albums/travel.html Script (/libs/my/Album/html.jsp) <sling:include resource=quot;<%= current %>quot; addSelectors=quot;treequot;/> … Script Resolver Script: /libs/my/Album/tree.html.jsp Script response
  • 40. 40 5 OSGi 40
  • 41. 41 Runtime Framework: Requirements • Modularization – Modularity is key – Manage growing complexity – Support dynamic extensibility • Lifecycle Management • Configuration Management • Dependency Management – Modules – Services • Dynamic System Changes 41
  • 42. 42 OSGi in 5..ehm..1 Minute • Specification of a framework • Module concept (bundles) with lifecycle • Simple but powerful component model – Lifecycle management – Publish/Find/Bind service registration • Dynamic! • Uses the concept of bundles 42
  • 43. 43 An OSGi Bundle • Leverages the Java packaging mechanism: JAR files • Contains Java classes and resources ��� Additional meta-data – Implicit dependencies to other bundles – Package imports/exports 43
  • 44. 44 Services • OSGi offers an API to register services – Service is registered by its interface name(s) – Implementation is bundle private – Several components for same service possible (from different bundles) • Bundles can query services – By interface names – With additional filters 44
  • 45. 45 The OSGi Core • Minimal but sufficient API for services – Minimal overhead: Good for simple bundles – No support for component management – No support for configuration management – Requires sometimes a lot of Java coding • Additional (optional) OSGi extensions – Declarative Service Specification – Configuration Admin Service Specification 45
  • 46. Dynamic Services • OSGi Declarative Services Specification – XML Configuration • Contained in bundle – Publishing services – Consuming services • Policy (static,dynamic), cardinality (0..1, 1..1, 0..n) – Default configuration – Service Lifecycle management • Various Implementations – Apache Felix SCR 46
  • 47. Confi g Admin and Metatype • OSGi Config Admin – Configuration Manager – Persistence storage – API to retrieve/update/remove configs – Works with Declarative Services • OSGi Metatype Service – Description of bundle metadata – Description of service configurations • Various Implementations – Apache Felix 47
  • 48. Apache Felix • Top-level project (March 2007) • Healthy and diverse community • OSGi R4 (R4.1) implementation – Framework (frequent releases) – Services (continued development) – Moving towards upcoming R4.2 • Tools – Maven Plugins, Web Console, iPojo • New sub project – Karaf : Runtime Environment (Service Mix) 48
  • 49. Apache Sling Runtime • Uses Apache Felix • Runtime: Apache Sling Launchpad – Might be merged with Felix Karaf • Two flavours – Standalone Java Application – Web application • But Sling can be deployed in any OSGi framework! 49
  • 50. 50 Standalone Java Application • One single executable JAR file • Small Launcher • Starts OSGi Framework (Apache Felix) • Uses Jetty in an OSGi Bundle 50
  • 51. 51 Web Application • Extends Standalone Application – Replaces Command Line Support with a Servlet • Uses a Bridge to connect Sling to the Servlet Container 51
  • 52. 52 Facts about Sling • Sling API – No reference to JCR API – Uses resource abstraction • Highly modular and runtime configurable – OSGi framework – Everything is a OSGi bundle • ConfigAdmin, Declarative Services, Metatype • Felix Web Console 52
  • 53. 53 Modules Sling API jcr/api sling/core sling/event jcr/resource sling/servlet-resolver sling/scheduler jcr/jackrabbit sling/servlets-* sling/threads scripting/api sling/adapter sling/bundleresource scripting/* sling/i18n commons/* Maven 2 Plugins osgi/* 53
  • 55. 55 Current State • Apache Sling is in the Apache Incubator • Second Release: RSN! :) • Demo Applications • Increasing interest -> Increasing community • Graduating from the incubator to a TLP – 55
  • 56. 56 Development • Easy to get started – Add content, add script, add more content • Very flexible and dynamic • Tooling – Maven Plugins – Apache Felix SCR Plugin – Additional Sling Plugins – But not tied to Maven of course :) 56
  • 57. 57 And remember... • (Nearly) Everything is content – Application content – HTML pages, CSS and JavaScript files, static images – Documentation, resource bundles, etc. – With versioning, export/import, full text search, etc. 57
  • 58. 58 Manage the Web Challenges... • Publish huge amount of information – Different types – Highly dynamic – Different output formats • Web 2.0 ready – Collaboration and integration • Fast changing requirements – Rapid prototyping and development – Dynamic, extensible but maintainable 58
  • 59. 59 ...with Apache Sling: State of the Art • Modularity and dynamics (OSGi) • Content Management (JCR) • Resource oriented architecture (REST) • Scripting inside 59
  • 60. 60 Apache Sling – The Fun is Back! • Web Framework • Java Content Repository • REST • Scripting inside • OSGi • Apache Open Source project • Check it out today! 60
  • 61. 61 Thanks for your attention! Q&A