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AngularJS Animations
AngularJS Animations
<script src="angular.js"></script>
<script src="angular-animate.js"></script>

angular.module('app', ['ngAnimate']);

Supported Animations


enter, leave and move


enter and leave


enter and leave


enter and leave


enter and leave


add and remove

ngShow & ngHide

add and remove

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Components are the most basic UI building block of an Angular app. An Angular app contains a tree of Angular components. Angular components are a subset of directives, always associated with a template. Unlike other directives, only one component can be instantiated per an element in a template. A component must belong to an NgModule in order for it to be available to another component or application. To make it a member of an NgModule, list it in the declarations field of the NgModule metadata.

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This document discusses servlets and their properties. It defines servlets as Java programs that run on a web server and handle requests from the server. Servlets process requests, generate responses, and send them back to the server. The document outlines the basic execution steps of a servlet and the servlet architecture. It describes advantages of servlets like being platform independent and faster than CGI. The document also discusses the servlet container, its functions like loading servlets and managing the lifecycle, and the services it provides such as encoding/decoding messages, resource management, security, and session handling.

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Angular - Chapter 4 - Data and Event Handling

The document provides information about Angular data binding and event handling. It discusses how interpolation can be used to connect data from a component class to its template. It also explains how property binding and event binding allow two-way communication between the component class and template. Finally, it introduces ngModel for setting up two-way data binding between an input element and a property.

angularwebstack academy bangalorefullstack web developer
<ANY ... class="slide"> ... </ANY>
CSS States, {
transition: 0.5s linear all;
} {}
/* starting animations for enter */ {} /* terminal animations for enter */ {}
/* starting animations for leave */ {} /* terminal animations for leave */
<div some-directive class="effect">



transition: 1s linear all; opacity: 0; }
... }
... }
... }
... }
<div some-directive class="'effect'">




opacity: 1; }
... }
... }
... }
... }
<div some-directive class="'effect'">



 Once the animation is over then both CSS
classes will be removed from the DOM.

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The document outlines an agenda for a presentation on AngularJS that covers: 1. An introduction to AngularJS and its core features like two-way data binding, templates, and MVC architecture. 2. Explanations and examples of key AngularJS concepts like directives, expressions, forms, services, modules, routing, and scopes. 3. Discussions of AngularJS advantages like fast development and scalability, and disadvantages like complexity. 4. References for further learning and a question/answer session.

Sharing Data Between Angular Components
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The document discusses various methods for sharing data between Angular components, including: 1) Parent to child components using @Input to pass data via templates. 2) Child to parent using @ViewChild and AfterViewInit lifecycle hook to access child component properties. 3) Child to parent using @Output and event emitters to emit data on user events like button clicks. 4) Between unrelated components using a shared service with RxJs Subjects to share stream of data between all components accessing the service.

angularbasic concepts of angularsharing data between components
.ng-hide {display: none !important;}
<ANY ng-show | ng-hide="{expression}" class="effect">...</ANY>
/* transition */,{...}
/* remove or add active*/,{...}
/* add or remove active*/,{...}

CSS States
<ANY ng-repeat ="{...}" class="effect"> ...</ANY>

CSS States {…} {…} {…} {…} {…} {…}
var myModule = angular.module('myModule', ['ngAnimate']);
ngModule.animation('.my-crazy-animation', function () {
return {
enter: function (element, done) {
//run the animation here and call done when the animation is complete
return function (cancelled) {
//this (optional) function will be called when the animation
//completes or when the animation is cancelled (the cancelled
//flag will be set to true if cancelled).
leave: function (element, done) { },
move : function (element, done) { }
AngularJS Animations

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Angular data binding
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Angular data binding

This document discusses different types of data binding in Angular, including interpolation, property binding, event binding, and two-way binding. Interpolation is used to display data in templates. Property binding passes data from the component to an element property. Event binding handles user interactions by passing events from the template to event handler methods. Two-way binding uses ngModel to establish bidirectional data flow between a component and view. The document also provides examples of parent to child component communication using input binding to pass data from parent to child components.

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Slides of my talk at Coding-Berlin November Meetup on 01.11.2017 ( Also have a look at the demo repo at Github:

app.directive('clickAnimation', ['$animate', function ($animate) {
return {
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
// The attrs object is where the ngAnimate attribute is defined
var animate = $animate(scope, attrs);
element.bind('click', function () {;

Click on the element will execute the animation.
The show method reveals the element by setting the CSS
property display to block and then starts the show
animation directly after.
AngularJS Animations
AngularJS Animations
Animation in AngularJS
Ng Animate

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Angular Data Binding
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Angular Data Binding

This document discusses data binding in AngularJS. It explains what data binding is, the difference between one-time and two-way binding, and how data binding works through dirty checking. Data binding connects the UI and business logic by allowing changes in the model to be reflected in the view and vice versa. One-time binding only updates the view once from the controller value, reducing the number of watchers and improving performance compared to two-way binding. The document also provides examples of data binding and takes questions.

Angular Directives
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Angular Directives

The document summarizes Angular directives including ngIf, ngFor, ngSwitchCase, ngClass, and ngStyle. It describes how ngIf and ngFor are structural directives that change the DOM layout by adding and removing elements. NgIf and ngFor use an asterisk syntax that gets desugared into <ng-template> elements. NgFor iterates over collections and supports additional syntax like trackBy. NgSwitch is a set of cooperating directives that displays different elements based on a switch expression. NgClass and ngStyle are attribute directives that update CSS classes and styles on elements.

angularangular directivves

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