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Analyzing Customer
Journey and Data
from 360 Degree
C ompany N ame H ere
To Achieve a 360-degree view of the Customer
› To gain a complete view of customer and to understand their journey in relation to our engagement plan.
› Add Text Here
Customer Retention Rate
› To increase the customer retention rate with the help of new strategies .
› Add Text Here
Add Text Here
› Add Text Here
› Add Text Here
Add Text Here
› Add Text Here
› Add Text Here
Our Asset lifecycle Management Process
› Customer Interaction History
› Current Customer Acquisition Cost
› Flow of Product Service
› Our Marketing Campaigns and Their Effectiveness
› How the Customer Perceives Our Product
› What does our CRM System Say
› Performance of Our Emails Campaigns
› Our Social Media Performance
› Analyzing Our Products Market Share
Why Do We Need Customer 360
Mapping Our Customer Journey
› How do We Make Our Customer Aware
› What Strategies do we Use to Acquire Our Customer
› Our Conversion Rate Over the Year
› Our Retention Rates
› How to Maintain Our Customer Loyalty
› Recent Customer Issues
How to Improve Our Customers Experience
› Customer Profile
› Demographics of Our Customers
› Defining Our Ideal Customer
› Psychographic Data
› Customer Behavioral Data
New Marketing Strategy
› Our New Segmentation Strategy
› How to Position Our self in the Market
› What will Our Communication Channels Be
› Our New Brand launch Process and Budget
› Strategic Messaging Mapping
› Sales Forecasting
› CLV vs CAC
Training Plan
› Training Required for Marketing Strategies
› Training Schedule
Risk Assessment Table
› Mitigation Plan for Overcoming Risk
› Customer Cases
› Performance Metrices
Why Do We Need Customer 360

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Planning B2B Lead Generation Campaigns & Leveraging Content Personalization
Planning B2B Lead Generation Campaigns & Leveraging Content PersonalizationPlanning B2B Lead Generation Campaigns & Leveraging Content Personalization
Planning B2B Lead Generation Campaigns & Leveraging Content Personalization

This document discusses planning B2B lead generation campaigns and leveraging content personalization. It recommends driving campaigns by objectives, focusing on buyers, offering relevant content, identifying program gaps, measuring performance, and leveraging personalization. Personalization involves segmenting prospects based on what they want to know, allowing them to manage email preferences, and streaming emails accordingly. Dynamic web content can also be personalized for prospects.

marketing automationpersonalizationcrm
How to Get Better at B2B Lead Generation in 2016
How to Get Better at B2B Lead Generation in 2016How to Get Better at B2B Lead Generation in 2016
How to Get Better at B2B Lead Generation in 2016

This is a whitepaper detailing the merits of integrated lead generation with its focus on outbound marketing. Lead generation in 2016 cannot rely solely on inbound marketing. Its efforts need to be supplemented with email marketing and even telemarketing. Customers now want a better experience. Especially in the case of B2B clients, a personal or human touch right at the beginning of the sales pipeline can help build a better relationship with the prospect. This document will help show how to integrate the 2 marketing efforts so as to have the best outcome and generate more leads that are not only qualified but nurtured. And as all statistics have shown, nurtured leads are more easily converted into sales.

b2b marketinglead generation
Maximizing Subscription Revenue: How 3 businesses increased their subscriptio...
Maximizing Subscription Revenue: How 3 businesses increased their subscriptio...Maximizing Subscription Revenue: How 3 businesses increased their subscriptio...
Maximizing Subscription Revenue: How 3 businesses increased their subscriptio...

Would you, as a marketing professional, prefer short-term profit or long-term growth? Although the answer should be obvious, in a hyper-competitive market, subscription marketers continue to opt for the former instead of the latter. Before discounting subscription products in an effort to increase conversions, you should consider the following questions: • How do you know that your current discounted pricing isn’t hurting your product's long-term value proposition? • How do you know you found the optimized price for your product? • Is a single price point or product appropriate for all prospective customers? • Do you know which aspect of the product customers value most? • How do you retain customers at a price point that maximizes revenue in the long-term? However large your company, it’s important to analyze the role that discounting plays in the overall subscription strategy. Marketers will learn what to consider before discounting products, as well as risk mitigation strategies inherent in long-term promotional offers.

webclinicmarketingexperimentsprice point testing
The following slide highlights multiple issues such as low customer retention rate, low conversion rate etc. that led the company to adopt 360 approach
› ABC Corp has been facing low
customer retention rate of 60% in
comparison to to 69% FY18
Low Customer Retention Rate
› Current conversion rate 2.85 % in
comparison to 3.5% in FY18
› Add Text Here
Low Conversion Rate
› Total number of leads generated in
FY19 is 120,000, 50 % decrease in
comparison to FY18
› Add Text Here
Low Number of Leads
› No clear buyer persona hindering the
targeting process and causing losses
› Add Text Here
No Customer Definition
› Current customer engagement rate
3.6 % in comparison to 4.5% in FY 18
› Add Text Here
Low Customer Engagement Rates
This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.
Why Do We Need Customer 360 (1/3)
The following slide highlights multiple issues such as low customer retention rate, low conversion rate etc. that led the company to adopt 360 approach
Why Do We Need Customer 360 (2/3)
The following slide highlights the key metrices of customer satisfaction and have measured their performance over years in the table provided.
2017 2018 2019
Net Promotor Score 60 50 40
Churn Rate 6.2% 5.8% 4%
Conversion Rate 4% 3.5% 2.85%
Retention Rate 72% 69% 60%
Add Text Here XX XX XX
Add Text Here XX XX XX
Key Takeaways
9% decrease in retention
rate in 2018 and 2019
Low score on each customer
metric causing losses
Your Text Here
Your Text Here
This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.
Avg Customer
Satisfaction Score
Avg Net
Promoter Score
Avg First
Response Time
Avg Customer
Retention Rate
Why Do We Need Customer 360 (3/3)
The following slide shows the data that the organization has collected from the customer feed back over the year.
-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
This graph/chart is linked to excel, and changes automatically based on data. Just left click on it and select “Edit Data”.
Analyzing our Current Scenario
› Customer Interaction History
› Current Customer Acquisition Cost
› Flow of Product Service
› Our Marketing Campaigns and Their Effectiveness
› How the Customer Perceives Our Product
› What does our CRM System Say
› Performance of Our Emails Campaigns
› Our Social Media Performance
› Analyzing Our Products Market Share

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Email Marketing and Automation Presentation
Email Marketing and Automation PresentationEmail Marketing and Automation Presentation
Email Marketing and Automation Presentation

Did you already read our latest article on Email Marketing & Automation? In addition to the video and podcast, we also created a presentation illustrating why Email Marketing & Automation is so much more than sending out a monthly newsletter and is a vital piece in increasing your overall conversion rates....

email marketingmarketing automationconversion rate optimization
State of Inbound Marketing by HubSpot
State of Inbound Marketing by HubSpotState of Inbound Marketing by HubSpot
State of Inbound Marketing by HubSpot

HubSpot surveyed 167 professionals on where they spend their marketing dollars, unveiling that companies that spend more money and effort on inbound marketing experience a lower cost per lead.

Convergence of PR and Content Marketing
Convergence of PR and Content Marketing Convergence of PR and Content Marketing
Convergence of PR and Content Marketing

The document discusses the convergence of public relations (PR) and content marketing. It notes the rise of digital channels for PR like blogs, videos and social media. Traditional PR through press releases and media is declining. The document advocates developing an integrated PR and content strategy that uses various digital and social channels to build a brand and drive leads. It provides examples of the types of content that can be created like case studies, eBooks, articles and surveys. The key takeaway is that PR professionals should think digitally and ensure message alignment between PR and marketing content to better amplify messages.

marketingsocial media strategycontent strategy
Customer Interaction History
In this slide we have provided a table to show organizations customer interaction history via multiple platforms along with its effectiveness and rate of
engagement .
Per Year USD
Rate % Age
Customer Satisfaction
Rate (100 Max)
CRM Platform 5,000 2.5 50 Add Comments Here
E- Mails 8,000 3.5 45 Add Comments Here
Chat Box 6,000 5 55 Add Comments Here
Retail Store Counters 12,000 6 40 Add Comments Here
Add Text Here XXXXX XX XX Add Comments Here
Add Text Here XXXXX XX XX Add Comments Here
This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.
Customer Acquisition Cost
The following slide provides the breakdown of the Customer Acquisition cost and various variables that contribute to it .
Input Variables
Web Visitors
SEM Cost
Per Click
to Trial %
Conversion %
No. of Sales &
Marketing Staff
Cost Per
Employee Per Month
Flow Qty. Conversion %
Total Paid Web Visitors 10,000
Trials 500 5%
Customers 50 10%
SEM Marketing Spend $ 5,000
Total Headcount Costs $ 49,000
Cost of Customer Acquisition
Without headcount costs $ 100.00
With headcount costs $ 1,090.00
Our company ABC Co uses
method 2 for the flow of
their product and service
Key point of sales : retail
stores , E-commerce
website and teleshopping
Add text here
Add text here
Method 1:
Method 2:
Method 3:
Flow of Product and ServiceIn this slide we have provided multiple channels through which the product flows and reaches the end user .Highlighted is the current channel used by the
Key Takeaways
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Our Marketing Campaigns and Their Effectiveness
In this slide we have provided various marketing campaigns that the organization has undertaken in order to increase sales. These campaigns are evaluated
on their costs, the leads they have generated and their effectiveness.
Somewhat Effective
Less Effective
Not Effective
Highly Effective
Type of
Duration Cost USD $ Leads Generated Effectiveness Comments
Digital Campaign 1-Nov-18 to 31-Dec-18 8,000 2,000 3 Add Comments Here
Radio & Television
6-Mar-18 to 25-Jun-18 5,000 450 3 Add Comments Here
Customer Referral
20-feb-18 to 25-Feb-18 9,000 800 1 Add Comments Here
Add Text Here XX-XX-XXXX XXXX XX XX Add Comments Here
Add Text Here XX-XX-XXXX XXXX XX XX Add Comments Here
Add Text Here XX-XX-XXXX XXXX XX XX Add Comments Here
This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.

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This document discusses how to measure "ecommerce domination" and owning more of the total addressable market (TAM). It explains that the TAM is the overall revenue opportunity available if 100% market share was achieved. To measure ecommerce domination, you compare your company's year-over-year growth to the growth in the TAM. The document cautions that year-over-year growth does not necessarily mean growing the TAM. It provides an example of estimating annual incremental revenue from a new initiative. Finally, it advises comparing your company's performance to search demand trends to better understand how you are performing relative to the market.

Marketing data analytics
Marketing data analyticsMarketing data analytics
Marketing data analytics

Leverage all the customer data you have collected over the years and use these simple data analytic techniques to align your marketing expense better and identify your best customers.

marketing data analyticsdigital marketingrfm
2016 SaaS Metrics Report
2016 SaaS Metrics Report2016 SaaS Metrics Report
2016 SaaS Metrics Report

The survey found that SaaS companies are increasingly focused on metrics related to existing customers, such as customer retention cost, health, and lifetime value. While over two-thirds of companies experienced annual churn rates of 5% or higher, spending on customer retention is growing. Fast growing companies tend to have lower churn rates and higher revenue from upsells/add-ons with existing customers. However, for most companies upsells contribute to less than 20% of new revenue, indicating it remains an opportunity area.

saas measurementsaas kpisaas
How Customer Perceives Our Product
In this slide we have provided you with multiple factors based on the value that your product provides to the customer , based on each parameter customer
feedback can be shown with the help of bar graphs.
Add Text Here
Problem Solving
Functional Value
Add Text Here
Emotional Value
Emotional Value
Add Text Here
Brand Value
Status Symbol
Symbolic Value
Add Text Here
Value for Money
End Value
This graph/chart is linked to excel, and changes automatically based on data. Just left click on it and select “Edit Data”.
What Does our CRM Process Say?
In this slide you can explain your CRM Process and major customer points you have collected though CRM.
Goal & Strategy Aligned
with System
Customer Interactions
Customer Data
of Strategy
Key Takeaways
73% Consumer Prefer to do business with
companies that provide personalized experience
75% of total profit is generated from the top 20%
of the customer base
Reduction in customer churn by 5% due to CRM
Add Text Here
Add Text Here
Performance of Our E-Mail Campaigns
Multiple Feedback collected by you through E-Mail campaign can be shown on this slide. along with key takeaways.
53.4 52.7
Q4 2017 Q1 2018 Q2 2018 Q3 2018 Q4 2018
Subject Line Test Quarter %age of Email Open rates
Q4 2017 18.6
Q1 2018 23.2
Q2 2018 21.6
Q3 2018 55.4
Q4 2018 52.7
Key Takeaways
70% of Customers Unsubscribed to daily E-Mail Updates
Low Conversion rate on various E-Mails
Your Text Here
Your Text Here
This graph/chart is linked to excel, and changes automatically based on data. Just left click on it and select “Edit Data”.
Our Social Media Performance
In this slide we have provided the data about the customers that can be derived from various social media along with various performance indicators and
key takeaways
(per month)
(per month)
(per month)
(per month)
(per month)
Facebook 650 8,000 100 650 2.5 mm Add Comments Here
Twitter 470 7,000 200 470 3.5 mm Add Comments Here
Instagram 580 10,000 300 580 3.0 mm Add Comments Here
LinkedIn 450 5,000 400 450 20,000 Add Comments Here
Add Text Here XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Add Comments Here
Key Takeaways
Post related to
product 1 were
shared and liked
the most
Post with Major media
personality were shared the
post on Facebook and
60 % of followers on
Facebook are from North
American region , 20 % form
Asia 10% Form Europe and
10 % from others
Add Text Here Add Text Here

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Marketing Metrics - The Smart Marketer's Advantage

In this webinar, join Zach Bailey, Sr. Director of Engineering at Pardot, An ExactTarget® Company, as he gives us an overview of how marketing metrics can give us the tools that we need to work in a smarter and more efficient manner.

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Mapping & Measuring the Subscriber Journey
Mapping & Measuring the Subscriber JourneyMapping & Measuring the Subscriber Journey
Mapping & Measuring the Subscriber Journey

The document discusses the subscriber journey for subscription businesses. It outlines key milestones in the subscriber lifecycle including signing up free users, billing subscribers for the first time, and renewals. It then discusses important key performance indicators (KPIs) associated with these milestones such as customer acquisition cost, churn rate, recurring revenue, and customer lifetime value. Calculating and understanding these KPIs is important for subscription businesses to optimize growth and profits over the long run.

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Magento community enterprise
Magento community enterprise Magento community enterprise
Magento community enterprise

The document discusses Magento's momentum in ecommerce, including growth in mobile shopping and multi-platform commerce. It highlights challenges retailers face in determining technologies and strategies. Consumers are leading with mobile features like promotions, payments and research. Magento has over 240,000 businesses using its platforms, and provides ecommerce solutions and features to retailers of all sizes.

magentomagento enterprisemagento community
Analyzing Our Products Market Share
We have provided you with a graphical representation of the organization's product share in comparison to the competitors product share.
Product Name
USD Millions
Competitor 1 Product 8.2
Competitor 2 Product 3.2
Our Product 1.4
Competitor 3 Product 1.2
Competitor 4 Product 1.0
Competitor 5 Product 0.8
Product 1
Our Product
Product 3
Product 4
Product 5
Product 2
This graph/chart is linked to excel, and changes automatically based on data. Just left click on it and select “Edit Data”.
Analyzing Our Products Market Share (cont…)
This slide shows the analysis of the customer transaction and spending on the organization's products market share.
Our product has an estimated market share of 1.4
MM dollars
The product share is 12.5% that of market leader
Add Text Here
Add Text Here
› Providing innovation to attract more
customer and increase sales.
› Add Text Here
Customer Satisfaction
› Increasing customer satisfaction through
better CRM and retention Policies.
› Add Text Here
Add Text Here
› Add text here
› Add Text Here
This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.
What can we do to bridge the gap
Mapping Our Customer Journey
› How do We Make Our Customer Aware
› What Strategies do we Use to Acquire Our Customer
› Our Conversion Rate Over the Year
› Our Retention Rates
› How to Maintain Our Customer Loyalty
› Recent Customer Issues
Mapping Our Customers Journey
This slide provides a brief insight into the journey of your customer as it maps each stage of customer journey starting from awareness, acquisition, conversion retention & loyalty
› Contact the potential
› Add Text Here
› Convert the customer
into a subscriber and
make leads.
› Add Text Here
› Make lead to paying
customer and build a
relationship with them.
› Add Text Here
› Plan to maintain the
relationship and keep
them as recurring
› Add Text Here
› Ultimate goal of a
› Add Text Here
This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.

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The Essentials of Account-Based Marketing
The Essentials of Account-Based MarketingThe Essentials of Account-Based Marketing
The Essentials of Account-Based Marketing

As a marketer you know not all leads are the same. With the dollars you have to spend, it is critical to attract and market to buyers that will be the best fit for your business and not waste money on accounts that have low return or ultimately churn. Account-based marketing is a useful strategy that will help you achieve the right business outcomes by targeting specific high-yield accounts. But how do you get started and what really matters? Check out this slide deck to get insights into the essentials of account-based marketing.

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Nina Pollex: 'From "Cash Revenue Machine" to "Customer Relationship Management"'
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How Babbel transformed the way they work along their customer lifecycle. For a young start-up, the biggest challenge often is about how to get to the next buck – fast. As a digital subscription business, though, sights need to be set much further into the future. Here’s how to break down silos and abandon long-established patterns of thinking.

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Sales mistakes that can kill your saas business and how to avoid themSales mistakes that can kill your saas business and how to avoid them
Sales mistakes that can kill your saas business and how to avoid them

The document discusses common mistakes that SaaS companies make in sales and provides recommendations to avoid them. Mistake #1 is focusing on growth too early before establishing product-market fit. Mistake #2 is hiring a very experienced salesperson too early when feedback is more important than revenue. Mistake #3 is ignoring how the sales compensation plan can impact customer success and churn. Mistake #4 is organizing teams by function rather than by buyer persona. The document recommends organizing teams and metrics around buyer personas to better focus on customer success.

sales leadershipsales management startup sales saas
How do We Make Our Customer Aware
This slide shows the 1st stage of the customer journey mapping , the provided table explains various channels through which the customer becomes aware
about the and measure their results
Channels Outreach %age Cost per Year USD Key Highlights Add Text Here
Radio 75 5,000
› Low cost
› High Outreach
Add Text Here
Television 80 8,000
› High Outreach
› Add Text Here
Add Text Here
Print Media 65 9,000
› High Cost
› Add Text Here
Add Text Here
Viral Marketing 70 5,000
› Low cost
› Add Text Here
Add Text Here
E-Mails 87 7,000
› High Outreach
› Add Text Here
Add Text Here
Add Text Here XX XXXX › XXXXX Add Text Here
This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.
What Strategies do we Use to Acquire Our Customer
In this slide the provided graph shows the various steps taken in customer acquisition phase along with the customer acquisition rate
Description Cost per Customer USDStrategies
› Paying various advertisement agencies for views
› Add Text Here
› Using various social media platforms such as Facebook, twitter
and LinkedIn.
› Add Text Here
› Add Text here
› Add Text Here
› Add Text here
› Add Text Here
Paid Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Organic Search Marketing
Affiliate Marketing
This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.
Our Conversion Rates Over the YearIn this slide we have provided you with a comparative graph that shows the conversion rate over a span of 2 years along with key activities that the
organization is doing in order to increase their conversion rate
Q1 2014 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2014
Annual Membership
Discount on first 5 purchases
Add Text Here
Add Text Here
This graph/chart is linked to excel, and changes automatically based on data. Just left click on it and select “Edit Data”. 23
Activities for Customer Retention
Our Retention Rates
The following slide provides glimpse of a company's retention rate , average order value , their retention rate over the year along with various strategies they
have used.
Repeat Customer Rate
Average Order Value
Retention Rate
2016 70 2,000 75 Add Comments Here
2017 62 1,850 72 Add Comments Here
2018 58 1,250 69 Add Comments Here
2019 55 1,000 60 Add Comments Here
Annual Membership
Frequent Communication
with Buyers
Add Text HereAdd Text Here

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Eloqua Experience Presentation on Sales-Marketing Alignment at BaswareEloqua Experience Presentation on Sales-Marketing Alignment at Basware
Eloqua Experience Presentation on Sales-Marketing Alignment at Basware

Ceri Jones presented at the Eloqua Experience in London in June 2013. She discussed Basware's "No Lead Left Behind" (NLLB) project to improve lead management processes and increase sales. Key points included: - Basware was facing challenges with low lead volumes, inconsistent practices, and a "sleeping pipeline" of dormant leads and opportunities. - The NLLB project aimed to implement consistent sales-marketing processes, alignment, lead scoring/nurturing, and improve benefits reporting. - Early results showed improved lead productivity, pipeline velocity, and conversions from marketing qualified leads to sales accepted leads and opportunities.

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The Digital Marketing Trifecta
The Digital Marketing TrifectaThe Digital Marketing Trifecta
The Digital Marketing Trifecta

The document discusses trends in online and mobile commerce. It notes that e-commerce has grown faster than non-e-commerce retail in recent years. Mobile commerce is also growing rapidly, with mobile devices accounting for over half of retail website traffic and nearly a quarter of online sales over Thanksgiving weekend. Retailers are increasingly investing in mobile optimization, omnichannel integration, personalization, and testing. B2B e-commerce is also growing significantly. The document advocates for creating reusable content that can be published across multiple channels to provide a consistent customer experience.

ecommercemarketing automationcontent management system
360 Degree View Of Customer Powerpoint Presentation Slides
360 Degree View Of Customer Powerpoint Presentation Slides360 Degree View Of Customer Powerpoint Presentation Slides
360 Degree View Of Customer Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Increase consumer satisfaction and drive sales using these 360 Degree View Of Customer PowerPoint Presentation Slides. Take the assistance of our attention-grabbing customer mapping PowerPoint slideshow to drive ROI through various means like acquiring leads, increasing customer retention, etc. By utilizing these customer relationships PowerPoint templates you can elucidate the process of customer architecture that consists of consumer clustering, CRM analysis, real-time analytics, etc. Take advantage of these consumer lifecycle PPT visuals to reveal the components of 360 frameworks like CRM systems, DBMS, support ticketing, etc. Unveil the constituents of the customer lifecycle such as data visualization, data streaming, data integration, data science, etc. using our content-ready consumer engagement PowerPoint slide deck. Adopt a holistic customer view and interact with them through face-to-face communication, email, phone amongst others. Hence, without any further delay download this customer support PPT slide designs to engage effectively with your current as well as prospective clients.

marketingstrategy360 degree view of customer
How to Maintain Our Customer Loyalty
The following slide provides glimpse of a company's retention rate , average order value , their retention rate over the year along with various strategies they
have used.
› Providing customer with points on multiple purchases in order to
redeem them later
› Points are later converted into rewards
› Providing customer loyalty credits on multiple purchases
› Add Text Here
› Customer take premium membership to obtain additional benefits on
existing services
› Add text here
› Add Text here
› Add Text Here
Point Program
Spend Program
VIP Member Club
Add Text Here
This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.
Recent Customer Issues
The pie chart in this slide shows the cumulation of the major complaints that the customers are facing along with the key take away that can be derived
from the data
Customer Complaints
Most customer complaints
associate to faulty product
Average time to solve customer
complaint is 4.5 days
Add Text Here
Add Text Here
Key Takeaways
2% 3%
Add Text Here
Faulty Product
Prolonged Wait Time
Delivery Error
Add Text Here
This graph/chart is linked to excel, and changes automatically based on data. Just left click on it and select “Edit Data”.
How to Improve Our Customers Experience
› Demographics of Our Customers
› Defining Our Ideal Customer
› Psychographic Data
› Customer Behavioral Data
→ Customer Profile
Demographics of our Customers
The demographic of the customer are shown in this slide, along with the household income and age group
Population Pyramid
Average spending by household
Household Size
Male Female

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This complete deck can be used to present to your team. It has PPT slides on various topics highlighting all the core areas of your business needs. This complete deck focuses on Digital Marketing Report PowerPoint Presentation Slides and has professionally designed templates with suitable visuals and appropriate content. This deck consists of total of thirty three slides. All the slides are completely customizable for your convenience. You can change the colour, text and font size of these templates. You can add or delete the content if needed. Get access to this professionally designed complete presentation by clicking the download button below.

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Marketing Management PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Enhance your audiences knowledge with this well researched complete deck. Showcase all the important features of the deck with perfect visuals. This deck comprises of total of seventy three slides with each slide explained in detail. Each template comprises of professional diagrams and layouts. Our professional PowerPoint experts have also included icons, graphs and charts for your convenience. All you have to do is DOWNLOAD the deck. Make changes as per the requirement. Yes, these PPT slides are completely customizable. Edit the colour, text and font size. Add or delete the content from the slide. And leave your audience awestruck with the professionally designed Marketing Management PowerPoint Presentation Slides complete deck.

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Cross Sell PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Keep your audience glued to their seats with professionally designed PPT slides. This deck comprises of total of fourty two slides. It has PPT templates with creative visuals and well researched content. Not just this, our PowerPoint professionals have crafted this deck with appropriate diagrams, layouts, icons, graphs, charts and more. This content ready presentation deck is fully editable. Just click the DOWNLOAD button below. Change the colour, text and font size. You can also modify the content as per your need. Get access to this well crafted complete deck presentation and leave your audience stunned.

financial highlightscross sellsales strategies
Defining Our Ideal Customer(1/2)
The following Slide displays the ideal buyer persona of the organization along with their Demographics , background information other key information
Laura Cooper
› Management Graduate form
HFG School of Business
Studies in 2015
› Add Text Here
› Add Text Here
Background Information
› 25-year-Old
› Female
› Fair Complexion
› Single
› To have her own business by
› To have annual income of
› Add Text Here
› Add Text Here
Main Goals
› High School
› Economic Pass out from
Community College
› Management Degree Holder
Educational Background
This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.
Defining Our Ideal Customer(2/2)
The following Slide displays the ideal buyer persona of the organization along with their Demographics , background information other key information
› This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it
to your needs and capture your
audience's attention
› This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it
to your needs and capture your
audience's attention
› This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it
to your needs and capture your
audience's attention
› This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it
to your needs and capture your
audience's attention
Purchasing Decisions?
This slide is 100%
editable. Adapt it to
your needs and
capture your
audience's attention
This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention
Goals and Pain Points
Customer Name: _______________________________________ Customer Segment: _________________________________________________
Psychographic Data
In this slide we have shown the customers psychographic data based on their lifestyle, activates ,personality and values
Traits Key Features Comments
Interested in Premium products that range from
$12 k above.
Add Text Here
Activities Add Activities Here Add Text Here
Personality Add Personality Traits here Add Text Here
Values Add Value Here Add Text Here
Add Text Here Add Text Here Add Text Here
Add Text Here Add Text Here Add Text Here
This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.
Customer Behavioral Trend
In this slide we have shown the behavioral trends of the customer that may effect the company performance and have effect on sales of the organization
Trials & Experience
› Increased trend of taking trials and experiencing the product
before buying
› 75% customer prefer to try the product first
Reliability on Reviews
› Decision to purchase a product dependent more over the good or
bad reviews
› 80% customer purchase product based on review
› High increase in the trends of online shopping through various e-
commerce website
› 62% customer prefer to purchase through online website

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Enhancement Of Customer Digital Engagement On Online Platform PowerPoint Pres...
Enhancement Of Customer Digital Engagement On Online Platform PowerPoint Pres...Enhancement Of Customer Digital Engagement On Online Platform PowerPoint Pres...
Enhancement Of Customer Digital Engagement On Online Platform PowerPoint Pres...

Customer retention on digital platform is the need of hour. The goal of the firm is to improve digital engagement by enhancing customer experience. The firm wants to boost up its customer loyalty, acquisition and retention by engaging customer on digital platforms and devices. This template is useful for the top level management in enhancing digital capability of the firm by increasing customer engagement on different digital platforms. A survey will be conducted which will assess overall customer experience on digital platform in terms of how effective is firms digital marketing campaign, whether the firm has effective onboarding process, etc. Being a digital firm, it is necessary to look for aspects that help firm in engaging customers digitally as it is found from several statistics that highly engaged customers will purchase frequently which ultimately leads to increased customer lifetime value. Active engagement of customers can be achieved through digital storytelling in the form of advertisement on various digital channels. Email marketing campaign is also an effective way of engaging with customers by sending customized messages at right moment. Tracking customer engagement across various digital channels will help firm in targeting the potential customers. As a digitally active firm, it is necessary to be in sync with future requirements by keeping track of the future trends that are prevailing in the industry.

customer retentioncustomer loyaltydigital transformation
Marketing Website Performance Scorecard PowerPoint Presentation Slides
Marketing Website Performance Scorecard PowerPoint Presentation SlidesMarketing Website Performance Scorecard PowerPoint Presentation Slides
Marketing Website Performance Scorecard PowerPoint Presentation Slides

It has PPT slides covering wide range of topics showcasing all the core areas of your business needs. This complete deck focuses on Marketing Website Performance Scorecard PowerPoint Presentation Slides and consists of professionally designed templates with suitable graphics and appropriate content. This deck has total of twenty six slides. Our designers have created customizable templates for your convenience. You can make the required changes in the templates like colour, text and font size. Other than this, content can be added or deleted from the slide as per the requirement. Get access to this professionally designed complete deck PPT presentation by clicking the download button below.

comparisongoalsmarketing website performance scorecard
Online Marketing Powerpoint Presentation Slides
Online Marketing Powerpoint Presentation SlidesOnline Marketing Powerpoint Presentation Slides
Online Marketing Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Select our professionally designed Online Marketing PowerPoint Presentation Slides to give a comprehensive introduction to online marketing. This content ready internet marketing PowerPoint complete deck contains visually appealing templates such as elements of digital marketing, email marketing strategy, and statistics, budget, dashboard, pay per click advertising, PPC statistics, strategies, budget, dashboard, SEO strategy statistics and budget, display advertising statistics, strategies, budget, dashboard, social media marketing statistics, strategies, budget, dashboard, content marketing strategies, budget, dashboard, social media marketing statistics, strategies, budget, dashboard, online marketing channels, return on investment, strategy framework, roadmap to internet marketing, summary, etc. Showcase digital customer targeting techniques with the help of this easy to understand digital marketing system presentation deck. Apart from this, the internet marketing PPT visuals are apt to present various concepts like online advertising, visual marketing, online marketing, interactive marketing to name a few. Download internet marketing PowerPoint templates to create a planned digital marketing strategy. Our Online Marketing Powerpoint Presentation Slides are educative to the core. All the content is highly enlightening.

online marketingdigital marketinginternet marketing
Customer Behavioral Trend
In this slide we have shown the behavioral trends of the customer that may effect the company performance and have effect on sales of the organization
Trials & Experience Reliability on Reviews E-Commerce
› Increased trend of taking
trials and experiencing the
product before buying
› 75% customer prefer to try
the product first
› Decision to purchase a
product dependent more
over the good or bad reviews
› 80% customer purchase
product based on review
› High increase in the trends
of online shopping through
various e-commerce website
› 62% customer prefer to
purchase through online
New Marketing Strategy
› Our New Segmentation Strategy
› How to Position Our self in the Market
› What will Our Communication Channels Be
› Our New Brand launch Process and Budget
› Strategic Messaging Mapping
Our New Segmentation Strategy
The following slide provides with new segmentation strategy for the organization based on demographics psychographics geographic and behavioral
Demographic Psychographic Geographic Behavioral
Age – 18-30 Lifestyle – Upper Middle Class Country - America Brand Loyal
Gender – Male & Female Interest – Technical Individual State – Texas, New York California Benefit sought – Mobile & Smart Phone
Ethnicity – Hispanic & native American Add Text Here – Add Text Here Population – Add Text Here User Status – Premium Product User
Add Text Here – Add Text Here Add Text Here – Add Text Here Add Text Here – Add Text Here Add Text Here – Add Text Here
Add Text Here – Add Text Here Add Text Here – Add Text Here Add Text Here – Add Text Here Add Text Here – Add Text Here
This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.
How to Position Our self in the Market
The following slide shows the positioning strategy of the organization. The various brands and competitors along with the USP of the product are analyzed in
this slide
Unique Selling
Own Brand $110 million High End Processor Premium
Competitor 1 $97 million Economical Mass
Competitor 2 $67 million Steel body Premium
Millennials &
between 35-45
Who want new
and high-end
Our product is 8 GB
RAM and 256 GB
ROM Smartphone
Add Text
Add Text
This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.

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Sales Enablement Channel Management Powerpoint Presentation Slides
Sales Enablement Channel Management Powerpoint Presentation SlidesSales Enablement Channel Management Powerpoint Presentation Slides
Sales Enablement Channel Management Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Enhance your audiences knowledge with this well researched complete deck. Showcase all the important features of the deck with perfect visuals. This deck comprises of total of sixty two slides with each slide explained in detail. Each template comprises of professional diagrams and layouts. Our professional PowerPoint experts have also included icons, graphs and charts for your convenience. All you have to do is DOWNLOAD the deck. Make changes as per the requirement. Yes, these PPT slides are completely customizable. Edit the colour, text and font size. Add or delete the content from the slide. And leave your audience awestruck with the professionally designed Sales Enablement Channel Management Powerpoint Presentation Slides complete deck.

investmentimprovementsales enablement channel management
CRM Life Cycle Phases And Project Management PowerPoint Presentation Slides
CRM Life Cycle Phases And Project Management PowerPoint Presentation Slides CRM Life Cycle Phases And Project Management PowerPoint Presentation Slides
CRM Life Cycle Phases And Project Management PowerPoint Presentation Slides

If you are wonderstruck on how to make crm and project management presentation, then look on further just try our ready-made 70 slides Crm Life Cycle Phases And Project Management PowerPoint Presentation Slides deck example. A customer relationship management system is necessary for any business or company that aims to succeed and grow steadily. This project life cycle phases PPT templates will help you on various stages of the cycle such as customer initiatives, customer focus, core vs extended customer service, customer perceived value, transaction vs relationship marketing, CRM model, customer lifecycle management, CRM components, process of E-CRM, CRM capabilities, CRM dashboard etc. It helps you to determine the impact of your customer relationship management program. You can also utilize this customer relationship presentation sample to get acquainted with similar topics. This project management life cycle presentation PPT sample also has slides like current lead status, leads by source, deals by expected close date, lead acquisition & deal acquisition, top Customers, marketing dashboard, intranet dashboard, and various types of bar graphs like stacked column, line chart, pie charts etc. just to name a few. A great crm strategy means customer satisfaction and tons of revenue for your company. If you wish to easily establish contact and maintain long-term relationship with your clients, then download our Crm Life Cycle Phases And Project Management PowerPoint Presentation Slides. Our Crm Life Cycle Phases And Project Management PowerPoint Presentation Slides encourage forward looking ideas. Keep the audience focused ahead.

salescustomer satisfactioncustomer services
Advertisement PowerPoint Presentation Slides
Advertisement PowerPoint Presentation SlidesAdvertisement PowerPoint Presentation Slides
Advertisement PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Advertisement PowerPoint Presentation Slides is a virtual solution to represent your organization’s marketing communication channels. This PPT deck is suitable to showcase advertising campaigns. The graphically-opulent PowerPoint templates are replete with data visualizations tools to help you explain your advertising plan with visual excellence. Our comprehensive PPT theme assists you in portraying data that influences advertising planning. This includes market competitive and market share analysis, previous year’s advertising channels, the current year’s plan, and advertising objectives. Help your audience in elucidating best practices to choose relevant advertising channels. Use the tabular format to present strategy, budget, resources, target outcome, and performance metrics for each media channel. Our well-structured publicity campaign PowerPoint presentation deck helps viewers in developing a better understanding of the subject. Develop and communicate your media plan, and the advertising effectiveness with appreciable ease. Hit the download button and begin instant personalization. Our Advertisement PowerPoint Presentation Slides are explicit and effective. They combine clarity and concise expression.

What will our Communication Channels Be
Describe and analyze the marketing communication channel that will be used by company
Channels Key Features Cost per Year USD Add Text Here
PPC Advertisement
Maximum outreach due Global
coverage on internet.
55,000 Add Text Here
Social Media
More appeal to general masses and
7,000 Add Text Here
Email Marketing Add Channel Benefit Here 9,000 Add Text Here
Add Text Here
Add Channel Benefit Here
XXXXX Add Text Here
Add Text Here
Add Channel Benefit Here
XXXXX Add Text Here
This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.
Our New Brand Launch Process and Budget
The following slide displays the multiple stages of brand launch strategy such as research, Strategic Branding Plan, Internal Branding, External Branding and
Brand Audit along with the amount spent and execution date of each stage
Stage Amount Execution Date
Brand Analysis and Audit XXX XX-XX-XXXX
Strategic Branding Plan XXX XX-XX-XXXX
Internal Branding XXX XX-XX-XXXX
External Branding XXX XX-XX-XXXX
Analysis &
This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.
Strategic Messaging Mapping
Show your strategic messaging map in this slide, along with its key highlights in each phase such as tagline , slogans , business functions and value statement
The best software in the corporate world
Increase profit and lower your cost
Add Text Here
Add Text Here
Engineer , Business Man and IT Manager
End User
Add Text Here
Improve customer engagement Add Text Here
Cloud service Add Text Here
Add Text Here Add Text Here
› Tagline
› Slogan
› Add Text Here
› Add Text Here
› Business Functions
› Role in Buying Progress
› Add Text Here
› Value Statement
› Product Feature
› Add Text Here
Engagement Value 2
› Sales Forecasting
› CLV vs CAC

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Customer 360 PowerPoint Presentation Slides
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Customer 360 PowerPoint Presentation Slides

It covers all the important concepts and has relevant templates which cater to your business needs. This complete deck has PPT slides on Customer 360 PowerPoint Presentation Slides with well suited graphics and subject driven content. This deck consists of total of twenty one slides. All templates are completely editable for your convenience. You can change the colour, text and font size of these slides. You can add or delete the content as per your requirement. Get access to this professionally designed complete deck presentation by clicking the download button below.

architecturedashboardcustomer 360
Indirect Go To Market Strategy Powerpoint Presentation Slides
Indirect Go To Market Strategy Powerpoint Presentation SlidesIndirect Go To Market Strategy Powerpoint Presentation Slides
Indirect Go To Market Strategy Powerpoint Presentation Slides

It covers all the important concepts and has relevant templates which cater to your business needs. This complete deck has PPT slides on Indirect Go To Market Strategy Powerpoint Presentation Slides with well suited graphics and subject driven content. This deck consists of total of six three slides. All templates are completely editable for your convenience. You can change the colour, text and font size of these slides. You can add or delete the content as per your requirement. Get access to this professionally designed complete deck presentation by clicking the download button below.

processimprovementindirect go to market strategy
Sales Performance Powerpoint Presentation Slides
Sales Performance Powerpoint Presentation SlidesSales Performance Powerpoint Presentation Slides
Sales Performance Powerpoint Presentation Slides

"You can download this product from" Improve sales team’s skills to sell products and services using ready-to-use Sales Performance PowerPoint Presentation Slides. Monitor and guide salesforce with right techniques of making a sale with sales performance PPT presentation templates. Educate sales people to set goals and achieve those to satisfy the customers. Incorporate content-ready sales performance analysis PowerPoint presentation complete deck which comprises of templates such as financial highlights, products offering, sales performance dashboard, sales revenue, sales budget vs actual, quarterly sales summary review, key sales performance metrics, sales rep performance scorecard, sales KPI performance, sales activities dashboard, sales KPI tracker, and more. Enhance the process of goal setting and planning, feedback, skill development and performance review with sales performance PowerPoint presentation layouts. Keep a tab on the information like sales quotas, territories, incentive compensation, job assessment, forecasting, and more. Use easy-to-understand sales performance PPT presentation slides to boost and encourage behavior that drive sales. Be faster at it with our Sales Performance Powerpoint Presentation Slides. They assist you to gain time.

sales reviewsales analysissales performance
Sales Historical and Forecasted (1/2)
The following slide show by how what margin will the new marketing plan will boost the company's sale in the upcoming year
Net Sales
(Tons Produced)
Add Text Here Add Text Here Total
Q1 7.5 bn 15 120 XXX XXX
Q1 6.2 bn 10 116 XXX XXX
This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention. 41
Sales Historical and Forecasted(2/2)
The following slide show by how what margin will the new marketing plan will boost the company's sale in the upcoming year
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
This graph/chart is linked to excel, and changes automatically based on data. Just left click on it and select “Edit Data”.
Customer Lifetime Value vs Acquisition Cost (1/2)
The following graph displays the relationship between the cost incurred on customer acquisition and their life time value in the past 2 years along with
forecasted years
2018 2019 2020F 2021F
Key Highlights
The cost incurred on customer acquisition is more
than their value in 2018 and 2019
In 2020 the CLV and CAC are expected to be in
Add Text Here
Add Text Here
This graph/chart is linked to excel, and changes automatically based on data. Just left click on it and select “Edit Data”.
Customer Lifetime Value vs Acquisition Cost (2/2)
Show the relationship between the cost incurred on customer acquisition and their life time value with the help of this graph
Acquisition Cost
Lifetime Value
Break-even Point
Your Company Name

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Sales Performance PowerPoint Presentation Slides
Sales Performance PowerPoint Presentation Slides Sales Performance PowerPoint Presentation Slides
Sales Performance PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Improve sales team’s skills to sell products and services using ready-to-use Sales Performance PowerPoint Presentation Slides. Monitor and guide salesforce with right techniques of making a sale with sales performance PPT presentation templates. Educate sales people to set goals and achieve those to satisfy the customers. Incorporate content-ready sales performance analysis PowerPoint presentation complete deck which comprises of templates such as financial highlights, products offering, sales performance dashboard, sales revenue, sales budget vs actual, quarterly sales summary review, key sales performance metrics, sales rep performance scorecard, sales KPI performance, sales activities dashboard, sales KPI tracker, and more. Enhance the process of goal setting and planning, feedback, skill development and performance review with sales performance PowerPoint presentation layouts. Keep a tab on the information like sales quotas, territories, incentive compensation, job assessment, forecasting, and more. Use easy-to-understand sales performance PPT presentation slides to boost and encourage behavior that drive sales. Be faster at it with our Sales Performance PowerPoint Presentation Slides. They assist you to gain time.

sales analysissales performancesales review
Product Cross Selling PowerPoint Presentation Slides
Product Cross Selling PowerPoint Presentation SlidesProduct Cross Selling PowerPoint Presentation Slides
Product Cross Selling PowerPoint Presentation Slides

It has PPT slides covering wide range of topics showcasing all the core areas of your business needs. This complete deck focuses on Product Cross Selling PowerPoint Presentation Slides and consists of professionally designed templates with suitable graphics and appropriate content. This deck has total of fourty two slides. Our designers have created customizable templates for your convenience. You can make the required changes in the templates like colour, text and font size. Other than this, content can be added or deleted from the slide as per the requirement. Get access to this professionally designed complete deck PPT presentation by clicking the download button below.

financialstrategiesproduct cross selling
Strategic Management PowerPoint Presentation Slides
Strategic Management PowerPoint Presentation Slides Strategic Management PowerPoint Presentation Slides
Strategic Management PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Strategic management PowerPoint presentation slides provide reliable solutions for a systematic approach to business management. Following PowerPoint designs, involves the formulation and implementation of the major objectives and initiatives taken by an association's top management. Well researched topics with engaging graphics have been scripted here for an evaluation of the internal and external environments in which the organization works. Topics included here are, executive summary, mission vision values, management board organization chart, targets for the next business quarter, establish a value proposition, establish a value proposition, marketing plan objective, identifying new market channels, brand promotion strategies for engagement, focus on your strength, look to your competition, product feature comparison, annual, revenue financial summary, sales and performance dashboard and financial projections. These headings are scripted for a constant planning, monitoring, analysis and assessment for an organization to meet its goals and objectives. Further funding, hr services and operation plan deciding team initiates and strategies PPT slides are also included with chart sheets, timeline review, bar, and graphs PPT design for a comprehensive approach. Our Strategic Management Powerpoint Presentation Slides will grow upon you. You will definitely get fond of them.

new product analysisnew product surveynew product review
Training Plan
› Training Required for Marketing Strategies
› Training Schedule
Training Required for Marketing Strategies
The following slide shows the training that is required to implement the newly devised business development and marketing strategy…
Product Knowledge
› Providing Detailed Knowledge of
product and services offered
› Add Text Here
XYZ Software Usage
› Usage of XYZ Software for CRM
and Sales Management .
› Add Text Here
Reporting Format
› Providing clear picture of the
reporting format, cycle and
› Add Text Here
Add Text Here
› Add Text Here
› Add Text Here
MS Excel Training
› Providing advance excel training
with usage of various formulas
› Add Text Here
Add Text Here
› Add Text Here
› Add Text Here
This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.
Training Schedule Timeline
In this slide we have shown the complete schedule of training program that is required in the organization along with the time that each training phase will
PPT Elaborating the software,
its advantages and General
usage guidelines
Week 1
Encrypting each E-mail with
security patch
Week 2
Malware Detection and
Week 4
Two Stage Case Study with
practical software usage
Week 3
Add Text Here
Add Text Here
Add Text Here
Add Text Here
Add Text Here
Add Text Here
Description Time
PPT Elaborating the software , its advantages and General usage guidelines. Week 1
Encrypting each E-mail with security patch Week 2
Two Stage Case Study with practical software usage Week 3
Malware Detection and removal Week 4
Add Text Here Add Text Here
Add Text Here Add Text Here
Add Text Here Add Text Here
Training Schedule Timeline
In this slide we have shown the complete schedule of training program that is required in the organization along with the time that each training phase will
Training Phase

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Strategic Management Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Strategic management PowerPoint presentation slides provide reliable solutions for a systematic approach to business management. Following PowerPoint designs, involves the formulation and implementation of the major objectives and initiatives taken by an association's top management. Well researched topics with engaging graphics have been scripted here for an evaluation of the internal and external environments in which the organization works. Topics included here are, executive summary, mission vision values, management board organization chart, targets for the next business quarter, establish a value proposition, establish a value proposition, marketing plan objective, identifying new market channels, brand promotion strategies for engagement, focus on your strength, look to your competition, product feature comparison, annual, revenue financial summary, sales and performance dashboard and financial projections. These headings are scripted for a constant planning, monitoring, analysis and assessment for an organization to meet its goals and objectives. Further funding, hr services and operation plan deciding team initiates and strategies PPT slides are also included with chart sheets, timeline review, bar, and graphs PPT design for a comprehensive approach. Our Strategic Management Powerpoint Presentation Slides will grow upon you. You will definitely get fond of them.

new product analysisnew product surveynew product review
Pitch Deck To Raise Private Placement Funds From Insurance Companies PowerPoi...
Pitch Deck To Raise Private Placement Funds From Insurance Companies PowerPoi...Pitch Deck To Raise Private Placement Funds From Insurance Companies PowerPoi...
Pitch Deck To Raise Private Placement Funds From Insurance Companies PowerPoi...

It covers all the important concepts and has relevant templates which cater to your business needs. This complete deck has PPT slides on Pitch Deck To Raise Private Placement Funds From Insurance Companies PowerPoint Presentation Slides with well suited graphics and subject driven content. This deck consists of total of fourty nine slides. All templates are completely editable for your convenience. You can change the colour, text and font size of these slides. You can add or delete the content as per your requirement. Get access to this professionally designed complete deck presentation by clicking the download button below.

businessopportunityraise private placement funds from insurance compa
Social Media Marketing PowerPoint Presentation Slides
Social Media Marketing PowerPoint Presentation SlidesSocial Media Marketing PowerPoint Presentation Slides
Social Media Marketing PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Presenting this set of slides with name - Social Media Marketing Powerpoint Presentation Slides. Download our professional PPT comprising extensively researched content and professional design layouts. Dont waste hours fiddling with PowerPoint toolbars and finding professional PowerPoint templates. This complete Social Media Marketing Powerpoint Presentation Slides saves hours of your time. Comprising a total of sixty one slides, the PowerPoint presentation is a visual masterpiece with professional PPT templates, data-driven graphs, charts and tables, a beautiful theme, impressive slide designs, icons, imagery and more. It is fully editable so that you can make changes to colors, data and fonts if you need to. Just enter your text in the placeholders provided and rock the meeting or conference you are presenting at.

social media marketing campaignsocial media key statisticssocial media management process
Risk Assessment Table
→ Mitigation Plan for Overcoming Risk
→ Customer Cases
→ Performance Metrices
Risk Assessment Table
Use the table provided in this slide to show the magnitude of the risk associated with customer 360
Risk Magnitude Comments
Inadequate staffing for customer Relationship Management High Add Comments Here
No acceptance by customer of new polices Low Add Comments Here
Bad Perception of product in customer view Moderate Add Comments Here
Add Text Here
Add Text Here
Add Comments Here
Add Text Here
Add Text Here
Add Comments Here
Product Views
Add Risk Here
Add Risk Here
This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.
Mitigation Plan for Overcoming Risk
Use the table provided in this slide to show the magnitude of the risk associated with customer 360
Risk Solution Description
New Recruitment
New Software
› New recruitment in customer relationship
› Purchase of new CRM software
Customer Behavior Increase Customer Engagement
› New customer engagement plan
› Increase customer engagement rate via
social media
Product Views Increase Product Quality
› Using metallic phone body
› Add text here
Add Risk Here Add Text Here › Add Text Here
Add Risk Here Add Text Here › Add Text Here
This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.
Customer Cases
Show your customer case in this slide , Enlist the solution of the challenges you faced
› This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and
capture your audience's attention
Client Background
› This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and
capture your audience's attention
› This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and
capture your audience's attention
› This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and
capture your audience's attention
› This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and
capture your audience's attention
Solution & Benefits
› Text Here
› Text Here
› Text Here
› Text Here
› Text Here
› Text Here
› Text Here
› Text Here
› Text Here

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Social Media Marketing Powerpoint Presentation Slides
Social Media Marketing Powerpoint Presentation SlidesSocial Media Marketing Powerpoint Presentation Slides
Social Media Marketing Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Talk about online marketing strategies with our comprehensive Social Media Marketing Powerpoint Presentation Slides. This exclusive internet marketing PPT is useful for web marketing professionals. The content ready digital marketing powerpoint complete deck includes a set of slides such as elements of digital marketing, email marketing strategy, and statistics, budget, dashboard, pay per click advertising, PPC statistics, strategies, budget, dashboard, SEO strategy statistics and budget, display advertising statistics, strategies, budget, dashboard, social media marketing statistics, strategies, budget, dashboard, content marketing strategies, budget, dashboard, social media marketing statistics, strategies, budget, dashboard, online marketing channels, return on investment, strategy framework, roadmap to internet marketing, summary, etc. Furthermore, all PPT templates are completely editable, you can modify the color, text and background colors as per your requirement. Increase brand awareness and improve on ROI using this ready to use online marketing presentation deck. Download the social media optimization PPT slides to create a digital marketing plan. Advise folks to advance in a disciplined fashion with our Social Media Marketing Powerpoint Presentation Slides. Discourage any jostling around.

social media marketing campaignsocial media key statisticssocial media management process
Customer Support And Services Guide Powerpoint Presentation Slides
Customer Support And Services Guide Powerpoint Presentation SlidesCustomer Support And Services Guide Powerpoint Presentation Slides
Customer Support And Services Guide Powerpoint Presentation Slides

You can download this product from - has the world's largest collection of Powerpoint Templates. Browse and Download now! Description of this above product - After sales service encompasses all the assistance provided to customers after purchasing a product or service. Grab our informative PowerPoint presentation on Customer Support and Services Guide. It overviews after sales services, their benefits, needs, and best practices. Implementing an effective after sales support strategy can enhance customer satisfaction, promote brand loyalty, and even generate positive word of mouth advertising. Our customer services deck delves into various aftersales services, such as training, assurance, support, assistance, and rewards. Additionally, it highlights the positive impact of excellent after sales services and offers a set of dashboards to monitor customer retention and satisfaction. Moreover, our customer support PPT covers a range of services, including product guarantees, warranty, returns, replacements, configurations, installations, maintenance, and relocation. You can access our 100 percentage customizable template by downloading it, and its also compatible with Google Slides.

customer servicescustomer supportcustomer assistance
Word Of Mouth WOM Marketing Strategies To Build Brand Awareness Powerpoint Pr...
Word Of Mouth WOM Marketing Strategies To Build Brand Awareness Powerpoint Pr...Word Of Mouth WOM Marketing Strategies To Build Brand Awareness Powerpoint Pr...
Word Of Mouth WOM Marketing Strategies To Build Brand Awareness Powerpoint Pr...

You can download this product from - has the world's largest collection of Powerpoint Templates. Browse and Download now! Description of this above product - Word of mouth marketing generates honest discussions about and recommendations for a product or company by getting people to discuss your brand, product, or business. Grab our Word of Mouth WOM Marketing Strategies to Build Brand Awareness template. It includes a brief overview of the concept and benefits of word of mouth marketing. Our WOM strategies deck contains significant industry statistics, types, and challenges. Additionally, it covers the need for and major types of word of mouth marketing strategies such as customer referral marketing, social media influencer marketing, brand ambassador marketing, affiliate marketing. It further incorporates the user generated content, employee advocacy, customer reviews and testimonials, buzz marketing, viral marketing, guerrilla marketing, and other strategies. Finally, the module highlights the impact, campaign budget, plan, and implementation framework for word of mouth marketing. Get to know more by downloading our 100 percentage editable and customizable template, which is also compatible with google slides.

wom strategiesreferral marketingsocial media
Performance Metrices
Performance Metrices for Customer Support
Requests Answered Calls
Revenue % of Support Costs
Request Volume Vs. Service Level
Costs Per Support
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Revenue % of Support Costs
Revenue & % of Support Costs to Revenue
Customer Retention
Customer Satisfaction
Avg. Time to Solve an Issue
More than 2 hours
1-2 hours
Less than 1 hour
Requests Answered 2019
Total Requests 2019
Total Requests 2019
Support Costs to Revenue
Target >= 85%
Very Satisfied
Very Unsatisfied
This graph/chart is linked to excel, and changes automatically based on data. Just left click on it and select “Edit Data”.
Analyzing Customer Journey and Data from 360 Degree Icons Slide
Additional Slides

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Strategic Staff Engagement Action Plan Powerpoint Presentation SlidesStrategic Staff Engagement Action Plan Powerpoint Presentation Slides
Strategic Staff Engagement Action Plan Powerpoint Presentation Slides

You can download this product from - has the world's largest collection of Powerpoint Templates. Browse and Download now! Description of this above product - Employee engagement refers to the level of involvement and enthusiasm employees have towards their work, which ultimately leads to better business outcomes. Grab Our Strategic staff engagement action plan can showcase the commitment level of employees in the workplace. It discusses the challenges and issues organizations face due to disengaged employees. Our Workforce participation deck includes an employee engagement survey to evaluate staff participation and satisfaction rates. Additionally, it provides industry statistics that demonstrate the importance of employee engagement. These resources can help companies develop an improved employee engagement action plan to achieve their goals and objectives. Further, Our Employee job satisfaction offers practical strategies to enhance productivity, retention, and participation rates. It further focuses on optimizing communication practices and employee work life balance, as well as implementing reward and recognition programs, compensation and benefits, and training and development opportunities. Finally, our HR Engagement Strategies module provides metrics to measure the impact of employee engagement activities. Get instant access.

workforce participationemployee job satisfactionemployee experience
Traditional Marketing Channel Analysis Powerpoint Presentation Slides Mkt Cd
Traditional Marketing Channel Analysis Powerpoint Presentation Slides Mkt CdTraditional Marketing Channel Analysis Powerpoint Presentation Slides Mkt Cd
Traditional Marketing Channel Analysis Powerpoint Presentation Slides Mkt Cd

You can download this product from - has the world's largest collection of Powerpoint Templates. Browse and Download now! Description of this above product - Traditional marketing uses offline media to reach, target, and attract a wider audience. Grab our insightfully designed template on Traditional Marketing Channel Analysis that provides an overview of offline marketing. It includes Traditional marketing techniques, that are more resilient and leave a stronger impression on the customers. It also has a positive impact on businesses as it helps to capture a broader range of audience. It includes key features, statistics, best practices, and benefits audience growth, reusable material, increased credibility, and brand exposure. Our conventional marketing deck further includes approaches that help organizations increase sales and attract customers, such as newspaper and magazine advertising, company brochures, and direct mail. The PowerPoint presentation also incorporates outdoor broadcasting, one on one, referral marketing, radio ads, billboards, transit advertising, sticker, and word of mouth marketing. Lastly, it highlights the critical marketing team players and the cost spent on every advertisement channel. Get access to this powerful template now.

conventional marketingprint advertisementoutdoor marketing
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Integrating Asset Tracking System To Enhance Operational Effectiveness Comple...Integrating Asset Tracking System To Enhance Operational Effectiveness Comple...
Integrating Asset Tracking System To Enhance Operational Effectiveness Comple...

You can download this product from - has the world's largest collection of Powerpoint Templates. Browse and Download now! Description of this above product - An asset tracking system is a technique to monitor an organizations assets more efficiently to enhance customer service and improve equipment longevity. Grab our Integrating asset tracking system to enhance the operational effectiveness template. It is expertly crafted to keep track of purchases to strengthen security and IT safety. Our IT asset management deck provides the latest technology trends for keeping track of assets. It involves the current scenario of an organizations asset and inventory management systems. Additionally, our Inventory management system PPT offers essential methods of an asset tracking system such as RFID tags, barcode scanning, Bluetooth low energy, near-field communication, and more. It further showcases detailed working and key benefits of implementing these systems. Furthermore, our RFID integration module includes a workflow chart and the roles and responsibilities of the HR manager and team. It contains cost analysis and comparative software assessment for enhancing overall performance. Lastly, our Asset management template exhibits the KPI dashboards and impact analysis for measuring the effectiveness of implementing a tracking system. Get instant access.

it asset managementinventory management systemrfid integration
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Text Here
Text Here
Text Here
Availability of less relevant data
Customer data sharing prevented by functional errors
Low level of customer centricity in the organization
Poor technology to manage data
Challenges for Implementing Customer 360
In this slide we have provided you with a bar graph which show the impact of the challenges faced by the organization in implementing customer 360.
This graph/chart is linked to excel, and changes automatically based on data. Just left click on it and select “Edit Data”.
Predictive Analysis Technique
This slide highlights various tools and techniques and process of predictive analysis along with the key highlights.
• Multiple Algorithms Along With Decision Tree And Data Mining Model Were Used For Predictive
Analysis .
• Information Model Was Worked To Anticipate Pertinent Offers Correctly Mapped With Clients'
• A Group Was Conveyed To Reach Out To Clients Who Were Bound To Drop Benefits And Hold
Them With Tweaked Contributions
• Add Text Here
• Add Text Here
Tools and Techniques
Decision Tree
Data Mining Text Analytics Add Text Here
Identify/Formulate Problem
Data Preparation
Data Exploration
Transform & Select
Evaluate/Monitor Results
Deploy Model
Build Model
Validate Model
Achieve Competitive Advantage
New Revenue Opportunities
Increased Profitability
Increased Customer Service
Operational Efficiencies
Predictive Analytics Results
Use this slide to show the result of your predictive analysis. Use the bar graphs provided to show the key takeaways
This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your audience's attention.
Text Here
This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your audience's attention.
Text Here
This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your audience's attention.
Text Here
This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your
needs and capture your audience's attention.
Text Here
This graph/chart is linked to excel, and changes automatically based on data. Just left click on it and select “Edit Data”.
Cross Sell and Upsell Opportunity Techniques
Highlight the opportunity of cross sell or upsell and analyze multiple techniques.
Combine products and services
In this technique the customer is
offered with a free service on
purchase of any product.
Here the salesperson will tempt
the customer to spend a bit more
in order to get reward
Complementary add-ons
Here the salesperson suggest the
customer to purchase
complimentary product
Bundling Products
In this technique the
salesperson will offer a
package deal to customer
Add text
This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it
to your needs and capture your
audience's attention.
Add text
This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it
to your needs and capture your
audience's attention.
03 04

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You can download this product from - has the world's largest collection of Powerpoint Templates. Browse and Download now! Description of this above product - A leadership brand is a way to make others aware of your unique qualities as a leader and how you can make a positive impact. If youre interested, our Designing and Implementing Brand Leadership Strategy template is available for download. It provides an overview of brand leadership, including its benefits, essential factors, steps, and strategies for creating a strong leadership brand. Our Brand Identity deck includes tips for becoming a market leader, three leadership groups, and a leadership matrix. It also explores the relationship between value proposition and brand leadership. Moreover, our Brand Architecture PPT explains strategic brand leadership tasks such as organizational structure and process, brand architecture, and brand building function. Additionally, it includes dashboards for tracking brand awareness and performance. Finally, our Brand Building module discusses how brands can provide unique value to customers and consists of a case study on Coca Colas success as a market leader. The template is fully editable and customizable and can be used with Google Slides. Get access now.

brand architecturebrand identitybrand health
How Amazon Generates Revenues Across Globe Powerpoint Presentation Slides Str...
How Amazon Generates Revenues Across Globe Powerpoint Presentation Slides Str...How Amazon Generates Revenues Across Globe Powerpoint Presentation Slides Str...
How Amazon Generates Revenues Across Globe Powerpoint Presentation Slides Str...

You can download this product from - has the world's largest collection of Powerpoint Templates. Browse and Download now! Description of this above product - The primary objective of Amazons business strategy is to meet customer demands by providing an exceptional experience. Our professionally designed How Amazon Generates Revenues Across the Globe template presents an overview of Amazons marketing strategy, including partnerships, initiatives, marketing activities, and brand positioning. The deck focuses on gaining a competitive advantage by showcasing the progress Amazon has made over the years, such as their successful IPO investment, performance progress, and managing competition. The Amazon Business Strategy module shows the companys performance in managing SWOT analysis, BCG matrix, and VRIO analysis. The PPT also includes an assessment of Amazons marketing mix, advertising strategy, and business model to enhance revenue and market share. Additionally, the template presents the selling process across the platform, financial review, and future predictions. Finally, it showcases the critical executives associated with Amazons core team. Gain access to this powerful template now and unlock Amazons business strategy secrets.

amazon business strategymarketing strategyadvertising initiatives
Guide For Effective Event Marketing Powerpoint Presentation Slides Mkt Cd
Guide For Effective Event Marketing Powerpoint Presentation Slides Mkt CdGuide For Effective Event Marketing Powerpoint Presentation Slides Mkt Cd
Guide For Effective Event Marketing Powerpoint Presentation Slides Mkt Cd

You can download this product from - has the world's largest collection of Powerpoint Templates. Browse and Download now! Description of this above product - Event marketing is a strategy used to create awareness of a companys products or services through direct customer engagement. Check out Our Guide for an Effective Event Marketing template. It has been carefully designed to help companies engage their target audience effectively. Our Social Media Advertising deck highlights the benefits, emerging trends, and statistics of event advertising while also addressing common challenges faced by marketers, such as audience engagement and converting pre registrants to attendees. Our Conference Marketing PPT covers virtual and physical events, including webinars, live streaming, tradeshows, and conferences. It also provides insights on social media platforms used for promotion and outlines critical steps in event marketing, including goal setting, management checklists, activity management, audience attraction, and performance evaluation. Lastly, our Audience Engagement module details the marketing team, impact, and advertising channel costs. Access our resources today and take your event marketing to the next level.

��by SlideTeam
social media advertisingconference marketingaudience engagement
Blog Web Data Machine Mobile Social Customers Sales Marketing
Customer 360 Architecture
Highlight Your Customer 360 Architecture In This Slide. Show Your Complete Process For The Same.
Brand Reputation
BI On Unstructured Data
Mobile App
Web Portal
Customer 360 CRM Analytics
Sales & Marketing Analytics
Real Time Analytics
BI On Structured Data
Analytics On InformationCampaign Management
Customer Clustering
Unstructured Structured
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Analyzing Customer Journey And Data From 360 Degree PowerPoint Presentation Slides

  • 1. 1 Analyzing Customer Journey and Data from 360 Degree C ompany N ame H ere
  • 2. Agenda 2 To Achieve a 360-degree view of the Customer › To gain a complete view of customer and to understand their journey in relation to our engagement plan. › Add Text Here Customer Retention Rate › To increase the customer retention rate with the help of new strategies . › Add Text Here Add Text Here › Add Text Here › Add Text Here Add Text Here › Add Text Here › Add Text Here
  • 3. 3 TableofContents Our Asset lifecycle Management Process › Customer Interaction History › Current Customer Acquisition Cost › Flow of Product Service › Our Marketing Campaigns and Their Effectiveness › How the Customer Perceives Our Product › What does our CRM System Say › Performance of Our Emails Campaigns › Our Social Media Performance › Analyzing Our Products Market Share Why Do We Need Customer 360 Mapping Our Customer Journey › How do We Make Our Customer Aware › What Strategies do we Use to Acquire Our Customer › Our Conversion Rate Over the Year › Our Retention Rates › How to Maintain Our Customer Loyalty › Recent Customer Issues How to Improve Our Customers Experience › Customer Profile › Demographics of Our Customers › Defining Our Ideal Customer › Psychographic Data › Customer Behavioral Data New Marketing Strategy › Our New Segmentation Strategy › How to Position Our self in the Market › What will Our Communication Channels Be › Our New Brand launch Process and Budget › Strategic Messaging Mapping Forecasting › Sales Forecasting › CLV vs CAC Training Plan › Training Required for Marketing Strategies › Training Schedule Risk Assessment Table › Mitigation Plan for Overcoming Risk › Customer Cases › Performance Metrices
  • 4. 4 Why Do We Need Customer 360
  • 5. The following slide highlights multiple issues such as low customer retention rate, low conversion rate etc. that led the company to adopt 360 approach › ABC Corp has been facing low customer retention rate of 60% in comparison to to 69% FY18 Low Customer Retention Rate › Current conversion rate 2.85 % in comparison to 3.5% in FY18 › Add Text Here Low Conversion Rate › Total number of leads generated in FY19 is 120,000, 50 % decrease in comparison to FY18 › Add Text Here Low Number of Leads › No clear buyer persona hindering the targeting process and causing losses › Add Text Here No Customer Definition › Current customer engagement rate 3.6 % in comparison to 4.5% in FY 18 › Add Text Here Low Customer Engagement Rates This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention. Why Do We Need Customer 360 (1/3) 5 The following slide highlights multiple issues such as low customer retention rate, low conversion rate etc. that led the company to adopt 360 approach
  • 6. Why Do We Need Customer 360 (2/3) 6 The following slide highlights the key metrices of customer satisfaction and have measured their performance over years in the table provided. 2017 2018 2019 Net Promotor Score 60 50 40 Churn Rate 6.2% 5.8% 4% Conversion Rate 4% 3.5% 2.85% Retention Rate 72% 69% 60% Add Text Here XX XX XX Add Text Here XX XX XX Key Takeaways 9% decrease in retention rate in 2018 and 2019 Low score on each customer metric causing losses Your Text Here Your Text Here This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.
  • 7. Avg Customer Satisfaction Score Avg Net Promoter Score Avg First Response Time Avg Customer Retention Rate Why Do We Need Customer 360 (3/3) 7 The following slide shows the data that the organization has collected from the customer feed back over the year. 80 75 70 65 60 60.4 50 30 10 -10 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 35 30 25 20 15 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Customer Data Through Feedback This graph/chart is linked to excel, and changes automatically based on data. Just left click on it and select “Edit Data”.
  • 8. 8 Analyzing our Current Scenario › Customer Interaction History › Current Customer Acquisition Cost › Flow of Product Service › Our Marketing Campaigns and Their Effectiveness › How the Customer Perceives Our Product › What does our CRM System Say › Performance of Our Emails Campaigns › Our Social Media Performance › Analyzing Our Products Market Share
  • 9. Customer Interaction History 9 In this slide we have provided a table to show organizations customer interaction history via multiple platforms along with its effectiveness and rate of engagement . Interaction Platforms Cost Per Year USD Engagement Rate % Age Customer Satisfaction Rate (100 Max) Comments CRM Platform 5,000 2.5 50 Add Comments Here E- Mails 8,000 3.5 45 Add Comments Here Chat Box 6,000 5 55 Add Comments Here Retail Store Counters 12,000 6 40 Add Comments Here Add Text Here XXXXX XX XX Add Comments Here Add Text Here XXXXX XX XX Add Comments Here This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.
  • 10. Customer Acquisition Cost 10 The following slide provides the breakdown of the Customer Acquisition cost and various variables that contribute to it . Input Variables Total Web Visitors 10,000 SEM Cost Per Click $0.50 Conversion to Trial % 5% Trial Conversion % 10% No. of Sales & Marketing Staff 3 Cost Per Employee Per Month $16,500 Flow Qty. Conversion % Total Paid Web Visitors 10,000 Trials 500 5% Customers 50 10% SEM Marketing Spend $ 5,000 Total Headcount Costs $ 49,000 Cost of Customer Acquisition Without headcount costs $ 100.00 With headcount costs $ 1,090.00
  • 11. Our company ABC Co uses method 2 for the flow of their product and service Key point of sales : retail stores , E-commerce website and teleshopping Add text here Add text here Producer Wholesaler Consumer Retailer Method 1: Producer Consumer Retailer Method 2: Producer Consumer Method 3: Flow of Product and ServiceIn this slide we have provided multiple channels through which the product flows and reaches the end user .Highlighted is the current channel used by the organization. Key Takeaways This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention. 11
  • 12. Our Marketing Campaigns and Their Effectiveness 12 In this slide we have provided various marketing campaigns that the organization has undertaken in order to increase sales. These campaigns are evaluated on their costs, the leads they have generated and their effectiveness. 4 Somewhat Effective 3 Neutral 2 Less Effective 1 Not Effective 5 Highly Effective Type of Campaigns Duration Cost USD $ Leads Generated Effectiveness Comments Digital Campaign 1-Nov-18 to 31-Dec-18 8,000 2,000 3 Add Comments Here Radio & Television Campaign 6-Mar-18 to 25-Jun-18 5,000 450 3 Add Comments Here Customer Referral Campaign 20-feb-18 to 25-Feb-18 9,000 800 1 Add Comments Here Add Text Here XX-XX-XXXX XXXX XX XX Add Comments Here Add Text Here XX-XX-XXXX XXXX XX XX Add Comments Here Add Text Here XX-XX-XXXX XXXX XX XX Add Comments Here This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.
  • 13. How Customer Perceives Our Product 13 In this slide we have provided you with multiple factors based on the value that your product provides to the customer , based on each parameter customer feedback can be shown with the help of bar graphs. 66% 56% 78% Add Text Here Convenience Problem Solving Functional Value 55% 55% 45% Add Text Here Attractiveness Emotional Value Emotional Value 55% 65% 75% Add Text Here Brand Value Status Symbol Symbolic Value 55% 55% 85% Add Text Here Convenience Value for Money End Value This graph/chart is linked to excel, and changes automatically based on data. Just left click on it and select “Edit Data”.
  • 14. What Does our CRM Process Say? 14 In this slide you can explain your CRM Process and major customer points you have collected though CRM. Goal & Strategy Aligned with System Customer Segmentation Personal Customer Interactions Customer Data Consolidation Revaluation of Strategy Key Takeaways 73% Consumer Prefer to do business with companies that provide personalized experience 75% of total profit is generated from the top 20% of the customer base Reduction in customer churn by 5% due to CRM Add Text Here Add Text Here Our CRM Process
  • 15. Performance of Our E-Mail Campaigns 15 Multiple Feedback collected by you through E-Mail campaign can be shown on this slide. along with key takeaways. 18.6 23.2 21.6 53.4 52.7 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Q4 2017 Q1 2018 Q2 2018 Q3 2018 Q4 2018 OpenRatePercentage Subject Line Test Quarter %age of Email Open rates Q4 2017 18.6 Q1 2018 23.2 Q2 2018 21.6 Q3 2018 55.4 Q4 2018 52.7 Key Takeaways 70% of Customers Unsubscribed to daily E-Mail Updates Low Conversion rate on various E-Mails Your Text Here Your Text Here This graph/chart is linked to excel, and changes automatically based on data. Just left click on it and select “Edit Data”.
  • 16. Our Social Media Performance 16 In this slide we have provided the data about the customers that can be derived from various social media along with various performance indicators and key takeaways Platform Shares (per month) Likes (per month) Mentions (per month) Hashtags (per month) Followers (per month) Comments Facebook 650 8,000 100 650 2.5 mm Add Comments Here Twitter 470 7,000 200 470 3.5 mm Add Comments Here Instagram 580 10,000 300 580 3.0 mm Add Comments Here LinkedIn 450 5,000 400 450 20,000 Add Comments Here Add Text Here XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Add Comments Here Key Takeaways Post related to product 1 were shared and liked the most Post with Major media personality were shared the post on Facebook and Instagram 60 % of followers on Facebook are from North American region , 20 % form Asia 10% Form Europe and 10 % from others Add Text Here Add Text Here
  • 17. Analyzing Our Products Market Share 17 We have provided you with a graphical representation of the organization's product share in comparison to the competitors product share. Company/ Product Name USD Millions Competitor 1 Product 8.2 Competitor 2 Product 3.2 Our Product 1.4 Competitor 3 Product 1.2 Competitor 4 Product 1.0 Competitor 5 Product 0.8 Product 1 Our Product Product 3 Product 4 Product 5 Product 2 This graph/chart is linked to excel, and changes automatically based on data. Just left click on it and select “Edit Data”. 52% 20% 9% 8% 6% 5% Average Share
  • 18. Analyzing Our Products Market Share (cont…) 18 This slide shows the analysis of the customer transaction and spending on the organization's products market share. InitialAnalysis Our product has an estimated market share of 1.4 MM dollars The product share is 12.5% that of market leader Add Text Here Add Text Here Innovation › Providing innovation to attract more customer and increase sales. › Add Text Here Customer Satisfaction › Increasing customer satisfaction through better CRM and retention Policies. › Add Text Here Add Text Here › Add text here › Add Text Here This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention. What can we do to bridge the gap
  • 19. 19 Mapping Our Customer Journey › How do We Make Our Customer Aware › What Strategies do we Use to Acquire Our Customer › Our Conversion Rate Over the Year › Our Retention Rates › How to Maintain Our Customer Loyalty › Recent Customer Issues
  • 20. Mapping Our Customers Journey 20 This slide provides a brief insight into the journey of your customer as it maps each stage of customer journey starting from awareness, acquisition, conversion retention & loyalty CustomerEngagement › Contact the potential customer. › Add Text Here › Convert the customer into a subscriber and make leads. › Add Text Here › Make lead to paying customer and build a relationship with them. › Add Text Here › Plan to maintain the relationship and keep them as recurring customer. › Add Text Here › Ultimate goal of a lifecycle. › Add Text Here This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention. Awareness Acquisition Conversion Retention Loyalty
  • 21. How do We Make Our Customer Aware 21 This slide shows the 1st stage of the customer journey mapping , the provided table explains various channels through which the customer becomes aware about the and measure their results Channels Outreach %age Cost per Year USD Key Highlights Add Text Here Radio 75 5,000 › Low cost › High Outreach Add Text Here Television 80 8,000 › High Outreach › Add Text Here Add Text Here Print Media 65 9,000 › High Cost › Add Text Here Add Text Here Viral Marketing 70 5,000 › Low cost › Add Text Here Add Text Here E-Mails 87 7,000 › High Outreach › Add Text Here Add Text Here Add Text Here XX XXXX › XXXXX Add Text Here This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.
  • 22. What Strategies do we Use to Acquire Our Customer 22 In this slide the provided graph shows the various steps taken in customer acquisition phase along with the customer acquisition rate Description Cost per Customer USDStrategies › Paying various advertisement agencies for views › Add Text Here › Using various social media platforms such as Facebook, twitter and LinkedIn. › Add Text Here › Add Text here › Add Text Here › Add Text here › Add Text Here 12 10 9 Paid Marketing Social Media Marketing Organic Search Marketing Affiliate Marketing 15 This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.
  • 23. Our Conversion Rates Over the YearIn this slide we have provided you with a comparative graph that shows the conversion rate over a span of 2 years along with key activities that the organization is doing in order to increase their conversion rate 0 2.25 4.5 6.75 9 Q1 2014 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2014 2018 2019 ConversionStrategies Annual Membership Discount on first 5 purchases Add Text Here Add Text Here This graph/chart is linked to excel, and changes automatically based on data. Just left click on it and select “Edit Data”. 23
  • 24. Activities for Customer Retention Our Retention Rates 24 The following slide provides glimpse of a company's retention rate , average order value , their retention rate over the year along with various strategies they have used. Repeat Customer Rate %age Average Order Value $ USD Retention Rate %age Comments 2016 70 2,000 75 Add Comments Here 2017 62 1,850 72 Add Comments Here 2018 58 1,250 69 Add Comments Here 2019 55 1,000 60 Add Comments Here Loyalty Programs Annual Membership Program Frequent Communication with Buyers Add Text HereAdd Text Here
  • 25. How to Maintain Our Customer Loyalty 25 The following slide provides glimpse of a company's retention rate , average order value , their retention rate over the year along with various strategies they have used. Strategies › Providing customer with points on multiple purchases in order to redeem them later › Points are later converted into rewards › Providing customer loyalty credits on multiple purchases › Add Text Here › Customer take premium membership to obtain additional benefits on existing services › Add text here › Add Text here › Add Text Here Description Point Program Spend Program VIP Member Club Add Text Here This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.
  • 26. Recent Customer Issues 26 The pie chart in this slide shows the cumulation of the major complaints that the customers are facing along with the key take away that can be derived from the data Customer Complaints Most customer complaints associate to faulty product Average time to solve customer complaint is 4.5 days Add Text Here Add Text Here Key Takeaways 45% 20% 19% 12% 2% 3% Add Text Here Faulty Product Prolonged Wait Time Product Performance Delivery Error Add Text Here This graph/chart is linked to excel, and changes automatically based on data. Just left click on it and select “Edit Data”.
  • 27. 27 How to Improve Our Customers Experience › Demographics of Our Customers › Defining Our Ideal Customer › Psychographic Data › Customer Behavioral Data → Customer Profile
  • 28. Demographics of our Customers 28 The demographic of the customer are shown in this slide, along with the household income and age group 70% FemaleMale 70% 90% 80% 70% 40% 40% 50% 90% 80% 70% 60% 55% 50% Male Female Population Pyramid 20% 40% 25% 15% Average spending by household Household Size 30% 70% Male Female 20% 80% 35% 65% 80% 20% 65% 35%
  • 29. Defining Our Ideal Customer(1/2) 29 The following Slide displays the ideal buyer persona of the organization along with their Demographics , background information other key information aspects. Laura Cooper › Management Graduate form HFG School of Business Studies in 2015 › Add Text Here › Add Text Here Background Information › 25-year-Old › Female › Fair Complexion › Single Demographic › To have her own business by 2020, › To have annual income of $100,000. › Add Text Here › Add Text Here Main Goals › High School › Economic Pass out from Community College › Management Degree Holder Educational Background This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.
  • 30. Defining Our Ideal Customer(2/2) 30 The following Slide displays the ideal buyer persona of the organization along with their Demographics , background information other key information aspects › This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention › This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention Background › This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention › This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention Purchasing Decisions? This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention Demographic This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention Goals and Pain Points Customer Name: _______________________________________ Customer Segment: _________________________________________________
  • 31. Psychographic Data 31 In this slide we have shown the customers psychographic data based on their lifestyle, activates ,personality and values Traits Key Features Comments Lifestyle Interested in Premium products that range from $12 k above. Add Text Here Activities Add Activities Here Add Text Here Personality Add Personality Traits here Add Text Here Values Add Value Here Add Text Here Add Text Here Add Text Here Add Text Here Add Text Here Add Text Here Add Text Here This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.
  • 32. Customer Behavioral Trend 32 In this slide we have shown the behavioral trends of the customer that may effect the company performance and have effect on sales of the organization Trials & Experience › Increased trend of taking trials and experiencing the product before buying › 75% customer prefer to try the product first Reliability on Reviews › Decision to purchase a product dependent more over the good or bad reviews › 80% customer purchase product based on review E-Commerce › High increase in the trends of online shopping through various e- commerce website › 62% customer prefer to purchase through online website
  • 33. Customer Behavioral Trend 33 In this slide we have shown the behavioral trends of the customer that may effect the company performance and have effect on sales of the organization Trials & Experience Reliability on Reviews E-Commerce › Increased trend of taking trials and experiencing the product before buying › 75% customer prefer to try the product first › Decision to purchase a product dependent more over the good or bad reviews › 80% customer purchase product based on review › High increase in the trends of online shopping through various e-commerce website › 62% customer prefer to purchase through online website
  • 34. 34 New Marketing Strategy › Our New Segmentation Strategy › How to Position Our self in the Market › What will Our Communication Channels Be › Our New Brand launch Process and Budget › Strategic Messaging Mapping
  • 35. Our New Segmentation Strategy 35 The following slide provides with new segmentation strategy for the organization based on demographics psychographics geographic and behavioral aspects Demographic Psychographic Geographic Behavioral Age – 18-30 Lifestyle – Upper Middle Class Country - America Brand Loyal Gender – Male & Female Interest – Technical Individual State – Texas, New York California Benefit sought – Mobile & Smart Phone Ethnicity – Hispanic & native American Add Text Here – Add Text Here Population – Add Text Here User Status – Premium Product User Add Text Here – Add Text Here Add Text Here – Add Text Here Add Text Here – Add Text Here Add Text Here – Add Text Here Add Text Here – Add Text Here Add Text Here – Add Text Here Add Text Here – Add Text Here Add Text Here – Add Text Here This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.
  • 36. How to Position Our self in the Market 36 The following slide shows the positioning strategy of the organization. The various brands and competitors along with the USP of the product are analyzed in this slide Brands Sales (Estimated) Unique Selling Proposition Perceived Quality Own Brand $110 million High End Processor Premium Competitor 1 $97 million Economical Mass Competitor 2 $67 million Steel body Premium Statement Millennials & Population between 35-45 Who want new and high-end phone Our product is 8 GB RAM and 256 GB ROM Smartphone Add Text Here Add Text Here This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.
  • 37. What will our Communication Channels Be 37 Describe and analyze the marketing communication channel that will be used by company Channels Key Features Cost per Year USD Add Text Here PPC Advertisement Maximum outreach due Global coverage on internet. 55,000 Add Text Here Social Media More appeal to general masses and audience. 7,000 Add Text Here Email Marketing Add Channel Benefit Here 9,000 Add Text Here Add Text Here Add Channel Benefit Here XXXXX Add Text Here Add Text Here Add Channel Benefit Here XXXXX Add Text Here This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.
  • 38. Our New Brand Launch Process and Budget 38 The following slide displays the multiple stages of brand launch strategy such as research, Strategic Branding Plan, Internal Branding, External Branding and Brand Audit along with the amount spent and execution date of each stage BRAND STRATEGY Stage Amount Execution Date Brand Analysis and Audit XXX XX-XX-XXXX Research XXX XX-XX-XXXX Strategic Branding Plan XXX XX-XX-XXXX Internal Branding XXX XX-XX-XXXX External Branding XXX XX-XX-XXXX Brand Analysis & Audit Research External Branding Internal Branding Strategic Branding Plan This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.
  • 39. Strategic Messaging Mapping 39 Show your strategic messaging map in this slide, along with its key highlights in each phase such as tagline , slogans , business functions and value statement Strategic Messaging Mapping Position Messaging Target Customer Value Messaging The best software in the corporate world Increase profit and lower your cost Add Text Here Add Text Here Engineer , Business Man and IT Manager End User Add Text Here Improve customer engagement Add Text Here Cloud service Add Text Here Add Text Here Add Text Here › Tagline › Slogan › Add Text Here › Add Text Here › Business Functions › Role in Buying Progress › Add Text Here › Value Statement › Product Feature › Add Text Here Engagement Value 2
  • 41. Sales Historical and Forecasted (1/2) The following slide show by how what margin will the new marketing plan will boost the company's sale in the upcoming year Net Sales Units (Tons Produced) Add Text Here Add Text Here Total Q1 7.5 bn 15 120 XXX XXX Q2 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX Q3 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX Q4 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX Q1 6.2 bn 10 116 XXX XXX Q2 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX Q3 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX Q4 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 2018 2019 This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention. 41
  • 42. Sales Historical and Forecasted(2/2) 42 The following slide show by how what margin will the new marketing plan will boost the company's sale in the upcoming year 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec USDMM 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec USDMM 2018 2019 Historical Data Forecasted Data This graph/chart is linked to excel, and changes automatically based on data. Just left click on it and select “Edit Data”.
  • 43. Customer Lifetime Value vs Acquisition Cost (1/2) 43 The following graph displays the relationship between the cost incurred on customer acquisition and their life time value in the past 2 years along with forecasted years 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 2018 2019 2020F 2021F USDMM CAC CLV CAC vs CLV Key Highlights The cost incurred on customer acquisition is more than their value in 2018 and 2019 In 2020 the CLV and CAC are expected to be in equilibrium Add Text Here Add Text Here This graph/chart is linked to excel, and changes automatically based on data. Just left click on it and select “Edit Data”.
  • 44. Customer Lifetime Value vs Acquisition Cost (2/2) 44 Show the relationship between the cost incurred on customer acquisition and their life time value with the help of this graph 1X Customer Acquisition Cost 3X Lifetime Value CAC LTV Break-even Point Your Company Name
  • 45. 45 Training Plan › Training Required for Marketing Strategies › Training Schedule
  • 46. Training Required for Marketing Strategies 46 The following slide shows the training that is required to implement the newly devised business development and marketing strategy… Product Knowledge › Providing Detailed Knowledge of product and services offered › Add Text Here XYZ Software Usage › Usage of XYZ Software for CRM and Sales Management . › Add Text Here Reporting Format › Providing clear picture of the reporting format, cycle and hierarchy › Add Text Here Add Text Here › Add Text Here › Add Text Here MS Excel Training › Providing advance excel training with usage of various formulas › Add Text Here Add Text Here › Add Text Here › Add Text Here This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.
  • 47. Training Schedule Timeline 47 In this slide we have shown the complete schedule of training program that is required in the organization along with the time that each training phase will take PPT Elaborating the software, its advantages and General usage guidelines Week 1 01 Encrypting each E-mail with security patch Week 2 02 Malware Detection and removal Week 4 04 Two Stage Case Study with practical software usage Week 3 03 Add Text Here Add Text Here 06 Add Text Here Add Text Here 05 Add Text Here Add Text Here 07
  • 48. Description Time PPT Elaborating the software , its advantages and General usage guidelines. Week 1 Encrypting each E-mail with security patch Week 2 Two Stage Case Study with practical software usage Week 3 Malware Detection and removal Week 4 Add Text Here Add Text Here Add Text Here Add Text Here Add Text Here Add Text Here Training Schedule Timeline 48 In this slide we have shown the complete schedule of training program that is required in the organization along with the time that each training phase will take Training Phase 01 02 03 04 05 07 06
  • 49. 49 Risk Assessment Table → Mitigation Plan for Overcoming Risk → Customer Cases → Performance Metrices
  • 50. Risk Assessment Table 50 Use the table provided in this slide to show the magnitude of the risk associated with customer 360 Risk Magnitude Comments Inadequate staffing for customer Relationship Management High Add Comments Here No acceptance by customer of new polices Low Add Comments Here Bad Perception of product in customer view Moderate Add Comments Here Add Text Here Add Text Here Add Comments Here Add Text Here Add Text Here Add Comments Here CRM Customer Behavior Product Views Add Risk Here Add Risk Here Risk This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.
  • 51. Mitigation Plan for Overcoming Risk 51 Use the table provided in this slide to show the magnitude of the risk associated with customer 360 Risk Solution Description CRM New Recruitment New Software › New recruitment in customer relationship department › Purchase of new CRM software Customer Behavior Increase Customer Engagement › New customer engagement plan › Increase customer engagement rate via social media Product Views Increase Product Quality › Using metallic phone body › Add text here Add Risk Here Add Text Here › Add Text Here Add Risk Here Add Text Here › Add Text Here Risk This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.
  • 52. Customer Cases 52 Show your customer case in this slide , Enlist the solution of the challenges you faced › This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention Client Background › This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention › This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention › This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention › This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention Solution & Benefits › Text Here › Text Here › Text Here › Text Here › Text Here › Text Here › Text Here › Text Here › Text Here Challenges
  • 54. Performance Metrices for Customer Support 64% 80% 96% 38K 42K 46K Requests Answered Calls 0 3 6 9 12 Revenue % of Support Costs Request Volume Vs. Service Level Costs Per Support 0% 10% 20% 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 0M 30M 60M Revenue % of Support Costs 90% Revenue & % of Support Costs to Revenue Customer Retention Customer Satisfaction Avg. Time to Solve an Issue 10% 20% 75% More than 2 hours 1-2 hours Less than 1 hour 54 81% Requests Answered 2019 1.02M Total Requests 2019 $75M Total Requests 2019 7% Support Costs to Revenue Target >= 85% 32% 41% 15% 6% 6% 71% Positive Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Unsatisfied Very Unsatisfied This graph/chart is linked to excel, and changes automatically based on data. Just left click on it and select “Edit Data”.
  • 55. Analyzing Customer Journey and Data from 360 Degree Icons Slide 55
  • 57. 10% 25% 30% 30% 45% 60% 70% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Text Here Text Here Text Here Availability of less relevant data Customer data sharing prevented by functional errors Low level of customer centricity in the organization Poor technology to manage data Challenges for Implementing Customer 360 57 In this slide we have provided you with a bar graph which show the impact of the challenges faced by the organization in implementing customer 360. This graph/chart is linked to excel, and changes automatically based on data. Just left click on it and select “Edit Data”.
  • 58. Predictive Analysis Technique 58 This slide highlights various tools and techniques and process of predictive analysis along with the key highlights. Highlights • Multiple Algorithms Along With Decision Tree And Data Mining Model Were Used For Predictive Analysis . • Information Model Was Worked To Anticipate Pertinent Offers Correctly Mapped With Clients' Desires. • A Group Was Conveyed To Reach Out To Clients Who Were Bound To Drop Benefits And Hold Them With Tweaked Contributions • Add Text Here • Add Text Here Tools and Techniques Decision Tree Statistical Modeling Data Mining Text Analytics Add Text Here Identify/Formulate Problem Data Preparation Data Exploration Transform & Select Evaluate/Monitor Results Deploy Model Build Model Validate Model 08 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Text Here
  • 59. 44 45 52 55 68 Achieve Competitive Advantage New Revenue Opportunities Increased Profitability Increased Customer Service Operational Efficiencies Predictive Analytics Results 59 Use this slide to show the result of your predictive analysis. Use the bar graphs provided to show the key takeaways This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention. Text Here This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention. Text Here This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention. Text Here This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention. Text Here This graph/chart is linked to excel, and changes automatically based on data. Just left click on it and select “Edit Data”.
  • 60. Cross Sell and Upsell Opportunity Techniques 60 Highlight the opportunity of cross sell or upsell and analyze multiple techniques. Combine products and services In this technique the customer is offered with a free service on purchase of any product. Incentivize Here the salesperson will tempt the customer to spend a bit more in order to get reward Complementary add-ons Here the salesperson suggest the customer to purchase complimentary product Bundling Products In this technique the salesperson will offer a package deal to customer Add text This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention. Add text This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention. 01 02 03 04 05 06
  • 61. Blog Web Data Machine Mobile Social Customers Sales Marketing Customer 360 Architecture 61 Highlight Your Customer 360 Architecture In This Slide. Show Your Complete Process For The Same. Brand Reputation BI On Unstructured Data Mobile App Web Portal Customer 360 CRM Analytics Sales & Marketing Analytics Real Time Analytics BI On Structured Data DWN Analytics On InformationCampaign Management Customer Clustering Unstructured Structured This slide is 100% editable. Adapt it to your needs and capture your audience's attention.
  • 62. Thank You 62 Call Us 0123456789 Follow Us Office Hour Monday – Saturday 09.00 – 6.00