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CONTENTdm  Interoperability --  Leveraging resources; repurposing collections   ALA Annual New Orleans, LA June 23 rd , Friday, 9 am to noon Claire Cocco , Product Manager Geri Ingram , Customer Service Specialist DiMeMa, Inc.
Agenda Part 1 9:00 to 10:15 Mainstream digital objects into existing workflows Importing from legacy systems Exporting Example of collaborative development for  interoperability  METS transform (courtesy of CDL) [BREAK 10:15 TO 10:30]
Agenda Part 2 10:30 to 11:30 Customizing and integrating your CONTENTdm site  Web templates  Custom Queries and Results  Configuration files
Agenda Part 3 11:30 to Noon Handling Finding Aids Importing EAD files into CONTENTdm

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Java IO Package and Streams
Java IO Package and StreamsJava IO Package and Streams
Java IO Package and Streams

The Java I/O package supports Java's basic input/output system for accessing external data from sources like files and networks. It defines streams as logical entities that produce or consume information, with byte streams for binary data and character streams for Unicode text. Streams are linked to physical devices and behave consistently across different types of devices. The package defines hierarchies of input and output stream classes, with abstract base classes like InputStream/OutputStream for bytes and Reader/Writer for characters.

Input output streams
Input output streamsInput output streams
Input output streams

This document provides an overview of input/output (I/O) streams in Java, including character streams, byte streams, file streams, pipe streams, filter streams, object serialization, and random access files. It also discusses the standard input, output, and error streams in Java and how to read from and write to these streams.

File Handling in Java Oop presentation
File Handling in Java Oop presentationFile Handling in Java Oop presentation
File Handling in Java Oop presentation

File Handling Presentation As well as File handling code in java Update, Delete, Search, View, Insert in file code are available in this presentation in you face some issues so contact me 03244064060 , Also in my Email: and Twitter @azeemaj101

project managementprogrammingdevelopment
Setting the context:  fully engaged in digital library  transformation Library services and collections expanding to encompass all  Traditional to digital Licensed Reformatted Sharing Preserving
Leveraging resources Staff time  and  skills  throughout the organization and/or consortium Existing  metadata  in some form Existing digital  collections  (images and transcripts)
Why? For better customer service In order to mainstream your processing and amplify your efforts.  Your digital collections should ultimately be mainstreamed into regular workflows, similar to the ones used for other materials (whether that’s done centrally or in a distributed fashion).  This includes selection, technical processing (cataloging, organizing, importing), integration with site vis-à-vis presentation and archiving.
Mainstreaming processing of digital formats (Part 1 of 3) Importing from other systems to CONTENTdm Exporting from CONTENTdm Example of collaborative development for interoperability CONTENTdm Standard Export METS transform for import

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Session 5
Session 5Session 5
Session 5

This document summarizes XML parsing techniques including DOM, SAX, and Microsoft XML DOM objects. DOM builds a hierarchical model of the XML document as a tree structure in memory. SAX is event-based and parses the document sequentially, triggering events. Microsoft XML DOM provides classes that map to the W3C DOM standard for manipulating XML documents. The document compares DOM and SAX, describing their advantages and disadvantages. It also outlines common DOM objects and their properties and methods for traversing and manipulating the XML document tree.

Java Streams
Java StreamsJava Streams
Java Streams

Streams are used to transfer data between a program and source/destination. They transfer data independently of the source/destination. Streams are classified as input or output streams depending on the direction of data transfer, and as byte or character streams depending on how the data is carried. Common stream classes in Java include FileInputStream, FileOutputStream, FileReader, and FileWriter for reading from and writing to files. Exceptions like FileNotFoundException may occur if a file cannot be opened.

javastreamscharacter streams
Java stream
Java streamJava stream
Java stream

Byte Stream – InputStream, OutputStream, DataInputStream, DataOutputStream, FileInputStream, FileOutputStream, Character Streams, BufferedStream, Scanner, File, RandomAccesFile.

I . Importing from other systems to CONTENTdm Metadata only When records describe items that are not yet scanned  Replace “null” files at later time Metadata AND their digital files
From an OPAC or other database system When you have… Individual image files  cataloged already And can export from an OPAC or other dbms Or where you have   compound  digital objects ready for migration
Migration steps: Prepare the collection and the import files Cross-walk metadata to Dublin Core Configure the CONTENTdm collection fields Export and prep data in a tab-delimited ASCII file Import the file to CONTENTdm
Data prep: Common problems in tab delimited data files Extra data in columns or rows Extra tabs at end of line Extra CRs at end of file (Should only be 1 CR) Carriage return in metadata, tab in metadata Files must exist  0 versus O Error may occur in previous record, check few rows before and after error File names are required, not full pathnames

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Byte stream classes.49
Byte stream classes.49Byte stream classes.49
Byte stream classes.49

The document discusses byte stream classes in Java. There are two types of byte streams: InputStream and OutputStream. InputStream provides methods for reading bytes of data sequentially. FileInputStream and FileOutputStream are subclasses that allow reading and writing bytes from/to files. FileInputStream can be constructed using a file path or File object and overrides InputStream methods like read() to access file bytes.

Data Persistence in Android with Room Library
Data Persistence in Android with Room LibraryData Persistence in Android with Room Library
Data Persistence in Android with Room Library

Android developer Dmitry Dogar talks on how to organize data persistence in Android using the new Room library. Topic inspired by Google Developer Group meetup.

Understanding XML DOM
Understanding XML DOMUnderstanding XML DOM
Understanding XML DOM

This document provides an introduction to XML DOM (Document Object Model) including: - XML DOM defines a standard for accessing and manipulating XML documents and is a W3C standard. - The DOM presents an XML document as a tree structure with elements, attributes, and text as nodes. - The DOM is separated into three levels: Core DOM, XML DOM, and HTML DOM. - DOM properties and methods allow accessing and modifying nodes, and DOM parsing converts an XML document into accessible DOM objects.

xmlxml parserdom
Data prep: Troubleshooting with Excel Use Microsoft Excel to open the file and view data Each row should be an item with last column as filename Work with small batches to find errors – keep adding items until record with error is found Use Excel’s “CLEAN” function to remove invisible characters Import images from directory without using tab delimited file Checks for any type of imaging errors
Demo : MARC to DC Export MARC records to tab-delimited text file (using ILS or MarcEdit) Format and clean up the text file to conform to your CONTENTdm Collection schema Import the file (with or without images) to the Collection
Importing  compound  objects For documents, postcards, monographs and picture cubes Can do singly or in batch Much easier to start with singles, then set up for batch when process is smooth
Migrate compound objects from another database system Where you have many  compound  digital objects to migrate Prepare the collection and the import files Cross-walk metadata to Dublin Core Configure the CONTENTdm collection fields Configure folders for scans and transcripts (if appropriate) Choose an import method based on your data structure Create tab-delimited ASCII file(s) appropriate to the method  Import the files to CONTENTdm in batches

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Basic i/o & file handling in java
Basic i/o & file handling in javaBasic i/o & file handling in java
Basic i/o & file handling in java

the slide about Exception handling in java and the file and io handling in java .inbuilt java packages in for java exception.for beginner in programming

input/ output in java
input/ output  in javainput/ output  in java
input/ output in java

The document discusses input/output streams in Java. There are two types of streams: byte streams and character streams. Byte streams handle input and output of bytes for binary files, while character streams handle input and output of characters for text files. Java also defines three standard streams for input, output, and errors that are represented by, System.out, and System.err respectively. The document provides examples of different stream types and how they are used for input and output in Java programs.

L21 io streams
L21 io streamsL21 io streams
L21 io streams

This document discusses Java I/O and streams. It begins by introducing files and the File class, which provides methods for obtaining file properties and manipulating files. It then discusses reading and writing files using byte streams like FileInputStream and FileOutputStream. Character streams like PrintWriter and BufferedReader are presented for console I/O. Other stream classes covered include buffered streams, object streams for serialization, and data streams for primitive types. The key methods of various stream classes are listed.
Multiple compound object wizard Documented in online tutorial Today’s demo described in handout Four import methods for multiple object loading Compound object (same as single, but upload batched) Directory Structure (most flexible and efficient) Object List (useful when NO page-level metadata) Job List  Time allowing, demonstrate three different object types using 3 of 4 methods
Choose a multiple compound import method based on your data YES YES *  YES Monograph YES *  YES YES Documents * YES YES YES Postcards Object List  (No page-level metadata) Directory Structure Compound Object *  Will demo
Do you have page-level metadata for the compound objects ? Are your scan files separated into compound object directories? Create compound object directories for EACH compound object. No Yes DIRECTORY   STRUCTURE Yes Do you have one tab-delimited text file containing ALL the objects? Are  they all the same type of compound object ? Break up into batches by type No No OBJECT   LIST Yes Do you have  tab- delimited text files for EACH compound object? . DIRECTORY  STRUCTURE . Create text file listing all compound objects and object metadata or create a text file for each compound object. No Yes No Yes
Every one of the four  CONTENTdm compound object importing methods Requires  object -level  metadata  Requires preparation File–naming, keeping sort order in mind Each object has own directory for scans May  use tab-delimited text file(s) Accommodates transcripts

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Java input output package
Java input output packageJava input output package
Java input output package

The package contains classes for input and output in Java. It includes abstract classes like InputStream, OutputStream, Reader, and Writer as well as concrete subclasses like FileInputStream, FileOutputStream, BufferedReader, and PrintWriter. The classes use decorator patterns and handle byte streams for binary data and character streams for text. Exceptions like IOException must be caught when using these classes to ensure resources are properly closed.

Java I/O
Java I/OJava I/O
Java I/O

In this session you will learn: Streams Using a stream Manipulating the input data Basics of the LineReader constructor The LineWriter class Flushing the buffer PrintWriter About FileDialogs Typical FileDialog window FileDialog constructors Useful FileDialog methods I Useful FileDialog methods II Serialization Conditions for serializability Writing objects to a file For more information, visit this link:

java traininglearn javajava programming training input-output input-output input-output

The document discusses input and output in Java using the package. It provides examples of reading keyboard input using BufferedReader and reading file input using FileReader. It also provides examples of writing console output using System.out and writing to files using PrintWriter. The document explains that streams provide independence from the source or destination of the input/output.

A word about descriptive  page-level  metadata  Supported by some but not all 4 import methods NOT supported by Object List At page-level Title is only field required  Technical metadata, can be generated by Template creator
More on transcripts Typescripts and transcripts Requires a field designated as the data type “Full Text Search” Inserted into the metadata field of the scanned page  During import Through use of .txt file found, or By Template Creator If OCR Extension in use Or by “Directory Import” as with early versions of CONTENTdm Transcripts and typescripts  are supported by all four methods (i.e., not considered “metadata” for purposes of this discussion)
Demo:  Import Multiple Compound Objects  Monograph using Compound Object method Postcards using Object List method Documents using Directory Structure method
II.  Exporting from CONTENTdm To ascii tab-delimited with field headers To xml: Standard Dublin Core —only DC Custom—all fields, including local but not structure CDM Standard—all fields, including structure

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Protocol buffers
Protocol buffersProtocol buffers
Protocol buffers

Protocol Buffers are a language-neutral, platform-neutral way of serializing structured data. They were developed at Google to address issues with encoding structured data for communication between systems. Protocol Buffers define the data structure in a .proto file, which is then used to generate code for easily reading and writing the structured data in multiple languages. They provide a smaller data size and faster parsing than XML and allow the data structure to be updated while maintaining backwards and forwards compatibility.

Building XML Based Applications
Building XML Based ApplicationsBuilding XML Based Applications
Building XML Based Applications

Parsing XML – using DOM, SAX – XML Transformation and XSL – XSL Formatting – Modeling Databases in XML

Dublin Core In Practice
Dublin Core In PracticeDublin Core In Practice
Dublin Core In Practice

Part 4 of tutorials at DC2008, Berlin. (International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications). See also part 1-3 by Jane Greenberg, Pete Johnston, and Mikael Nilsson on DC history, concepts, and other schemas. This part focuses on practical issues.

III.  Examples of collaboration for interoperability Web integration through search engines, RSS OAI harvesting  Enable at collection or server level Choose to suppress <pagedata> or not WorldCat registration Open WorldCat integration
CONTENTdm and a new METS transform Info available on USC in July Code at SourceForge Windows-oriented
The CONTENTdm to METS conversion tool
What is/are METS? Why is/are METS good? What is 7train? How do I use 7train? What do I get from 7train? How do I get 7train?

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The Missing Link: Metadata Conversion Workflows for Everyone
The Missing Link: Metadata Conversion Workflows for EveryoneThe Missing Link: Metadata Conversion Workflows for Everyone
The Missing Link: Metadata Conversion Workflows for Everyone

This document describes workflows developed by Utah State University and the University of Nevada, Las Vegas to streamline metadata creation between special collections and digital initiatives departments. The workflows allow for converting finding aid information into Dublin Core for uploading item records to a digital repository, and batch linking digitized content to finding aids. The processes are designed to be taught easily and performed by various staff levels to automate metadata work and make it more flexible.

archival metadata
7 data management design
7 data management design7 data management design
7 data management design

The document discusses different approaches to data management and persistence in applications, including: 1) Storing objects directly in files or using a database management system (DBMS) to store data in tables while hiding physical storage details. 2) Design questions around persistence such as whether to use files, a relational or object DBMS, and how to structure the logical and physical layers. 3) Common techniques for mapping objects to relational databases like normalization, handling inheritance and associations. 4) Alternatives for designing data management classes like adding persistence methods to classes or using broker classes.

Entity framework 4.0
Entity framework 4.0Entity framework 4.0
Entity framework 4.0

The document discusses the ADO.Net Entity Framework 4.0 and the need for object-relational mapping (ORM) tools. It covers Entity Data Modeling (EDM) components like conceptual models, storage models, and mappings. It also discusses database first and model first approaches to EDM creation. Additional topics covered include LINQ to Entities, working with stored procedures, customizing entities with T4 templates, and using POCO entities.

entity 4.0
What is/are METS? METS (Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard) is an  XML-based standard for encoding metadata to describe  objects (digital or otherwise) within a digital library.  See for more information
What is/are METS? METS metsHdr structMap dmdSec amdSec fileSec behaviorSec METS metsHdr structMap dmdSec amdSec fileSec behaviorSec Yellow elements/tags are required; all others are optional Metadata for the management of the object: technical details, object history, etc. Description of the structure of the object, i.e. how the files fit together What to do with the object: machine  actionable instructions A list of files that make up the object Descriptive metadata - title, author, subjects, etc. Metadata about this particular METS -  encoder, contact info, etc.
Why METS? To be able to add your objects to other collections and increase the visibility your institution's assets.
What is 7train? 7train is an XSL-based tool for converting XML documents - in this case CONTENTdm exports describing objects managed in the  CONTENTdm system - into METS  objects suitable for submission to a digital library system, such as the California Digital Library's Online Archive of California. 7train is a platform-independent, standalone tool that was designed to work on any system and to be simple to use.

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Metadata management for data storage spaces : INDEXATOR is a metadata management tool that addresses the problems of organising, documenting, storing and sharing data in a research unit or infrastructure, and fits perfectly into a data management plan of a collective. The central idea is that the storage space becomes the data repository, so the metadata should go to the data and not the other way around. Given the diversity of domains, the approach chosen is to be both as flexible and as pragmatic as possible by allowing each collective to choose its own (controlled) vocabulary corresponding to the reality of its field and activities. The main idea is to be able to "capture" the user's metadata as easily as possible using their vocabulary. It is possible to define the whole terminology using a spreadsheet. The choice was made for the JSON format, which is very appropriate for describing metadata, readable by both humans and machines. This tool is built around a web interface coupled with a MongoDB database. The web interface allows you to i) Describe a dataset using metadata of various types (Description), ii) Search datasets by their metadata (Accessibility).

data managementfairmetadata
Data Science Process.pptx
Data Science Process.pptxData Science Process.pptx
Data Science Process.pptx

The data science process document outlines the typical steps involved in a data science project including: 1) setting research goals, 2) retrieving data from internal or external sources, 3) preparing data through cleansing and transformation, 4) performing exploratory data analysis, 5) building models using techniques like machine learning or statistics, and 6) presenting and automating results. It also discusses challenges in working with different file formats and the importance of understanding various formats as a data scientist.

new project
15. session 15 data binding
15. session 15   data binding15. session 15   data binding
15. session 15 data binding

Data binding allows linking data from a database or text file to HTML elements. It has features like on-demand content retrieval, asynchronous processing, and sorting and filtering of data. The data binding architecture consists of four main components - a data source object, data consumers, a binding agent, and a table repetition agent. It allows accessing and manipulating data from any database through a web browser.

How does 7train work? It is as easy as dragging your  CONTENTdm XML export  file onto an executable file.
How does 7train work?
How does 7train work? What do you get?
Output: A Sample METS document

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15. session 15 data binding
15. session 15   data binding15. session 15   data binding
15. session 15 data binding

The document discusses data binding and describes: 1) Data binding associates data from a database with HTML elements to display the data. It allows sorting and filtering of data. 2) The architecture of data binding includes data source objects, data consumers, a binding agent, and a table repetition agent. 3) Sorting and filtering of data with a tabular data control allows reordering and restricting the display of data from a CSV file.


This document provides an overview of getting started with IDA and navigating disassemblies: - Launching IDA involves choosing a file to analyze which loads the file and displays it. The history allows reopening recent files. - The initial analysis populates various windows like Functions and disassembles the code. Data displays include graph, text, hex, and named views. - Navigation uses double-clicks, addresses, and the stack frame. Searches find text or binary patterns. - Common tasks involve naming locations and variables, transforming code/data, and recognizing data structures.

Data Wrangling and Visualization Using Python
Data Wrangling and Visualization Using PythonData Wrangling and Visualization Using Python
Data Wrangling and Visualization Using Python

Python is open source and has so many libraries for data wrangling and visualization that makes life of data scientists easier. For data wrangling pandas is used as it represent tabular data and it has other function to parse data from different sources, data cleaning, handling missing values, merging data sets etc. To visualize data, low level matplotlib can be used. But it is a base package for other high level packages such as seaborn, that draw well customized plot in just one line of code. Python has dash framework that is used to make interactive web application using python code without javascript and html. These dash application can be published on any server as well as on clouds like google cloud but freely on heroku cloud.

pandas numpy matpotlib seaborn dash python
References & Links 7train Home: 7train Download: CONTENTdm: METS: XSL: The California Digital Library: The Online Archive of California:
Interoperability   Librarians, Archivists… For Library Users OPEN WORLDCAT OAI MARC RECORDS OAI Web WorldCat Regional Union Catalog Other digital archives OAI OAI XML DC DC CONTENTdm Existing Libraries 10K/50K/ Unlimited Objects New Libraries Other  CONTENTdm sites CONTENTdm Multi-Site Server OPACS
BREAK—15 minutes This concludes Part 1 To come after the break: Part 2  Customization Part 3  Finding Aids
Customizing and integrating your CONTENTdm site  (Part 2 of 3) Web templates  Custom Queries and Results Configuration files

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DataFinder concepts and example: General (20100503)
DataFinder concepts and example: General (20100503)DataFinder concepts and example: General (20100503)
DataFinder concepts and example: General (20100503)

DataFinder is a lightweight client-server solution for centralized data management. It was created by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) to address the problems of absent data organization structures and no centralized policy for data management. DataFinder provides graphical user interfaces and uses a logical data store concept to organize data across distributed storage locations according to a configurable data model. It can be customized through Python scripts to integrate with different environments and automate tasks like data migration.

data management introduction first glance
Putting Historical Data in Context: how to use DSpace-GLAM
Putting Historical Data in Context: how to use DSpace-GLAMPutting Historical Data in Context: how to use DSpace-GLAM
Putting Historical Data in Context: how to use DSpace-GLAM

This document discusses using DSpace and DSpace-GLAM to manage digital cultural heritage data. It provides an overview of DSpace's data model and functionality for ingesting, describing, and sharing digital objects. It then introduces DSpace-GLAM, an extension of DSpace developed for cultural heritage institutions. DSpace-GLAM adds additional entity types, relationships, and metadata to better represent cultural concepts. It also provides tools for visualizing and analyzing datasets.

How to Find a Needle in the Haystack
How to Find a Needle in the HaystackHow to Find a Needle in the Haystack
How to Find a Needle in the Haystack

The document discusses various technologies for metasearching or cross-searching multiple databases at once, including Z39.50 for real-time searching, SRU/SRW web services, and OAI-PMH for metadata harvesting. It explains concepts like XML, web services, SOAP, and WSDL, and provides examples of how technologies like Z39.50, SRU, and OAI-PMH enable searching across different data sources.

CONTENTdm Web Templates Customizable for integration Designed to support broad range of users Small to large organizations Beginners to experts  Use out of the box with minimal customization Basic customization requires minimal HTML skills Fully customize including advanced extensions  Based on a PHP API ( Hypertext Preprocessor and Application Program Interface)
Basic Customizations Minimal skills needed Easy to make changes Global include files Variables Recommend all organizations do basic customizations Header (name/logo), contact e-mail address, colors, about page, home page
Getting Started Access to Web server docs directory HTML editor or text editor Design plan Logo or other graphics Backup copy of original files
Customization Demo Files located in /cdm4 directory /includes/global_header.php /client/LOC_global.php /client/STY_global_style.php about.php browse.php results.php New logo saved in /cdm4/images/

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Environment Canada's Data Management Service
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Environment Canada's Data Management Service

A brief history in TimeSeries data at Environment Canada. An Enterprise view of how FME can be integrated into departmental data management activities.

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Organizing the Data Chaos of Scientists
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Organizing the Data Chaos of Scientists

DataFinder is software developed by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) to help scientists and engineers efficiently manage and organize their large and growing scientific data sets. It provides a structured way to organize data through customizable data models and metadata, and can integrate various storage resources. DataFinder was created in Python due to its ease of use and maintainability. It uses a client-server model with a WebDAV server to manage metadata and data structures, and can access different storage backends. Customizations through Python scripts allow users to automate tasks and integrate it into their workflows.


The MIDESS Project explored sharing digital content like images between university repositories. It tested standards like OAI-PMH and METS for exchanging metadata and objects. While these standards allow some interoperability, repositories implemented them differently, preventing full sharing. The project highlighted ongoing issues around information architecture, repository functionality for multimedia, and integrating repositories into broader systems.

Advanced Customizations Experience with HTML, PHP, and JavaScript needed Customize looks for each collection University of Nevada, Reno Web Template extensions E-commerce (University of Utah, Oregon State University) Comment forms (SENYLRC, Enoch Pratt Free Library, OSU) Custom metadata display (University of Oregon) QuickTime video (Williams College)
Examples of Advanced Customizations University of Nevada, Reno University of Utah Oregon State University SENYLRC Enoch Pratt Free Library Williams College
Customizations Tips Always make a backup! Be aware of encoding (UTF-8 vs. ASCII) See what other users are doing Share, borrow, and copy ideas and code Listserv Document changes Document which files are edited and what code changes are made to ease upgrading to newer versions
Custom Queries and Results (CQR) Create predefined, custom queries Virtual collections Guide users to specific results Integrate with other sites Multiple options Simple hyperlink, drop-down list, index box, text box, browse Easy to use Wizard generates code to copy and paste into Web pages Documentation

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STAT Requirement Analysis
STAT Requirement AnalysisSTAT Requirement Analysis
STAT Requirement Analysis

This document discusses requirements for designing a framework to analyze text datasets. It identifies several key variations in importing datasets related to file sources, formats and schemas. It then proposes using high-level reader classes to handle different datasets. The document outlines the STAT domain model which includes concepts like RawCorpus to represent raw document collections, Processor to process data, Corpus to represent data for machine learning, Trainer for algorithms, Model to store learned parameters, Classifier to classify documents, Prediction for output classifications, Evaluator to evaluate predictions and Evaluation for results.

by stat
DataFinder: A Python Application for Scientific Data Management
DataFinder: A Python Application for Scientific Data ManagementDataFinder: A Python Application for Scientific Data Management
DataFinder: A Python Application for Scientific Data Management

DataFinder is a Python application developed by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) for efficient management of large scientific and technical data sets. It provides a structured way to organize data through customizable data models and flexible use of distributed storage resources. DataFinder uses a client-server model with a WebDAV server to store metadata and data. It allows integration of data management into scientific workflows through a Python API and scripting.


This document provides an overview of week 4 topics for a Code Club on wrangling data with Python. The key points covered are: - Merging data from different data frames and working with "tidy data" formats. - Taking first steps in reshaping datasets, including long to wide data transforms and pivots. - Various strategies for cleaning datasets, such as handling empty/duplicate rows and columns, cleaning text strings, and mapping values. - The melt and pivot functions for reshaping data between wide and long formats.

CQR DEMO Generate code using CQR Copy and paste into Web pages May need to change path Customize as desired
Configuration Files Customizable files that reside on the server Stop words Full text field stop words – fullstop.txt Automatic hyperlink stop words – stopwords.txt Image viewer Customize how images are displayed – imageconf.txt For all collections or per collection
Imageconf.txt Demo Located in the /conf directory on the CONTENTdm server Can change globally or for individual collections If you wish to change the zoom and pan default settings for a particular collection, copy the  imageconf.txt  file from the  Server/conf  directory to the  index/etc  directory of the collection(s) you wish to modify. Make a backup copy!
Introduction to Finding Aids How many of you have them? Are they digital documents or paper? If digital, are they XML? Basic: create documents, monographs, and use http protocol to link XML: use EAD DTD, and style sheet to display

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D.dsgn + dbms
D.dsgn + dbmsD.dsgn + dbms
D.dsgn + dbms

This chapter discusses data design concepts, file processing systems, database systems, and web-based data design. It explains key data design terminology and how to draw entity relationship diagrams to represent relationships between entities. The chapter also covers database models, data storage and access methods, and data control measures to ensure security and integrity.

Understanding Insider Security Threats: Types, Examples, Effects, and Mitigat...
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Today’s digitally connected world presents a wide range of security challenges for enterprises. Insider security threats are particularly noteworthy because they have the potential to cause significant harm. Unlike external threats, insider risks originate from within the company, making them more subtle and challenging to identify. This blog aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of insider security threats, including their types, examples, effects, and mitigation techniques.

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Cookies program to display the information though cookie creation
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Cookies program to display the information though cookie creation

Java Servlet programs

Handling Finding Aids Part 3  Importing EAD files to CONTENTdm
Current EAD Support Import of EAD files Automatic text extraction from EAD files when: The file extension of the EAD is .xml.  The file includes a header record beginning with DOCTYPE ead.  The collection has a full text search field.  The full text search field is empty when the item is added to the collection.  Up to 128,000 characters extracted from the following fields and placed in the full text search field titleproper, title, unititle, persname, famname, corpname, genreform
Current EAD Support Display determined by style sheet XSLT CSS Client side parsing Affected by Web browser
Getting Started EAD XML files EAD DTD XSLT style sheet

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We are honored to launch and host this event for our UiPath Polish Community, with the help of our partners - Proservartner! We certainly hope we have managed to spike your interest in the subjects to be presented and the incredible networking opportunities at hand, too! Check out our proposed agenda below 👇👇 08:30 ☕ Welcome coffee (30') 09:00 Opening note/ Intro to UiPath Community (10') Cristina Vidu, Global Manager, Marketing Community @UiPath Dawid Kot, Digital Transformation Lead @Proservartner 09:10 Cloud migration - Proservartner & DOVISTA case study (30') Marcin Drozdowski, Automation CoE Manager @DOVISTA Pawel Kamiński, RPA developer @DOVISTA Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 09:40 From bottlenecks to breakthroughs: Citizen Development in action (25') Pawel Poplawski, Director, Improvement and Automation @McCormick & Company Michał Cieślak, Senior Manager, Automation Programs @McCormick & Company 10:05 Next-level bots: API integration in UiPath Studio (30') Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 10:35 ☕ Coffee Break (15') 10:50 Document Understanding with my RPA Companion (45') Ewa Gruszka, Enterprise Sales Specialist, AI & ML @UiPath 11:35 Power up your Robots: GenAI and GPT in REFramework (45') Krzysztof Karaszewski, Global RPA Product Manager 12:20 🍕 Lunch Break (1hr) 13:20 From Concept to Quality: UiPath Test Suite for AI-powered Knowledge Bots (30') Kamil Miśko, UiPath MVP, Senior RPA Developer @Zurich Insurance 13:50 Communications Mining - focus on AI capabilities (30') Thomasz Wierzbicki, Business Analyst @Office Samurai 14:20 Polish MVP panel: Insights on MVP award achievements and career profiling

EAD Demo Configure Full Text Search field  Store DTD and style sheet on server Edit path to DTD and XSLT in EAD files Import (single or batch) Add metadata Custom thumbnail if desired Upload, approve, index
Custom EAD Extension Example by Oregon State University Terry Reese,  [email_address]   Customized Web templates Client side or server side parsing Integrates display in templates VBScript for extracting metadata from EAD to tab-delimited text file
Oregon State University EAD Collection
Announcing new exposure for your CONTENTdm Collections Collection of Collections (also featured at Harvesting metadata from Collection sites at:   Uses CONTENTdm Multi-site server

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ALA Interoperability

  • 1. CONTENTdm Interoperability -- Leveraging resources; repurposing collections ALA Annual New Orleans, LA June 23 rd , Friday, 9 am to noon Claire Cocco , Product Manager Geri Ingram , Customer Service Specialist DiMeMa, Inc.
  • 2. Agenda Part 1 9:00 to 10:15 Mainstream digital objects into existing workflows Importing from legacy systems Exporting Example of collaborative development for interoperability METS transform (courtesy of CDL) [BREAK 10:15 TO 10:30]
  • 3. Agenda Part 2 10:30 to 11:30 Customizing and integrating your CONTENTdm site Web templates Custom Queries and Results Configuration files
  • 4. Agenda Part 3 11:30 to Noon Handling Finding Aids Importing EAD files into CONTENTdm
  • 5. Setting the context: fully engaged in digital library transformation Library services and collections expanding to encompass all Traditional to digital Licensed Reformatted Sharing Preserving
  • 6. Leveraging resources Staff time and skills throughout the organization and/or consortium Existing metadata in some form Existing digital collections (images and transcripts)
  • 7. Why? For better customer service In order to mainstream your processing and amplify your efforts. Your digital collections should ultimately be mainstreamed into regular workflows, similar to the ones used for other materials (whether that’s done centrally or in a distributed fashion). This includes selection, technical processing (cataloging, organizing, importing), integration with site vis-à-vis presentation and archiving.
  • 8. Mainstreaming processing of digital formats (Part 1 of 3) Importing from other systems to CONTENTdm Exporting from CONTENTdm Example of collaborative development for interoperability CONTENTdm Standard Export METS transform for import
  • 9. I . Importing from other systems to CONTENTdm Metadata only When records describe items that are not yet scanned Replace “null” files at later time Metadata AND their digital files
  • 10. From an OPAC or other database system When you have… Individual image files cataloged already And can export from an OPAC or other dbms Or where you have compound digital objects ready for migration
  • 11. Migration steps: Prepare the collection and the import files Cross-walk metadata to Dublin Core Configure the CONTENTdm collection fields Export and prep data in a tab-delimited ASCII file Import the file to CONTENTdm
  • 12. Data prep: Common problems in tab delimited data files Extra data in columns or rows Extra tabs at end of line Extra CRs at end of file (Should only be 1 CR) Carriage return in metadata, tab in metadata Files must exist 0 versus O Error may occur in previous record, check few rows before and after error File names are required, not full pathnames
  • 13. Data prep: Troubleshooting with Excel Use Microsoft Excel to open the file and view data Each row should be an item with last column as filename Work with small batches to find errors – keep adding items until record with error is found Use Excel’s “CLEAN” function to remove invisible characters Import images from directory without using tab delimited file Checks for any type of imaging errors
  • 14. Demo : MARC to DC Export MARC records to tab-delimited text file (using ILS or MarcEdit) Format and clean up the text file to conform to your CONTENTdm Collection schema Import the file (with or without images) to the Collection
  • 15. Importing compound objects For documents, postcards, monographs and picture cubes Can do singly or in batch Much easier to start with singles, then set up for batch when process is smooth
  • 16. Migrate compound objects from another database system Where you have many compound digital objects to migrate Prepare the collection and the import files Cross-walk metadata to Dublin Core Configure the CONTENTdm collection fields Configure folders for scans and transcripts (if appropriate) Choose an import method based on your data structure Create tab-delimited ASCII file(s) appropriate to the method Import the files to CONTENTdm in batches
  • 17. Multiple compound object wizard Documented in online tutorial Today’s demo described in handout Four import methods for multiple object loading Compound object (same as single, but upload batched) Directory Structure (most flexible and efficient) Object List (useful when NO page-level metadata) Job List Time allowing, demonstrate three different object types using 3 of 4 methods
  • 18. Choose a multiple compound import method based on your data YES YES * YES Monograph YES * YES YES Documents * YES YES YES Postcards Object List (No page-level metadata) Directory Structure Compound Object * Will demo
  • 19. Do you have page-level metadata for the compound objects ? Are your scan files separated into compound object directories? Create compound object directories for EACH compound object. No Yes DIRECTORY STRUCTURE Yes Do you have one tab-delimited text file containing ALL the objects? Are they all the same type of compound object ? Break up into batches by type No No OBJECT LIST Yes Do you have tab- delimited text files for EACH compound object? . DIRECTORY STRUCTURE . Create text file listing all compound objects and object metadata or create a text file for each compound object. No Yes No Yes
  • 20. Every one of the four CONTENTdm compound object importing methods Requires object -level metadata Requires preparation File–naming, keeping sort order in mind Each object has own directory for scans May use tab-delimited text file(s) Accommodates transcripts
  • 21. A word about descriptive page-level metadata Supported by some but not all 4 import methods NOT supported by Object List At page-level Title is only field required Technical metadata, can be generated by Template creator
  • 22. More on transcripts Typescripts and transcripts Requires a field designated as the data type “Full Text Search” Inserted into the metadata field of the scanned page During import Through use of .txt file found, or By Template Creator If OCR Extension in use Or by “Directory Import” as with early versions of CONTENTdm Transcripts and typescripts are supported by all four methods (i.e., not considered “metadata” for purposes of this discussion)
  • 23. Demo: Import Multiple Compound Objects Monograph using Compound Object method Postcards using Object List method Documents using Directory Structure method
  • 24. II. Exporting from CONTENTdm To ascii tab-delimited with field headers To xml: Standard Dublin Core —only DC Custom—all fields, including local but not structure CDM Standard—all fields, including structure
  • 25. III. Examples of collaboration for interoperability Web integration through search engines, RSS OAI harvesting Enable at collection or server level Choose to suppress <pagedata> or not WorldCat registration Open WorldCat integration
  • 26. CONTENTdm and a new METS transform Info available on USC in July Code at SourceForge Windows-oriented
  • 27. The CONTENTdm to METS conversion tool
  • 28. What is/are METS? Why is/are METS good? What is 7train? How do I use 7train? What do I get from 7train? How do I get 7train?
  • 29. What is/are METS? METS (Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard) is an XML-based standard for encoding metadata to describe objects (digital or otherwise) within a digital library. See for more information
  • 30. What is/are METS? METS metsHdr structMap dmdSec amdSec fileSec behaviorSec METS metsHdr structMap dmdSec amdSec fileSec behaviorSec Yellow elements/tags are required; all others are optional Metadata for the management of the object: technical details, object history, etc. Description of the structure of the object, i.e. how the files fit together What to do with the object: machine actionable instructions A list of files that make up the object Descriptive metadata - title, author, subjects, etc. Metadata about this particular METS - encoder, contact info, etc.
  • 31. Why METS? To be able to add your objects to other collections and increase the visibility your institution's assets.
  • 32. What is 7train? 7train is an XSL-based tool for converting XML documents - in this case CONTENTdm exports describing objects managed in the CONTENTdm system - into METS objects suitable for submission to a digital library system, such as the California Digital Library's Online Archive of California. 7train is a platform-independent, standalone tool that was designed to work on any system and to be simple to use.
  • 33. How does 7train work? It is as easy as dragging your CONTENTdm XML export file onto an executable file.
  • 35. How does 7train work? What do you get?
  • 36. Output: A Sample METS document
  • 37. References & Links 7train Home: 7train Download: CONTENTdm: METS: XSL: The California Digital Library: The Online Archive of California:
  • 38. Interoperability Librarians, Archivists… For Library Users OPEN WORLDCAT OAI MARC RECORDS OAI Web WorldCat Regional Union Catalog Other digital archives OAI OAI XML DC DC CONTENTdm Existing Libraries 10K/50K/ Unlimited Objects New Libraries Other CONTENTdm sites CONTENTdm Multi-Site Server OPACS
  • 39. BREAK—15 minutes This concludes Part 1 To come after the break: Part 2 Customization Part 3 Finding Aids
  • 40. Customizing and integrating your CONTENTdm site (Part 2 of 3) Web templates Custom Queries and Results Configuration files
  • 41. CONTENTdm Web Templates Customizable for integration Designed to support broad range of users Small to large organizations Beginners to experts Use out of the box with minimal customization Basic customization requires minimal HTML skills Fully customize including advanced extensions Based on a PHP API ( Hypertext Preprocessor and Application Program Interface)
  • 42. Basic Customizations Minimal skills needed Easy to make changes Global include files Variables Recommend all organizations do basic customizations Header (name/logo), contact e-mail address, colors, about page, home page
  • 43. Getting Started Access to Web server docs directory HTML editor or text editor Design plan Logo or other graphics Backup copy of original files
  • 44. Customization Demo Files located in /cdm4 directory /includes/global_header.php /client/LOC_global.php /client/STY_global_style.php about.php browse.php results.php New logo saved in /cdm4/images/
  • 45. Advanced Customizations Experience with HTML, PHP, and JavaScript needed Customize looks for each collection University of Nevada, Reno Web Template extensions E-commerce (University of Utah, Oregon State University) Comment forms (SENYLRC, Enoch Pratt Free Library, OSU) Custom metadata display (University of Oregon) QuickTime video (Williams College)
  • 46. Examples of Advanced Customizations University of Nevada, Reno University of Utah Oregon State University SENYLRC Enoch Pratt Free Library Williams College
  • 47. Customizations Tips Always make a backup! Be aware of encoding (UTF-8 vs. ASCII) See what other users are doing Share, borrow, and copy ideas and code Listserv Document changes Document which files are edited and what code changes are made to ease upgrading to newer versions
  • 48. Custom Queries and Results (CQR) Create predefined, custom queries Virtual collections Guide users to specific results Integrate with other sites Multiple options Simple hyperlink, drop-down list, index box, text box, browse Easy to use Wizard generates code to copy and paste into Web pages Documentation
  • 49. CQR DEMO Generate code using CQR Copy and paste into Web pages May need to change path Customize as desired
  • 50. Configuration Files Customizable files that reside on the server Stop words Full text field stop words – fullstop.txt Automatic hyperlink stop words – stopwords.txt Image viewer Customize how images are displayed – imageconf.txt For all collections or per collection
  • 51. Imageconf.txt Demo Located in the /conf directory on the CONTENTdm server Can change globally or for individual collections If you wish to change the zoom and pan default settings for a particular collection, copy the imageconf.txt file from the Server/conf directory to the index/etc directory of the collection(s) you wish to modify. Make a backup copy!
  • 52. Introduction to Finding Aids How many of you have them? Are they digital documents or paper? If digital, are they XML? Basic: create documents, monographs, and use http protocol to link XML: use EAD DTD, and style sheet to display
  • 53. Handling Finding Aids Part 3 Importing EAD files to CONTENTdm
  • 54. Current EAD Support Import of EAD files Automatic text extraction from EAD files when: The file extension of the EAD is .xml. The file includes a header record beginning with DOCTYPE ead. The collection has a full text search field. The full text search field is empty when the item is added to the collection. Up to 128,000 characters extracted from the following fields and placed in the full text search field titleproper, title, unititle, persname, famname, corpname, genreform
  • 55. Current EAD Support Display determined by style sheet XSLT CSS Client side parsing Affected by Web browser
  • 56. Getting Started EAD XML files EAD DTD XSLT style sheet
  • 57. EAD Demo Configure Full Text Search field Store DTD and style sheet on server Edit path to DTD and XSLT in EAD files Import (single or batch) Add metadata Custom thumbnail if desired Upload, approve, index
  • 58. Custom EAD Extension Example by Oregon State University Terry Reese, [email_address] Customized Web templates Client side or server side parsing Integrates display in templates VBScript for extracting metadata from EAD to tab-delimited text file
  • 59. Oregon State University EAD Collection
  • 60. Announcing new exposure for your CONTENTdm Collections Collection of Collections (also featured at Harvesting metadata from Collection sites at: Uses CONTENTdm Multi-site server