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AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
AI’s explanations
as two-way experiences,
led by users
User Experience
Professionals Association
Duane Degler
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
“I think that discussions of this technology
become much clearer when we replace
the term ‘AI’ with the word ‘automation’.”
AI REFRAMED: Prof. Emily M. Bender
AI in the Workplace: New Crisis or Longstanding Challenge?
Opening remarks for Congressional roundtable.
Dr. Emily M. Bender , 9/28/2023.
Text & video:
Types of AI applications:
1. Automatic decision systems
2. Different kinds of automated classification
3. Recommender systems - what to promote
4. Automating access to human labor
5. Automation of translation between forms
6. Synthetic media machines Generative AI
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
AI Appears In Many Projects, and Many Guises
for example…
Your car
Your finances Your phone
Your internet
Your home
Your health
Your job
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
AI Appears In Many Projects, and Many Guises
Your car
Your finances Your phone
Your internet
Your home
Your health
Your job
Search indexing
Translate / transcribe
Monitor content
© / rights watchdogs
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
AI Appears In Many Projects, and Many Guises
Your car
Your finances Your phone
Your internet
Your home
Your health
Your job
GPS / Maps
Voice assistants
Image processing
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
AI Appears In Many Projects, and Many Guises
Your car
Your finances Your phone
Your internet
Your home
Your health
Your job
Voice assistants
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
AI Appears In Many Projects, and Many Guises
Your car
Your finances Your phone
Your internet
Your home
Your health
Your job
Lane assist
Cruise control
(semi-) autonomous
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
AI Appears In Many Projects, and Many Guises
Your car
Your finances Your phone
Your internet
Your home
Your health
Your job
Customer service / CX
Performance reviews
HR resume
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
AI Appears In Many Projects, and Many Guises
Your car
Your finances Your phone
Your internet
Your home
Your health
Your job
Risk assessment
Mortgage valuation
Stock monitoring
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
AI Appears In Many Projects, and Many Guises
Your car
Your finances Your phone
Your internet
Your home
Your health
Your job
Health record analysis
Surgery support
Robots in hallways
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
AI Appears In Many Projects, and Many Guises
Your car
Your finances Your phone
Your internet
Your home
Your health
Your job
Face recognition
Community policing
Robotic warehouses
Deep fakes
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
AI In Brief
(articulated expertise)
(framed expertise)
Human-AI teaming
Trained data patterns
Discovered patterns
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
● Two-way communication
● Usually iterative – progressing
to mutual understanding
● Communication involves
● Language
● Non-verbal cues
● Shared contexts
● Effective explanation
fosters trust
HUMAN < > HUMAN explanation
Human Human
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
● UX research, design, and
code logic anticipates specific
needed messages, such as
● Instructions
● Error states
● Confirmations
Non-AI COMPUTER < > HUMAN explanation
Human Static machine AI machine
● User interaction provides
direct response and/or
context to an application
● Confirmations
● Choices
● Contexts & information
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
● Describing *
● Elaboration on outputs
● Source data/content
● Algorithm logic
● Weightings
● In some cases, rules
governing its processing
● Methods *
● Language
● Visualizations
Comp-Sci View of AI > HUMAN Explanation (“XAI”)
Human Static machine AI machine
atic machine AI machine
* The aim, not always the
reality in AI applications
Note: In the period 2021-2022, academic literature on XAI increased about 55-75%.
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
● A historical perspective of explainable AI, Confalonieri, et al, 9/21/2020
● A useful paper outlining and assessing effectiveness of types of explanations.
Aiming to guide ways that machines could provide effective explanations.
● Explainable AI, but explainable to whom? Gerlings, et al, 2021-06-10
● Healthcare case study: comprehension of healthcare information by different user communities
(various health patients/practitioners, as well as developers, subject matter experts, healthcare
decision-makers), and how that affects XAI design.
● TED: Teaching AI to Explain its Decisions, Hind, et al, 1/27/2019
● The paper states: “Unlike existing methods, it does not attempt to probe the reasoning process of a
model. Instead, it seeks to replicate the reasoning process of a human domain user.”
● A Review of Taxonomies of Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) Methods,
Speith, et al, 6/20/2022
● Assessing structure and implementability of various XAI taxonomies.
Examples of Papers with Insights Into XAI UX
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
Designing for responsible
explanations in Human-AI Teaming?
Let’s consider…
● Humility
● Transparency
● AI eliciting contexts and needs
● Reflecting back user instructions,
intentions and contexts
● Multi-modal interactions
● User control in the experience
● Recognizable implications
● Reducing risk, misunderstanding
“HUMAN-AI TEAMING” Explanation
Human Static machine AI machine
atic machine AI machine
This term is often preferred by the HCAI community.
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
A thinking tool for Human-AI explanations.
A framework-in-progress.
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
Characterize Explanations for 2-way Communication
Human Static machine
Human Static machine AI machine
A framework-in-progress, a thinking
tool for Human-AI explanations…
As you do this work, your user
requirements and domain will
refine your categories.
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
Types of Explanations in the Framework
9 Categories
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
Types of Explanations in the Framework
Error / Warning
Substantive Contextual Multi-cultural
Equitable Relational Evolving
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
Explanations of application/website actions that are based on known
functions. These explanations help users understand the operation and
sequential steps required by the application.
H/M: When a user performs an action, instructional explanation builds
awareness of process and requirements, which should aid memory
H: In requirements gathering, people explain work processes and policies,
which are then encoded as rules within a system
M: The machine can monitor user actions, including sequence and data
accuracy, identifying patterns needing explanation
Actions / Challenges
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
Error / Warning Messages
Explanations of an anomaly, based on an application's internal rules. Error
messages describe system or user error. They ideally explain why (help users
understand rules) and give next steps.
H/M: Match explanation level to mutual prior interactions/experience
M: Highlight both the location and the nature of errors, focusing user attention
and prompting for action
H/M: Increase 2-way communication when it may be unclear whether there is
actually an error, rather than an incorrect rule or model
M: Increase explanation depth, quality, if errors are identified as repeated,
or user is “stuck”
H: Explanation to elaborate on mental model (particularly for assumed rules)
M: Elicit more user context about task/end goal, to provide different levels
and types of information as explanation
Actions / Challenges
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
Explanations that are available in the user’s preferred language, and
translations are accurate although some terms might not translate exactly.
M: Languages have different lengths and typography, so depending on the length of
explanations there may be space considerations that affect comprehension
M: Identify the languages that are available, and the source language of the information
used to support an explanation; set expectations when an explanation is confusing
H/M: In some cases, words or concepts may not be available in the language of choice;
users may need to (or decide to) seek information in another language (e.g. “Use
the English because there isn’t an Italian equivalent”)
M: Recognize homographs, where the same word may have two meanings, but not in all
cultures, and maybe not in the language that is in use at the moment
M: Accents may matter, and could reduce user comprehension speed in spoken situations
H/M: Some terms may convey a different sense of urgency, severity or importance in a
particular language, which could impact understanding
Actions / Challenges
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
Evidence, "provability." Focusing on subject-specific information, describing
reliability. Possibly referring to AI scoring (the output's fit with different
"feature" categorizations).
H/M: With traditional search, individual results are given as evidence (with human review
= effort), but the ranking algorithm is not transparent; then, human user selections
are not “explainable” to the machine, for it to refine its acquisition
M: Visualizing the information space to clarify dominant subject areas and distribution
M: Subject/sources authority, theories, methodologies, available materials/research
M: Layers of information, such as definitions, “what is…” guidance, typical questions
M: Information scoring, pointing out contrasts/volatility
H/M: How best to explain uncertainty or likely bias?
H/M: Is it useful for AI to ask for next steps? Will users request next steps for evidence?
H: Elaboration or change expressed in their information scope/need
Actions / Challenges
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
Users offer information about contexts that affect their needs. Machine
explanation reflects back understanding of user goals, tasks, experience –
and clarifies limitations, info depth, etc.
M: Elicit/request relevant contexts for an interaction
H/M: Share dimensions that influence decisions; such as people involved, additional
medical/health conditions, diagnostics from sensors/other machines
H/M: How might additional context(s) affect rules/algorithms?
M: Confirm (explain) understanding of contexts and what matters to the task being done
by human and machine; confirm understanding and impact of any context changes
M: Offer the appropriate information – and only that information – to fit the context
H: How to learn what effect various context aspects impact algorithms and information
M: How can the machine effectively/efficiently elicit contexts?
H/M: In medical situations, comparing and if needed combining diagnostic models
Actions / Challenges
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
The degree to which machines can reflect cultural awareness in
explanations. Framing explanations to be user-centered (align with intent)
and societally-centered (enhance trust).
M: How to identify cues of particular cultural alignment?
M: How general or specific should explanations be? Should they be culturally influenced?
Is it possible to not influence culturally? How to be transparent and sensitive?
H/M: What evidence in context expressions reflect a user’s cultural expectations? How
much iterative user profiling is needed to assess this?
H/M: “Reading the Air” –a Japanese phrase for sensing and understanding the cultural
expectations of other parties in an interaction; being attuned and sensitive to them
M: Setting the right tone: Authoritative, with humility. Help users balance confidence in
the machine, confidence in their judgment
H/M: Level of detail that is welcome, or burdening, or interpreted in unintended ways
Actions / Challenges
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
Explanations avoid inherent biases that can lead to unfair treatment of
individuals. Different contextual elements, when combined, could create
unexpected concerns among users.
M: Unmoderated tone, such as using declarative language in chat, gives a false sense of
authority or certainty from an AI system, which risks disempowering people
H/M: Some language “tones” will affect people differently, which risks self-questioning by
the user, or even possibly by the AI
M: Consider what communication aspects influence the power dynamics or receptivity of
the user, such as timing of delivering an explanation, pace at which it is delivered
(fast or slow), interruption or over-talking as part of turn-taking in conversation
M: Communicating in ways that might be perceived as dismissive of the recipient (such as
a style perceived as “mansplaining”)
H: Having the feeling of “missing out” because information is excluded or described as not
relevant to the user (e.g. patients not getting content seen by doctors/nurses)
M: Language, vocabulary, tone can affect sense of “us” or “other”
Actions / Challenges
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
Human-AI interaction now, and in future, will be longitudinal. Knowledge of
each other, previous interactions, and changing experience/expectations
need to be expressed and explained.
H/M: Longitudinal (multiple sessions over time) rely on familiarity (and a sense of
memory/history) between the user and system. An expectation of updating
understandings should be in any model
H/M: How should changes in learning, experience, intents, contexts, models, and the
information space be shared?
H: In diagnostic decision support, the ongoing condition and treatments will be evolving.
This requires very current, shared contextual information
H/M: In conversations, are multiple parties involved over time?
M: How “familiar” should a machine be? Can there be a move from low-context to
high-context communication? Should language use/form change with knowledge?
H: Accurate, consistent explanations engenders trust. What else is key to support trust?
Actions / Challenges
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
Throughout the life of an AI system, it evolves as data changes, interactions
are refined, models vary, and human expectations change. Evolution must be
continually monitored/explained.
M: Routine diagnostics and proactive AI explanations can signal evolution in the info
space, internal models, or human uses
H: Developers, data scientists and UX must validate and explain any type of change,
however small, in a system
M: Certain types of data benefit from visualization: trend data, scoring information
features, statistics of human use/ responses, problems with human request input
H/M: Iteration can lead to evolution – how does an AI system explain internal ecosystem
iterations or model drift?
H: Can competing models (between different internal agents) be identified? How would
agents provide explanations/evidence?
M: How are potential paradigm shifts explained… When emerging evidence begins to
diverge from “known facts”?
Actions / Challenges
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
Types of Explanations to Train for XAI (UX involved)
Error / Warning
Substantive Contextual Multi-cultural
Equitable Relational Evolving
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
Where AI’s Focus can Support Explanation
(articulated expertise)
(framed expertise)
Human-AI teaming
Trained data patterns
Discovered patterns
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
The Challenge
(articulated expertise)
(framed expertise)
Human-AI teaming
Trained data patterns
Discovered patterns
This is not the way LLMs/Generative AI are trained.
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
● Generative AI uses probabilities in a statistical engine for word choices (“tokens”)
● Type-ahead on steroids
● Word choices are based on word pattern frequency, from example content
harvested from Large amounts of Language, shaped into a Model
● The Internet
● Word choices are based on language from the prompt that seeks the information
LLMs and Generative AI… the Elephant in the Room
Air Canada offers reduced bereavement fares … submit your ticket … within 90 days
“…our Bereavement policy does not allow refunds for travel that has already happened.”
and the reality:
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
The Focus of LLMs and Generative AI
(articulated expertise)
(framed expertise)
Human-AI teaming
Trained data patterns
Discovered patterns
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
● LLMs can be effective when used for initial NLP (Natural Language Processing)
● BUT – they are only able to recognize user context and AI analytical processes…
IF – they have been trained specifically for those purposes
LLMs and Generative AI… the Elephant in the Room
What about using “Retrieval Augmented Generation” (RAG) ?
What about “Knowledge Graphs” (KG) + RAG ?
Even RAG + KG can’t explain — in context — reliably
● All Explanatory Contexts must be in your source documents — are they?
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
● Declarative language
● Verbosity
● Potential for
● Lack of consistency (different answers for the same situations)
● Degraded performance or “Model Collapse”
And broadly:
● Environmental challenges
● Societal challenges
…even if these last items are not your work focus, their subtext affects TRUST
LLMs and Generative AI… the Elephant in the Room
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
Training AI is a Deliberate Design & Data Act
(articulated expertise)
(framed expertise)
Human-AI teaming
Trained data patterns
Discovered patterns
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
UX Must Be a Continuous Process
Startup, design,
initial training
through use
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
Time Cycles
Rich Context Models
Continuous, evolutionary practices
Additional Design
Collaboration /
Action Framework
AI design, method explorations
D. Degler, C. Smith, R. Evanhoe
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
As you do this work, your
user requirements and domain
will refine your categories.
Train AI for Explanations with 2-way Communication
Human Static machine
Human Static machine AI machine
AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users
25 June 2024 © Duane Degler
AI’s explanations
as two-way experiences,
led by users
User Experience Professionals
Association Conference
Duane Degler

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AI Explanations as Two-Way Experiences, Led by Users

  • 1. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users User Experience Professionals Association Duane Degler
  • 2. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler LET’S START WITH: WHAT IS AI’S SCOPE?
  • 3. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler “I think that discussions of this technology become much clearer when we replace the term ‘AI’ with the word ‘automation’.” AI REFRAMED: Prof. Emily M. Bender AI in the Workplace: New Crisis or Longstanding Challenge? Opening remarks for Congressional roundtable. Dr. Emily M. Bender , 9/28/2023. Text & video: remarks-on-ai-in-the-workplace-new-crisis-or-longstanding-challenge- eb81d1bee9f Types of AI applications: 1. Automatic decision systems 2. Different kinds of automated classification 3. Recommender systems - what to promote 4. Automating access to human labor 5. Automation of translation between forms 6. Synthetic media machines Generative AI
  • 4. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler AI Appears In Many Projects, and Many Guises for example… Society Your car Your finances Your phone Your internet Your home Your health Your job
  • 5. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler AI Appears In Many Projects, and Many Guises Society Your car Your finances Your phone Your internet Your home Your health Your job Search indexing Translate / transcribe Monitor content © / rights watchdogs
  • 6. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler AI Appears In Many Projects, and Many Guises Society Your car Your finances Your phone Your internet Your home Your health Your job GPS / Maps Voice assistants Type-ahead Image processing
  • 7. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler AI Appears In Many Projects, and Many Guises Society Your car Your finances Your phone Your internet Your home Your health Your job Voice assistants Vacuuming Thermostats Surveillance
  • 8. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler AI Appears In Many Projects, and Many Guises Society Your car Your finances Your phone Your internet Your home Your health Your job Lane assist Cruise control Maintenance (semi-) autonomous driving
  • 9. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler AI Appears In Many Projects, and Many Guises Society Your car Your finances Your phone Your internet Your home Your health Your job Customer service / CX Performance reviews HR resume assessment
  • 10. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler AI Appears In Many Projects, and Many Guises Society Your car Your finances Your phone Your internet Your home Your health Your job Risk assessment Mortgage valuation Stock monitoring Gambling
  • 11. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler AI Appears In Many Projects, and Many Guises Society Your car Your finances Your phone Your internet Your home Your health Your job Diagnosis Health record analysis Surgery support Robots in hallways
  • 12. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler AI Appears In Many Projects, and Many Guises Society Your car Your finances Your phone Your internet Your home Your health Your job Face recognition Community policing Robotic warehouses Deep fakes
  • 13. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler AI In Brief EXPERTISE Content (articulated expertise) Contexts (framed expertise) MATH Supervised (trained) Unsupervised (self-learning) MODELS Human-AI teaming Trained data patterns Discovered patterns
  • 14. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler EXPLAINING “EXPLANATIONS”
  • 15. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler ● Two-way communication ● Usually iterative – progressing to mutual understanding ● Communication involves ● Language ● Non-verbal cues ● Shared contexts ● Effective explanation fosters trust HUMAN < > HUMAN explanation Human Human
  • 16. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler ● UX research, design, and code logic anticipates specific needed messages, such as ● Instructions ● Error states ● Confirmations Non-AI COMPUTER < > HUMAN explanation Human Static machine AI machine ● User interaction provides direct response and/or context to an application ● Confirmations ● Choices ● Contexts & information
  • 17. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler ● Describing * ● Elaboration on outputs ● Source data/content ● Algorithm logic ● Weightings ● In some cases, rules governing its processing ● Methods * ● Language ● Visualizations Comp-Sci View of AI > HUMAN Explanation (“XAI”) Human Static machine AI machine atic machine AI machine * The aim, not always the reality in AI applications Note: In the period 2021-2022, academic literature on XAI increased about 55-75%.
  • 18. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler ● A historical perspective of explainable AI, Confalonieri, et al, 9/21/2020 ● A useful paper outlining and assessing effectiveness of types of explanations. Aiming to guide ways that machines could provide effective explanations. ● Explainable AI, but explainable to whom? Gerlings, et al, 2021-06-10 ● Healthcare case study: comprehension of healthcare information by different user communities (various health patients/practitioners, as well as developers, subject matter experts, healthcare decision-makers), and how that affects XAI design. ● TED: Teaching AI to Explain its Decisions, Hind, et al, 1/27/2019 ● The paper states: “Unlike existing methods, it does not attempt to probe the reasoning process of a model. Instead, it seeks to replicate the reasoning process of a human domain user.” ● A Review of Taxonomies of Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) Methods, Speith, et al, 6/20/2022 ● Assessing structure and implementability of various XAI taxonomies. Examples of Papers with Insights Into XAI UX
  • 19. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler Designing for responsible explanations in Human-AI Teaming? Let’s consider… ● Humility ● Transparency ● AI eliciting contexts and needs ● Reflecting back user instructions, intentions and contexts ● Multi-modal interactions ● User control in the experience ● Recognizable implications ● Reducing risk, misunderstanding “HUMAN-AI TEAMING” Explanation Human Static machine AI machine atic machine AI machine This term is often preferred by the HCAI community.
  • 20. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler AN INITIAL FRAMEWORK FOR EXPLANATIONS A thinking tool for Human-AI explanations. A framework-in-progress.
  • 21. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler Characterize Explanations for 2-way Communication Human Static machine Human Static machine AI machine A framework-in-progress, a thinking tool for Human-AI explanations… As you do this work, your user requirements and domain will refine your categories.
  • 22. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler Types of Explanations in the Framework 9 Categories Static, Rule-Based Dynamic, Interactive, Complex
  • 23. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler Types of Explanations in the Framework Instructions Error / Warning Messages Multilingual Substantive Contextual Multi-cultural Equitable Relational Evolving
  • 24. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler Instructions Explanations of application/website actions that are based on known functions. These explanations help users understand the operation and sequential steps required by the application. H/M: When a user performs an action, instructional explanation builds awareness of process and requirements, which should aid memory H: In requirements gathering, people explain work processes and policies, which are then encoded as rules within a system M: The machine can monitor user actions, including sequence and data accuracy, identifying patterns needing explanation Actions / Challenges
  • 25. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler Error / Warning Messages Explanations of an anomaly, based on an application's internal rules. Error messages describe system or user error. They ideally explain why (help users understand rules) and give next steps. H/M: Match explanation level to mutual prior interactions/experience M: Highlight both the location and the nature of errors, focusing user attention and prompting for action H/M: Increase 2-way communication when it may be unclear whether there is actually an error, rather than an incorrect rule or model M: Increase explanation depth, quality, if errors are identified as repeated, or user is “stuck” H: Explanation to elaborate on mental model (particularly for assumed rules) M: Elicit more user context about task/end goal, to provide different levels and types of information as explanation Actions / Challenges
  • 26. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler Multilingual Explanations that are available in the user’s preferred language, and translations are accurate although some terms might not translate exactly. M: Languages have different lengths and typography, so depending on the length of explanations there may be space considerations that affect comprehension M: Identify the languages that are available, and the source language of the information used to support an explanation; set expectations when an explanation is confusing H/M: In some cases, words or concepts may not be available in the language of choice; users may need to (or decide to) seek information in another language (e.g. “Use the English because there isn’t an Italian equivalent”) M: Recognize homographs, where the same word may have two meanings, but not in all cultures, and maybe not in the language that is in use at the moment M: Accents may matter, and could reduce user comprehension speed in spoken situations H/M: Some terms may convey a different sense of urgency, severity or importance in a particular language, which could impact understanding Actions / Challenges
  • 27. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler Substantive Evidence, "provability." Focusing on subject-specific information, describing reliability. Possibly referring to AI scoring (the output's fit with different "feature" categorizations). H/M: With traditional search, individual results are given as evidence (with human review = effort), but the ranking algorithm is not transparent; then, human user selections are not “explainable” to the machine, for it to refine its acquisition M: Visualizing the information space to clarify dominant subject areas and distribution M: Subject/sources authority, theories, methodologies, available materials/research M: Layers of information, such as definitions, “what is…” guidance, typical questions M: Information scoring, pointing out contrasts/volatility H/M: How best to explain uncertainty or likely bias? H/M: Is it useful for AI to ask for next steps? Will users request next steps for evidence? H: Elaboration or change expressed in their information scope/need Actions / Challenges
  • 28. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler Contextual Users offer information about contexts that affect their needs. Machine explanation reflects back understanding of user goals, tasks, experience – and clarifies limitations, info depth, etc. M: Elicit/request relevant contexts for an interaction H/M: Share dimensions that influence decisions; such as people involved, additional medical/health conditions, diagnostics from sensors/other machines H/M: How might additional context(s) affect rules/algorithms? M: Confirm (explain) understanding of contexts and what matters to the task being done by human and machine; confirm understanding and impact of any context changes M: Offer the appropriate information – and only that information – to fit the context H: How to learn what effect various context aspects impact algorithms and information acquisition? M: How can the machine effectively/efficiently elicit contexts? H/M: In medical situations, comparing and if needed combining diagnostic models Actions / Challenges
  • 29. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler Multi-Cultural The degree to which machines can reflect cultural awareness in explanations. Framing explanations to be user-centered (align with intent) and societally-centered (enhance trust). M: How to identify cues of particular cultural alignment? M: How general or specific should explanations be? Should they be culturally influenced? Is it possible to not influence culturally? How to be transparent and sensitive? H/M: What evidence in context expressions reflect a user’s cultural expectations? How much iterative user profiling is needed to assess this? H/M: “Reading the Air” –a Japanese phrase for sensing and understanding the cultural expectations of other parties in an interaction; being attuned and sensitive to them M: Setting the right tone: Authoritative, with humility. Help users balance confidence in the machine, confidence in their judgment H/M: Level of detail that is welcome, or burdening, or interpreted in unintended ways Actions / Challenges
  • 30. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler Equitable Explanations avoid inherent biases that can lead to unfair treatment of individuals. Different contextual elements, when combined, could create unexpected concerns among users. M: Unmoderated tone, such as using declarative language in chat, gives a false sense of authority or certainty from an AI system, which risks disempowering people H/M: Some language “tones” will affect people differently, which risks self-questioning by the user, or even possibly by the AI M: Consider what communication aspects influence the power dynamics or receptivity of the user, such as timing of delivering an explanation, pace at which it is delivered (fast or slow), interruption or over-talking as part of turn-taking in conversation M: Communicating in ways that might be perceived as dismissive of the recipient (such as a style perceived as “mansplaining”) H: Having the feeling of “missing out” because information is excluded or described as not relevant to the user (e.g. patients not getting content seen by doctors/nurses) M: Language, vocabulary, tone can affect sense of “us” or “other” Actions / Challenges
  • 31. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler Relational Human-AI interaction now, and in future, will be longitudinal. Knowledge of each other, previous interactions, and changing experience/expectations need to be expressed and explained. H/M: Longitudinal (multiple sessions over time) rely on familiarity (and a sense of memory/history) between the user and system. An expectation of updating understandings should be in any model H/M: How should changes in learning, experience, intents, contexts, models, and the information space be shared? H: In diagnostic decision support, the ongoing condition and treatments will be evolving. This requires very current, shared contextual information H/M: In conversations, are multiple parties involved over time? M: How “familiar” should a machine be? Can there be a move from low-context to high-context communication? Should language use/form change with knowledge? H: Accurate, consistent explanations engenders trust. What else is key to support trust? Actions / Challenges
  • 32. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler Evolving Throughout the life of an AI system, it evolves as data changes, interactions are refined, models vary, and human expectations change. Evolution must be continually monitored/explained. M: Routine diagnostics and proactive AI explanations can signal evolution in the info space, internal models, or human uses H: Developers, data scientists and UX must validate and explain any type of change, however small, in a system M: Certain types of data benefit from visualization: trend data, scoring information features, statistics of human use/ responses, problems with human request input H/M: Iteration can lead to evolution – how does an AI system explain internal ecosystem iterations or model drift? H: Can competing models (between different internal agents) be identified? How would agents provide explanations/evidence? M: How are potential paradigm shifts explained… When emerging evidence begins to diverge from “known facts”? Actions / Challenges
  • 33. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler Types of Explanations to Train for XAI (UX involved) Instructions Error / Warning Messages Multilingual Substantive Contextual Multi-cultural Equitable Relational Evolving
  • 34. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM ?
  • 35. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler Where AI’s Focus can Support Explanation EXPERTISE Content (articulated expertise) Contexts (framed expertise) MATH Supervised (trained) Unsupervised (self-learning) MODELS Human-AI teaming Trained data patterns Discovered patterns
  • 36. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler The Challenge EXPERTISE Content (articulated expertise) Contexts (framed expertise) MATH Supervised (trained) Unsupervised (self-learning) MODELS Human-AI teaming Trained data patterns Discovered patterns This is not the way LLMs/Generative AI are trained.
  • 37. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler ● Generative AI uses probabilities in a statistical engine for word choices (“tokens”) ● Type-ahead on steroids ● Word choices are based on word pattern frequency, from example content harvested from Large amounts of Language, shaped into a Model ● The Internet ● Word choices are based on language from the prompt that seeks the information LLMs and Generative AI… the Elephant in the Room Air Canada offers reduced bereavement fares … submit your ticket … within 90 days “…our Bereavement policy does not allow refunds for travel that has already happened.” and the reality:
  • 38. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler The Focus of LLMs and Generative AI EXPERTISE Content (articulated expertise) Contexts (framed expertise) MATH Supervised (trained) Unsupervised (self-learning) MODELS Human-AI teaming Trained data patterns Discovered patterns
  • 39. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler ● LLMs can be effective when used for initial NLP (Natural Language Processing) ● BUT – they are only able to recognize user context and AI analytical processes… IF – they have been trained specifically for those purposes LLMs and Generative AI… the Elephant in the Room What about using “Retrieval Augmented Generation” (RAG) ? What about “Knowledge Graphs” (KG) + RAG ? Even RAG + KG can’t explain — in context — reliably ● All Explanatory Contexts must be in your source documents — are they?
  • 40. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler Challenges: ● Declarative language ● Verbosity ● Potential for ● Lack of consistency (different answers for the same situations) ● Degraded performance or “Model Collapse” And broadly: ● Environmental challenges ● Societal challenges …even if these last items are not your work focus, their subtext affects TRUST LLMs and Generative AI… the Elephant in the Room
  • 41. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler HOW CAN WE TRAIN AI FOR 2-WAY EXPLANATIONS?
  • 42. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler Training AI is a Deliberate Design & Data Act EXPERTISE Content (articulated expertise) Contexts (framed expertise) MATH Supervised (trained) Unsupervised (self-learning) MODELS Human-AI teaming Trained data patterns Discovered patterns
  • 43. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler UX Must Be a Continuous Process Startup, design, initial training Adoption, maturing Visioning Research Design Training Use Feedback Evolution through use
  • 44. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler Time Cycles Rich Context Models Continuous, evolutionary practices Additional Design Models: Collaboration / Action Framework AI design, method explorations D. Degler, C. Smith, R. Evanhoe 2021-2024
  • 45. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler As you do this work, your user requirements and domain will refine your categories. Train AI for Explanations with 2-way Communication Human Static machine Human Static machine AI machine
  • 46. AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users #UXPA24 25 June 2024 © Duane Degler AI’s explanations as two-way experiences, led by users User Experience Professionals Association Conference Duane Degler