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Washington Coalition for School Libraries and Information Technology (WCS-Lit) Advocacy Primer Lisa Layera Brunkan  Denette Hill  Susan McBurney These materials are made available through a Creative Commons License
“ It’s not enough for a cause to be just.  Knowing the policy, understanding the political terrain and building relationships have to be part of the advocacy effort in order for it to be successful.”  Lisa Brown, WA State Senate Majority Leader  Commenting on the Coalition’s success,  two weeks after the session ended
The current library landscape “ Endangered species” “ Obsolete” “ On the way to extinction” “ Draconian cuts” “ Elimination”
An Approach Based on Survival  Advocating to win and promoting policies with teeth Funding:  Permanent or stop-gap  Vision:  Supporting long-range planning efforts  Code:  Ensuring your survival

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Cd'A Charrette PowerPoint Presentation
Cd'A Charrette PowerPoint PresentationCd'A Charrette PowerPoint Presentation
Cd'A Charrette PowerPoint Presentation

Powerpoint Presentation from the Coeur d'Alene Charrette Wednesday 3 February 2010 Lisa Layera Brunkan and Susan McBurney

Day 3: Introduction to Information Literacy
Day 3:  Introduction to Information LiteracyDay 3:  Introduction to Information Literacy
Day 3: Introduction to Information Literacy

Objectives: 1. To explore and evaluate traditional and uthoritative database information sources. 2. To explore and utilize strategies to effectively use traditional and emerging search engines for information. 3. To explore and evaluate how emerging Web 2.0 tools can be used as sources of information. 4. To explore the merits and drawbacks to collaboratively created open sources of information such as Wikipedia.

Manitoba LA 2010
Manitoba LA 2010Manitoba LA 2010
Manitoba LA 2010

The document discusses the challenges and opportunities facing libraries in a changing information landscape. It notes that the internet is still in its infancy and search, social networks, learning and commerce are evolving rapidly. It questions how library functions will fit and responsibilities will change. The document advocates for collaboration between libraries and seeing beyond physical spaces. It also discusses the differences between public and private sector approaches and challenges faced by both.

The Political Terrain Argument Objection Libraries matter. Get in line.  “ Lobby the bill, not the issue.” - Political insider for 40 years The librarian is the advocate. Special interest “ Tell them not to send librarians.” - Committee chair, via top advisor Libraries need more money. It’s a ‘local decision’.  It’s the state and Fed’s failure to sufficiently fund it.  Libraries should be funded. It’s an extra, an enhancement, a luxury in these economic times.  “Where would you want us to cut?”
An Approach Based on Survival  20 th  Century  21 st  Century  Libraries matter Global Competitiveness Workforce Readiness National Competitiveness How do libraries save or make the state money? Librarian as the advocate Stakeholders as the advocates.  Thousands, representing every sector.  Library as an elective, an enhancement Library as a 21 st  Century classroom/modality.  A  fixed  cost .   Classical literacy Literacy as 21 st  century skills w/ libraries that help bridge the digital and print divide.
Stakeholders Decision Makers  Tools Wisdom
Wisdom = Avoiding Pitfalls STAKEHOLDERS Inform and empower vs. communicating only to ask for something ($$$ or canned/scripted actions). DECISION MAKERS Empathy, respect, graciousness.  TOOLS Use judiciously or risk impotence.

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Books, libraries, and the changing digital landscape
Books, libraries, and the changing digital landscapeBooks, libraries, and the changing digital landscape
Books, libraries, and the changing digital landscape

This document summarizes findings from the Pew Research Center's research on how Americans use libraries and interact with books, reading, and digital media. It finds that while books and in-person browsing are still important library activities, technology and digital media are also commonly used. Most Americans feel it is important for libraries to offer services like librarian assistance, books, computers/internet access, and quiet study spaces. However, many are open to new digital services from libraries as well. Overall, the research suggests libraries continue evolving their roles to provide both access to information and guidance on using tools and finding reliable information in the digital age.

School Libraries & Equity: An Advocacy Presentation
School Libraries & Equity: An Advocacy PresentationSchool Libraries & Equity: An Advocacy Presentation
School Libraries & Equity: An Advocacy Presentation

This document discusses the importance of school libraries and licensed librarians/library media specialists. It notes that students and teachers are at a disadvantage without access to these resources, as they are less likely to learn important skills and understand digital citizenship. The document also highlights research showing that student achievement increases by 10-20% when schools have libraries staffed by certified librarians. However, it notes that many schools nationwide lack these resources, with over 75% of schools in Philadelphia not having a librarian or library.

Standing Against the Online White Nationalist Movement
Standing Against the Online White Nationalist MovementStanding Against the Online White Nationalist Movement
Standing Against the Online White Nationalist Movement

This document discusses the proliferation of white nationalist propaganda online and provides resources to help educators teach students how to critically evaluate online information and stand up to hate speech. It describes how white nationalists spread misinformation online to recruit young people and sow division. It provides three resources for educators - a toolkit from Western States Center on confronting white nationalism in schools, a guide called "Web Literacy for Student Fact-Checkers" that teaches skills for evaluating online claims, and a website called "Media Power Youth" that offers lessons on discriminating content and creating a positive digital footprint. The overall message is that educators must help students develop skills to critically analyze information online and counter white nationalist narratives, while still protecting free speech.

education teachers
Who are  your  stakeholders? Ours included: Parents Business Leaders  Higher Education Community District and Building Administration Classroom Teachers Community Leaders and Elected Officials Retired Citizens Military State and National Organizations (PTA, Teachers’ Unions, AAUW, Education Advocates) Students
The Citizens’ Mandate Grassroots mobilization as THE key to legislative results The Tools  Form a Coalition  Charter members  Online petition –  who thinks this matters ? Calls, emails, visits to legislators, the Governor, and federal leaders Community Captains  Press Website and Blog Flyers Bookmarks
How to get a seat at the table Organize or disappear. Show up!  The Flotilla Strategy:  Teams of 3-4 showing up every week. Tell your story .  Personal stories, not canned messages. “ My reference books are so old that when my students do their state-required social studies project they won’t know that Mt. St. Helens has blown her top. ”   - a Spokane teacher-librarian Know your ask, know your case, be able to show it.  “What is it you want the state to do?”
Policy-generating actions: Provide data, not anecdotes. Provide standards, not anecdotes. Provide comparative statistics, rankings, and historical trend analyses, not philosophical arguments. Make a realistic and strategic ask, framed for consumption, not tabling or dying in committee. LISTEN & OBSERVE: let the legislators  tell you how to frame the issue.

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Yukon libraries
Yukon librariesYukon libraries
Yukon libraries

The document discusses trends relevant to libraries and community needs. It covers topics like lifestyle trends, technology trends, library facilities and services, public perceptions, and alternative visions for libraries. Specific trends mentioned include programming trends like maker spaces and experience-based programs, and community engagement trends like social media use. Major trends relevant to Yukon communities discussed include co-working spaces, technology training, and partnerships between libraries and other organizations.

public libraries
Working for the future of the Association : success stories of ALA the Americ...
Working for the future of the Association : success stories of ALA the Americ...Working for the future of the Association : success stories of ALA the Americ...
Working for the future of the Association : success stories of ALA the Americ...

Presentation of Michael Dowling at the Pre-IFLA sattelite conference in The Hague, the Netherlands, on August 9, 2012

alasuccess storiesamerican library association
Teen literacy
Teen literacy Teen literacy
Teen literacy

This document discusses approaches and techniques for increasing literacy among teens in a high-tech society. It begins by stating the goal of raising teen literacy levels and providing various methods for getting teens to read more. Some strategies mentioned include digital reading platforms that incorporate multimedia, interactive novels, and allowing teens to review upcoming books. Organizations that support teen literacy such as libraries, RIF, and publishers' teen book review programs are also outlined.

Data is Crucial!  21 st  Century Data Collection and Dissemination Uniform measurements Measuring performance: using metrics to initiate change 100% participation Checkbox on all standardized tests (presence of full-time, certified  librarian) State of Affairs : the importance of the brief Staffing: certified vs. para-professional Collection copyright average  Access Track book attrition and test scores in schools with less than 1.0 Socio-economic measurements that matter (free and reduced lunch, minority students) Comparative ranking:  where does your state stand? Trail of the cuts :  baselines matter for policy Every state library association should designate someone to receive reports of cuts, coordinate with AASL/ALA.  Effective data: the Oregon numbers
Effective Data:  The Oregon Numbers
Grassroots Effectiveness vs. Mass Noise GRASSROOTS EFFECTIVENESS MASS NOISE The  people’s voice : For each librarian, 3 stakeholders. Librarians = special interest Personal emails and letters invite  engagement . Mass communications  will be ignored. Personal stories Canned messages Personal interactions  (visits, attending meetings) bring the effort to life and create the mandate. Mass actions  w/o personal follow-up are ineffective.
Global Competitiveness “ I believe keeping an active library and librarian in the public schools is as important as any other primary education role. We must teach our children to do research and explore on their own. What better resource is there than a library and librarian to provide a safe and positive environment for discovery of interests and gifts of knowledge. Our competitive advantage in the United States is clearly our ability to be creative and inventive of new technologies, new business processes, new music, new fashion, new dance, new ways of looking at old things... It is in our culture and we cannot lose this ability. Research and Development is our Thing! Libraries plant and nourish this seed in our children.”  Jon Copeland CEO - Inland Imaging Business Associates   Effective Talking Points

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The Future of Libraries
The Future of LibrariesThe Future of Libraries
The Future of Libraries

Lee Rainie, Director of the Pew Research Center Internet Project, runs through the seven questions libraries need to address as they consider future services and their role for their patrons and communities. He describes how project research about the changing role of technology in people’s lives affects the kinds of issues librarians need to address as they experience the disruptions of technology change.

Public and School Library Partnerships
Public and School Library PartnershipsPublic and School Library Partnerships
Public and School Library Partnerships

The document discusses the historical relationship between public libraries and school libraries, barriers to cooperation between the two, and initiatives to strengthen partnerships in the 1990s and 2000s. It outlines turf battles due to lack of coordination and funding, different roles of public and school librarians, and how responsibilities for children's library services were debated. Examples of successful school-library partnerships and resources for collaboration are also provided.

Public Librariesas Partnersin Youth Development
Public Librariesas Partnersin Youth DevelopmentPublic Librariesas Partnersin Youth Development
Public Librariesas Partnersin Youth Development

The document discusses a survey conducted by the American Library Association and University of Illinois on behalf of the DeWitt Wallace-Reader's Digest Fund regarding youth programs offered by public libraries. Key findings include: - Nearly all libraries offer reading programs, while over 80% offer cultural programs and many collaborate with schools and community groups. However, only about 1/3 offer computer classes and fewer than 25% offer homework help or career development programs. - Programs are largely geared toward elementary students, with fewer for middle and high schoolers. Very few target low-income communities. - While libraries are committed to serving youth, budgets for youth services are not always adequate and librarians are stretched thin in coordinating

Academic Opportunities “ I had the pleasure of presenting Dr. Irwin "Ernie" Rose with the Distinguished Alumnus Award from Washington State University in 2004.  Dr. Rose, a Nobel Laureate and a graduate of Lewis & Clark High School in Spokane, told me that much of what he learned in high school, he learned among the stacks of the library.  This generation of children deserves the same opportunity.” Chris Marr, WA State Senator
Workforce Readiness “ Clearly, we are not doing our job as a society in preparing our sons and daughters to qualify for the jobs that I am able to create. I believe that the library system in our public schools could contribute to better preparing our children for success in a global economy. I also believe that we have under-emphasized literacy and language as a priority in preparing our children for good jobs. The primary characteristics I am looking for are critical thinking, and the ability to read, write, and speak well. In my experience, the best critical thinkers, with the best communication skills, are those who read frequently and passionately. Without excellent libraries and librarians, our children will not have access or guidance to help them find a passion for words, concepts, and the worldly attitudes that will make them employable by companies like mine. We need more, better, well-funded, and well-staffed, libraries.” Carl Albrecht, Principal, The Arnold Group. 

Equity “ As school children learn to read and research, we lay the groundwork for future participation in a world representing  all  cultures and communities. In this way, school libraries strike at the very heart of democracy by providing opportunities for giving voice and equal choice to  all  children.'   Dr. Cassandra Manuelito-Kerkvliet President of Antioch University-Seattle 

Business recruitment and retention:  A community/state’s calling card  “ I've spent my career in quality of life issues, having served three governors as Economic Development Commissioner and chairing the state's Quality of Life task force.   In all the hearings I did across the state, large and small communities, the singular most important issue is the quality of our schools. We simply will not succeed in a world economy, where our product will never be the least expensive, if we don't build knowledge-based product.   I believe strongly that lowering our library capacity to part time service sends the wrong message to our children, our parents, our targeted companies and "family friendly" future employers. They simply will go where they know children are being mentored to read, research, problem solve…follow their personal "thrill of the hunt". A librarian is person who unlocks and nurtures this adventure. It is a full time job involving research, training and commitment. ” Don Barbieri, Chairman, Red Lion Corporation.

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Libraries & Equity: An Advocacy Presentation for PA School Libraries

School library programs are critical to 21st century learners. A presentation related to PA libraries by Joyce Valenza.

Finding Common Ground for Librarians in Information Literacy
Finding Common Ground for Librarians in Information LiteracyFinding Common Ground for Librarians in Information Literacy
Finding Common Ground for Librarians in Information Literacy

Many students are approaching research incorrectly and it's greatly hurting information literacy. In this presentation we tackle how to solve this issue so students can become prepared for college and the workplace. Tackle plagiarism, promote ethical research skills and meet your school or district's standards for college and career readiness goals. Sign up for a free consultation:

Corso pisa data-160610
Corso pisa data-160610Corso pisa data-160610
Corso pisa data-160610

The document discusses strategies and features for data storytelling and data journalism. It covers understanding data through data visualization and narrative structures. Specific tools and platforms mentioned include Density Design, Information is Beautiful, and Il Sole 24 Ore. Storytelling principles discussed include discovering insights from data, structuring narratives around data, and making complex data understandable through context and meaning. Architecture and information design are discussed as ways to organize and present information for usability.

open datadata journalismbig data
Information literacy and critical thinking skills cannot be remediated. “ At Gonzaga University, we see incoming students from school districts throughout the western United States (including Hawaii and Alaska) and other locations in the country and the world.  Even though all our students are theoretically ‘prepared for college’, it is clear that students coming from resource-poor districts are at a disadvantage compared to students from resource-rich ones, and that disadvantage persists through their four years here.  Even smart, motivated students will struggle at the college level if they do not arrive with the thinking and learning skills they need to succeed.  I am very concerned that the reduction of school library programs will decrease our students' ability to succeed in college, or whatever other post-secondary pursuits they choose.” Dr. David Boose, Professor of Biology Gonzaga University
Economic Competitiveness “ We are in the business of healthcare services and employ over 700 healthcare workers in the state of Washington.  Our healthcare providers, at all levels in the organization, learn continuously about new healthcare technology, treatments, and new regulations.  In our business those with the skills to use various information resources to improve their knowledge independently in addition to formal, structured education and training, are the true stars.  They are the librarians, teachers and leaders in our own organization.  We must focus on building these skills early in our children’s education.” Jon Copeland Stephen P. Duvoisin CEO Inland Imaging Business Associates CEO Inland Imaging Investments
It’s a fallacy to believe the institution will be rendered obsolete.  “ It's perhaps natural to believe that in this age of web-based information, libraries and librarians are going the way of the dodo, or at least are becoming a luxury that we can no longer afford. Exactly the opposite is true.    In the print world, the ratio of authoritative information to garbage was relatively favorable, and it was relatively straightforward to differentiate one from the other. The web, however, is an undifferentiated jumble of fact and fiction- of authoritative information and garbage. Learning how to intelligently navigate this mess is a critical life skill that every student must learn. Librarians are information professionals- the people best equipped to impart this knowledge. Libraries are repositories of authoritative information, as well as sources of knowledge about how to critically evaluate information.    We must stop the erosion of Washington's school libraries. ” Dr. Ed Lazowska, Bill & Melinda Gates Chair  University of Washington  Member, National Academy of Engineering  Fellow, American Academy of Arts & Sciences
20 th  Century : libraries are considered an ‘enhancement’ and ‘local’ program. 21 st  Century : libraries are 21 st  century classrooms that impart the skills necessary to survive, compete, and flourish in the information age. “ This idea that libraries are extra is really a fallacy.  I think the libraries are a fundamental foundation of a good education.”   Dave Quall, WA State Representative Chair of the House Education Committee

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OLPV - Sujai Pillai interview
OLPV - Sujai Pillai interviewOLPV - Sujai Pillai interview
OLPV - Sujai Pillai interview

One Library Per Village (OLPV) aims to reduce India's digital divide by providing free internet access to students through tablets and computers in village libraries. It has over 30,000 volunteer tutors supporting subjects across its e-learning platform, 2tion. OLPV is led by Sujai G. Pillai, who founded 2tion and developed the #BookBucketChallenge campaign. OLPV has seen positive responses from village libraries in its pilot programs and hopes to partner with government initiatives to expand access to rural communities lacking technology.

The secret mission that people yearn to have libraries address
The secret mission that people yearn to have libraries addressThe secret mission that people yearn to have libraries address
The secret mission that people yearn to have libraries address

Lee Rainie, director of Internet, Science and Technology research at the Pew Research Center, discussed his group’s latest findings about the role of libraries and librarians on April 3 at Innovative Users Group conference. The latest work shows that many people struggle to find the most trustworthy information and they express a clear hope that librarians can help them. He explored recent research about how people are becoming “lifelong learners” and that library services are an element of how they hope to stay relevant in their jobs, as well as find ways to enrich their lives. He drew on Pew Research Center studies about the information and media sources people use and how they decide what to trust.

librariespublic libraries
Inspiring Activists
Inspiring ActivistsInspiring Activists
Inspiring Activists

The document discusses how library programs can inspire student activists by being transparent and continually showcasing student learning, creativity, and growth. It advocates that libraries provide unique learning opportunities not offered elsewhere in the community to remain indispensable. By making programs accessible to all stakeholders and evolving alongside changing needs, libraries can ensure transformations are successful and meaningful. This will help libraries gain loyal supporters willing to advocate for continued funding.

Top 10 To-Dos  “ The Spokane parents gave people around the state an opportunity to say, 'Yes, this is important.’ That is special—not unique—but it's unusual, because here's a couple of concerned parents who are doing more than writing or emailing. They're expressing views clearly and forcefully and providing a website so that others who agree can express their views as well.”  -Skip Priest, WA State Representative, to the  LA Times
“ You and I both agree that libraries are important and an essential part of schools.  I'm not a member of the education committee, but if this bill makes it to the Senate floor, I plan to support it.” -WA State Senator in response to an email seeking commitment “ I think we can do the funding you need... without passing a bill. This allows the funding to go out this year and the task force to complete their work over the summer without another mandate to unwind. I think everyone gets what they need.” -Finance Chair on the eve of bills dying
Be a friend instead of a foe. How?  Be gracious instead of complaining.  Be respectful. Be appreciative instead of demanding.  Be realistic.  “ At the end of the legislative session what matters most is how you’re remembered. ”  -Olympia insider  “ It was wonderfully reaffirming for me to witness positive energy vibrating at such a high frequency that it could only produce positive results.” -Legislative Aide
Provide a concrete request and substantive documentation laying out the case.  It needs to be data-rich, efficient, compelling, and framed in policy context. “ All those other folks that want inclusion are vying for dollars, so you need to really hone your arguments and stay on message. You have a great start but the battle is going to get bloody as more groups weigh in with their requests, yeah, even demands for funding.  Some will cite laws or regulations that, they will claim, require they be funded, others will appeal to emotions or multiple other reasons . . . it will not be pretty or nice.  So, come prepared to fight and watch your back.” -Legislative Aide after the session ended on what would lie ahead on the road to seeking permanent funding

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The document discusses a proposal from the FundOurFutureWashington organization to provide funding for K-12 education in Washington state. It begins by outlining 13 essential questions about the purpose of schools and how to improve education. It then shares the story of budget cuts threatening school libraries in Spokane in 2007, which mobilized citizens and grew to nearly 15,000 members advocating for education funding. The document promotes supporting this citizens' campaign to provide sustainable, equitable resources for students.

Survivor Checklist To Post
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Survivor Checklist To Post

This document provides a checklist for a librarian to implement emerging technologies, improve physical spaces, and enhance their website to better serve students, teachers, parents, administrators, and legislators. The checklist includes action items like training student and teacher fellows in technologies, creating collaborative and comfortable learning spaces, gathering feedback on resources, facilitating new clubs, and more to connect communities and champion digital learning.

Digital Learning Day 2014
Digital Learning Day 2014Digital Learning Day 2014
Digital Learning Day 2014

The document discusses Digital Learning Day, an annual event that aims to increase awareness of digital learning and support teachers. It promotes incorporating technology into K-12 education to create personalized, student-centered learning and better prepare students for college and careers. Suggested activities for Digital Learning Day include students leading tech tutorials, project-based learning challenges, and skill-building workshops.

As part of rebranding 21 st  century libraries, harness every emerging technology, and employ all mediums, to make yourself indispensible.  Plan to be in it for the long haul, and find financial supporters. “ Give yourselves a collective standing ovation for having the courage to go after your vision with a vengeance and never look back!” -Legislative Aide to a high-ranking member of the state legislature
Simple tips that lead to success It’s all about the decision makers.  Legislators, the governor, and top agency leaders are the only people that can bring about change. They are the real champions.  Advocates can only put an issue on the table.  Invite legislators to address your meetings –  it’s mutually beneficial. Help the press connect the dots.  Suggest key people to interview and provide the contact information. A quote from a decision-maker regarding libraries is one of the most important outcomes you can facilitate. Provide stakeholders with everything they need to take action. Links, email addresses, phone numbers and background info
Envision a new reality “ We all need to stand together, for our state and for others; our dream is that Washington develops a blueprint in the next year for the most 21st Century, the most visionary, and the most fully-funded school library programs in the country.”  Spokane Moms, the last day of the 2008 session Less than 3 months later, WA State’s Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), presented the following proposals: Libraries for the 21 st  Century Technology for 21 st  Century Teaching and Learning

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**Advocacy Primer

  • 1. Washington Coalition for School Libraries and Information Technology (WCS-Lit) Advocacy Primer Lisa Layera Brunkan Denette Hill Susan McBurney These materials are made available through a Creative Commons License
  • 2. “ It’s not enough for a cause to be just. Knowing the policy, understanding the political terrain and building relationships have to be part of the advocacy effort in order for it to be successful.” Lisa Brown, WA State Senate Majority Leader Commenting on the Coalition’s success, two weeks after the session ended
  • 3. The current library landscape “ Endangered species” “ Obsolete” “ On the way to extinction” “ Draconian cuts” “ Elimination”
  • 4. An Approach Based on Survival Advocating to win and promoting policies with teeth Funding: Permanent or stop-gap Vision: Supporting long-range planning efforts Code: Ensuring your survival
  • 5. The Political Terrain Argument Objection Libraries matter. Get in line. “ Lobby the bill, not the issue.” - Political insider for 40 years The librarian is the advocate. Special interest “ Tell them not to send librarians.” - Committee chair, via top advisor Libraries need more money. It’s a ‘local decision’. It’s the state and Fed’s failure to sufficiently fund it. Libraries should be funded. It’s an extra, an enhancement, a luxury in these economic times. “Where would you want us to cut?”
  • 6. An Approach Based on Survival 20 th Century 21 st Century Libraries matter Global Competitiveness Workforce Readiness National Competitiveness How do libraries save or make the state money? Librarian as the advocate Stakeholders as the advocates. Thousands, representing every sector. Library as an elective, an enhancement Library as a 21 st Century classroom/modality. A fixed cost . Classical literacy Literacy as 21 st century skills w/ libraries that help bridge the digital and print divide.
  • 8. Wisdom = Avoiding Pitfalls STAKEHOLDERS Inform and empower vs. communicating only to ask for something ($$$ or canned/scripted actions). DECISION MAKERS Empathy, respect, graciousness. TOOLS Use judiciously or risk impotence.
  • 9. Who are your stakeholders? Ours included: Parents Business Leaders Higher Education Community District and Building Administration Classroom Teachers Community Leaders and Elected Officials Retired Citizens Military State and National Organizations (PTA, Teachers’ Unions, AAUW, Education Advocates) Students
  • 10. The Citizens’ Mandate Grassroots mobilization as THE key to legislative results The Tools Form a Coalition Charter members Online petition – who thinks this matters ? Calls, emails, visits to legislators, the Governor, and federal leaders Community Captains Press Website and Blog Flyers Bookmarks
  • 11. How to get a seat at the table Organize or disappear. Show up! The Flotilla Strategy: Teams of 3-4 showing up every week. Tell your story . Personal stories, not canned messages. “ My reference books are so old that when my students do their state-required social studies project they won’t know that Mt. St. Helens has blown her top. ” - a Spokane teacher-librarian Know your ask, know your case, be able to show it. “What is it you want the state to do?”
  • 12. Policy-generating actions: Provide data, not anecdotes. Provide standards, not anecdotes. Provide comparative statistics, rankings, and historical trend analyses, not philosophical arguments. Make a realistic and strategic ask, framed for consumption, not tabling or dying in committee. LISTEN & OBSERVE: let the legislators tell you how to frame the issue.
  • 13. Data is Crucial! 21 st Century Data Collection and Dissemination Uniform measurements Measuring performance: using metrics to initiate change 100% participation Checkbox on all standardized tests (presence of full-time, certified librarian) State of Affairs : the importance of the brief Staffing: certified vs. para-professional Collection copyright average Access Track book attrition and test scores in schools with less than 1.0 Socio-economic measurements that matter (free and reduced lunch, minority students) Comparative ranking: where does your state stand? Trail of the cuts : baselines matter for policy Every state library association should designate someone to receive reports of cuts, coordinate with AASL/ALA. Effective data: the Oregon numbers
  • 14. Effective Data: The Oregon Numbers
  • 15. Grassroots Effectiveness vs. Mass Noise GRASSROOTS EFFECTIVENESS MASS NOISE The people’s voice : For each librarian, 3 stakeholders. Librarians = special interest Personal emails and letters invite engagement . Mass communications will be ignored. Personal stories Canned messages Personal interactions (visits, attending meetings) bring the effort to life and create the mandate. Mass actions w/o personal follow-up are ineffective.
  • 16. Global Competitiveness “ I believe keeping an active library and librarian in the public schools is as important as any other primary education role. We must teach our children to do research and explore on their own. What better resource is there than a library and librarian to provide a safe and positive environment for discovery of interests and gifts of knowledge. Our competitive advantage in the United States is clearly our ability to be creative and inventive of new technologies, new business processes, new music, new fashion, new dance, new ways of looking at old things... It is in our culture and we cannot lose this ability. Research and Development is our Thing! Libraries plant and nourish this seed in our children.” Jon Copeland CEO - Inland Imaging Business Associates   Effective Talking Points
  • 17. Academic Opportunities “ I had the pleasure of presenting Dr. Irwin "Ernie" Rose with the Distinguished Alumnus Award from Washington State University in 2004.  Dr. Rose, a Nobel Laureate and a graduate of Lewis & Clark High School in Spokane, told me that much of what he learned in high school, he learned among the stacks of the library.  This generation of children deserves the same opportunity.” Chris Marr, WA State Senator
  • 18. Workforce Readiness “ Clearly, we are not doing our job as a society in preparing our sons and daughters to qualify for the jobs that I am able to create. I believe that the library system in our public schools could contribute to better preparing our children for success in a global economy. I also believe that we have under-emphasized literacy and language as a priority in preparing our children for good jobs. The primary characteristics I am looking for are critical thinking, and the ability to read, write, and speak well. In my experience, the best critical thinkers, with the best communication skills, are those who read frequently and passionately. Without excellent libraries and librarians, our children will not have access or guidance to help them find a passion for words, concepts, and the worldly attitudes that will make them employable by companies like mine. We need more, better, well-funded, and well-staffed, libraries.” Carl Albrecht, Principal, The Arnold Group. 

  • 19. Equity “ As school children learn to read and research, we lay the groundwork for future participation in a world representing all cultures and communities. In this way, school libraries strike at the very heart of democracy by providing opportunities for giving voice and equal choice to all children.'   Dr. Cassandra Manuelito-Kerkvliet President of Antioch University-Seattle 

  • 20. Business recruitment and retention: A community/state’s calling card “ I've spent my career in quality of life issues, having served three governors as Economic Development Commissioner and chairing the state's Quality of Life task force.   In all the hearings I did across the state, large and small communities, the singular most important issue is the quality of our schools. We simply will not succeed in a world economy, where our product will never be the least expensive, if we don't build knowledge-based product.   I believe strongly that lowering our library capacity to part time service sends the wrong message to our children, our parents, our targeted companies and "family friendly" future employers. They simply will go where they know children are being mentored to read, research, problem solve…follow their personal "thrill of the hunt". A librarian is person who unlocks and nurtures this adventure. It is a full time job involving research, training and commitment. ” Don Barbieri, Chairman, Red Lion Corporation.
  • 21. Information literacy and critical thinking skills cannot be remediated. “ At Gonzaga University, we see incoming students from school districts throughout the western United States (including Hawaii and Alaska) and other locations in the country and the world.  Even though all our students are theoretically ‘prepared for college’, it is clear that students coming from resource-poor districts are at a disadvantage compared to students from resource-rich ones, and that disadvantage persists through their four years here.  Even smart, motivated students will struggle at the college level if they do not arrive with the thinking and learning skills they need to succeed.  I am very concerned that the reduction of school library programs will decrease our students' ability to succeed in college, or whatever other post-secondary pursuits they choose.” Dr. David Boose, Professor of Biology Gonzaga University
  • 22. Economic Competitiveness “ We are in the business of healthcare services and employ over 700 healthcare workers in the state of Washington. Our healthcare providers, at all levels in the organization, learn continuously about new healthcare technology, treatments, and new regulations. In our business those with the skills to use various information resources to improve their knowledge independently in addition to formal, structured education and training, are the true stars. They are the librarians, teachers and leaders in our own organization. We must focus on building these skills early in our children’s education.” Jon Copeland Stephen P. Duvoisin CEO Inland Imaging Business Associates CEO Inland Imaging Investments
  • 23. It’s a fallacy to believe the institution will be rendered obsolete. “ It's perhaps natural to believe that in this age of web-based information, libraries and librarians are going the way of the dodo, or at least are becoming a luxury that we can no longer afford. Exactly the opposite is true.   In the print world, the ratio of authoritative information to garbage was relatively favorable, and it was relatively straightforward to differentiate one from the other. The web, however, is an undifferentiated jumble of fact and fiction- of authoritative information and garbage. Learning how to intelligently navigate this mess is a critical life skill that every student must learn. Librarians are information professionals- the people best equipped to impart this knowledge. Libraries are repositories of authoritative information, as well as sources of knowledge about how to critically evaluate information.   We must stop the erosion of Washington's school libraries. ” Dr. Ed Lazowska, Bill & Melinda Gates Chair University of Washington Member, National Academy of Engineering Fellow, American Academy of Arts & Sciences
  • 24. 20 th Century : libraries are considered an ‘enhancement’ and ‘local’ program. 21 st Century : libraries are 21 st century classrooms that impart the skills necessary to survive, compete, and flourish in the information age. “ This idea that libraries are extra is really a fallacy. I think the libraries are a fundamental foundation of a good education.” Dave Quall, WA State Representative Chair of the House Education Committee
  • 25. Top 10 To-Dos “ The Spokane parents gave people around the state an opportunity to say, 'Yes, this is important.’ That is special—not unique—but it's unusual, because here's a couple of concerned parents who are doing more than writing or emailing. They're expressing views clearly and forcefully and providing a website so that others who agree can express their views as well.” -Skip Priest, WA State Representative, to the LA Times
  • 26. “ You and I both agree that libraries are important and an essential part of schools.  I'm not a member of the education committee, but if this bill makes it to the Senate floor, I plan to support it.” -WA State Senator in response to an email seeking commitment “ I think we can do the funding you need... without passing a bill. This allows the funding to go out this year and the task force to complete their work over the summer without another mandate to unwind. I think everyone gets what they need.” -Finance Chair on the eve of bills dying
  • 27. Be a friend instead of a foe. How? Be gracious instead of complaining. Be respectful. Be appreciative instead of demanding. Be realistic. “ At the end of the legislative session what matters most is how you’re remembered. ” -Olympia insider “ It was wonderfully reaffirming for me to witness positive energy vibrating at such a high frequency that it could only produce positive results.” -Legislative Aide
  • 28. Provide a concrete request and substantive documentation laying out the case. It needs to be data-rich, efficient, compelling, and framed in policy context. “ All those other folks that want inclusion are vying for dollars, so you need to really hone your arguments and stay on message. You have a great start but the battle is going to get bloody as more groups weigh in with their requests, yeah, even demands for funding.  Some will cite laws or regulations that, they will claim, require they be funded, others will appeal to emotions or multiple other reasons . . . it will not be pretty or nice.  So, come prepared to fight and watch your back.” -Legislative Aide after the session ended on what would lie ahead on the road to seeking permanent funding
  • 29. As part of rebranding 21 st century libraries, harness every emerging technology, and employ all mediums, to make yourself indispensible. Plan to be in it for the long haul, and find financial supporters. “ Give yourselves a collective standing ovation for having the courage to go after your vision with a vengeance and never look back!” -Legislative Aide to a high-ranking member of the state legislature
  • 30. Simple tips that lead to success It’s all about the decision makers. Legislators, the governor, and top agency leaders are the only people that can bring about change. They are the real champions. Advocates can only put an issue on the table. Invite legislators to address your meetings – it’s mutually beneficial. Help the press connect the dots. Suggest key people to interview and provide the contact information. A quote from a decision-maker regarding libraries is one of the most important outcomes you can facilitate. Provide stakeholders with everything they need to take action. Links, email addresses, phone numbers and background info
  • 31. Envision a new reality “ We all need to stand together, for our state and for others; our dream is that Washington develops a blueprint in the next year for the most 21st Century, the most visionary, and the most fully-funded school library programs in the country.” Spokane Moms, the last day of the 2008 session Less than 3 months later, WA State’s Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), presented the following proposals: Libraries for the 21 st Century Technology for 21 st Century Teaching and Learning