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VueJs is a front-end framework for building JavaScript applications that run in the browser. It allows creation of components, two-way data binding, communication between components, and conditional rendering. To install Vue, use npm to install vue-cli and initialize a project, which will create the initial project structure including a component template with sections for template, script, and style. Components can then be built with data, methods, and bindings for properties like classes and styles.

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Introduction to the Web API
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The document provides an introduction to web APIs and REST. It defines APIs as methods to access data and workflows from an application without using the application itself. It describes REST as an architectural style for APIs that uses a client-server model with stateless operations and a uniform interface. The document outlines best practices for REST APIs, including using HTTP verbs like GET, POST, PUT and DELETE to perform CRUD operations on resources identified by URIs. It also discusses authentication, authorization, security concerns and gives examples of popular REST APIs from Facebook, Twitter and other services.

JCR, Sling or AEM? Which API should I use and when?
JCR, Sling or AEM? Which API should I use and when?JCR, Sling or AEM? Which API should I use and when?
JCR, Sling or AEM? Which API should I use and when?

Presentation “KISS your Authors - Simple Tools in AEM“ by Thomas Simlinger at CONNECT Web Experience in Basel on June 24/25, 2015.

•  Template	
•  Pages	
•  Components	
•  Dialog	
•  Widgets	
•  Workflow	
•  Bundles	
•  Services	
•  Blah	
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•  It’s	
•  ProperAes	
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RichText Editor (RTE) is an integral component of AEM and it provides AEM authors a WYSIWYG text-editing experience on the web pages. RTE offers diverse configurations to developers. This presentation provides an in-depth understanding of this component and shows various concepts, use-cases, modes, configurations, best practices, limitations and troubleshooting that surround it. E-Seminar recording published here -

aemrterichtext editor
Spring Framework - MVC
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This document provides an overview of Spring MVC, the model-view-controller framework for building web applications in Spring. It discusses Spring MVC's request processing workflow including the front controller and application context. It also covers controllers, mapping requests, returning views and data representation. Key topics include RESTful design, annotations like @RequestMapping and return types, and view resolvers for resolving JSP and other view technologies.

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•  SlingHTTPRequest/Response	
•  POST	
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Hybrid Cloud Architectures on VMware Cloud on AWS.pdfHybrid Cloud Architectures on VMware Cloud on AWS.pdf
Hybrid Cloud Architectures on VMware Cloud on AWS.pdf

Hybrid cloud architecture which integrates on-premises resources with cloud resources, is essential to the success of many businesses. For most customers with on-premises technology investments, operating in a hybrid architecture is a necessary part of cloud adoption. This webinar covers how to simplify Hybrid IT operations by using the same VMware Cloud Foundation technologies across on-premises data centers and on the AWS Cloud, without having to purchase any new or custom hardware, rewrite applications, or modify operating models. We share how you can easily and rapidly add new innovations to your applications by natively integrating AWS infrastructure and platform capabilities. Speakers: David Lim, Head of Consulting Partners, Amazon Web Services Nathan Wheat, Partner Success Manager (VMware), Amazon Web Services

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The six key steps to AEM architecture
The six key steps to AEM architectureThe six key steps to AEM architecture
The six key steps to AEM architecture

The document outlines the six key steps to create a solid AEM architecture: 1. Get the overall picture right by defining where AEM fits within the broader solution and how it will integrate with other systems. AEM can serve as an umbrella system, provider system, or independent system. 2. Map features to AEM's capabilities and validate choices through proofs of concept if using additional products. Consider licensing. 3. Design a simple, flexible content structure that supports features like multilingual and allows for future growth. 4. Plan the integration approach, aiming to integrate as close to the browser as possible when exposing services from AEM. 5. Determine the deployment model in advance as it impacts design choices

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This document compares SOAP and REST web services. SOAP uses XML and relies on complex specifications, while REST uses simple HTTP requests and aims to be lightweight. REST has advantages for simplicity, bandwidth usage, caching and statelessness. SOAP may be better for complex transactions that require ACID properties and reliable messaging. Factors like security requirements, scalability, and programming language support also influence the choice of protocol.

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•  Publish	
•  Load	
•  CQ	
•  CRX	
•  Felix	

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20240705 QFM024 Irresponsible AI Reading List June 2024
Matthew Sinclair
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Andrey Yasko
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Matthew Sinclair
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Pigging Solutions
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Adobe AEM CQ5 - Developer Introduction

  • 1. Adobe  AEM  aka  CQ5   Ge/ng  Started  and  More     Dr.  Yash  Mody,  PhD   Tekno  Point  ConsulAng  |  
  • 2. IntroducAon  to  CQ5     The  way  developers  like  it   •  Web  Content  Management   That’s  where  we  create  websites  and  its  content   •  Digital  Asset  Management    All  the  digital  media  goes  here  like  images,  documents,  movies  et.  Al.   •  Campaign  Management    CreaAng  campaigns,  mailers  and  teasers  using  the  same  content.   •  Workflow    Automate  the  processes.  Add  users,  scripts  and  other  processes.  Yes  can  be  triggered     •  Social  CollaboraAon    Calendar,  Customer  raAngs,  Forum,  Comments  and  the  other  usual  stuff  (FB,  TwiPer)   Dr.  Yash  Mody  |  Tekno  Point   2  
  • 3. Ge/ng  Started   •  Current  Version  –  5.6    Now  called  as  the  Adobe  Experience  Manager   •  Prereqs  –  Java  v1.7,  4  GB  RAM(min),  CRXDE      And  that’s  apart  from  a  valid  jar  and  license.   •  InstallaAon  is  double  clicking  a  JAR    No  I  am  not  kidding   •  Set  up  as  Author    That’s  where  all  the  content  is  generated.    Called  the  run-­‐mode     Dr.  Yash  Mody  |  Tekno  Point   3  
  • 4. Key  Technologies   •  OSGi    The  Universal  Middleware.  Container  for  Bundles.  Uses  Apache  Felix     •  JCR    Java  content  Repository.    Everything  is  content.  ImplementaAon  used  -­‐  CRX   •  Apache  Sling    The  REST  framework  responsible  for  delivering  content  form  JCR   •  CQ  WCM  API    Pages,  Templates,  Components,  Workflows  and  everything  else  CQ  is  made  up  of   •  EXTJs   •  Sencha  JavaScript  framework.  Used  for  UI   Dr.  Yash  Mody  |  Tekno  Point   4  
  • 5. Key  Terms   •  Template    The  Blue  print  to  make  a  page   •  Pages    This  is  what  the  Author  creates   •  Components    Part  of  templates  and  this  is  where  you  will  spend  a  lot  of  your  Ame.  JSP,  JS,  CSS,  i18n,  ExtJs   •  Dialog    User  Interface  to  collect  informaAon  from  an  Author.  Custom  created.  ExtJs   •  Widgets    Each  line  item  in  a  dialog.  Sits  inside  a  widgetcollecAon.  ExtJs   •  Workflow    The  more  I  tell  you  the  more  I  scare  you.  Model  a  workflow,  Run  it,  See  the  inbox,  Step  ahead..  Phew   Dr.  Yash  Mody  |  Tekno  Point   5  
  • 6. OSGi   •  Bundles    Your  Java  Code.  Basically  a  Jar  with  some  meta  informaAon   •  Services    This  is  what  you  will  use  and  write  for  other  bundles   •  Blah  Blah    Modules,  RunAme  and  Security.  Class  Loader  example   Dr.  Yash  Mody  |  Tekno  Point   6  
  • 7. JCR  Terms   •  Node   •  It’s  the  structure   •  ProperAes   •  And  the  content.  Key/Value(s)  format   •  API     Dr.  Yash  Mody  |  Tekno  Point   7  
  • 8. JCR  Structure   ID   FN   LN   1   A   A   2   B   b   Employee   A   FN:A   LN:B   B   FN:A   LN:B  Repository  Model  with  mulAple  workspaces   Structured  Data   Node  Data   Dr.  Yash  Mody  |  Tekno  Point   8  
  • 9. Apache  Sling   •  REST   •  URL  –  From  JCR   •  Protocol  –  HTTP     •  SlingHTTPRequest/Response   •  POST  handler   Dr.  Yash  Mody  |  Tekno  Point   9  
  • 10. Too  many  API’s   adaptTo()   •  Apache  Sling   •  JCR   •  OSGi   •  WCM   •  Workflows   •  CQ  WCM   •  adaptTo()   Dr.  Yash  Mody  |  Tekno  Point   10  
  • 11. CQ5  Architecture  –  Technology  Stack   Dr.  Yash  Mody  |  Tekno  Point   11  
  • 12. Other  EssenAals   •  Publish  and  Author  instances   •  The  4502  secret    Default  port   •  Sidekick  &  Content  Finder    On  the  Authoring  Page.  CF  is  used  to  add  content  (from  DAM)  and  Sidekick  to  add  components  and  more   •  The  PARAGRAPH  SYSTEM    The  reason  CQ  is  selling  :P  Provides  ability  to  drag  and  drop  components.  Making  it  easy  to  customize    templates   Dr.  Yash  Mody  |  Tekno  Point   12  
  • 13. Deployment   •  Dispatcher    CQ  is  a  powerful  rendering  engine  built  on  powerful  standards.  CQ  runs  with  a  webserver  for  content    delivery.  Makes  Sense  as  well   •  Publish  –  Author  relaAonship    ReplicaAon  Agent.  Reverse  ReplicaAon  Agent   •  Load  Balancing  and  Clustering    Lives  in  clusters.  Single  instance  is  a  cluster  of  1   Dr.  Yash  Mody  |  Tekno  Point   13  
  • 14. Environments   •  CQ  Sites–  hPp://localhost:4502/siteadmin   •  CRX  –  hPp://localhost:4502/crx/explorer   •  Felix  –  hPp://localhost:4502/system/console   •  CRXDE  –  hPp://localhost:4502/crxde       Dr.  Yash  Mody  |  Tekno  Point   14