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DTrace Introduction

Kyle Hailey
1. Intro … Me … Delphix
2. What is DTrace
3. Why DTrace
  –   Make the Impossible be possible
  –   Low overhead
4. Where DTrace can be used
5. How DTrace is used
  –   Probes
  –   Overhead
  –   Variables
  –   Resources
Kyle Hailey
• OEM 10g Performance Monitoring
• Visual SQL Tuning (VST) in DB Optimizer

• Delphix

      25 TB

              2 TB
What is DTrace
• Way of tracing O/S and Programs
  – Making the impossible possible

• Your code unchanged
  – Optional add static DTrace probes

• No overhead when off
  – Turning on dynamically changes code path

• Low overhead when on
  – 1000s of events per second cause less 1% overhead

• Event Driven
  – Like event 10046, 10053
Shouting at Disks
Where can we trace
•   Solaris
•   OpenSolaris
•   FreeBSD …
•   MacOS
•   Linux – announced from Oracle
•   AIX – working “probevue”
What can we trace?
Almost anything
  – All system calls “read”
  – All kernel calls “biodone”
  – All function calls in a program
  – All DTrace stable providers
     • Example : io:::start
     • Predefined stable probes
     • Non-stable Probe names and arguments can change
       over time
  – Custom probes
     • Write custom probes in programs to trace
Structure                           (called a probe)

             $ cat mydtrace.d
             #!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s
Section1 :
•Filter      / filters /
             { actions }

             # additional tracing
 Section 2    Something_else_to_trace
             /optional filters /
             { take some actions }
Event Driven
• DTrace Code run when probes fire in OS
   /usr/sbin/dtrace -n '
                                            Probe (multi-threaded, process)
   #pragma D option quiet                   when this happens then:
    printf(" timestamp %d ¥n",timestamp);
   }'                                         Take action
• Program runs until canceled                 Print variable
   $ sudo ./mydtrace.d
    timestamp 8135515300287183
    timestamp 8135515300328512
    timestamp 8135515300346769
What are these
    What are these probes and variables:?
         printf(" timestamp %d ¥n",timestamp);

        – Probes
            • kernel and system calls
            • program function calls
            • predefined by DTrace
        – Variables
            • Variables are either predefined in DTrace like timestamp
            • defined by user
How to list Probes?
Two ways to list probes

1. All System and kernel calls
  dtrace –l

2. All Process functions
  dtrace –l pid[pid]

Output will have 4 part name, colon separated
   Provider:module:function:name
Kernel vs User Space

                                    Kernel Functions
                   dtrace –l
                                      $ dtrace –l
                   dtrace –l        System Calls

                        731    21
                                    User Land

                                    $ dtrace –l pid21

  User Processes
dtrace -l
          Provider Module                Function Name
$ sudo dtrace –l

     1       dtrace                                BEGIN
     2       dtrace                                END
     3       dtrace                                ERROR
    16      profile                                tick-1sec
    17          fbt    klmops        lm_find_sysid entry
    18          fbt    klmops        lm_find_sysid return
    19          fbt    klmops gister_share_locally entry
Thousands of lines .
dtrace –l : grouping probes

$ sudo dtrace -l | awk '{print   $2 }' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr

  Count   provider                      area
  72095   fbt                       –   kernel functions
   1283   sdt                       -   system calls
    629   mib                       -   system statistics
    473   hotspot_jni, hotspot      –   JVM
    466   syscall                   –   system calls
    173   nfsv4,nfsv3,tcp,udp,ip    –   network
     61   sysinfo                   –   kernel statistics
     55   sched                     –   CPU, io, scheduling
     46   fsinfo                    -   file system info
     41   vminfo                    -   memory
     40   iscsi,fc                  -   iscsi,fibre channel
     22   lockstat                  -   locks
     15   proc                      -   fork, exit , create
     14   profile                   -   timers tick
     12   io                        -   io:::start, done
      3   dtrace                    -   BEGIN, END, ERROR
Providers:defined interfaces
Instead of tracing a kernel function, which could change between O/S
    versions, trace a maintained, stable probe
    –   I/O                io Provider
    –   CPU                sched Provider
    –   system calls       syscall Provider
    –   memory             vminfo Provider
    –   user processes     pid Provider
    –   network            tcp Provider

  Provider definition files in /usr/lib/dtrace, such as io.d, nfs.d, sched.d, tcp.d
Example Network: TCP
What if we wanted to look for TCP transmissions for receive ?

 Probes have 4 part name

   $ dtrace –l | grep tcp | grep receive


  Or look at wiki
Probe arguments: dtrace –lnv
What are the arguments for the probe function

$ dtrace -lvn tcp:ip:tcp_input_data:receive
  7301   tcp      ip         tcp_input_data receive
     Argument Types
         args[0]: pktinfo_t *
         args[1]: csinfo_t *
         args[2]: ipinfo_t *
         args[3]: tcpsinfo_t *
         args[4]: tcpinfo_t *

What is “tcpsinfo_t ” for example ?
Probe Argument definitions
Find out what “tcpsinfo_t ” is
Two ways:

1. Stable Provider
  –    In our case there is a TCP stable provider

2. Look at source code
   – For OpenSolaris see:
   – Otherwise get a copy of the source
       • Load into Eclipse or similar for easy search

Let’s look up “tcpsinfo_t ”
                  Type in variable

                           Click on Link
                tcpsinfo_t - points to many things

      string tcps_raddr = Remote machines IP address
Creating a Program
     • Find out all the machines we are receiving TCP packets from
         $ cat tcpreceive.d
         #!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s
         #pragma D option quiet
probe    tcp:ip:tcp_input_data:receive
action   { printf(" address %s ¥n", args[3]->tcps_raddr ); }

                                                                args[3]: tcpsinfo_t *
         $ sudo ./tcpreceive.d
         address                                 When TCP receive
         address                                     Print remote address
Using for TCP Window sizes
           ip      usend      ssz        send        recd        564    16028          564   ¥        696    16208          132   ¥       1180    16208          484   ¥       1664    16208          484   ¥       2148    16208          484   ¥       2148    16208                /   0       1452    16208                /   0

 Remote       Unacknowledged             Send        Receive
 Machine      Bytes Sent                 Bytes       Bytes

                           Send Window

     If unacknowleged bytes sent goes above send window
     then transmissions will be delayed
Review so far
• DTrace – trace O/S and user programs
• Solaris and partially on Linux among others
• Code is event driven, structure
  – probe
  – Include optional filter
  – Action
• Get all event’s with “dtrace –l”
• Get event arguments with “dtrace –lnv probe”
• Get argument definitions in source or wiki
  1. Globals
    •   Not thread save

  2. Aggregates
    •   Thread safe scalars and arrays
    •   Special operations, Count, average, quantize
        @ct = count() ;
        @sm = sum(value);
        @agg = quantize(value);
  3. Self-> var
    •             Thread variable, self->x = value;
  4. This->var
    •             Light weight variable for only this probe firing
    •             this->x = value;
Variables: Aggregates are best

What is an aggregate?
•   Multi CPU safe variable
•   Light weight
•   Array or scalar
•   Denoted by @
    – @var= function(value);
    – @var[array_indice]=function(value);
• Functions pre-defined only, such as
    –   sum()
    –   count()
    –   max()
    –   quantize()***
• Print out with “printa”
Using Aggregates: count()
What program writes the most often?

syscall::write:entry {
   @counts[execname] = count();
   expr                     72
   sh                     291
   tee                    814
   make.bin              2010
  execname = session                               Count of occurrences doing writes

Aggregate: quantize()
Get distribution of all I/O sizes
If the following returns too many rows
$ sudo dtrace -l | grep io

Alternately Limit output to specific probes with “-ln” flag:

$ sudo dtrace -ln io:::
 6281         io genunix              biodone    done
 6282         io genunix              biowait    wait-done
 6283         io genunix              biowait    wait-start
 7868         io     nfs              nfs_bio    done
 7871         io     nfs              nfs_bio    start
Aggregate : quantize()
  What if we wanted a distribution of all I/O sizes?
                                            bio = block I/O
$ sudo dtrace -ln io:::
 6281         io genunix          biodone   done
 6282         io genunix          biowait   wait-done
 6283         io genunix          biowait   wait-start
 7868         io     nfs          nfs_bio   done               NFS
 7871         io     nfs          nfs_bio   start              module

$ sudo dtrace -lvn io:genunix:biodone:done
   ID   PROVIDER            MODULE     FUNCTION NAME          What is
 6281         io           genunix      biodone done          bufinfo_t?
        Argument Types
                args[0]: bufinfo_t *                          Sounds like
                args[1]: devinfo_t *                          Buffer
                args[2]: fileinfo_t                           information
Finding what bufinfo_t points to
bufinfo_t arguments
$ sudo dtrace -lvn io:genunix:biodone:done
6281         io         genunix     biodone done
        Argument Types
                args[0]: bufinfo_t *
                args[1]: devinfo_t *
                args[2]: fileinfo_t

                       args[0] = bufinfo_t *
                       bufinfo_t -> b_bcount= number of bytes

                       Use in Dtrace

Aggregate Example: iosizes.d
#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s
#pragma D option quiet
{    @sizes = quantize(args[0]->b_bcount); }
                                               Size of the
$ sudo iosizes.d
value --- Distribution -- count
    256 |                    0
    512 |@@@@                6
   1024 |@@@@                6
   2048 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  31
   4096 |@@@                 5
   8192 |@@@@@               9
 16384 |@@@@                 6
 32768 |                     0
 65536 |                     0
Aggregate : iosizes.d with execname
   Kernel land I/O
#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s
#pragma D option quiet
{   @sizes[execname] = quantize(args[0]->b_bcount); }
                                                               Size of the
$ sudo iosizes.d
   value --- Distribution -- count
     256 |                     0
     512 |@@@@                 6
                                                        Only returns
    1024 |@@@@                 6
                                                        I/O for sched
    2048 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@   31
    4096 |@@@                  5
    8192 |@@@@@                9
   16384 |@@@@                 6
   32768 |                     0
Kernel vs User Space
• I/O is done by the kernel so only see “sched”
• User I/O is done via a system call to kernel

                                                  I/O is in
                                 Kernel Functions kernel
           dtrace –l
                                                  done by
           dtrace –l             System Calls
    899                                           make a
                731    21
                                  User Land       system
                                                  call “read”
io:::start : kernel, look for user syscall
• Look for the read system call
$ sudo dtrace -l | grep syscall | grep read
 5425    syscall         read entry
 5426    syscall         read return

$ sudo dtrace -lvn syscall::read:entry
 5425    syscall              read    entry
        Argument Types
User program system call “read”

                           Arg0 = fd
                           Arg1 = *buf
                           Arg2 = size

                           Instead of

                   $ sudo dtrace -lvn syscall::read:entry
                           Argument Types
Aggregate Example: readsizes.d
User land I/O
#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s
#pragma D option quiet
{ @read_sizes[execname] = quantize(arg2); }
                                                                    Size of the
          value ------------- Distribution -------------    count
           4096 |                                           0
           8192 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@   2
          16384 |                                           0

          value ------------- Distribution -------------    count
          16384 |                                           0
          32768 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@   1
          65536 |                                           0

          value ------------- Distribution -------------    count
           8192 |                                           0
          16384 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@   931
          32768 |                                           0
Built in variables
•   pid – process id
•   tid – thread id
•   execname
•   timestamp – nano-seconds
•   cwd – current working directory
•   Probes:
    – probeprov
    – probemod
    – probefunc
    – probename
Built in variable examples
                            No function name =
                            Wild card, all matches   Program name
# cat exec.d                                         Function executing
#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s                                Records function
                                                     That fires
{     @num[execname, probefunc] = count(); }
{     printa("   %-32s %-32s %@8d¥n", @num);}

# ./syscall.d
dtrace: script './exec.d' matched 236 probes
   sleep        stat64             32
   vmtoolsd     pollsys            37
   java         pollsys            72
   java         lwp_cond_wait     180

  Execname     function           count
Latency crucial to performance analysis.
   Latency = delta = end_time – start_time

Dtrace probes have

• Entry, exit
• Start , done

Take time at beginning and time at end and take
Latency: how long does I/O take?
Latency = delta = end_time – start_time
   – start_time io:::start
   – end_time io:::done

Array to hold each I/O start time:
• Array needs a unique key for each I/O
• Key could be based on
   – device = args[0]->b_edev   Look these up in source
   – block = args[0]->b_blkno

Array: tm_start[device,block]=timestamp
                Timestamp         Array index              filter
  comment       array
         #!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s
         #pragma D option quiet

start    io:::start
         /*       device           block number                 */
         { tm_start[ args[0]->b_edev, args[0]->b_blkno] = timestamp; }

end      io:::done
         / tm_start[ args[0]->b_edev, args[0]->b_blkno] /
           this->delta =
              (timestamp - tm_start[args[0]->b_edev,args[0]->b_blkno] );
           @io = quantize(this->delta);
           tm_start[ args[0]->b_edev, args[0]->b_blkno] = 0;

                 quantize                            Clear
array                                                Timestamp
                                                     Array entry
Other ways of keying start/end
1. We used a global array
   – tm_start[device,block]=timestamp
   – Probably best general way

2. Some people use arg0
   – tm_start[arg0]=timestamp
   – Not as clear that this is valid

3. Others use
   – self->start = timestamp;
   – This only works if the same thread that does the begin
     probe is the same the does the end probe
       • Doesn’t work for io:::start , io:::done
       • Does work for nfs:::start , nfs:::done
Tracing vs Profiling
• Programs run until ^C
• Can print every probe
• At ^C all unprinted variables are printed
• Take action every X seconds
• Special probe name
 Can profile at hz or ns, us, ms, sec
                profile:::tick-1        Hz
                profile:::tick-1ms      ms
Latency: output every second

        #!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s
        #pragma D option quiet

start   /*       device           block number                 */
        { tm_start[ args[0]->b_edev, args[0]->b_blkno] = timestamp; }

        / tm_start[ args[0]->b_edev, args[0]->b_blkno] /
end       this->delta =
             (timestamp - tm_start[args[0]->b_edev,args[0]->b_blkno] );
          @io = quantize(this->delta);
          tm_start[ args[0]->b_edev, args[0]->b_blkno] = 0;

Every profile:::tick-1sec
       { printa(@io);
second   trunc(@io);

                             clear   print       quantize   clear
User Process Tracing

                                                      Kernel Functions
                      dtrace –l

                      dtrace –l                       System Calls

                           731         21
                                                      User Land

     User Processes
                                  $ dtrace –l pid21
Tracing User Processes
• What can you trace in Oracle
  – $ ps –ef | grep oracle
  – Get a process id
  – $ dtrace –l pid[process_id]
  – Lists program functions
• What do these functions do?
  – Source code for Mysql
  – Guess if you are on Oracle
  – Some good blogs out there
User process tracing (from Brendan Gregg )
• Don't worry too much about pid provider probe cost at < 1000 events/sec.
• At > 10,000 events/sec, pid provider probe cost will be noticeable.
• At > 100,000 events/sec, pid provider probe cost may be painful.
User process probes 2-15us typical, could be slower

Kernel and system calls are cheaper to trace
• > 1,000,000 20% impact

For non CPU work loads impact may be greater
• TCP tests showed 50% throughput drop at 160K events/sec
    – 40K interupts/sec
Formatting data
Problem : Formating data difficult in Dtrace
DTrace has printf and printa (for arrays) but …

• No floating point
• No “if-then-else” , no “for-loop”
   – type = probename == "op-write-done" ? "W" : "R";

• No way to access index of an aggregate array (ex sum of
  time by sum of counts)

Solution: do formatting and calculations in perl
                dtrace -n ‘ … ‘ | perl –e ‘ … ‘
• Stucture
      #!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s
      / filters /
      { actions }
• List of Probes
      dtrace -l
• Arguments to probes
      dtrace –lnv prov:mod:func:name
• Look up args in source code
• Use Aggregates @ – they make DTrace easy
• Google Dtrace
  – Find example programs
• Oracle Wiki
• DTrace book:
• Brendan Gregg’s Blog
• Oracle examples

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A22 Introduction to DTrace by Kyle Hailey

  • 2. Agenda 1. Intro … Me … Delphix 2. What is DTrace 3. Why DTrace – Make the Impossible be possible – Low overhead 4. Where DTrace can be used 5. How DTrace is used – Probes – Overhead – Variables – Resources
  • 3. Kyle Hailey • OEM 10g Performance Monitoring • Visual SQL Tuning (VST) in DB Optimizer • Delphix
  • 4. Delphix 25 TB 2 TB
  • 5. What is DTrace • Way of tracing O/S and Programs – Making the impossible possible • Your code unchanged – Optional add static DTrace probes • No overhead when off – Turning on dynamically changes code path • Low overhead when on – 1000s of events per second cause less 1% overhead • Event Driven – Like event 10046, 10053
  • 7. Where can we trace • Solaris • OpenSolaris • FreeBSD … • MacOS • Linux – announced from Oracle • AIX – working “probevue”
  • 8. What can we trace? Almost anything – All system calls “read” – All kernel calls “biodone” – All function calls in a program – All DTrace stable providers • Example : io:::start • Predefined stable probes • Non-stable Probe names and arguments can change over time – Custom probes • Write custom probes in programs to trace
  • 9. Structure (called a probe) $ cat mydtrace.d #!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s Section1 : •Probe Name_of_something_to_trace •Filter / filters / •Clause { actions } # additional tracing Section 2 Something_else_to_trace /optional filters / { take some actions }
  • 10. Event Driven • DTrace Code run when probes fire in OS /usr/sbin/dtrace -n ' Probe (multi-threaded, process) #pragma D option quiet when this happens then: io:::start { printf(" timestamp %d ¥n",timestamp); }' Take action • Program runs until canceled Print variable $ sudo ./mydtrace.d timestamp 8135515300287183 timestamp 8135515300328512 timestamp 8135515300346769 ^C
  • 11. What are these What are these probes and variables:? io:::start Probe { printf(" timestamp %d ¥n",timestamp); Variable }' – Probes • kernel and system calls • program function calls • predefined by DTrace – Variables • Variables are either predefined in DTrace like timestamp • defined by user
  • 12. How to list Probes? Two ways to list probes 1. All System and kernel calls dtrace –l 2. All Process functions dtrace –l pid[pid] Output will have 4 part name, colon separated  Provider:module:function:name
  • 13. Kernel vs User Space Kernel Functions dtrace –l $ dtrace –l dtrace –l System Calls 899 731 21 User Land $ dtrace –l pid21 User Processes
  • 14. dtrace -l Provider Module Function Name $ sudo dtrace –l ID PROVIDER MODULE FUNCTION NAME 1 dtrace BEGIN 2 dtrace END 3 dtrace ERROR 16 profile tick-1sec 17 fbt klmops lm_find_sysid entry 18 fbt klmops lm_find_sysid return 19 fbt klmops gister_share_locally entry … Thousands of lines .
  • 15. dtrace –l : grouping probes Provider:module:function:name $ sudo dtrace -l | awk '{print $2 }' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr Count provider area 72095 fbt – kernel functions 1283 sdt - system calls 629 mib - system statistics 473 hotspot_jni, hotspot – JVM 466 syscall – system calls 173 nfsv4,nfsv3,tcp,udp,ip – network 61 sysinfo – kernel statistics 55 sched – CPU, io, scheduling 46 fsinfo - file system info 41 vminfo - memory 40 iscsi,fc - iscsi,fibre channel 22 lockstat - locks 15 proc - fork, exit , create 14 profile - timers tick 12 io - io:::start, done 3 dtrace - BEGIN, END, ERROR
  • 16. Providers:defined interfaces Instead of tracing a kernel function, which could change between O/S versions, trace a maintained, stable probe – I/O io Provider – CPU sched Provider – system calls syscall Provider – memory vminfo Provider – user processes pid Provider – network tcp Provider Provider definition files in /usr/lib/dtrace, such as io.d, nfs.d, sched.d, tcp.d
  • 17. Example Network: TCP What if we wanted to look for TCP transmissions for receive ?  Probes have 4 part name Provider:module:function:name $ dtrace –l | grep tcp | grep receive tcp:ip:tcp_input_data:receive Or look at wiki
  • 18. Probe arguments: dtrace –lnv What are the arguments for the probe function “tcp:ip:tcp_input_data:receive” $ dtrace -lvn tcp:ip:tcp_input_data:receive ID PROVIDER MODULE FUNCTION NAME 7301 tcp ip tcp_input_data receive Argument Types args[0]: pktinfo_t * args[1]: csinfo_t * args[2]: ipinfo_t * args[3]: tcpsinfo_t * args[4]: tcpinfo_t * What is “tcpsinfo_t ” for example ?
  • 19. Probe Argument definitions Find out what “tcpsinfo_t ” is Two ways: 1. Stable Provider – – In our case there is a TCP stable provider 2. Look at source code – For OpenSolaris see: – Otherwise get a copy of the source • Load into Eclipse or similar for easy search Let’s look up “tcpsinfo_t ”
  • 20. Type in variable Click on Link
  • 21. tcpsinfo_t - points to many things example string tcps_raddr = Remote machines IP address
  • 22. Creating a Program • Find out all the machines we are receiving TCP packets from $ cat tcpreceive.d #!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s #pragma D option quiet probe tcp:ip:tcp_input_data:receive action { printf(" address %s ¥n", args[3]->tcps_raddr ); } args[3]: tcpsinfo_t * $ sudo ./tcpreceive.d address address When TCP receive address Print remote address address address address ^C
  • 23. Using for TCP Window sizes ip usend ssz send recd 564 16028 564 ¥ 696 16208 132 ¥ 1180 16208 484 ¥ 1664 16208 484 ¥ 2148 16208 484 ¥ 2148 16208 / 0 1452 16208 / 0 Remote Unacknowledged Send Receive Machine Bytes Sent Bytes Bytes Send Window Bytes If unacknowleged bytes sent goes above send window then transmissions will be delayed
  • 24. Review so far • DTrace – trace O/S and user programs • Solaris and partially on Linux among others • Code is event driven, structure – probe – Include optional filter – Action • Get all event’s with “dtrace –l” • Get event arguments with “dtrace –lnv probe” • Get argument definitions in source or wiki
  • 25. Variables 1. Globals • Not thread save X=1; A[1]=1; 2. Aggregates • Thread safe scalars and arrays • Special operations, Count, average, quantize @ct = count() ; @sm = sum(value); @sm[type]=sum(value); @agg = quantize(value); 3. Self-> var • Thread variable, self->x = value; 4. This->var • Light weight variable for only this probe firing • this->x = value;
  • 26. Variables: Aggregates are best
  • 27. What is an aggregate? • Multi CPU safe variable • Light weight • Array or scalar • Denoted by @ – @var= function(value); – @var[array_indice]=function(value); • Functions pre-defined only, such as – sum() – count() – max() – quantize()*** • Print out with “printa”
  • 28. Using Aggregates: count() What program writes the most often? syscall::write:entry { @counts[execname] = count(); } expr 72 sh 291 tee 814 make.bin 2010 execname = session Count of occurrences doing writes
  • 29. Aggregate: quantize() Get distribution of all I/O sizes If the following returns too many rows $ sudo dtrace -l | grep io Alternately Limit output to specific probes with “-ln” flag: $ sudo dtrace -ln io::: ID PROVIDER MODULE FUNCTION NAME 6281 io genunix biodone done 6282 io genunix biowait wait-done 6283 io genunix biowait wait-start 7868 io nfs nfs_bio done 7871 io nfs nfs_bio start
  • 30. Aggregate : quantize() What if we wanted a distribution of all I/O sizes? bio = block I/O $ sudo dtrace -ln io::: ID PROVIDER MODULE FUNCTION NAME 6281 io genunix biodone done 6282 io genunix biowait wait-done 6283 io genunix biowait wait-start 7868 io nfs nfs_bio done NFS 7871 io nfs nfs_bio start module $ sudo dtrace -lvn io:genunix:biodone:done ID PROVIDER MODULE FUNCTION NAME What is 6281 io genunix biodone done bufinfo_t? Argument Types args[0]: bufinfo_t * Sounds like args[1]: devinfo_t * Buffer args[2]: fileinfo_t information
  • 32. bufinfo_t arguments $ sudo dtrace -lvn io:genunix:biodone:done ID PROVIDER MODULE FUNCTION NAME 6281 io genunix biodone done Argument Types args[0]: bufinfo_t * args[1]: devinfo_t * args[2]: fileinfo_t args[0] = bufinfo_t * bufinfo_t -> b_bcount= number of bytes Use in Dtrace args[0]->b_bcount
  • 33. Aggregate Example: iosizes.d #!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s #pragma D option quiet io:::done { @sizes = quantize(args[0]->b_bcount); } Size of the I/O $ sudo iosizes.d value --- Distribution -- count 256 | 0 512 |@@@@ 6 1024 |@@@@ 6 2048 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 31 4096 |@@@ 5 8192 |@@@@@ 9 16384 |@@@@ 6 32768 | 0 65536 | 0 ^C
  • 34. Aggregate : iosizes.d with execname Kernel land I/O #!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s #pragma D option quiet io:::done { @sizes[execname] = quantize(args[0]->b_bcount); } Size of the I/O $ sudo iosizes.d sched value --- Distribution -- count 256 | 0 512 |@@@@ 6 Only returns 1024 |@@@@ 6 I/O for sched 2048 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 31 4096 |@@@ 5 Why? 8192 |@@@@@ 9 16384 |@@@@ 6 32768 | 0 ^C
  • 35. Kernel vs User Space • I/O is done by the kernel so only see “sched” • User I/O is done via a system call to kernel I/O is in Kernel Functions kernel dtrace –l done by sched dtrace –l System Calls User programs 899 make a 731 21 User Land system call “read”
  • 36. io:::start : kernel, look for user syscall • Look for the read system call $ sudo dtrace -l | grep syscall | grep read 5425 syscall read entry 5426 syscall read return $ sudo dtrace -lvn syscall::read:entry ID PROVIDER MODULE FUNCTION NAME 5425 syscall read entry Argument Types None
  • 37. User program system call “read” Arg0 = fd Arg1 = *buf Arg2 = size Instead of args[2]->size Use arg2 $ sudo dtrace -lvn syscall::read:entry Argument Types None
  • 38. Aggregate Example: readsizes.d User land I/O #!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s #pragma D option quiet syscall::read:entry { @read_sizes[execname] = quantize(arg2); } Size of the I/O java value ------------- Distribution ------------- count 4096 | 0 8192 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 2 16384 | 0 cat value ------------- Distribution ------------- count 16384 | 0 32768 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 1 65536 | 0 sshd value ------------- Distribution ------------- count 8192 | 0 16384 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 931 32768 | 0
  • 39. Built in variables • pid – process id • tid – thread id • execname • timestamp – nano-seconds • cwd – current working directory • Probes: – probeprov – probemod – probefunc – probename
  • 40. Built in variable examples No function name = Wild card, all matches Program name # cat exec.d Function executing #!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s Records function That fires syscall:::entry { @num[execname, probefunc] = count(); } dtrace:::END { printa(" %-32s %-32s %@8d¥n", @num);} # ./syscall.d dtrace: script './exec.d' matched 236 probes sleep stat64 32 vmtoolsd pollsys 37 java pollsys 72 java lwp_cond_wait 180 Execname function count
  • 41. Latency Latency crucial to performance analysis. Latency = delta = end_time – start_time Dtrace probes have • Entry, exit • Start , done Take time at beginning and time at end and take
  • 42. Latency: how long does I/O take? Latency = delta = end_time – start_time – start_time io:::start – end_time io:::done Array to hold each I/O start time: • Array needs a unique key for each I/O • Key could be based on – device = args[0]->b_edev Look these up in source – block = args[0]->b_blkno Array: tm_start[device,block]=timestamp
  • 43. Latency Timestamp Array index filter comment array #!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s #pragma D option quiet start io:::start /* device block number */ { tm_start[ args[0]->b_edev, args[0]->b_blkno] = timestamp; } end io:::done / tm_start[ args[0]->b_edev, args[0]->b_blkno] / { this->delta = (timestamp - tm_start[args[0]->b_edev,args[0]->b_blkno] ); @io = quantize(this->delta); tm_start[ args[0]->b_edev, args[0]->b_blkno] = 0; } quantize Clear Output array Timestamp Nano-second Array entry
  • 44. Other ways of keying start/end 1. We used a global array – tm_start[device,block]=timestamp – Probably best general way 2. Some people use arg0 – tm_start[arg0]=timestamp – Not as clear that this is valid 3. Others use – self->start = timestamp; – This only works if the same thread that does the begin probe is the same the does the end probe • Doesn’t work for io:::start , io:::done • Does work for nfs:::start , nfs:::done
  • 45. Tracing vs Profiling Tracing • Programs run until ^C • Can print every probe • At ^C all unprinted variables are printed Profiling • Take action every X seconds • Special probe name profile:::tick-1sec Can profile at hz or ns, us, ms, sec profile:::tick-1 Hz profile:::tick-1ms ms
  • 46. Latency: output every second #!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s #pragma D option quiet io:::start start /* device block number */ { tm_start[ args[0]->b_edev, args[0]->b_blkno] = timestamp; } io:::done / tm_start[ args[0]->b_edev, args[0]->b_blkno] / { end this->delta = (timestamp - tm_start[args[0]->b_edev,args[0]->b_blkno] ); @io = quantize(this->delta); tm_start[ args[0]->b_edev, args[0]->b_blkno] = 0; } Every profile:::tick-1sec { printa(@io); second trunc(@io); } clear print quantize clear
  • 47. User Process Tracing Kernel Functions dtrace –l dtrace –l System Calls 899 731 21 User Land User Processes $ dtrace –l pid21
  • 48. Tracing User Processes • What can you trace in Oracle – $ ps –ef | grep oracle – Get a process id – $ dtrace –l pid[process_id] – Lists program functions • What do these functions do? – Source code for Mysql – Guess if you are on Oracle – Some good blogs out there
  • 49. Overhead User process tracing (from Brendan Gregg ) • Don't worry too much about pid provider probe cost at < 1000 events/sec. • At > 10,000 events/sec, pid provider probe cost will be noticeable. • At > 100,000 events/sec, pid provider probe cost may be painful. User process probes 2-15us typical, could be slower Kernel and system calls are cheaper to trace • > 1,000,000 20% impact For non CPU work loads impact may be greater • TCP tests showed 50% throughput drop at 160K events/sec – 40K interupts/sec
  • 50. Formatting data Problem : Formating data difficult in Dtrace DTrace has printf and printa (for arrays) but … • No floating point • No “if-then-else” , no “for-loop” – type = probename == "op-write-done" ? "W" : "R"; • No way to access index of an aggregate array (ex sum of time by sum of counts) Solution: do formatting and calculations in perl dtrace -n ‘ … ‘ | perl –e ‘ … ‘
  • 51. Summary • Stucture #!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s Name_of_something_to_trace / filters / { actions } • List of Probes dtrace -l • Arguments to probes dtrace –lnv prov:mod:func:name • Look up args in source code • Use Aggregates @ – they make DTrace easy • Google Dtrace – Find example programs
  • 52. Resources • Oracle Wiki – • DTrace book: – • Brendan Gregg’s Blog – • Oracle examples – – –