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Testes em um
contexto de
Continuous Delivery
Stefan Teixeira
• QA Automation Engineer @ Toptal
• Blogs técnicos: (pt-br) / (en)
• Co-organizador dos meetups DevOps Carioca e Grupo de
Testes Carioca
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• Aplicação Java (Spring Boot)

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Pluginize ALL the things
Pluginize ALL the thingsPluginize ALL the things
Pluginize ALL the things

With the move to CakePHP 2.x, it has been a bit harder to find quality open source code that can be integrated with your application. If it is a generic feature, it is very likely that you are duplicating effort, or missing out on a feature because you didn't know quite how to implement it. In this talk we will go over where to locate, assess and embrace/extinguish open source CakePHP code. We will also be covering a few of the more useful and popular CakePHP plugins available.

Paving roads
Paving roadsPaving roads
Paving roads

Talk at Plone Conference 2016 about mr.roboto, jenkins, github and how to make it easier to contributors to merge their pull requests.

Getting your project_started
Getting your project_startedGetting your project_started
Getting your project_started

This document discusses getting a new project started by focusing on three key phases and identifying "must have" vs "nice to have" tools and resources. It recommends project management software, a ticket system, version control system, frameworks, development environments, bug trackers, and ensuring adequate human resources including developers, testers, and QA staff. Specific tools and resources mentioned include Trac, Git, Zend Framework, Linux/Apache/PHP/MySQL stack, and staffing ratios of 3 developers to 1 tester.

project managementphpproject management tools
• Aplicação Java (Spring Boot)
• Apenas server-side
• Aplicação Java (Spring Boot)
• Apenas server-side
• Muitas integrações com outros
sistemas internos
6º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Testes em um contexto de Continuous Delivery

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How to เสร็จเร็ว (Use Agile for your project with team)
How to เสร็จเร็ว (Use Agile for your project with team)How to เสร็จเร็ว (Use Agile for your project with team)
How to เสร็จเร็ว (Use Agile for your project with team)

How to เสร็จเร็ว (finish fast) with Agile way. Know the problem and how to solve it. Working as a team and collaboration with Scrum processes.

scrumagileproject management
Devoxx 2016 Using Jenkins, Gerrit and Spark for Continuous Delivery Analytics
Devoxx 2016 Using Jenkins, Gerrit and Spark for Continuous Delivery AnalyticsDevoxx 2016 Using Jenkins, Gerrit and Spark for Continuous Delivery Analytics
Devoxx 2016 Using Jenkins, Gerrit and Spark for Continuous Delivery Analytics

Our journey and experience in dealing with the collection/analysis of Continuous Delivery log events using Gerrit Code Review, Jenkins with Apache Flume, ElasticSearch, Kibana and Spark

gerrit code-review jenkins spark kibana
Android Building, Testing and reversing
Android Building, Testing and reversingAndroid Building, Testing and reversing
Android Building, Testing and reversing

- The document discusses various topics around testing Android applications such as creating test projects, different types of tests (unit, integration, UI, etc.), testing frameworks like JUnit, using annotations, running and debugging tests. - It provides an overview of key concepts and tools required for testing including testing on emulators and real devices, using mocks, assertions and view assertions in tests. - The document demonstrates how to structure tests, write test cases with different assertions and annotations, and debug issues by running tests in Eclipse and from the command line.

• Criado pela ThoughtWorks |
• Criado pela ThoughtWorks
• Open-source (desde Fev/2014) |
• Criado pela ThoughtWorks
• Open-source (desde Fev/2014)
• Foco em Continuous Delivery |
O poder das abstrações certas

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Developing in the Fastlane -> How LookLive uses Fastlane to automate and spee...
Developing in the Fastlane -> How LookLive uses Fastlane to automate and spee...Developing in the Fastlane -> How LookLive uses Fastlane to automate and spee...
Developing in the Fastlane -> How LookLive uses Fastlane to automate and spee...

App deployment can be frustrating and time consuming. At LookLive, we have optimized this process using a tool called Fastlane. In this talk, I will demonstrate how we did it and you'll learn how you can set up Fastlane for your own projects.

Testautomatisierung mit C
Testautomatisierung mit CTestautomatisierung mit C
Testautomatisierung mit C

The document discusses test automation strategies at ePages including continuous delivery pipelines, different types of tests like unit tests, API tests, and Selenium tests, and test-driven development approaches. It provides an overview of the test stages from development to production environments and links to resources about test-driven development and the C programming language.

Continuous integration and delivery
Continuous integration and deliveryContinuous integration and delivery
Continuous integration and delivery

A quick guide through the wonders of teamwork with distributed version control systems, dependency management, build automation, and continuous integration and delivery.

build automationgithubtravis ci
Pipelines são first-class citizens
Mas o Jenkins não faz isso tudo?
(Alguns dos) problemas do Jenkins
• Plugin hell
(Alguns dos) problemas do Jenkins
• Plugin hell
• Falta de maiores níveis de

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Releaseflow: a healthy build and deploy process
Releaseflow: a healthy build and deploy processReleaseflow: a healthy build and deploy process
Releaseflow: a healthy build and deploy process

Do you have a healthy CI/CD pipeline? Do releases simply flow through? CI, CD, PRs, Pipelines, Releases, Deployments and all that jazz. Whether you're new to Continuous Delivery or a hardened traveller down that road, this session has something for you. We’ll start with an exploration of branching strategy ( before walking through a healthy continuous delivery configuration. We’ll watch a code change make it's way through a pipeline to production and discuss how we can apply such practices to our everyday work.

Contributing to Upstream Open Source Projects
Contributing to Upstream Open Source ProjectsContributing to Upstream Open Source Projects
Contributing to Upstream Open Source Projects

A presentation I gave to members of the Yocto Project team on how to most effectively get some of the work we're doing into upstream projects.

Increase the Velocity of Your Software Releases Using GitHub and DeployHub
Increase the Velocity of Your Software Releases Using GitHub and DeployHubIncrease the Velocity of Your Software Releases Using GitHub and DeployHub
Increase the Velocity of Your Software Releases Using GitHub and DeployHub

Increase the velocity of your software releases by using continuous deployment driven by continuous delivery pipeline. After all, the goal of agile is to get code updates into the hands of your users fast and on a high frequency basis. This means installing all the way to production, not just staged for productio. This webinar will show you an approach to achieving full continuous deployment using GitHub and DeployHub. You will learn how to declare your Application Package from your GitHub repository, manage approvals and deliver updates to environments across the CD pipeline from development through production. GitHub and DeployHub work together to provide a complete DevOps process that results in a repeatable, consistent software releases process with a full continuous feedback loop.

(Alguns dos) problemas do Jenkins
• Plugin hell
• Falta de maiores níveis de
• Suporte a CD somente via plugins

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GitOps is IaC done right
GitOps is IaC done rightGitOps is IaC done right
GitOps is IaC done right

這次在 twMVC #40 的分享,延續九月於 iThome Cloud Edge Summit 2020 談過的 GitOps 內容,再更多補充了 IaC 的內容。 以下是原公布的講題簡介: 延續 DevOps、IaC、K8S⋯⋯等熱潮,下一個被人們熱烈討論的技術實踐會是什麼?在新一波浮出水面的關鍵字中,GitOps 會不會是下一個明日之星? 嚴格檢視 GitOps,它並不是一個全新的概念,而是延續在 DevOps + IaC + CI/CD 之上的技術實踐。在這場演講中,將會分享 GitOps 與 IaC 的愛恨情仇,原來 GitOps 的出現,其實是為了讓 IaC 能做得盡善盡美?

programming Langauge
programming Langaugeprogramming Langauge
programming Langauge

The document summarizes several surveys of popular programming languages: GitHut analyzed GitHub repositories and found JavaScript, Java, and Python as the top 3 languages; RedMonk analyzed GitHub and StackOverflow activity and found JavaScript, Java, and PHP as the top 3; Jobs Tractor analyzed job postings and found Java, Objective-C, and PHP as the top 3; and TIOBE analyzed skills and search trends and found C, Java, and C++ as the top 3. Combining the surveys showed Java, JavaScript, and PHP as the most popular overall.

Laravel ecosystem - June 2015
Laravel ecosystem - June 2015Laravel ecosystem - June 2015
Laravel ecosystem - June 2015

This is an overview of the multiple support resources that you can find on the Laravel framework. If you are an experienced Laravel developer, there will certainly be support areas that you are not aware of. If you are a Laravel beginner, it is a great presentation to get you started on the Framework. So, everybody should be able to learn something.

Pipeline -> Estágios manuais
Pipeline -> Estágios com Testes
6º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Testes em um contexto de Continuous Delivery
6º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Testes em um contexto de Continuous Delivery

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ESE 2010: Using Git in Eclipse
ESE 2010: Using Git in EclipseESE 2010: Using Git in Eclipse
ESE 2010: Using Git in Eclipse

This document discusses using Git in Eclipse. It provides an overview of EGit and JGit, which allow using Git in Eclipse. It describes code review workflows used at Eclipse, including Gerrit, an open source code review system. Key points covered include the benefits of code review, features of EGit and plans for future releases, and how Gerrit enables an improved code review process compared to reviewing patches in Bugzilla.

Continuous Integration and PHP
Continuous Integration and PHPContinuous Integration and PHP
Continuous Integration and PHP

Short overview of the main principles of Continuous Integration (CI), describing benefits of CI and showing a smooth path of integrating CI into your development cycle, finishing with a short introduction into Xinc - PHP CI Server and how to utilize it for your projects.

TDC2016SP - Trilha DevOps Java
TDC2016SP - Trilha DevOps JavaTDC2016SP - Trilha DevOps Java
TDC2016SP - Trilha DevOps Java

The document discusses continuous delivery of Java applications using open source tools. It describes using GoCD as the continuous delivery tool to model pipelines for building, testing, and deploying applications. Pipelines are first-class citizens in GoCD, avoiding problems with other tools where CD support comes from plugins. The document also provides references for blue-green deployment and tools like Packer, Terraform, Consul, Ansible, Registrator, Pitest, Rest Assured and SparkJava.

6º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Testes em um contexto de Continuous Delivery
6º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Testes em um contexto de Continuous Delivery
6º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Testes em um contexto de Continuous Delivery
6º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Testes em um contexto de Continuous Delivery

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Tuenti Release Workflow
Tuenti Release WorkflowTuenti Release Workflow
Tuenti Release Workflow

At Tuenti, we do two code pushes per week, sometimes modifying thousands of files and running thousands of automated tests and build operations before, to ensure not only that the code works but also that proper localization is applied, bundles are generated and files get deployed to hundreds of servers as fast and reliable as possible. We use opensource tools like Mercurial, MySQL, Jenkins, Selenium, PHPUnit and Rsync among our own in-house ones, and have different development, testing, staging and production environments. We had to fight with problems like statics bundling and versioning, syntax errors and of course the fact that we have +100 engineers working on the codebase, sometimes merging and releasing more than a dozen branches the same day. We also switched from Subversion to Mercurial to obtain more flexibility and faster branching operations. With this talk we will explain the process of how code changes in ourcode repository end up in live code, detailing some practices and tips that we apply.

tuentitoolsopen source
Automating Your Salt Tests
Automating Your Salt TestsAutomating Your Salt Tests
Automating Your Salt Tests

Ryan Currah discussed automating Salt tests by treating testing as code. He recommends using tools like ServerSpec to define state tests as code, Jenkins Pipeline to define test jobs as code, and capturing state events to enable analytics on state executions. Automating testing helps catch issues early, improves confidence in releases, and prevents testing bottlenecks. Currah demonstrated generating and searching Salt state events in Splunk.

Github Copilot vs Amazon CodeWhisperer for Java developers at JCON 2023
Github Copilot vs Amazon CodeWhisperer for Java developers at JCON 2023Github Copilot vs Amazon CodeWhisperer for Java developers at JCON 2023
Github Copilot vs Amazon CodeWhisperer for Java developers at JCON 2023

The document compares GitHub Copilot, Amazon CodeWhisperer, and ChatGPT for Java developers. It provides an overview of each tool, compares their programming language support, IDE support, and pricing. It demonstrates their abilities for general tasks, simple functions, more complex algorithms, JUnit testing, and Spring Boot web development. It concludes that while the tools provide helpful suggestions, developers are still needed to ensure correctness and efficiency. GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT benefit from OpenAI, while Amazon CodeWhisperer needs quality improvements for Java but may leverage AWS services.

aicode complitionjava
6º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Testes em um contexto de Continuous Delivery
6º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Testes em um contexto de Continuous Delivery
6º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Testes em um contexto de Continuous Delivery
6º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Testes em um contexto de Continuous Delivery

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Compliance Automation with InSpec
Compliance Automation with InSpecCompliance Automation with InSpec
Compliance Automation with InSpec

InSpec is an open source testing framework for infrastructure with a human-readable language for specifying compliance, security, and other policy requirements. Easily integrate automated tests that check for advherence to policy into any stage of your deployment pipeline.

chef automatecontinuous complianceinspec
Release Management with Visual Studio Team Services and Office Dev PnP
Release Management with Visual Studio Team Services and Office Dev PnPRelease Management with Visual Studio Team Services and Office Dev PnP
Release Management with Visual Studio Team Services and Office Dev PnP

Learn about the capabilities of Visual Studio Online Services: – how you can setup continuous builds whenever a change is committed to the source repository – how to setup scheduled builds and deploys – how to target deployments for your dev, test, uat and prod environments – how to manage release security and use approval workflows Also learn how you can use Office Dev PnP PowerShell to support rapid and automated deployments and about other alternatives out there

continuous integrationdevopsvisual studio team services
Deploying Azure DevOps using Terraform
Deploying Azure DevOps using TerraformDeploying Azure DevOps using Terraform
Deploying Azure DevOps using Terraform

This presentation covers deploy Azure DevOps projects, repositories, pipelines, variable groups, etc. using the newly released Azure DevOps Terraform provider. A recording of this presentation is available on my YouTube channel here: A blog article about this topic is also available here:

6º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Testes em um contexto de Continuous Delivery
6º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Testes em um contexto de Continuous Delivery

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#ESPC18 How to do #devops with the #SharePoint Framework and why it matters?
#ESPC18 How to do #devops with the #SharePoint Framework and why it matters?#ESPC18 How to do #devops with the #SharePoint Framework and why it matters?
#ESPC18 How to do #devops with the #SharePoint Framework and why it matters?

1) The document discusses how to do DevOps with the SharePoint Framework including introducing the new tooling stack for SPFx, the software development lifecycle, and Visual Studio Team Services for source control and automation. 2) It demonstrates how to set up build pipelines in VSTS to automate builds and deployments including unit testing SPFx web parts. 3) The document also discusses managing technical debt through practices like linting, static analysis, and code quality tools like SonarQube.

sharepoint frameworkazure devopsdevops
Ship It ! with Ruby/ Rails Ecosystem
Ship It ! with Ruby/ Rails EcosystemShip It ! with Ruby/ Rails Ecosystem
Ship It ! with Ruby/ Rails Ecosystem

This document discusses how the Ruby on Rails ecosystem helps development teams by enabling non-blocking development. It outlines tools that allow developers to work independently in sandboxes, manage code through source control, build and deploy automatically, and track issues. This approach prevents blocking, allows continuous integration, and facilitates coordination between developers and operations through notification systems and issue tracking. The document also presents solutions for monitoring servers and jobs that can help reduce the need for a dedicated system administrator.

Test Automation using Athena by OLX - Intro
Test Automation using Athena by OLX - IntroTest Automation using Athena by OLX - Intro
Test Automation using Athena by OLX - Intro

Presentation used to introduce ATHENA during the QE Meetup held at VentureSpace PH. #QEisTheNewQA #AthenaByOLX

6º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Testes em um contexto de Continuous Delivery
6º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Testes em um contexto de Continuous Delivery
6º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Testes em um contexto de Continuous Delivery
6º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Testes em um contexto de Continuous Delivery

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How To Use Selenium Successfully (Java Edition)
How To Use Selenium Successfully (Java Edition)How To Use Selenium Successfully (Java Edition)
How To Use Selenium Successfully (Java Edition)

The document provides a 10 step guide to successfully using Selenium for automated testing. It begins by defining a test strategy and choosing a programming language. It then covers Selenium fundamentals like common actions and locator strategies. The next steps include writing the first test, making tests reusable and resilient, and packaging tests into a framework. It concludes by adding cross-browser execution and building an automated feedback loop through continuous integration. The goal is to write business-valuable tests that can run across browsers and be maintained by a team.

seleniumsoftware testingacceptance testing
CICD with SharePoint SPFx A useful overview
CICD with SharePoint SPFx A useful overviewCICD with SharePoint SPFx A useful overview
CICD with SharePoint SPFx A useful overview

This document provides an overview of the SharePoint Framework (SPFx) including its development and deployment process. It discusses setting up the development environment with Node.js, Yeoman and Gulp. It describes building, bundling and packaging solutions as well as enabling the app catalog and deploying SPFx apps. It also covers using Azure DevOps for continuous integration and delivery pipelines along with its predefined variables and Office 365 CLI commands.

Logic Apps – Deployments
Logic Apps – DeploymentsLogic Apps – Deployments
Logic Apps – Deployments

This document discusses deploying Logic Apps using version control and continuous integration/deployment. It demonstrates setting up a Logic App template in Visual Studio Team Services source control, building the template using a build definition, and deploying it to environments through release management. The deployment is fully automated using Azure Resource Manager templates, PowerShell scripts, and either Visual Studio Team Services or GitHub for deployment. This provides a unified process to deploy Logic Apps and related Azure resources across environments from source control in a reusable, parameterized manner.

integration-user-groupversion controlintegration-monday
6º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Testes em um contexto de Continuous Delivery
6º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Testes em um contexto de Continuous Delivery
App 1
App 2
Simulator App 2

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Team Development on
Team Development on Force.comTeam Development on
Team Development on

The document discusses tools and best practices for team development on the platform. It recommends using a sprint tracking tool to document bugs and features. Developers should each have a sandbox and use source control like GitHub with tools like Sublime Text and MavensMate to develop code. A continuous integration tool like Travis CI can validate pull requests, deploy changes to a staging sandbox, and catch errors. Following this process provides version control, code reviews, and immediate feedback to improve collaboration and reduce conflicts between developers.

Automated Acceptance Testing from Scratch
Automated Acceptance Testing from ScratchAutomated Acceptance Testing from Scratch
Automated Acceptance Testing from Scratch

On March 18th, 2015 Excella's Dan Davis presented Automated Acceptance Testing from Scratch to the Tech Talk DC Meetup group.

automated acceptance testingtestingbehave
Continuous Delivery - Automate & Build Better Software with Travis CI
Continuous Delivery - Automate & Build Better Software with Travis CIContinuous Delivery - Automate & Build Better Software with Travis CI
Continuous Delivery - Automate & Build Better Software with Travis CI

First Section: Continuous Delivery as a software engineering approach. (This is beneficial for Project Managers, DEVs & QAs.) 1. Projects Case Studies to explain why you should adopt Continuous Delivery. 2. Advantages & Reasons for releasing software more frequently. 3. How to make a Reliable / Production Ready Software. 4. Ingredients of Continues Delivery. 5. Tools/ approaches to choose while using Continues Delivery Methodology. Second Section: Technical side of Continuous Delivery. (This is more beneficial for DEVs/ QAs than Project Managers.) 1. Testing a Software. 2. Measuring Code Quality / Analytic to visualize teams performances. 3. Tools: Code Syntax Checker, Testing Framework, Build Automation, Automated Reporting/ Analytic Dashboard. 4. Continuous Delivery Automation over Cloud using Travis CI - Live demonstration. Third Section: 1. Sample Projects for audience to adopt right tools for development, testing & deployments. 2. Q&A. ------------------------------------------------- By Waqar Alamgir

6º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Testes em um contexto de Continuous Delivery
6º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Testes em um contexto de Continuous Delivery
6º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Testes em um contexto de Continuous Delivery
6º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Testes em um contexto de Continuous Delivery

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Testing API's: Tools & Tips & Tricks (Oh My!)
Testing API's: Tools & Tips & Tricks (Oh My!)Testing API's: Tools & Tips & Tricks (Oh My!)
Testing API's: Tools & Tips & Tricks (Oh My!)

A super enjoyable and entertaining walk through API memory lane, then a primer on how to test API's from a unit, integration, and monitoring standpoint. Then a demo on a CI/CD implementation I created at Snagajob.

agileagile qaapi
Start with passing tests (tdd for bugs) v0.5 (22 sep 2016)
Start with passing tests (tdd for bugs) v0.5 (22 sep 2016)Start with passing tests (tdd for bugs) v0.5 (22 sep 2016)
Start with passing tests (tdd for bugs) v0.5 (22 sep 2016)

"Turning TDD upside down - For bugs, always start with a passing test" - Common workflow on TDD is to write failed tests. The problem with this approach is that it only works for a very specific scenario (when fixing bugs). This presentation will present a different workflow which will make the coding and testing of those tests much easier, faster, simpler, secure and thorough' Presented at LSCC (London Software Craftsmanship Community) on sep 2016.

WordPress Under Control (Boston WP Meetup)
WordPress Under Control (Boston WP Meetup)WordPress Under Control (Boston WP Meetup)
WordPress Under Control (Boston WP Meetup)

This was a presentation I gave at the Boston WordPress Meetup on October 30, 2017. It focuses on a set of development tools that we have used at the MIT Libraries that includes, Travis, and CodeClimate. I also discuss some alternatives that we tried, and some thoughts on replacements for aspects of this approach.

App 1
App 2
Simulator App 2
6º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Testes em um contexto de Continuous Delivery
6º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Testes em um contexto de Continuous Delivery

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Deep dive into SoapUI
Deep dive into SoapUIDeep dive into SoapUI
Deep dive into SoapUI

Slides from the event Odessa, 2018 April 7 Github project with code examples:

soapuiweb servicesapi testing
Agile Brazil 2016 - 5 fundamentos essenciais de padrões xUnit
Agile Brazil 2016 - 5 fundamentos essenciais de padrões xUnitAgile Brazil 2016 - 5 fundamentos essenciais de padrões xUnit
Agile Brazil 2016 - 5 fundamentos essenciais de padrões xUnit

Este documento apresenta 5 fundamentos essenciais de padrões xUnit: (1) conceitos básicos como classes de teste, métodos de teste e asserções; (2) verificação de resultados com asserções customizadas; (3) organização de testes em suites e helpers; (4) manutenção de fixtures com setup e teardown; (5) padrões para testes com bancos de dados como rollback de transações.

unit testingxunitautomated testing
TDC 2016 SP - Desmistificando cobertura de código como métrica de qualidade
TDC 2016 SP - Desmistificando cobertura de código como métrica de qualidadeTDC 2016 SP - Desmistificando cobertura de código como métrica de qualidade
TDC 2016 SP - Desmistificando cobertura de código como métrica de qualidade

Palestra apresentada no segundo dia da trilha de Testes (Testes II) no TDC 2016 São Paulo, no dia 09/07

code coveragecode complexitymutation testing
6º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Testes em um contexto de Continuous Delivery
6º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Testes em um contexto de Continuous Delivery
6º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Testes em um contexto de Continuous Delivery

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TDC 2016 SP - Cobertura de código de procedures T-SQL com SQLCC
TDC 2016 SP - Cobertura de código de procedures T-SQL com SQLCCTDC 2016 SP - Cobertura de código de procedures T-SQL com SQLCC
TDC 2016 SP - Cobertura de código de procedures T-SQL com SQLCC

O documento apresenta a ferramenta SQLCC para medir a cobertura de código de stored procedures T-SQL. SQLCC usa traces do SQL Server para determinar quais linhas de código são executadas pelos testes. Isso torna mais fácil identificar quais partes do código estão ou não sendo testadas. O documento também discute desafios na configuração da ferramenta e formas de melhorá-la.

stored procedurest-sqlsqlcc
Scrum Gathering Rio 2016 - Conteinerizando Testes com Docker Compose
Scrum Gathering Rio 2016 - Conteinerizando Testes com Docker ComposeScrum Gathering Rio 2016 - Conteinerizando Testes com Docker Compose
Scrum Gathering Rio 2016 - Conteinerizando Testes com Docker Compose

[1] O documento discute o uso da ferramenta Docker Compose para definir e executar aplicações com múltiplos contêineres, permitindo testar software de forma isolada e reproduzível. [2] Ele apresenta exemplos de como usar o Docker Compose para rodar testes de API, UI, segurança e fumaça junto com uma aplicação e seus serviços dependentes. [3] O documento também destaca pontos de atenção ao usar essa abordagem, como logs, volumes, tempo de inicialização e geração de imagens leves.

dockercontainerizationdocker compose
Minas Testing Conference 2016 - Testes de Carga com Locust
Minas Testing Conference 2016 - Testes de Carga com LocustMinas Testing Conference 2016 - Testes de Carga com Locust
Minas Testing Conference 2016 - Testes de Carga com Locust

Este documento apresenta Locust, uma ferramenta open-source para testes de carga escrita em Python. Locust é descrita como simples, extensível e capaz de simular grandes números de usuários acessando um sistema simultaneamente de forma leve e escalável. Exemplos demonstram como executar testes de carga básicos e avançados com Locust.

pythonload testinglocust
App 1
6º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Testes em um contexto de Continuous Delivery
6º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Testes em um contexto de Continuous Delivery

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4º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Testes de Carga com Locust
4º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Testes de Carga com Locust4º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Testes de Carga com Locust
4º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Testes de Carga com Locust

Este documento apresenta a ferramenta Locust para testes de carga, descrevendo que é uma ferramenta open-source em Python para testes de carga, simples de usar e extensível, e fornecendo exemplos de como executar testes de carga com ela.

locustload testingpython
Meetup DevOps Carioca - Testes de Carga com Locust
Meetup DevOps Carioca - Testes de Carga com LocustMeetup DevOps Carioca - Testes de Carga com Locust
Meetup DevOps Carioca - Testes de Carga com Locust

Palestra apresentada na 4a edição do Meetup DevOps Carioca, no dia 19/05/16. Link do Meetup:

pythonload testinglocust
TDC 2016 Floripa - Criando APIs REST em minutos com Spark + Java 8
TDC 2016 Floripa - Criando APIs REST em minutos com Spark + Java 8TDC 2016 Floripa - Criando APIs REST em minutos com Spark + Java 8
TDC 2016 Floripa - Criando APIs REST em minutos com Spark + Java 8

O documento apresenta o framework Spark para desenvolvimento de APIs REST em Java de forma rápida. O Spark é inspirado no Sinatra e aproveita recursos de Java 8 como lambdas. O framework permite criar APIs REST em poucos minutos com funcionalidades como cookies, sessões, filtros, redirecionamentos e mapeamento de exceções. A documentação, tutoriais e projetos de exemplo estão disponíveis on-line.

App 1
App 2
App 3
App 4
6º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Testes em um contexto de Continuous Delivery
6º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Testes em um contexto de Continuous Delivery

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TDC 2016 Floripa - Aprendendo Docker sem bruxaria
TDC 2016 Floripa - Aprendendo Docker sem bruxariaTDC 2016 Floripa - Aprendendo Docker sem bruxaria
TDC 2016 Floripa - Aprendendo Docker sem bruxaria

Este documento apresenta uma introdução ao Docker para desenvolvedores. Ele explica os principais conceitos por trás dos containers Docker como imagens, containers e Dockerfiles. O documento também fornece instruções passo a passo para construir uma aplicação Python usando Docker através de exemplos práticos de repositório, roteiro e testes.

postgrespythondocker compose
Agile Testers Conference 2016 - GoCD + Docker + Docker Compose: uma história ...
Agile Testers Conference 2016 - GoCD + Docker + Docker Compose: uma história ...Agile Testers Conference 2016 - GoCD + Docker + Docker Compose: uma história ...
Agile Testers Conference 2016 - GoCD + Docker + Docker Compose: uma história ...

O documento descreve como usar GoCD e Docker Compose juntos para implementar entrega contínua. Resume que GoCD permite criar pipelines como cidadãos de primeira classe e foi projetado para foco em entrega contínua, ao contrário do Jenkins. Explica como usar volumes e containers de dados com Docker Compose para implantar GoCD de forma portável.

continuous integrationdocker composecontinuous delivery
VR Dev Summit 2016 - Primeiros Passos em Automação de Testes
VR Dev Summit 2016 - Primeiros Passos em Automação de TestesVR Dev Summit 2016 - Primeiros Passos em Automação de Testes
VR Dev Summit 2016 - Primeiros Passos em Automação de Testes

Este documento fornece uma introdução aos principais conceitos de automação de testes, incluindo os estágios iniciais, a pirâmide de automação de testes, a importância dos testes de unidade e de serviço para fornecer feedback rápido, e exemplos de ferramentas populares. O documento também discute os desafios dos testes de interface do usuário e fornece um exemplo prático de automação de testes.

selenium webdriverjunitrest assured

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Meetup DevOps Carioca - GoCD + Docker + Docker Compose: uma história de amorMeetup DevOps Carioca - GoCD + Docker + Docker Compose: uma história de amor
Meetup DevOps Carioca - GoCD + Docker + Docker Compose: uma história de amor

Palestra apresentada na segunda edição do Meetup DevOps Carioca, no dia 22/03. Página do grupo:

dockerdocker composecontinuous delivery
1º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Primeiros Passos em Automação de Testes
1º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Primeiros Passos em Automação de Testes1º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Primeiros Passos em Automação de Testes
1º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Primeiros Passos em Automação de Testes

Este documento fornece uma introdução aos estágios iniciais de automação de testes, incluindo a pirâmide de automação de testes, a importância do feedback rápido, dicas sobre testes de unidade, serviço e interface do usuário, além de recomendar ferramentas e um projeto de exemplo.

testes de uirest assuredtestes automatizados
Testadores 2015 - O Fantástico Mundo de Docker
Testadores 2015 - O Fantástico Mundo de DockerTestadores 2015 - O Fantástico Mundo de Docker
Testadores 2015 - O Fantástico Mundo de Docker

Este documento apresenta os principais conceitos sobre Docker, incluindo imagens, containers, Dockerfiles e o ecossistema Docker. Resume os principais comandos da CLI Docker e fornece exemplos de Dockerfiles e projetos open source interessantes para aprender Docker.


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Agile Brazil 2015 - Testando na Nuvem a UI e o JavaScript de sua aplicação
Agile Brazil 2015 - Testando na Nuvem a UI e o JavaScript de sua aplicaçãoAgile Brazil 2015 - Testando na Nuvem a UI e o JavaScript de sua aplicação
Agile Brazil 2015 - Testando na Nuvem a UI e o JavaScript de sua aplicação

Este documento discute testes de interface do usuário (UI) e JavaScript, incluindo testes de unidade para JavaScript. Ele descreve ferramentas como Selenium e Karma para automatizar testes de UI e de unidade, respectivamente, e serviços de nuvem como Sauce Labs e BrowserStack para executar testes em vários navegadores e sistemas operacionais. O documento também aborda a importância de testes manuais.

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TDC 2015 POA - O Fantástico Mundo de Docker
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TDC 2015 POA - O Fantástico Mundo de Docker

Este documento apresenta os principais conceitos sobre Docker, incluindo: (1) a diferença entre VMs e containers, (2) a história e projetos relacionados a containers, (3) os principais conceitos de Docker como imagens, containers e Dockerfiles, e (4) comandos essenciais da CLI do Docker.

Scrum Gathering Rio 2015 - Testando na nuvem a UI e o JavaScript de sua aplic...
Scrum Gathering Rio 2015 - Testando na nuvem a UI e o JavaScript de sua aplic...Scrum Gathering Rio 2015 - Testando na nuvem a UI e o JavaScript de sua aplic...
Scrum Gathering Rio 2015 - Testando na nuvem a UI e o JavaScript de sua aplic...

O documento discute testes de software na nuvem, incluindo: (1) frameworks populares para testes de interface do usuário (Selenium) e testes de unidade para JavaScript (Karma); (2) serviços na nuvem para executar testes (Sauce Labs, BrowserStack); (3) benefícios de testar na nuvem, como não precisar de infraestrutura local e acesso a muitas combinações de browser/sistema operacional.

nuvemcloud testingtestes automatizados
6º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Testes em um contexto de Continuous Delivery
• Blue-Green deployment:
• Ferramentas:
Stefan Teixeira

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TDC 2015 São Paulo - Clean Code para Testers
TDC 2015 São Paulo - Clean Code para TestersTDC 2015 São Paulo - Clean Code para Testers
TDC 2015 São Paulo - Clean Code para Testers

1. O documento apresenta um palestrante chamado Stefan Teixeira e seus contatos. 2. A palestra trata de Clean Code para Testers e aborda 6 pontos importantes: nomes significativos, classes pequenas, funções pequenas, comentários, formatação e testes limpos. 3. Manter código e testes limpos é importante para reduzir custos e garantir qualidade ao longo do tempo.

code qualityclean codetesting
TDC 2015 São Paulo - Testes Automatizados de todos os tipos utilizando biblio...
TDC 2015 São Paulo - Testes Automatizados de todos os tipos utilizando biblio...TDC 2015 São Paulo - Testes Automatizados de todos os tipos utilizando biblio...
TDC 2015 São Paulo - Testes Automatizados de todos os tipos utilizando biblio...

O documento apresenta Stefan Teixeira e seu trabalho com testes automatizados utilizando bibliotecas JavaScript. Ele discute a pirâmide de automação de testes, anti-padrões, tipos de testes como unidade, API, UI e visuais. Exemplos de ferramentas como mocks, assertions, cobertura e análise estática são apresentados, assim como um projeto de exemplo no GitHub demonstrando diferentes técnicas de teste.

unit testingapi testingvisual regression testing
Minas Testing Conference 2015 - Visual Regression Testing em ambientes na nuvem
Minas Testing Conference 2015 - Visual Regression Testing em ambientes na nuvemMinas Testing Conference 2015 - Visual Regression Testing em ambientes na nuvem
Minas Testing Conference 2015 - Visual Regression Testing em ambientes na nuvem

O documento discute testes de regressão visual em ambientes na nuvem. Ele introduz o autor e suas credenciais, define testes de regressão visual e suas motivações, apresenta ferramentas como Kobold, e discute como testar na nuvem usando serviços como Sauce Labs e BrowserStack para executar testes em múltiplos navegadores e sistemas operacionais sem a necessidade de infraestrutura local. O documento também inclui um hands-on mostrando como configurar e executar testes de regressão visual usando essas ferramentas.


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Scrum Gathering Rio 2016 - Conteinerizando Testes com Docker ComposeScrum Gathering Rio 2016 - Conteinerizando Testes com Docker Compose
Scrum Gathering Rio 2016 - Conteinerizando Testes com Docker Compose
Minas Testing Conference 2016 - Testes de Carga com Locust
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Minas Testing Conference 2016 - Testes de Carga com Locust
4º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Testes de Carga com Locust
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4º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Testes de Carga com Locust
Meetup DevOps Carioca - Testes de Carga com Locust
Meetup DevOps Carioca - Testes de Carga com LocustMeetup DevOps Carioca - Testes de Carga com Locust
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TDC 2016 Floripa - Aprendendo Docker sem bruxaria
Agile Testers Conference 2016 - GoCD + Docker + Docker Compose: uma história ...
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VR Dev Summit 2016 - Primeiros Passos em Automação de Testes
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VR Dev Summit 2016 - Primeiros Passos em Automação de Testes
Meetup DevOps Carioca - GoCD + Docker + Docker Compose: uma história de amor
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Meetup DevOps Carioca - GoCD + Docker + Docker Compose: uma história de amor
1º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Primeiros Passos em Automação de Testes
1º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Primeiros Passos em Automação de Testes1º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Primeiros Passos em Automação de Testes
1º Encontro do Grupo de Testes Carioca - Primeiros Passos em Automação de Testes
Testadores 2015 - O Fantástico Mundo de Docker
Testadores 2015 - O Fantástico Mundo de DockerTestadores 2015 - O Fantástico Mundo de Docker
Testadores 2015 - O Fantástico Mundo de Docker
Agile Brazil 2015 - Testando na Nuvem a UI e o JavaScript de sua aplicação
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Agile Brazil 2015 - Testando na Nuvem a UI e o JavaScript de sua aplicação
TDC 2015 POA - O Fantástico Mundo de Docker
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TDC 2015 São Paulo - Clean Code para Testers
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Minas Testing Conference 2015 - Visual Regression Testing em ambientes na nuvem
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