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43 Inspirational
Mobile Splash Screens

Pocket Your Shop
Table of Contents

Introduction            3    23           Colorful / Fun

What Is A Splash Screen? 4   37   Unique / Eye-Catching

Professional / Clean    5    50             Conclusion
You never get a second chance to make a first
impression. That is why a splash screen is a key part
of any mobile app.
The splash screen is a hook that needs to grab
attention and impress. If a new user does not like what
they see, they will be turned off immediately.

We’ve compiled 43 examples of genius splash screen
design to inspire your own. But first, let’s go over what
a splash screen is and the elements that make up a
good one.

What Is A Splash Screen?
A splash screen is image that appears when an app is loading. This is the
first thing users see when opening an app, so it needs to be relevant and
grab their attention. Below you can see the basic elements that make up a
splash screen.


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Design with IDEO: Designing Sustainable Human Centered Business Models
Design with IDEO: Designing Sustainable Human Centered Business ModelsDesign with IDEO: Designing Sustainable Human Centered Business Models
Design with IDEO: Designing Sustainable Human Centered Business Models

The document discusses the process of business design and the business model canvas. It emphasizes that design involves considering technical, business, and human factors holistically. An effective business model incorporates perspectives on offerings, operations, economics, marketing, and growth strategy. The business model canvas is a tool to design these perspectives and test assumptions through simple early experiments. The process involves clearly defining customer needs and value propositions, and designing how value will be operationally delivered. It highlights that business design requires continually exploring options, testing assumptions empirically and keeping the model hypothesis simple and elegant.

business modelstartupsbusiness
Product Roadmapping Workshop
Product Roadmapping WorkshopProduct Roadmapping Workshop
Product Roadmapping Workshop

This is adapted from our workshop at Mind the Product/London 2017. In this full-day session, we talked through the purposes of a roadmap and a process for establishing your product's vision, gaining alignment with your stakeholders, validating themes, and presenting to upper level execs in order to maximize your team's impact.

product managementproduct roadmapproduct leadership
Laicos Startup Studio Pitch Deck
Laicos Startup Studio Pitch Deck Laicos Startup Studio Pitch Deck
Laicos Startup Studio Pitch Deck

Laicos is a technology Startup Studio led by Ryan Negri and Kyle Matthews. With 20 years combined operational and startup experience, Negri and Matthews want to shape the up-and-coming startup ecosystem of Tampa, Florida, developing their own ideas to create a new tech hub of innovation and entrepreneurship. A “Startup Studio” is a structure whose aim is to repeatedly build products into companies. Thanks to its infrastructure and resources, a startup studio increase a product’s chance of success and optimize its creation and growth. The difference between incubators/accelerators and Startup Studios is the vested human capital involved around an idea. At the core of the startups studio model are dedicated teams helping business ideas develop into beautiful products and successful companies. Laicos’ flagship inaugural product, Fuse, is a social media management platform for the consumers and power users, with a simple price model and a clean and attractive UI. In addition, Laicos is developing four additional products: BusFinder, currently in beta version, an app utilizing data from the Tampa Public Transportation System; $1Market, to offer many different services to users for $1 dollar/mo, Order to Seat, for fans to order food to their seat while at a stadium or arena, and FoodStops, a food truck tracking app for consumers and marketing platform for vendors. In 20I7, we plan to work with other founders to help turn their ideas into reality.

technologystartup studiofoodtech

Share Collection
          • The bright blues and
            whites make this
            splash screen stand
          • Colors work nicely
            with the vertical
          • Caption is creative
            and inspirational.

By: Lift Worldwide
• Beautiful plaid
• Purple to blue
  gradient makes it
• Simple title.

                      By: Coaster
Agent PC
          • Logo is vibrant and
            center stage.
          • Bright glow
            surrounds logo and
            draws people in.

By: Mail.Ru

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Design Thinking - at BMW Summer School
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Design Thinking - at BMW Summer School

The slides set was used for a breakout session at BMW Summer School. The content was built to introduce Design Thinking principles in three hours.

#designthinking #bmwsummerschool #breakoutsession
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Building a Compelling Value Proposition - Competitive Advantage for StartupsBuilding a Compelling Value Proposition - Competitive Advantage for Startups
Building a Compelling Value Proposition - Competitive Advantage for Startups

Developed for the Harvard Innovation Lab workshop series on Startup Secrets. This is part 1 of the 5 part series by Michael J Skok on how to get competitive advantage as a startup. Michael's slides are the agenda for the workshop, and are NOT self contained. For fuller coverage of the slides, visit Michael's website

Establishing a service design practice in large organisations
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Establishing a service design practice in large organisations

In this keynote Marzia will share insights into how to build service design capability in large organisations. She will describe a diffusion model that encompasses four maturity stages. Through real client cases Marzia will picture each stage and describe how the organisation looks at each level.

servicedesignservice design
• Very simple and
  clean design.
• The green logo on
  the dark gradient
  makes it stand out.

                        By: TagTile
Residence Inn:
             Marriott Anaheim
          • Wood background
            welcomes users in.
          • Looks professional
            without being too
          • The engrained
            logo is polished
            and gorgeous.

By: Pocket Your Shop
• Very deep black
  background looks
  good on high
  quality displays.
• The reflection
  below the logo
  makes a subtle but
  powerful impact.

                       By: Listn, LLC
          • Unique bulletin
            board design.
          • Very clean look
            and makes users

By: Simple Finance

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Design Thinking Resources
Design Thinking ResourcesDesign Thinking Resources
Design Thinking Resources

DESIGN THINKING RESOURCES is free PDF collection with very inspirational books, tools, toolkits, blogs and companies in the subject of Design Thinking and Service Design. Author: PLEO group, Paweł Krzciuk

Skeuomorphs & Visual Metaphors in UI Design
Skeuomorphs & Visual Metaphors in UI DesignSkeuomorphs & Visual Metaphors in UI Design
Skeuomorphs & Visual Metaphors in UI Design

This document discusses skeuomorphs and visual metaphors in interface design. [1] Skeuomorphs are design features that are no longer functionally necessary but reference real-world objects, while visual metaphors use images to draw comparisons and infer characteristics. [2] Skeuomorphs can help users transfer mental models and ease the learning curve, but can also limit functionality and innovation if overused. [3] Effective metaphors make interfaces more intuitive while inconsistent or random metaphors can confuse users.

graphic designweb designskeuomorph
Desirability Testing: Analyzing Emotional Response to a Design
Desirability Testing: Analyzing Emotional Response to a DesignDesirability Testing: Analyzing Emotional Response to a Design
Desirability Testing: Analyzing Emotional Response to a Design

In the design process we follow, once we have defined the conceptual direction and content strategy for a given design and refined our approach through user research and iterative usability testing, we start applying visual design. Generally, we take a key screen whose structure and functionality we have finalized—for example, a layout for a home page or a dashboard page—and explore three alternatives for visual style. These three alternative visual designs, or comps, include the same content, but reflect different choices for color palette and imagery. The idea is to present business owners and stakeholders with different visual design options from which they can choose. Sometimes there is a clear favorite among stakeholders or an option that makes the most sense from a brand perspective. However, there can often be disagreements among the members of a project team on which direction to choose. If we’ve done our job right, there are rationales for our various design decisions in the different comps, but even so, there may be disagreement about which rationale is most appropriate for the situation. As practitioners of user-centered design, it is natural for us to turn to user research to help inform and guide the process of choosing a visual design. But traditional usability testing and related methods don’t seem particularly well suited for assessing visual design for two reasons: 1. When we reach out to users for feedback on visual design options, stakeholders are generally looking for large sample sizes—larger than are typical for a qualitative usability study. 2. The response we are looking for from users is more emotional—that is, less about users’ ability to accomplish tasks and more about their affective response to a given design. With this in mind, we were very interested in articles we saw on Desirability Testing. In one article, the author posits desirability testing as a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods that allow you to assess users’ attitudes toward aesthetics and visual appeal. Inspired by his overview, we researched desirability studies a bit further and tried a modified version of the techniques on one of our projects. This presentation reviews the variants of desirability testing that we considered and the lessons we learned from a desirability study on visual design options for one of our projects. Interestingly, we found that while desirability testing did help us better understand participant’s self reported emotional response to a visual design, it also helped us identify other key areas of the experience that could be improved.

visual designdesirability testingbrand strategy
• Impresses users
  immediately from
  unique texture.
• Caption is short
  and sweet.

                     By: Thrillist
          • Beautiful gradients
            and textures.
          • Design at the
            bottom makes this
            splash screen look
            elegant and

By: Ahiku Corp.
• Clever use of
• Works nicely with
  black chalkboard

                      By: Forkly
Square Wallet
           • Clean pattern that
             makes brings out
           • Clean look that
             flows well with the
             rest of the app.

By: Square, Inc.

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Introduction to UX
Introduction to UXIntroduction to UX
Introduction to UX

Introduction to UX provides an overview of user experience design including what it encompasses and how the process works, the goal and principles of UX design, how to measure and improve UX, and the role of a UX agency. Presented by Ari Weissman, lead experience architect at EffectiveUI.

uxuser experienceuser experience agency
Designing for Spacetime, Ixda08
Designing for Spacetime,  Ixda08Designing for Spacetime,  Ixda08
Designing for Spacetime, Ixda08

The document is a transcript of a talk given by Matt Jones about his company Dopplr, which is a social tool for optimizing travel. Some key points: - Dopplr allows users to share information about upcoming trips which can help users find coincidences and opportunities for serendipitous meetings while traveling. - It visualizes the "Raumzeitgeist" or spacetime spirit by mapping out all trips taken by users, giving a view of the planet's coverage by travelers. - The talk discusses concepts like spacetime and how viewing one's own future and past in new ways through models could change interactions and help find "the perfect line through the world."

Design for solving the right problem
 Design for solving the right problem Design for solving the right problem
Design for solving the right problem

Design for solving the right problem with Raine Qian Presented on March 07 2015 at FITC's Spotlight UX/UI event More info at OVERVIEW UX designers working on software applications, constantly face complex problems with a large number of constraints. How do UX designers solve problems? Functionality is not the solution. Focusing on the interface is not the solution. In order to design an optimal user experience, the first step is identifying the right problem to solve. In this presentation I give you an in depth explanation with case studies to illustrate how our design teams solve real problems and how we carve out novel mobile UX strategies that align both business goals and user goals. OBJECTIVE To understand the importance of identifying the right problem at inception. To learn how to select the right UX approach to solve the right problem. TARGET AUDIENCE Application UX/UI designers; Anyone who is passionate about UX design. ASSUMED AUDIENCE KNOWLEDGE Basic knowledge of UI/UX design processes. FIVE THINGS THAT THE AUDIENCE WILL LEARN Why it is critical to identify the correct problem to solve How to frame, or reframe a given design problem Fundamentals of UX design process The interplay between research and design My perspective on synthesizing design solutions

web design and developmentuser researchresponsive web design
• Simple design.
• Logo is colorful and
  stands out against
  the black

                         By: Wenzani
Drum Guru
           • Logo is embedded
             into the pattern.
           • Pattern is unique
             and works nicely
             against the

By: Iron Horse Ent Inc.
• Collage of photos
  makes for a nice
• Logo, text and
  pictures are all
  clear and easy to

                      By: Zaarly
Jamie Oliver’s
            • App icons are at the
              bottom of the splash
            • Provides a smoother
              transition into the
              app itself.
            • Fun icons below title
              are a nice touch.

By: Zolmo

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Sell Yourself Better 1.0
Sell Yourself Better 1.0Sell Yourself Better 1.0
Sell Yourself Better 1.0

These are the slides for my Lightening UX Lisbon talk around User Experience people selling themselves better. There is a deeper focus on portfolios which are 80% bad in my experience, but not just for new jobs. See more at

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Getting behind the Perfect Pitch - Harvard Innovation Lab Workshop
Getting behind the Perfect Pitch - Harvard Innovation Lab WorkshopGetting behind the Perfect Pitch - Harvard Innovation Lab Workshop
Getting behind the Perfect Pitch - Harvard Innovation Lab Workshop

Harvard Innovation Lab Workshop on developing the Perfect Pitch, by Michael Skok. Michael is an entrepreneur turned venture capitalist, who has seen both sides of this. He spent 21 years as a CEO, building companies and raising over 100 million to build a number of software businesses. And then has spent the last decade as a VC seeing thousands of pitches from entrepreneurs raising money, and invested in companies that have generated over a billion dollars in value. So with that in mind, the idea here is to give you an insider's checklist for your own pitch,

pitchraising moneyvc
User Story Mapping, Discover the whole story
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User Story Mapping, Discover the whole story

Variations of these slides have been used in a variety of talks. These slides support discussions on why stories work, and when they don't. And, on story mapping, how and why it works.

story mappingproduct designagile software development

Share Collection
• Clever use of the
  logo and title over
  a beautiful image
  of the sky.
• Interesting and
  impressive design.

                        By: Tracks Media, Inc.
Blip Me
           • Pretty texture
             patterns for the
             wall and wood
           • Colors are vibrant
             and fit nicely with
             the rest of the app.

By: Camino Real, Inc.
• Eye-catching logo.
• Very clean design.
• Impresses users at
  first glance.

                       By: Guopeng Liang

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Slash | The Venture Builder Playbook (5 may2021)
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Slash | The Venture Builder Playbook (5 may2021)

Talk delivered to tech and corporate community on the Venture Builder Playbook. We covered: 1) Why Venture Building is the new "growth" strategy for corporates worldwide 2) Flavors of Venture Building 3) The Venture Builder Playbook (at a high level)

entrepreneurshipcorporate innovationventure building
Startup Secrets: Building a Compelling Value Proposition
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Startup Secrets: Building a Compelling Value Proposition

The document provides guidance on building a compelling value proposition for a startup. It discusses evaluating problems that are unworkable, unavoidable, urgent and underserved. It also discusses defining solutions that are discontinuous, defensible and disruptive. The document emphasizes building the startup around the founder's unique understanding of problems and ability to deliver solutions. It stresses that the customer gain/pain ratio should be greater than 10 to overcome inertia and risk. Examples are provided of startups like Disqus, uTest (Applause) and Diagnostics for All that demonstrated high gain/pain ratios for customers.

value propositionstartupstartups
Lookout Onboarding
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Lookout Onboarding

The document discusses Lookout's mobile app onboarding experience. It shows how Lookout introduces key features and value propositions to users before requesting necessary permissions. Lookout presents features like finding a lost phone using location and sound first to prime users on the app's value. It then shows how requested permissions like location access directly enable these presented features. This approach of tying permissions to demonstrated value helps users understand why access is needed.

          • Shading and text
            looks childish, yet
          • This adds a unique
            feel that is inviting
            to users.
          • The caption is also
            very clever.

By: Capple Factory
• Contemporary colors
  and feel.
• Bright colors and
  dotted patterns
  make a beautiful
• Feels like a cutting
  edge app before
  you open it.

                         By: Localmind, Corp.
           • Colorful logo and
           • Title has a unique
             texture that stands

By: Eeve Ltd.
Key Ring
• Modern and clean
  looking wood
• Simple and

                     By: Mobestream Media

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Robinhood Mobile User Onboarding
Robinhood Mobile User OnboardingRobinhood Mobile User Onboarding
Robinhood Mobile User Onboarding

In this slideshare, we break down Robinhood's fantastic mobile user onboarding experience. It's by far our favorite one we've seen so far, so let's jump in.

mobile productmobileonboarding
4 rules of logo design
4 rules of logo design4 rules of logo design
4 rules of logo design

When deciding upon a logo design, consider your brand first because a logo is one of the critical aspects of business marketing.A logo doesn't represent only the design understanding of a company,but it also explains the emotions that a brand is trying to convey through the colors of its logo.Therefore,there has to be a hard exercise which you must do before you assign logo design to web designer on a logo design.Let's go through some of the points which will help you to decide an appropriate logo for your new company

logologo designweb design
Bmm presentation
Bmm presentationBmm presentation
Bmm presentation
case study
          • Bright, vibrant colors
            that are very
            pleasing to the eye.
          • Beautiful trees and
            birds make new
            users feel welcome,

By: Vimeo, LLC
• Intriguing
  background image
• Embedded box for
  caption makes it
  stand out and easy
  to read

                       By: Foodspotting, Inc.
           • Each cloud’s
             pattern is different
             when overlapping
             another cloud.
           • Unique and
             incredibly clever

By: Boxee, Inc.
• Interesting pattern
  inside of the logo.
• Beautiful range of
• Title is written in

                        By: Vyclone Inc.

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Growth hacking techniques startups are using to onboard and activate new users. Learn more at

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Plaudit Design - Logo Design Examples
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Plaudit Design - Logo Design Examples

This document appears to be from a design firm that offers logo design, environmental graphic design, and other visual communication services like radio show design. The firm also has expertise in areas like consulting, traffic design, cables and networks, and clear skies designs. They emphasize trust, security and growth.

brandgraphic designweb design
           • Plain white
             simple logo, and
             a short caption.
           • Sometimes that’s
             all you need.

By: Pinweel, Inc.
• The bright yellow
  background catches
  the attention users.
• Cool logo sparks
  curiosity and entices
  users to explore the
  rest of the app.

                          By: Berker Sirman
          • Colorful logo in the
          • The shadow beneath
            logo makes it more
            pronounced and

By: Weathermob, Inc.

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This Cloud Bulk Emailing platform is developed with world-class deliverability rate which ensures that all your legitimate emails are identified in proper to be delivered instantaneously to the Inbox of your customers.

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Experience How Logos Evolved Over Time
Experience How Logos Evolved Over TimeExperience How Logos Evolved Over Time
Experience How Logos Evolved Over Time

Be ready to witness an amazing transformation from early forms of human expression to unique identities for present day businesses. A stunning slide share from Logo Design India to capture your attention!

brand logologo designcustom logo design
Things to consider while designing mobile app
Things to consider while designing mobile appThings to consider while designing mobile app
Things to consider while designing mobile app

Mobile app usage continued to see significant growth year on year and at present its one of the most important marketing strategies to consider. With 51% of time spent on mobile devices in comparison to 42% on desktops / laptops mobile apps turns out to be must for present generation consume.

mobile app developmentmobile appsmobile application development
Nike+ Running
• The bright red
  background in
  contrast to the
  glowing white logo
  really pops.
• The track design at
  the bottom is very
  clever and clean.

                        By: Nike, Inc.
           • Only uses purple,
             orange and white.
           • The three colors
             complement each
             other and makes
             for a beautiful

By: Saturised
• Makes good use of
  real spices to
  create an
  interesting effect.
• Uses both bright
  and dark colors.

                        By: Sutro Media
          • Uses bright green
            to stand out and
            impress new users.
          • Features a pretty
            collage of icons,
            some of which are
            their other apps.

By: Evernote

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Shamit khemka discussed important points to ensure while designing a mobile app
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Shamit khemka discussed important points to ensure while designing a mobile app

Mobile apps have peeped in human lives in such a manner no one could anticipate earlier. Today's urban life may literally crash without smartphones and smart apps. No wonder businesses are trying and reaching their target group through mobile apps. But, there is a checklist to follow in terms of avoiding common mistakes. SynapseIndia Founder Shamit Khemka listed some points to keep in mind while designing a mobile app.

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Innotech Presentation: Designing a Mobile App.
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Innotech Presentation: Designing a Mobile App.

This document discusses designing mobile apps and provides case studies and recommendations. It covers topics such as targeting mobile web vs native apps, genres that perform well on mobile like music and games, which platforms like Android and iOS to focus on, boosting existing businesses with mobile apps, maximizing chances of success by testing audiences and marketing strategies, and examples of successful apps like Geico and Starbucks that enhanced existing services.

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Designing Mobile Interfaces - Goodpatch Workshop SF

The document describes an agenda for a presentation on prototyping and design research. The presentation will include an introduction to Goodpatch, a discussion of prototyping at Stanford University, breakout groups to brainstorm design topics, a challenge to build low-fidelity prototypes, and time to share and test prototypes. The goal is for attendees to learn best practices for prototyping and receive feedback on their prototype ideas.

• Beautiful and
  professional texture.
• Title is embedded
  into the background.

                          By: PayPal, an eBay Company
Lemon Wallet
          • Captures the look
            and feel of a
            leather wallet.
          • The details like the
            stitching and
            texture on the logo
            make a great first

By: Lemon, Inc.
National Parks
• Realistic texture to
  show off the app
• Breathtaking
  image to show off
  content of the app

                         By: National Geographic Society
           • Beautiful image to
             impress users.
           • Literally welcomes
             users in with the

By: Flipboard Inc.

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This document provides an overview of iOS application development, UI/UX design, and best practices. It discusses key concepts like what UX design is, the UX design process, navigation patterns for iOS apps, use of gestures and feedback, and layout guidelines. Application types like utility, productivity and immersive apps are reviewed along with an anatomy of iOS app structure. Device specifics for iPhone 5s and 4s are also summarized.

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Designing Your App
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Designing Your App

The document discusses various aspects of designing an app, including wireframing, user experience, typography, color, icons, and inspiration sources. It provides examples and resources for elements like layout, navigation, placeholders, and interactions to consider in app design. Key aspects are organizing content, using grids and alignment, choosing meaningful colors and icons, and planning before development.

Rovio: Angry Birds: Behind The Scenes
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Rovio: Angry Birds: Behind The Scenes

How many times do you need to fail before you hit a successful title? What was the design focus behind the original Angry Birds title? What are the production ingredients for successfully crossing the finish line? In this presentation we talk about the challenges of realising a great idea and taking it from the prototyping phase to the AppStores and the web. The success story of Rovio from the original Angry Birds title all the way to Angry Birds Star Wars.

Band of the Day
• Big tiles with wood
  finish makes for a
  clean and
  professional look
• Gives the impression
  of a high-quality

                         By: 955 Dreams
           • Very unique design.
           • Cartoonish pictures
             and text give it a
             look and feel that
             will spark some

By: LocalHero, Inc.
• Cool pattern in
• Logo is set over
  interesting image.
• The caption has a
  more creative and
  fun approach let
  users know the app
  is loading.

                       By: Everyme, Inc.
            • Beautiful texture.
            • Logo is equally
              beautiful and fits
              perfectly on top of
              the texture.

By: Viddy, Inc.

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My portfolio of marketing, advertising, and design projects; Professional, Personal, Academic. Featuring work at The Vault (restaurant), Life is good. (apparel designer & retailer), and Zipcar (car sharing service).

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Rock Solid Logo Design Principles
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An introduction to rock-solid logo design principles and what to watch out for if you are having a logo designed for your business or its products.

consultingagencylogo design
• Creative and
  clever design.
• Uses icons all the
  things you can do
  using the app.

                       By: LivingSocial
           • Beautiful baby
             blue background.
           • Fun, transparent
             icons that fill up
             most of the screen.

By: Foursquare Labs, Inc.
With all of these great examples, it might be difficult
to find a style that reflects your brand.
Your goal is to create an eye-catching and inviting
splash screen that will also spark your visitors
curiosity and give them a reason to stick around.

Take the time to learn about your target audience,
and determine what design style would really
capture their attention.

Fastest way to grow your
mobile audience.
Talk to a Pocket Your Shop expert about how our all-in-one app solution
for hotels, restaurants, and retailers can improve and rapidly grow your
mobile audience.

     Pocket Your Shop

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43 Inspirational Mobile Splash Screens

  • 1. 43 Inspirational Mobile Splash Screens Pocket Your Shop
  • 2. Table of Contents Introduction 3 23 Colorful / Fun What Is A Splash Screen? 4 37 Unique / Eye-Catching Professional / Clean 5 50 Conclusion
  • 3. Introduction You never get a second chance to make a first impression. That is why a splash screen is a key part of any mobile app. The splash screen is a hook that needs to grab attention and impress. If a new user does not like what they see, they will be turned off immediately. We’ve compiled 43 examples of genius splash screen design to inspire your own. But first, let’s go over what a splash screen is and the elements that make up a good one. 3
  • 4. What Is A Splash Screen? A splash screen is image that appears when an app is loading. This is the first thing users see when opening an app, so it needs to be relevant and grab their attention. Below you can see the basic elements that make up a splash screen. 4
  • 5. PROFESSIONAL / CLEAN EXAMPLES. Share Collection 5
  • 6. Lift • The bright blues and whites make this splash screen stand out. • Colors work nicely with the vertical stripes. • Caption is creative and inspirational. By: Lift Worldwide 6
  • 7. Coaster • Beautiful plaid pattern. • Purple to blue gradient makes it pop. • Simple title. By: Coaster 7
  • 8. Agent PC • Logo is vibrant and center stage. • Bright glow surrounds logo and draws people in. By: Mail.Ru 8
  • 9. TagTile • Very simple and clean design. • The green logo on the dark gradient makes it stand out. By: TagTile 9
  • 10. Residence Inn: Marriott Anaheim • Wood background welcomes users in. • Looks professional without being too formal. • The engrained logo is polished and gorgeous. By: Pocket Your Shop 10
  • 11. Listn • Very deep black background looks good on high quality displays. • The reflection below the logo makes a subtle but powerful impact. By: Listn, LLC 11
  • 12. Simple • Unique bulletin board design. • Very clean look and makes users interested. By: Simple Finance 12
  • 13. JackThreads • Impresses users immediately from unique texture. • Caption is short and sweet. By: Thrillist 13
  • 14. Recood • Beautiful gradients and textures. • Design at the bottom makes this splash screen look elegant and professional. By: Ahiku Corp. 14
  • 15. Forkly • Clever use of chalk. • Works nicely with black chalkboard texture. By: Forkly 15
  • 16. Square Wallet • Clean pattern that makes brings out logo. • Clean look that flows well with the rest of the app. By: Square, Inc. 16
  • 17. Wenzani • Simple design. • Logo is colorful and stands out against the black background By: Wenzani 17
  • 18. Drum Guru • Logo is embedded into the pattern. • Pattern is unique and works nicely against the gradient. By: Iron Horse Ent Inc. 18
  • 19. Zaarly • Collage of photos makes for a nice background. • Logo, text and pictures are all clear and easy to read. By: Zaarly 19
  • 20. Jamie Oliver’s Recipes • App icons are at the bottom of the splash screen. • Provides a smoother transition into the app itself. • Fun icons below title are a nice touch. By: Zolmo 20
  • 21. COLORFUL / FUN EXAMPLES. Share Collection 21
  • 22. Tracks • Clever use of the logo and title over a beautiful image of the sky. • Interesting and impressive design. By: Tracks Media, Inc. 22
  • 23. Blip Me • Pretty texture patterns for the wall and wood floor. • Colors are vibrant and fit nicely with the rest of the app. By: Camino Real, Inc. 23
  • 24. DailyCost • Eye-catching logo. • Very clean design. • Impresses users at first glance. By: Guopeng Liang 24
  • 25. Weesh • Shading and text looks childish, yet professional. • This adds a unique feel that is inviting to users. • The caption is also very clever. By: Capple Factory 25
  • 26. Localmind • Contemporary colors and feel. • Bright colors and dotted patterns make a beautiful design. • Feels like a cutting edge app before you open it. By: Localmind, Corp. 26
  • 27. Popset • Colorful logo and simple background. • Title has a unique texture that stands out. By: Eeve Ltd. 27
  • 28. Key Ring • Modern and clean looking wood design. • Simple and effective. By: Mobestream Media 28
  • 29. Vimeo • Bright, vibrant colors that are very pleasing to the eye. • Beautiful trees and birds make new users feel welcome, By: Vimeo, LLC 29
  • 30. Foodspotting • Intriguing background image • Embedded box for caption makes it stand out and easy to read By: Foodspotting, Inc. 30
  • 31. Cloudee • Each cloud’s pattern is different when overlapping another cloud. • Unique and incredibly clever design. By: Boxee, Inc. 28
  • 32. Vyclone • Interesting pattern inside of the logo. • Beautiful range of colors. • Title is written in cursive. By: Vyclone Inc. 32
  • 33. Pinweel • Plain white background, simple logo, and a short caption. • Sometimes that’s all you need. By: Pinweel, Inc. 33
  • 34. WOO • The bright yellow background catches the attention users. • Cool logo sparks curiosity and entices users to explore the rest of the app. By: Berker Sirman 34
  • 35. Weathermob • Colorful logo in the center. • The shadow beneath logo makes it more pronounced and bold. By: Weathermob, Inc. 35
  • 36. UNIQUE / EYE- CATCHING EXAMPLES. Share Collection 36
  • 37. Nike+ Running • The bright red background in contrast to the glowing white logo really pops. • The track design at the bottom is very clever and clean. By: Nike, Inc. 37
  • 38. Wrappit • Only uses purple, orange and white. • The three colors complement each other and makes for a beautiful design. By: Saturised 38
  • 39. iSpice • Makes good use of real spices to create an interesting effect. • Uses both bright and dark colors. By: Sutro Media 39
  • 40. Evernote • Uses bright green to stand out and impress new users. • Features a pretty collage of icons, some of which are their other apps. By: Evernote 40
  • 41. PayPal • Beautiful and professional texture. • Title is embedded into the background. By: PayPal, an eBay Company 41
  • 42. Lemon Wallet • Captures the look and feel of a leather wallet. • The details like the stitching and texture on the logo make a great first impression. By: Lemon, Inc. 42
  • 43. National Parks • Realistic texture to show off the app design. • Breathtaking image to show off content of the app itself. By: National Geographic Society 43
  • 44. Flipboard • Beautiful image to impress users. • Literally welcomes users in with the caption. By: Flipboard Inc. 44
  • 45. Band of the Day • Big tiles with wood finish makes for a clean and professional look • Gives the impression of a high-quality app By: 955 Dreams 45
  • 46. LocalHero • Very unique design. • Cartoonish pictures and text give it a look and feel that will spark some curiosity. By: LocalHero, Inc. 46
  • 47. Everyme • Cool pattern in background. • Logo is set over interesting image. • The caption has a more creative and fun approach let users know the app is loading. By: Everyme, Inc. 47
  • 48. Viddy • Beautiful texture. • Logo is equally beautiful and fits perfectly on top of the texture. By: Viddy, Inc. 48
  • 49. LivingSocial • Creative and clever design. • Uses icons all the things you can do using the app. By: LivingSocial 49
  • 50. Foursquare • Beautiful baby blue background. • Fun, transparent icons that fill up most of the screen. By: Foursquare Labs, Inc. 50
  • 51. Conclusion With all of these great examples, it might be difficult to find a style that reflects your brand. Your goal is to create an eye-catching and inviting splash screen that will also spark your visitors curiosity and give them a reason to stick around. Take the time to learn about your target audience, and determine what design style would really capture their attention. 51
  • 52. Fastest way to grow your mobile audience. Talk to a Pocket Your Shop expert about how our all-in-one app solution for hotels, restaurants, and retailers can improve and rapidly grow your mobile audience. Pocket Your Shop