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December 2015
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Weather Information
Function GetLatLngFromAddress(address)
Dim Lat, Lng, url
url = "" & address
Lat = GetXMLNodeValue(url, "result/geometry/location/lat")
Lng = GetXMLNodeValue(url, "result/geometry/location/lng")
GetLatLngFromAddress = Lat & "," & Lng
End Function
Function GetXMLNodeValue(url, nodePath)
Dim oXML, oNode, ret
Set oXML = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
oXML.async = False
Call oXML.load(url)
Set oNode = oXML.documentElement.selectSingleNode(nodePath)
ret = oNode.Text
GetXMLNodeValue = ret
End Function
Function GetMetarAviationWeather(address, variableName)
Dim latLng, lat, lng, url, nodePath
latLng = Split(GetLatLngFromAddress(address), ",")
lat = latLng(0)
lng = latLng(1)
url =
adialDistance=20;" & lng & "," & lat & "&hoursBeforeNow=3"
nodePath = "data/METAR/" & variableName
GetMetarAviationWeather = GetXMLNodeValue(url, nodePath)
End Function
Dim variableName
variableName = "temp_c"
$w.temp = GetMetarAviationWeather($w.address, variableName)
variableName = "dewpoint_c"
$w.dp = GetMetarAviationWeather($w.address, variableName)
$w.rh = 100 - 5*($w.temp - $w.dp)

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  • 4. Weather Information Function GetLatLngFromAddress(address) Dim Lat, Lng, url url = "" & address Lat = GetXMLNodeValue(url, "result/geometry/location/lat") Lng = GetXMLNodeValue(url, "result/geometry/location/lng") GetLatLngFromAddress = Lat & "," & Lng End Function Function GetXMLNodeValue(url, nodePath) Dim oXML, oNode, ret Set oXML = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") oXML.async = False Call oXML.load(url) Set oNode = oXML.documentElement.selectSingleNode(nodePath) ret = oNode.Text GetXMLNodeValue = ret End Function Function GetMetarAviationWeather(address, variableName) Dim latLng, lat, lng, url, nodePath latLng = Split(GetLatLngFromAddress(address), ",") lat = latLng(0) lng = latLng(1) url = " adialDistance=20;" & lng & "," & lat & "&hoursBeforeNow=3" nodePath = "data/METAR/" & variableName GetMetarAviationWeather = GetXMLNodeValue(url, nodePath) End Function Dim variableName variableName = "temp_c" $w.temp = GetMetarAviationWeather($w.address, variableName) variableName = "dewpoint_c" $w.dp = GetMetarAviationWeather($w.address, variableName) $w.rh = 100 - 5*($w.temp - $w.dp)