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How to Boost 100x
Performance for Real
World Application w/
Apache Spark
June 2015
• Self introduction
• Problem statement
• What we did?
• Case study
• Summary
This is team work!
Thank Hao, Daoyuan, Saisai, Mingfei, Jiayin, Liye,
Carson, Alex, Lex, Rui, Qi…
Self introduction
•Intel software team @China Shanghai
•Open source focus
•Start to work on Spark from early UCB days
•Working closely with end customers
• Baidu, iqiyi, Tecent, Qihoo, JD, Sina, paypal…
•Technology and innovation oriented
– Real-time, in-memory, complex analytics
– Structure and unstructured data
– Agility, Multitenancy, Scalability and elasticity
– Bridging advanced research and real-world applications
Problem statement
Easy to use, reliability/stability and performance/
scalability are the common pain point
Easy to use, reliability/stability and performance/
scalability are the common pain point
Concurrency issue
Memory control
Resource monitor

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Apache Spark At Scale in the Cloud
Apache Spark At Scale in the CloudApache Spark At Scale in the Cloud
Apache Spark At Scale in the Cloud

Using Apache Spark to analyze large datasets in the cloud presents a range of challenges. Different stages of your pipeline may be constrained by CPU, memory, disk and/or network IO. But what if all those stages have to run on the same cluster? In the cloud, you have limited control over the hardware your cluster runs on. You may have even less control over the size and format of your raw input files. Performance tuning is an iterative and experimental process. It’s frustrating with very large datasets: what worked great with 30 billion rows may not work at all with 400 billion rows. But with strategic optimizations and compromises, 50+ TiB datasets can be no big deal. By using Spark UI and simple metrics, explore how to diagnose and remedy issues on jobs: Sizing the cluster based on your dataset (shuffle partitions) Ingestion challenges – well begun is half done (globbing S3, small files) Managing memory (sorting GC – when to go parallel, when to go G1, when offheap can help you) Shuffle (give a little to get a lot – configs for better out of box shuffle) – Spill (partitioning for the win) Scheduling (FAIR vs FIFO, is there a difference for your pipeline?) Caching and persistence (it’s the cost of doing business, so what are your options?) Fault tolerance (blacklisting, speculation, task reaping) Making the best of a bad deal (skew joins, windowing, UDFs, very large query plans) Writing to S3 (dealing with write partitions, HDFS and s3DistCp vs writing directly to S3)

apache spark

 *big data


Auto Scaling Systems With Elastic Spark Streaming: Spark Summit East talk by ...
Auto Scaling Systems With Elastic Spark Streaming: Spark Summit East talk by ...Auto Scaling Systems With Elastic Spark Streaming: Spark Summit East talk by ...
Auto Scaling Systems With Elastic Spark Streaming: Spark Summit East talk by ...

Come explore a feature we’ve created that is not supported out-of-the-box: the ability to add or remove nodes to always-on real time Spark Streaming jobs. Elastic Spark Streaming jobs can automatically adjust to the demands of traffic or volume. Using a set of configurable utility classes, these jobs scale down when lulls are detected and scale up when load is too high. We process multiple TB’s per day with billions of events. Our traffic pattern experiences natural peaks and valleys with the occasional sustained unexpected spike. Elastic jobs has freed us from manual intervention, given back developer time, and has made a large financial impact through maximized resource utilization.

spark summit eastapache spark
Building a Data Warehouse for Business Analytics using Spark SQL-(Blagoy Kalo...
Building a Data Warehouse for Business Analytics using Spark SQL-(Blagoy Kalo...Building a Data Warehouse for Business Analytics using Spark SQL-(Blagoy Kalo...
Building a Data Warehouse for Business Analytics using Spark SQL-(Blagoy Kalo...

Blagoy Kaloferov presented on building a data warehouse at using Spark SQL. He discussed how Spark SQL simplified ETL and enabled business analysts to build data marts more quickly. He showed how Spark SQL was used to optimize a dealer leads dataset in Platfora, reducing build time from hours to minutes. Finally, he proposed an approach using Spark SQL to automate OEM ad revenue billing by modeling complex rules through collaboration between analysts and developers.

apache sparkspark summit 2015
What we did?
• Define a better workload
– HiBench
• Provide a better profiling tool
– HiMeter (Dew)
• Regression testing and share w/ community
– SparkScore Web portal
• Work with customers to solve problems
– User case study
• The bigdata micro benchmark suite
- Open source released
- Consists of 10 workloads for different categories
- Support Hadoop MR and Spark(scala, java, python)
- MR1/standalone, Yarn
- Extensively used by internal and external users
- 200+ star and 160+ forks on Github
- V5.0 will include streamBench (by end of 2015)
HiMeter (Dew)
A light weight nonintrusive big data profiler
Motivation: provide a tool to profile and
tune Spark base cluster performance
• Dynamically monitoring big data
computing cluster.
• Offline analyzing workload
performance and giving out
performance report and tuning guide
• Scalable : scale from small to huge
• Light-weight : little impact to the
computing cluster
• Extensible : pluggable for big data apps
HiMeter (Dew)
– Spark work flow (Job, Stage, Task)
– System metrics (CPU, Mem, Disk, Network)
– Smart to provide diagnosis suggestions

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The Next AMPLab: Real-Time, Intelligent, and Secure Computing

The document discusses the goals of establishing a new research lab called RISELab to develop a secure real-time decision stack that can enable real-time decisions on live data with strong security guarantees. It outlines some of the challenges in building such a system and presents early work on Drizzle, a low-latency streaming engine, and Opaque, which leverages hardware enclaves to provide encryption and hide data access patterns. The goal is to build an open source platform and tools over the next 5 years to enable applications requiring sophisticated, accurate, and robust real-time decisions on private data.

apache spark
Big Telco - Yousun Jeong
Big Telco - Yousun JeongBig Telco - Yousun Jeong
Big Telco - Yousun Jeong

This document provides an overview of SK Telecom's use of big data analytics and Spark. Some key points: - SKT collects around 250 TB of data per day which is stored and analyzed using a Hadoop cluster of over 1400 nodes. - Spark is used for both batch and real-time processing due to its performance benefits over other frameworks. Two main use cases are described: real-time network analytics and a network enterprise data warehouse (DW) built on Spark SQL. - The network DW consolidates data from over 130 legacy databases to enable thorough analysis of the entire network. Spark SQL, dynamic resource allocation in YARN, and integration with BI tools help meet requirements for timely processing and quick

spark summit euapache spark
Unified, Efficient, and Portable Data Processing with Apache Beam
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Unified, Efficient, and Portable Data Processing with Apache Beam

Unbounded, unordered, global­ scale datasets are increasingly common in day-­to-­day business, and consumers of these datasets have detailed requirements for latency, cost, and completeness. Apache Beam defines a new data processing programming model that evolved from more than a decade of experience building Big Data infrastructure within Google, including MapReduce, FlumeJava, Millwheel, and Cloud Dataflow. Apache Beam handles both batch and streaming use cases, offering a powerful, unified model. It neatly separates properties of the data from run-time characteristics, allowing pipelines to be portable across multiple run-time environments, both open ­source, including Apache Apex, Apache Flink, Apache Gearpump, Apache Spark, and proprietary. Finally, Beam's model enables newer optimizations, like dynamic work rebalancing and autoscaling, resulting in an efficient execution. This talk will cover the basics of Apache Beam, touch on its evolution, and describe main concepts in its powerful programming model. We'll show how Beam unifies batch and streaming use cases, and show efficient execution in real-world scenarios. Finally, we'll demonstrate pipeline portability across Apache Apex, Apache Flink, Apache Spark and Google Cloud Dataflow in a live setting.

hadoop summitdataworks summitapache beam
Performance Portal for Apache Spark
• Publish Spark performance regularly (weekly)
• W/ workload HiBench & Sparkperf now
• State of art Hardware
• 1N master, 10N slave cluster w/ 10gb network, each with
• Intel® Xeon® CPU E5-2697 v2 @ 2.70GHz
• 128GB RAM + 8 x 1TB SATA HDD
Subscribe @
Home page @
JOB ww19 ww20 ww22 ww23 ww24
commit 489700c8 8e3822a0 530efe3e 90c60692 db81b9d8
sleep % % -2% -3% -4%
wordcount 18% 11% 8% 8% -19%
kmeans 92% 62% 72% 93% 87%
scan -5% -7% % -1% -26%
bayes -24% -20% -18% -11% -30%
aggregation 6% 11% % 9% -15%
join 5% 1% % 1% -13%
sort -3% -1% -12% -13% -18%
pagerank 2% 3% 4% 3% -11%
terasort -7% 0% -10% -7% -17%
• It is quite common to see complex query in real work cases
- E.g., Multiple tables join(full outer) on the same key
• Problem statement:
- It causes large intermediate data with noteworthy skew
- Low efficiency while involving multiple shuffle phases
User Case one
Handle multiple tables join better
T_input1 T_input2
TempT1 T_input3
TempT2 T_input4
shuffle shuffle
T1.ProductName T1.CategoryId
Milk 31
Bread 31
Memory 33
Harddrive 33
T2.CategoryId T2.CategoryName
31 Food
33 PC
34 Book
35 cloth
36 baby
37 shoes
T1.ProductName T1.CategoryId T2.CategoryName T2.CategoryId
Milk 31 Food 31
Bread 31 Food 31
Memory 33 PC 33
Harddrive 33 PC 33
NULL NULL cloth 35
NULL NULL baby 36
NULL NULL shoes 37
• To combine multiple shuffle outputs into one single stage
– Avoid data skew which may be accumulated by previous full outer join
– Save unnecessary shuffle costs
• Make job done and with 2x speedup vs. Hive.
T_input1 T_input2
TempT1 T_input3
TempT2 T_input4
T_input1 T_input2
T_input3 T_input4
shuffle shuffle
User Case one
Handle multiple tables join better
• Problem statement
– Join with large tables takes really a long time(GC or OOM) &
quite difficult for end user to guess the partition number
– Increasing partition number doesn't solve that due to data skew
in most of real world cases.
User Case two
SMJ to save more memory
InMem HashMap
K2 Compact
Hash Join Co-group

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Spark Summit EU talk by Christos Erotocritou

This document discusses Apache Ignite and how it can be used with Apache Spark for fast data applications. It provides an overview of Ignite's in-memory data fabric capabilities, how it compares to Spark, and how Ignite can be integrated with Spark to provide shared resilient storage and distributed computing. Examples are given of reading and writing data between Ignite and Spark and using Ignite's in-memory file system and SQL support from Spark.

apache spark
Stream All Things—Patterns of Modern Data Integration with Gwen Shapira
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Stream All Things—Patterns of Modern Data Integration with Gwen Shapira

This document discusses patterns for modern data integration using streaming data. It outlines an evolution from data warehouses to data lakes to streaming data. It then describes four key patterns: 1) Stream all things (data) in one place, 2) Keep schemas compatible and process data on, 3) Enable ridiculously parallel single message transformations, and 4) Perform streaming data enrichment to add additional context to events. Examples are provided of using Apache Kafka and Kafka Connect to implement these patterns for a large hotel chain integrating various data sources and performing real-time analytics on customer events.

apache sparkspark summit
Spark Streaming and IoT by Mike Freedman
Spark Streaming and IoT by Mike FreedmanSpark Streaming and IoT by Mike Freedman
Spark Streaming and IoT by Mike Freedman

This document discusses using Spark Streaming for IoT applications and the challenges involved. It notes that while Spark simplifies programming across different processing intervals from batch to stream, programming models alone are not sufficient as IoT data streams can have varying rates and delays. It proposes a unified data infrastructure with abstractions like data series that support joining real-time and historical data while handling delays transparently. It also suggests approaches for Spark Streaming to better support processing many independent low-volume IoT streams concurrently and improving resource utilization for such applications. Finally, it introduces the Device-Model-Infra framework for addressing these IoT analytics challenges through combined programming models and data abstractions.

apache spark
• Sort Merge Join (SPARK-2213, SPARK-7165)
• Much lower memory pressure
Sort Merge Join Co-group
User Case two
SMJ to save more memory
• By using reduce size sort based shuffle, it improves the SMJ
performance by 20%
• Significantly reduced GC time according to the customers’
1. SMJ W/ SPARK_2926
performs quite close to
Hash Join (in-mem)
2. W/ SPARK_2926 is 20%
lower than SMJ W/O it.
User Case two
SMJ to save more memory
User Case Three
Manage the memory in a smart way
• Commonly use Bagel/GraphX for graph analytics
– The present iteration only depends on its previous step, I.e.,
RDD[n] is only used in RDD[n+1] computation
• Problem statement:
– Memory space is continuously increased in Bagel app
User Case Two
Manage the memory in a smart way
• Free those obsolete RDDs not be used anymore
– I.e., To un-persist RDD[n-1] after RDD[n] is done SPARK-2661
• The total memory usage is > 50% off
See more tuning @

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About our experience with realtime analyses on never-ending stream of user events. Discuss Lambda architecture, Kappa, Apache Kafka and our own approach.

Advanced Natural Language Processing with Apache Spark NLP
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This document provides an overview of Spark NLP, an open-source library for natural language processing (NLP). It introduces Spark NLP and discusses its state-of-the-art accuracy on NLP tasks like named entity recognition and text classification. It also covers Spark NLP's speed, scalability, and ease of use. Examples are given of training NLP models with Spark NLP for tasks like part-of-speech tagging, named entity recognition, and text classification.

End-to-End Spark/TensorFlow/PyTorch Pipelines with Databricks Delta
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End-to-End Spark/TensorFlow/PyTorch Pipelines with Databricks Delta

Hopsworks is an open-source data platform that can be used to both develop and operate horizontally scalable machine learning pipelines. A key part of our pipelines is the world’s first open-source Feature Store, based on Apache Hive, that acts as a data warehouse for features, providing a natural API between data engineers – who write feature engineering code in Spark (in Scala or Python) – and Data Scientists, who select features from the feature store to generate training/test data for models. In this talk, we will discuss how Databricks Delta solves several of the key challenges in building both feature engineering pipelines that feed our Feature Store and in managing the feature data itself. Firstly, we will show how expectations and schema enforcement in Databricks Delta can be used to provide data validation, ensuring that feature data does not have missing or invalid values that could negatively affect model training. Secondly, time-travel in Databricks Delta can be used to provide version management and experiment reproducability for training/test datasets. That is, given a model, you can re-run the training experiment for that model using the same version of the data that was used to train the model. We will also discuss the next steps needed to take this work to the next level. Finally, we will perform a live demo, showing how Delta can be used in end-to-end ML pipelines using Spark on Hopsworks.

apache spark

 *big data


User Case Three
Save the IO bandwidth
• Mostly to run Spark on Yarn in data center
• Each executor copies one job jar in Yarn
• Problem statement:
– Co-located executors(containers) on the same NM have
redundant copies
– Leads to network/disk IO bandwidth consumption with big
– Causes long time dispatching period in bootstrap
User Case Three
Save the IO bandwidth
• Only send jar file once for those co-located
executors in Yarn SPARK-2713
• >10x speedup in bootstrap
• Spark team inside Intel
• Scalability, reliability and stability @ spark
• projects we did to solve the problem
• Working with partners together to
improve spark performance
• Intel wants to work with industry and
community to make Spark better
Checking our demo booth for more details
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• All the performance data are collected from our internal testing. Some results have been estimated based on internal Intel analysis
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• *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
• Copyright © 2015 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

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Pandas UDF: Scalable Analysis with Python and PySpark
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Pandas UDF: Scalable Analysis with Python and PySpark

Over the past few years, Python has become the default language for data scientists. Packages such as pandas, numpy, statsmodel, and scikit-learn have gained great adoption and become the mainstream toolkits. At the same time, Apache Spark has become the de facto standard in processing big data. Spark ships with a Python interface, aka PySpark, however, because Spark’s runtime is implemented on top of JVM, using PySpark with native Python library sometimes results in poor performance and usability. In this talk, we introduce a new type of PySpark UDF designed to solve this problem – Vectorized UDF. Vectorized UDF is built on top of Apache Arrow and bring you the best of both worlds – the ability to define easy to use, high performance UDFs and scale up your analysis with Spark.

Spark Summit EU talk by Stephan Kessler
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This document summarizes a talk given by Stephan Kessler at the Spark Summit Europe 2016 about integrating business functionality and specialized engines into Apache Spark using SAP HANA Vora. Key points discussed include using currency conversion and time series query capabilities directly in Spark by pushing computations to the relevant data sources via Spark extensions. SAP HANA Vora allows moving parts of the Spark logical query plan to various data sources like HANA, graph and document stores to perform analysis close to the data.

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Dynamic DDL: Adding Structure to Streaming Data on the Fly with David Winters...
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At the end of day, the only thing that data scientists want is tabular data for their analysis. They do not want to spend hours or days preparing data. How does a data engineer handle the massive amount of data that is being streamed at them from IoT devices and apps, and at the same time add structure to it so that data scientists can focus on finding insights and not preparing data? By the way, you need to do this within minutes (sometimes seconds). Oh… and there are a lot of other data sources that you need to ingest, and the current providers of data are changing their structure. GoPro has massive amounts of heterogeneous data being streamed from their consumer devices and applications, and they have developed the concept of “dynamic DDL” to structure their streamed data on the fly using Spark Streaming, Kafka, HBase, Hive and S3. The idea is simple: Add structure (schema) to the data as soon as possible; allow the providers of the data to dictate the structure; and automatically create event-based and state-based tables (DDL) for all data sources to allow data scientists to access the data via their lingua franca, SQL, within minutes.

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How to Boost 100x Performance for Real World Application with Apache Spark-(Grace Huang and Jiangang Duan, Intel)

  • 1. 11 How to Boost 100x Performance for Real World Application w/ Apache Spark June 2015
  • 2. 22 Agenda • Self introduction • Problem statement • What we did? • Case study • Summary This is team work! Thank Hao, Daoyuan, Saisai, Mingfei, Jiayin, Liye, Carson, Alex, Lex, Rui, Qi…
  • 3. 33 Self introduction •Intel software team @China Shanghai •Open source focus •Start to work on Spark from early UCB days •Working closely with end customers • Baidu, iqiyi, Tecent, Qihoo, JD, Sina, paypal… •Technology and innovation oriented – Real-time, in-memory, complex analytics – Structure and unstructured data – Agility, Multitenancy, Scalability and elasticity – Bridging advanced research and real-world applications
  • 4. 44 Problem statement Easy to use, reliability/stability and performance/ scalability are the common pain point Easy to use, reliability/stability and performance/ scalability are the common pain point OOM Slow Variation Concurrency issue Memory control Resource monitor …
  • 5. 55 What we did? • Define a better workload – HiBench • Provide a better profiling tool – HiMeter (Dew) • Regression testing and share w/ community – SparkScore Web portal • Work with customers to solve problems – User case study
  • 6. 66 HiBench • The bigdata micro benchmark suite - Open source released - Consists of 10 workloads for different categories - Support Hadoop MR and Spark(scala, java, python) - MR1/standalone, Yarn - Extensively used by internal and external users - 200+ star and 160+ forks on Github - V5.0 will include streamBench (by end of 2015)
  • 7. 77 HiMeter (Dew) A light weight nonintrusive big data profiler Motivation: provide a tool to profile and tune Spark base cluster performance Approach • Dynamically monitoring big data computing cluster. • Offline analyzing workload performance and giving out performance report and tuning guide Philosophy • Scalable : scale from small to huge cluster. • Light-weight : little impact to the computing cluster • Extensible : pluggable for big data apps
  • 8. 88 HiMeter (Dew) – Spark work flow (Job, Stage, Task) – System metrics (CPU, Mem, Disk, Network) – Smart to provide diagnosis suggestions
  • 9. 99 Performance Portal for Apache Spark • Publish Spark performance regularly (weekly) • W/ workload HiBench & Sparkperf now • State of art Hardware • 1N master, 10N slave cluster w/ 10gb network, each with • Intel® Xeon® CPU E5-2697 v2 @ 2.70GHz • 128GB RAM + 8 x 1TB SATA HDD Subscribe @ Home page @ JOB ww19 ww20 ww22 ww23 ww24 commit 489700c8 8e3822a0 530efe3e 90c60692 db81b9d8 sleep % % -2% -3% -4% wordcount 18% 11% 8% 8% -19% kmeans 92% 62% 72% 93% 87% scan -5% -7% % -1% -26% bayes -24% -20% -18% -11% -30% aggregation 6% 11% % 9% -15% join 5% 1% % 1% -13% sort -3% -1% -12% -13% -18% pagerank 2% 3% 4% 3% -11% terasort -7% 0% -10% -7% -17%
  • 10. 1010 • It is quite common to see complex query in real work cases - E.g., Multiple tables join(full outer) on the same key • Problem statement: - It causes large intermediate data with noteworthy skew - Low efficiency while involving multiple shuffle phases User Case one Handle multiple tables join better T_input1 T_input2 TempT1 T_input3 TempT2 T_input4 T_output shuffleshuffle shuffleshuffle shuffle shuffle T1.ProductName T1.CategoryId Milk 31 Bread 31 Memory 33 Harddrive 33 Tax NULL T2.CategoryId T2.CategoryName 31 Food 33 PC 34 Book 35 cloth 36 baby 37 shoes T1.ProductName T1.CategoryId T2.CategoryName T2.CategoryId Milk 31 Food 31 Bread 31 Food 31 Memory 33 PC 33 Harddrive 33 PC 33 Tax NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL Book 34 NULL NULL cloth 35 NULL NULL baby 36 NULL NULL shoes 37 shuffle shuffle
  • 11. 1111 • To combine multiple shuffle outputs into one single stage [SPARK-7871] – Avoid data skew which may be accumulated by previous full outer join outputs – Save unnecessary shuffle costs • Make job done and with 2x speedup vs. Hive. T_input1 T_input2 TempT1 T_input3 TempT2 T_input4 T_output shuffleshuffle shuffleshuffle shuffle T_input1 T_input2 shuffleshuffle T_input3 T_input4 T_output shuffle shuffle SPARK-7871 User Case one Handle multiple tables join better
  • 12. 1212 • Problem statement – Join with large tables takes really a long time(GC or OOM) & quite difficult for end user to guess the partition number – Increasing partition number doesn't solve that due to data skew in most of real world cases. User Case two SMJ to save more memory InMem HashMap Shuffle Iterator K1 Compact Buffer K2 Compact Buffer Table1_Partition#1 Kn Compact Buffer 。。。 Shuffle Iterator Table2_Partition#1 K1 Hash Join Co-group V1
  • 13. 1313 • Sort Merge Join (SPARK-2213, SPARK-7165) • Much lower memory pressure Sorted Shuffle Iterator K1 Compact Buffer Table1_Partition#1 Sorted Shuffle Iterator Table2_Partition#1 K1 Sort Merge Join Co-group V1 User Case two SMJ to save more memory
  • 14. 1414 • By using reduce size sort based shuffle, it improves the SMJ performance by 20% • Significantly reduced GC time according to the customers’ observation 1. SMJ W/ SPARK_2926 performs quite close to Hash Join (in-mem) 2. W/ SPARK_2926 is 20% lower than SMJ W/O it. User Case two SMJ to save more memory
  • 15. 1515 User Case Three Manage the memory in a smart way • Commonly use Bagel/GraphX for graph analytics – The present iteration only depends on its previous step, I.e., RDD[n] is only used in RDD[n+1] computation • Problem statement: – Memory space is continuously increased in Bagel app
  • 16. 1616 User Case Two Manage the memory in a smart way • Free those obsolete RDDs not be used anymore – I.e., To un-persist RDD[n-1] after RDD[n] is done SPARK-2661 • The total memory usage is > 50% off See more tuning @ applications.html
  • 17. 1717 User Case Three Save the IO bandwidth • Mostly to run Spark on Yarn in data center • Each executor copies one job jar in Yarn • Problem statement: – Co-located executors(containers) on the same NM have redundant copies – Leads to network/disk IO bandwidth consumption with big files – Causes long time dispatching period in bootstrap
  • 18. 1818 User Case Three Save the IO bandwidth • Only send jar file once for those co-located executors in Yarn SPARK-2713 • >10x speedup in bootstrap
  • 19. 1919 Summary • Spark team inside Intel • Scalability, reliability and stability @ spark • projects we did to solve the problem • Working with partners together to improve spark performance • Intel wants to work with industry and community to make Spark better Checking our demo booth for more details
  • 20. 2020 Notices and Disclaimers • INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED IN CONNECTION WITH INTEL PRODUCTS. NO LICENSE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY ESTOPPEL OR OTHERWISE, TO ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS IS GRANTED BY THIS DOCUMENT. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN INTEL'S TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE FOR SUCH PRODUCTS, INTEL ASSUMES NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER AND INTEL DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY, RELATING TO SALE AND/OR USE OF INTEL PRODUCTS INCLUDING LIABILITY OR WARRANTIES RELATING TO FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABILITY, OR INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENT, COPYRIGHT OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT. A "Mission Critical Application" is any application in which failure of the Intel Product could result, directly or indirectly, in personal injury or death. SHOULD YOU PURCHASE OR USE INTEL'S PRODUCTS FOR ANY SUCH MISSION CRITICAL APPLICATION, YOU SHALL INDEMNIFY AND HOLD INTEL AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES, SUBCONTRACTORS AND AFFILIATES, AND THE DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, AND EMPLOYEES OF EACH, HARMLESS AGAINST ALL CLAIMS COSTS, DAMAGES, AND EXPENSES AND REASONABLE ATTORNEYS' FEES ARISING OUT OF, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, ANY CLAIM OF PRODUCT LIABILITY, PERSONAL INJURY, OR DEATH ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF SUCH MISSION CRITICAL APPLICATION, WHETHER OR NOT INTEL OR ITS SUBCONTRACTOR WAS NEGLIGENT IN THE DESIGN, MANUFACTURE, OR WARNING OF THE INTEL PRODUCT OR ANY OF ITS PARTS. • Intel may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice. Designers must not rely on the absence or characteristics of any features or instructions marked "reserved" or "undefined". Intel reserves these for future definition and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts or incompatibilities arising from future changes to them. The information here is subject to change without notice. Do not finalize a design with this information. • The products described in this document may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are available on request. • Contact your local Intel sales office or your distributor to obtain the latest specifications and before placing your product order. • Copies of documents which have an order number and are referenced in this document, or other Intel literature, may be obtained by calling 1-800-548-4725, or go to: • Intel, the Intel logo, Intel Xeon, and Xeon logos are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. • Intel processor numbers are not a measure of performance. Processor numbers differentiate features within each processor family, not across different processor families: Go to: Learn About Intel® Processor Numbers • All the performance data are collected from our internal testing. Some results have been estimated based on internal Intel analysis and are provided for informational purposes only. Any difference in system hardware or software design or configuration may affect actual performance. • *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. • Copyright © 2015 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.