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Intro to Big Data using Hadoop

                       Sergejus Barinovas
Information is powerful…
but it is how we use it that will define us
Data Explosion



                 picture from Big Data Integration
Big Data (globally)

– creates over 30 billion pieces of content per day

– stores 30 petabytes of data

– produces over 90 million tweets per day

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Slides for the talk given at IEEE BigData 2013, Santa Clara, USA on 07.10.2013. Full-text paper is available at To cite please refer to

mapreducehadoopimage similarity search
Hadoop World 2011: The Powerful Marriage of R and Hadoop - David Champagne, R...
Hadoop World 2011: The Powerful Marriage of R and Hadoop - David Champagne, R...Hadoop World 2011: The Powerful Marriage of R and Hadoop - David Champagne, R...
Hadoop World 2011: The Powerful Marriage of R and Hadoop - David Champagne, R...

When two of the most powerful innovations in modern analytics come together, the result is revolutionary. This session will provide an overview of R, the Open Source programming language used by more than 2 million users that was specifically developed for statistical analysis and data visualization. It will discuss the ways that R and Hadoop have been integrated and look at use case that provides real-world experience. Finally it will provide suggestions of how enterprises can take advantage of both of these industry-leading technologies.

hadoophadoop world 2011david champagne
Hadoop Essential for Oracle Professionals
Hadoop Essential for Oracle ProfessionalsHadoop Essential for Oracle Professionals
Hadoop Essential for Oracle Professionals

This document provides an overview of Hadoop and the Hadoop ecosystem. It discusses key Hadoop concepts like HDFS, MapReduce, YARN and data locality. It also summarizes SQL on Hadoop using tools like Hive, Impala and Spark SQL. The document concludes with examples of using Sqoop and Flume to move data between relational databases and Hadoop.

oracleasmmap reduce
Big Data (our example)

– logs over 300 gigabytes of transactions per day

– stores more than 1,5 terabyte of aggregated data
4 Vs of Big Data

Big Data Challenges

Sort 10TB on 1 node = 2,5 days

   100-node cluster = 35 mins
Big Data Challenges

“Fat” servers implies high cost
 – use cheap commodity nodes instead

Large # of cheap nodes implies often failures
 – leverage automatic fault-tolerance

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Hadoop introduction

Hadoop is a framework for distributed storage and processing of large datasets across commodity hardware. It consists of HDFS for distributed file storage and MapReduce for distributed computation. HDFS divides files into blocks and replicates them across nodes for reliability. MapReduce allows processing of large datasets in parallel by splitting jobs into tasks executed across clusters. Hadoop was developed based on earlier systems from Google and Yahoo and is designed to reliably handle failures and provide high performance at large scales.

Practical Hadoop using Pig
Practical Hadoop using PigPractical Hadoop using Pig
Practical Hadoop using Pig

So you want to get started with Hadoop, but how. This session will show you how to get started with Hadoop development using Pig. Prior Hadoop experience is not needed. Thursday, May 8th, 02:00pm-02:50pm

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Bigdata Nedir? Hadoop Nedir? MapReduce Nedir? Big Data.Bigdata Nedir? Hadoop Nedir? MapReduce Nedir? Big Data.
Bigdata Nedir? Hadoop Nedir? MapReduce Nedir? Big Data.

What is Bigdata. Big data. what is Hadoop. Hadoop Ecosystem. Big datayı hangi sektörlerde kullanabiliriz. Twitter Analiz.

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Big Data Challenges

We need new data-parallel programming
model for clusters of commodity machines
to the rescue!

Published in 2004 by Google
 – MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters

Popularized by Apache Hadoop project
 – used by Yahoo!, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, …

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Distributed computing the Google way

The document provides an overview of distributed computing using Apache Hadoop. It discusses how Hadoop uses the MapReduce algorithm to parallelize tasks across large clusters of commodity hardware. Specifically, it breaks down jobs into map and reduce phases to distribute processing of large amounts of data. The document also notes that Hadoop is an open source framework used by many large companies to solve problems involving petabytes of data through batch processing in a fault tolerant manner.

google hadoop map reduce cluster distributed hdfs
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Another Intro To HadoopAnother Intro To Hadoop
Another Intro To Hadoop

Introduction to Hadoop. What are Hadoop, MapReeduce, and Hadoop Distributed File System. Who uses Hadoop? How to run Hadoop? What are Pig, Hive, Mahout?

scaleopen-sourcemap reduce
BIG DATA: Apache Hadoop
BIG DATA: Apache HadoopBIG DATA: Apache Hadoop
BIG DATA: Apache Hadoop

This document provides an overview of Apache Hadoop, including its architecture, components, and applications. Hadoop is an open-source framework for distributed storage and processing of large datasets. It uses Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) for storage and MapReduce for processing. HDFS stores data across clusters of nodes and replicates files for fault tolerance. MapReduce allows parallel processing of large datasets using a map and reduce workflow. The document also discusses Hadoop interfaces, Oracle connectors, and resources for further information.

oraclebig datadatabase
Word Count Example
 Input       Map   Shuffle & Sort   Reduce   Output

the quick                                    the, 3
  brown      Map                             brown, 2
   fox                              Reduce   fox, 2
                                             how, 1
                                             now, 1
 the fox
 ate the     Map
                                             quick, 1
                                             ate, 1
                                    Reduce   mouse, 1
how now
 brown       Map                             cow, 1
Word Count Example
 Input      Map      Shuffle & Sort       Reduce   Output

                  the, 1       the, 1
the quick         quick, 1     brown, 1
  brown     Map   brown, 1     fox, 1
   fox            fox, 1       the, 1     Reduce
                               fox, 1
                               the, 1
                  the, 1       how, 1
 the fox          fox, 1       now, 1
 ate the    Map   ate, 1       brown, 1
 mouse            the, 1
                  mouse, 1
                               quick, 1
                               ate, 1
                  how, 1       mouse, 1   Reduce
how now           now, 1       cow, 1
 brown      Map   brown, 1
  cow             cow, 1
Word Count Example
 Input      Map   Shuffle & Sort           Reduce   Output

                            the, [1,1,1]
the quick                   brown, [1,1]            the, 3
  brown     Map             fox, [1,1]              brown, 2
   fox                      how, [1]       Reduce   fox, 2
                            now, [1]                how, 1
                                                    now, 1
 the fox
 ate the    Map
                            quick, [1]              quick, 1
                            ate, [1]                ate, 1
                            mouse, [1]     Reduce   mouse, 1
how now
                            cow, [1]                cow, 1
 brown      Map
MapReduce philosophy
 – hide complexity

 – make it scalable

 – make it cheap

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The Family of Hadoop
The Family of HadoopThe Family of Hadoop
The Family of Hadoop

The document discusses the family of Hadoop projects. It describes the history and origins of Hadoop, starting with Doug Cutting's work on Nutch and the implementation of Google's papers on MapReduce and the Google File System. It then summarizes several major Hadoop sub-projects, including HDFS for storage, MapReduce for distributed processing, HBase for structured storage, and Hive for data warehousing. For each project, it provides a brief overview of the architecture, data model, and programming interfaces.

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Working with Hive and finding the data insights of , Problem : Find the top 10 Users on

Apache Hadoop an Introduction - Todd Lipcon - Gluecon 2010
Apache Hadoop an Introduction - Todd Lipcon - Gluecon 2010Apache Hadoop an Introduction - Todd Lipcon - Gluecon 2010
Apache Hadoop an Introduction - Todd Lipcon - Gluecon 2010

This document provides an introduction and overview of Apache Hadoop. It begins with an outline and discusses why Hadoop is important given the growth of data. It then describes the core components of Hadoop - HDFS for distributed storage and MapReduce for distributed computing. The document explains how Hadoop is able to provide scalability and fault tolerance. It provides examples of how Hadoop is used in production at large companies. It concludes by discussing the Hadoop ecosystem and encouraging questions.

MapReduce popularized by

 Apache Hadoop project
Hadoop Overview

Open source implementation of
 – Google MapReduce paper

 – Google File System (GFS) paper

First release in 2008 by Yahoo!
 – wide adoption by Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, etc.
Hadoop Core

MapReduce (Job Scheduling / Execution System)

    Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)
Hadoop Core (HDFS)

     MapReduce (Job Scheduling / Execution System)

          Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)

• Name Node stores file metadata
• files split into 64 MB blocks
• blocks replicated across 3 Data Nodes

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Dalbey, Timothy. "R, Hadoop and Amazon Web Services (PPT)." Portland R Users Group, 20 December 2012.

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1. The document discusses using Hadoop and Hive at Zing to build a log collecting, analyzing, and reporting system. 2. Scribe is used for fast log collection and storing data in Hadoop/Hive. Hive provides SQL-like queries to analyze large datasets. 3. The system transforms logs into Hive tables, runs analysis jobs in Hive, then exports data to MySQL for web reporting. This provides a scalable, high performance solution compared to the initial RDBMS-only system.

Hadoop at Rakuten, 2011/07/06
Hadoop at Rakuten, 2011/07/06Hadoop at Rakuten, 2011/07/06
Hadoop at Rakuten, 2011/07/06

Rakuten Inc. uses Hadoop for various purposes including generating recommendation indexes, analyzing logs, and calculating metrics. Their current Hadoop system includes a cluster with 3 masters and 69 slaves, Ganglia monitoring, and HA with DRBD and Heartbeat. It provides benefits over their previous system like lower costs, improved scalability, and faster transaction times. However, they still face challenges around using up HDFS space and fully realizing their data warehouse goals with the new system.

Hadoop Core (HDFS)

MapReduce (Job Scheduling / Execution System)

    Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)

  Name Node                    Data Node
Hadoop Core (MapReduce)
• Job Tracker distributes tasks and handles failures
• tasks are assigned based on data locality
• Task Trackers can execute multiple tasks

     MapReduce (Job Scheduling / Execution System)
          Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)

       Name Node                      Data Node
Hadoop Core (MapReduce)

  Job Tracker                 Task Tracker

MapReduce (Job Scheduling / Execution System)
    Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)

  Name Node                    Data Node
Hadoop Core (Job submission)

                           Task Tracker

            Job Tracker

            Name Node      Data Node

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Shark is a SQL query engine built on top of Spark, a fast MapReduce-like engine. It extends Spark to support SQL and complex analytics efficiently while maintaining the fault tolerance and scalability of MapReduce. Shark uses techniques from databases like columnar storage and dynamic query optimization to improve performance. Benchmarks show Shark can perform SQL queries and machine learning algorithms faster than traditional MapReduce systems like Hive and Hadoop. The goal of Shark is to provide a unified system for both SQL and complex analytics processing at large scale.

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Hive vs Pig for HadoopSourceCodeReading
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Hive vs Pig for HadoopSourceCodeReading

The document provides information about Hive and Pig, two frameworks for analyzing large datasets using Hadoop. It compares Hive and Pig, noting that Hive uses a SQL-like language called HiveQL to manipulate data, while Pig uses Pig Latin scripts and operates on data flows. The document also includes code examples demonstrating how to use basic operations in Hive and Pig like loading data, performing word counts, joins, and outer joins on sample datasets.

YARN - Hadoop's Resource Manager
YARN - Hadoop's Resource ManagerYARN - Hadoop's Resource Manager
YARN - Hadoop's Resource Manager

Raymie Stata, ex-CTO of Yahoo, talks about YARN, Hadoop's new Resource Manager, and other improvements in Hadoop 2.0.

Hadoop Ecosystem

            Pig (ETL)          Hive (BI)       Sqoop (RDBMS)

            MapReduce (Job Scheduling / Execution System)


                 Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)
JavaScript MapReduce
var map = function (key, value, context) {
    var words = value.split(/[^a-zA-Z]/);
    for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
        if (words[i] !== "") {
            context.write(words[i].toLowerCase(), 1);
var reduce = function (key, values, context) {
    var sum = 0;
    while (values.hasNext()) {
        sum += parseInt(;
    context.write(key, sum);

words = LOAD '/example/count' AS (
      word: chararray,
      count: int
popular_words = ORDER words BY count DESC;
top_popular_words = LIMIT popular_words 10;
DUMP top_popular_words;
      word string,
      count int
LOCATION "/example/count";


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Mapreduce in Search
Mapreduce in SearchMapreduce in Search
Mapreduce in Search

The document discusses how MapReduce can be used for various tasks related to search engines, including detecting duplicate web pages, processing document content, building inverted indexes, and analyzing search query logs. It provides examples of MapReduce jobs for normalizing document text, extracting entities, calculating ranking signals, and indexing individual words, phrases, stems and synonyms.

mapreduceinformation retrievalalgorithms
The google MapReduce
The google MapReduceThe google MapReduce
The google MapReduce

The Google MapReduce presented in 2004 is the inspiration for Hadoop. Let's take a deep dive into MapReduce to better understand Hadoop.

googlemapreducedistributed computation
How Google Does Big Data - DevNexus 2014
How Google Does Big Data - DevNexus 2014How Google Does Big Data - DevNexus 2014
How Google Does Big Data - DevNexus 2014

This document provides an overview and agenda for a presentation on how Google handles big data. The presentation covers Google Cloud Platform and how it can be used to run Hadoop clusters on Google Compute Engine and leverage BigQuery for analytics. It also discusses how Google processes big data internally using technologies like MapReduce, BigTable and Dremel and how these concepts apply to customer use cases.

Über Demo
Hadoop in the Cloud

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Flashback: QCon San Francisco 2012Flashback: QCon San Francisco 2012
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Sergejus Barinovas
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Intro to Big Data using Hadoop

  • 1. Intro to Big Data using Hadoop Sergejus Barinovas @sergejusb
  • 2. Information is powerful… but it is how we use it that will define us
  • 3. Data Explosion text audio video images relational picture from Big Data Integration
  • 4. Big Data (globally) – creates over 30 billion pieces of content per day – stores 30 petabytes of data – produces over 90 million tweets per day
  • 5. Big Data (our example) – logs over 300 gigabytes of transactions per day – stores more than 1,5 terabyte of aggregated data
  • 6. 4 Vs of Big Data volume volume velocity velocity variety variety variability variability
  • 7. Big Data Challenges Sort 10TB on 1 node = 2,5 days 100-node cluster = 35 mins
  • 8. Big Data Challenges “Fat” servers implies high cost – use cheap commodity nodes instead Large # of cheap nodes implies often failures – leverage automatic fault-tolerance fault-tolerance
  • 9. Big Data Challenges We need new data-parallel programming model for clusters of commodity machines
  • 11. MapReduce Published in 2004 by Google – MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters Popularized by Apache Hadoop project – used by Yahoo!, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, …
  • 13. Word Count Example Input Map Shuffle & Sort Reduce Output the quick the, 3 brown Map brown, 2 fox Reduce fox, 2 how, 1 now, 1 the fox ate the Map mouse quick, 1 ate, 1 Reduce mouse, 1 how now brown Map cow, 1 cow
  • 14. Word Count Example Input Map Shuffle & Sort Reduce Output the, 1 the, 1 the quick quick, 1 brown, 1 brown Map brown, 1 fox, 1 fox fox, 1 the, 1 Reduce fox, 1 the, 1 the, 1 how, 1 the fox fox, 1 now, 1 ate the Map ate, 1 brown, 1 mouse the, 1 mouse, 1 quick, 1 ate, 1 how, 1 mouse, 1 Reduce how now now, 1 cow, 1 brown Map brown, 1 cow cow, 1
  • 15. Word Count Example Input Map Shuffle & Sort Reduce Output the, [1,1,1] the quick brown, [1,1] the, 3 brown Map fox, [1,1] brown, 2 fox how, [1] Reduce fox, 2 now, [1] how, 1 now, 1 the fox ate the Map mouse quick, [1] quick, 1 ate, [1] ate, 1 mouse, [1] Reduce mouse, 1 how now cow, [1] cow, 1 brown Map cow
  • 16. MapReduce philosophy – hide complexity – make it scalable – make it cheap
  • 17. MapReduce popularized by Apache Hadoop project
  • 18. Hadoop Overview Open source implementation of – Google MapReduce paper – Google File System (GFS) paper First release in 2008 by Yahoo! – wide adoption by Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, etc.
  • 19. Hadoop Core MapReduce (Job Scheduling / Execution System) Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)
  • 20. Hadoop Core (HDFS) MapReduce (Job Scheduling / Execution System) Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) • Name Node stores file metadata • files split into 64 MB blocks • blocks replicated across 3 Data Nodes
  • 21. Hadoop Core (HDFS) MapReduce (Job Scheduling / Execution System) Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) Name Node Data Node
  • 22. Hadoop Core (MapReduce) • Job Tracker distributes tasks and handles failures • tasks are assigned based on data locality • Task Trackers can execute multiple tasks MapReduce (Job Scheduling / Execution System) Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) Name Node Data Node
  • 23. Hadoop Core (MapReduce) Job Tracker Task Tracker MapReduce (Job Scheduling / Execution System) Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) Name Node Data Node
  • 24. Hadoop Core (Job submission) Task Tracker Client Job Tracker Name Node Data Node
  • 25. Hadoop Ecosystem Pig (ETL) Hive (BI) Sqoop (RDBMS) MapReduce (Job Scheduling / Execution System) Zookeeper Avro HBase Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)
  • 26. JavaScript MapReduce var map = function (key, value, context) { var words = value.split(/[^a-zA-Z]/); for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) { if (words[i] !== "") { context.write(words[i].toLowerCase(), 1); } } }; var reduce = function (key, values, context) { var sum = 0; while (values.hasNext()) { sum += parseInt(; } context.write(key, sum); };
  • 27. Pig words = LOAD '/example/count' AS ( word: chararray, count: int ); popular_words = ORDER words BY count DESC; top_popular_words = LIMIT popular_words 10; DUMP top_popular_words;

Editor's Notes

  1. So, which is really the “enterprise” now?
  2. Volume – exceeds physical limits of vertical scalabilityVelocity – decision window small compared to data change rateVariety – many different formats makes integration expensiveVariability – many options or variable interpretations confound analysis
  3. --run MapReducerunJs(&quot;/example/mr/WordCount.js&quot;, &quot;/example/data/davinci.txt&quot;, &quot;/example/count&quot;);--create Hive table for the existing dataCREATE EXTERNAL TABLE WordCount ( word string, count int)ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY &apos;\\t&apos; LINES TERMINATED BY &apos;\\n&apos; STORED AS TEXTFILELOCATION &quot;/example/count&quot;;--select top wordsSELECT * FROM WordCountORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 10;--execute Hive selecthive.exec(&quot;select * from WordCount order by count desc limit 10;&quot;);--execute LINQ style Hive queryhive.from(&quot;WordCount&quot;).orderBy(&quot;count DESC&quot;).take(10).run();--execute Pig scriptwords = LOAD &apos;/example/count&apos; AS ( word: chararray, count: int);popular_words = ORDER words by count DESC; top_popular_words = LIMIT popular_words 10;DUMP top_popular_words;--execute LINQ style Pig scriptpig.from(&quot;/example/count&quot;, &quot;word: chararray, count: int&quot;).orderBy(&quot;count DESC&quot;).take(10).run();
  4. --run MapReducerunJs(&quot;/example/mr/WordCount.js&quot;, &quot;/example/data/davinci.txt&quot;, &quot;/example/count&quot;);--create Hive table for the existing dataCREATE EXTERNAL TABLE WordCount ( word string, count int)ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY &apos;\\t&apos; LINES TERMINATED BY &apos;\\n&apos; STORED AS TEXTFILELOCATION &quot;/example/count&quot;;--select top wordsSELECT * FROM WordCountORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 10;--execute Hive selecthive.exec(&quot;select * from WordCount order by count desc limit 10;&quot;);--execute LINQ style Hive queryhive.from(&quot;WordCount&quot;).orderBy(&quot;count DESC&quot;).take(10).run();--execute Pig scriptwords = LOAD &apos;/example/count&apos; AS ( word: chararray, count: int);popular_words = ORDER words by count DESC; top_popular_words = LIMIT popular_words 10;DUMP top_popular_words;--execute LINQ style Pig scriptpig.from(&quot;/example/count&quot;, &quot;word: chararray, count: int&quot;).orderBy(&quot;count DESC&quot;).take(10).run();