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Terry Reese
Preparing catalogers' for Linked
data Using MarcEdit: what can
we do now?
 It seems like the profession has been talking about linked
data and linked data in library for a long-time
 And they have
 There are wild promises
 Linked Data will solve our data problems
 Linked Data will make cataloging easier
 Linked Data will stop climate change and bring back the
 (That’s how they grew dinosaurs in Jurassic Park)
Why Linked Data
Preparing Catalogers for Linked data
Objects not strings
 Probably the biggest reason people talk about linked
data is the notion of moving from strings to objects

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Introduction to MarcEdit

MarcEdit is a free software tool for editing MARC records. It allows users to navigate and edit MARC data, split and merge records, compare records, extract and add fields, and generate call numbers. The document introduces MarcEdit's interface and functions. It provides resources for downloading, installing, and learning more about MarcEdit including tutorials, mailing lists, and contact information for the developer.

Linked Data
Linked DataLinked Data
Linked Data

The document discusses the concepts of the semantic web and linked data. It explains that the semantic web aims to convert the web into a single database that can be understood by machines through linking data using URIs, RDF, and other standards. It provides examples of projects like DBpedia and the Linking Open Data cloud that publish open government and other data as linked data. The document outlines some of the technologies and best practices for publishing and connecting data as linked data.

Crossref webinar: Anna Tolwinska - Crossref Participation Reports Metadata 09...
Crossref webinar: Anna Tolwinska - Crossref Participation Reports Metadata 09...Crossref webinar: Anna Tolwinska - Crossref Participation Reports Metadata 09...
Crossref webinar: Anna Tolwinska - Crossref Participation Reports Metadata 09...

Online discovery portals are providing information about your content to researchers and linking to your site via Crossref. A richer record can result in significantly more traffic from places you weren’t expecting. Learn about where publisher metadata goes, how it is used, and the importance of depositing rich metadata in making the most of these downstream services. Our speakers include Stephanie Dawson of ScienceOpen; Pierre Mounier of OPERAS, OpenEdition, and the HIRMEOS project; and Laura J. Wilkinson and Anna Tolwinska of Crossref. Webinar held September 11, 2018

crossrefcrossref webinarcrossref metadata
Objects not strings
 Probably the biggest reason people talk about linked
data is the notion of moving from strings to objects
 URIs provide actionable data
 Controlled terms can be updated without user intervention
 And URIs can provide access to more information
 I.E. – a URI to VIAF provides access not just to author information, but to all
their related works and collaborators as well.
Objects Not Strings
Best Practices
 Currently – there is *no* supported method for embedding
linked data elements into MARC21 Records
 OCLC actively discourages users from embedding URIs
and Linked Data elements into current bibliographic
records (
 Of course, this isn’t stopping them from embedding their own
data related to FAST into records
Best Practices

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Participation reports webinar November 2020

During this webinar we’ll take you on a tour of our Participation Reports, which give Crossref members and the wider scholarly community a clear, visual snapshot of the metadata that each one of our members is registering with Crossref. Registering richer metadata makes your content more useful and more discoverable to researchers and the wider scholarly community. This webinar was held on 18 November 2020,

crossref metadatafunder idsfunder registry
Many flavors of linked data
Many flavors of linked dataMany flavors of linked data
Many flavors of linked data

This document discusses different types of linked data being used in libraries. It summarizes, BIBFRAME, and Europeana as flavors of linked data that will be covered. involves adding HTML tags to web pages to markup bibliographic information in a way search engines can understand. BIBFRAME serves as a model for expressing and connecting bibliographic data as a replacement for MARC. Europeana is a portal that aggregates library data from different European national libraries who are ahead of US libraries in exposing bibliographic data as open linked data.

linked datalamscultural heritage institu
What flavor of metadata is best for your collection?
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What flavor of metadata is best for your collection?

Upper Midwest Digital Collections Conference, down load original slide format to see builds & animations 8/19/2014

metadatalinked datalams
 But hope is not lost…
 PCC has created the URIs in MARC Task Group
 Charge:
 This group is currently made up of PCC members, as well as consultants
(like myself) to discuss how linked data elements could or should be made
available within MARC data.
 And give current practice, how do we ensure that existing data (which is
linked data like, but not actionable) can be taken forward.
Best Practices
 Great Question!
 We aren’t ready
So why aren’t we doing this already?
 Changing Strings to Objects is hard and expensive
 Most Controlled vocabularies used in the Libraries are not
available for consumption by linked data tools
 And those that are aren’t production ready
 Or – are proprietary
So why aren’t we doing this already?
 We can experiment
 We can start looking for ways to leverage data that is
being made available.
So what can we do right now?

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MarcEdit provides tools for batch editing MARC records. This includes a merge records tool that allows merging data from two files using different matching methods and merging options. It also has a record deduplication tool that can remove duplicate records based on control fields. MarcEdit's editor allows global editing of MARC fields and data as well as specialized tools for editing subsets of records and performing tasks like case conversion. A new task automation tool allows non-programmers to create task lists that can automatically perform series of editing functions on MARC records. The Connexion plugin also allows interacting with OCLC's local file through MarcEdit.

Cataloger 3.0: Competencies and Education for the BIBFRAME Catalog
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Cataloger 3.0: Competencies and Education for the BIBFRAME Catalog

Presented at the 2014 ALA Annual Conference, meeting of the Competencies and Education for a Career in Cataloging Interest Group


This presentation was given by Ted Lawless of Thomson Reuters during the NISO Virtual Conference, BIBFRAME & Real World Applications of Linked Bibliographic Data, held on June 15, 2016.

bibframelinked dataniso virtual conference
 Over the past year, I’ve added to MarcEdit a linked data
 Designed to support RDF, JSON-LD, SPARQL – and a wide range
of library specific services currently providing one off access to
controlled data
 The framework has been utilized in MarcEdit for the development
of a toolset called MARCNext
MarcEdit and Linked Data
 These are Experimental services that allow catalogers to
play with their data and visualize it through the BibFrame
lens – as well as begin the process of turning strings to
Linked Data Tool
 So yes, its all fine and good to provide experimental work –
but does this help me now?
 Well until the PCC and MARBI provide guidance related to URI
generation and insertion – this is really something up to local
But who cares?

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LIBRIS is the Swedish national library catalog and directory that has existed since 1970. It contains over 6 million bibliographic records and links data about 175 libraries. LIBRIS recently transitioned to providing data as Linked Open Data to better integrate with the web. By exposing bibliographic records and authority files as structured data with HTTP URIs and links to vocabularies, LIBRIS allows its data to be queried and used freely on the web rather than through isolated APIs. This transition positions LIBRIS to develop more links to external datasets and take advantage of the network effects of the semantic web.

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During this webinar we’ll take you on a tour of our Participation Reports, which give Crossref members and the wider scholarly community a clear, visual snapshot of the metadata that each one of our members is registering with Crossref. Registering richer metadata makes your content more useful and more discoverable to researchers and the wider scholarly community. This webinar was held on 8th December 2020.

crossref metadatafunder idsfunder registry
Linked library data
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Linked library data

The document discusses the benefits and challenges of transitioning library data to linked data standards to make the data more accessible and interoperable on the web. It outlines principles of linked data and how library data could be transformed by assigning URIs to concepts, linking data sources, and storing data as RDF triples. Barriers include outdated library processes and standards like MARC that inhibit innovation, but initiatives like RDA, OpenLibrary, and data projects from the German National Library are helping advance the linked library data vision.

Preparing Catalogers for Linked data
We can build new services
 Using Linked Data tools for
Heading Validation
 How it works
 Working directly with the U.S. Library of Congress – MarcEdit
queries the NACO and SACO headings directly
 Returning information about URIs and variants/changes
 MarcEdit then generates a report, automatically corrects
headings (when possible) and can generate brief authority
records if desired.
Validate Headings
 At every major ILS user conference this year, there was a
commitment made to support BibFrame
 What does that mean – who knows
 But what we do know, is that it means ILS vendors are looking at
how they can leverage linked data concepts within their systems
 The PCC is committed to providing guidance around
embedding linked data in library data by Summer ALA
 OCLC’s WMS platform is being developed and positioned
as a potential linked data service point
 i.e. – OCLC Works, OCLC Persons, etc.
Looking to the Future

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Presentation on Crossref Similarity Check. Presented by Rachael Lammey at Crossref LIVE Tokyo, Feb 2018.

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Library Linked Data and the Future of Bibliographic Control
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Library Linked Data and the Future of Bibliographic Control

This document discusses library linked data and the future of bibliographic control. It begins by asking what library linked data means and why it is important now. To combine the best of libraries and the web, metadata must be on the web and open for others to use. The principles of linked data are described, including using URIs, HTTP URIs, providing useful information in RDF, and including links to other URIs. The building blocks of linked data like RDF and triples are explained. Examples of existing library linked data projects are provided. The BIBFRAME initiative to develop a new framework to manage library data as linked data is outlined.

records managementlinked datadata
April 8 NISO Webinar: Experimenting with BIBFRAME: Reports from Early Adopters
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April 8 NISO Webinar: Experimenting with BIBFRAME: Reports from Early Adopters

NISO Webinar: Experimenting with BIBFRAME: Reports from Early Adopters About the Webinar In May 2011, the Library of Congress officially launched a new modeling initiative, Bibliographic Framework Initiative, as a linked data alternative to MARC. The Library then announced in November 2012 the proposed model, called BIBFRAME. Since then, the library world is moving from mainly theorizing about the BIBFRAME model to attempts to implement practical experimentation and testing. This experimentation is iterative, and continues to shape the model so that it’s stable enough and broadly acceptable enough for adoption. In this webinar, several institutions will share their progress in experimenting with BIBFRAME within their library system. They will discuss the existing, developing, and planned projects happening at their institutions. Challenges and opportunities in exploring and implementing BIBFRAME in their institutions will be discussed as well. Agenda Introduction Todd Carpenter, Executive Director, NISO Experimental Mode: The National Library of Medicine and experiences with BIBFRAME Nancy Fallgren, Metadata Specialist Librarian, National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Exploring BIBFRAME at a Small Academic Library Jeremy Nelson, Metadata and Systems Librarian, Colorado College Working with BIBFRAME for discovery and production: Linked data for Libraries/Linked Data for Production Nancy Lorimer, Head, Metadata Dept, Stanford University Libraries


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Preparing Catalogers for Linked data

  • 1. Terry Reese Preparing catalogers' for Linked data Using MarcEdit: what can we do now?
  • 2.  It seems like the profession has been talking about linked data and linked data in library for a long-time  And they have  There are wild promises  Linked Data will solve our data problems  Linked Data will make cataloging easier  Linked Data will stop climate change and bring back the dinosaurs  (That’s how they grew dinosaurs in Jurassic Park) Why Linked Data
  • 4. Objects not strings  Probably the biggest reason people talk about linked data is the notion of moving from strings to objects Strings
  • 5. Objects not strings  Probably the biggest reason people talk about linked data is the notion of moving from strings to objects Objects
  • 6.  URIs provide actionable data  Controlled terms can be updated without user intervention (generally)  And URIs can provide access to more information  I.E. – a URI to VIAF provides access not just to author information, but to all their related works and collaborators as well. Objects Not Strings
  • 8.  Currently – there is *no* supported method for embedding linked data elements into MARC21 Records  OCLC actively discourages users from embedding URIs and Linked Data elements into current bibliographic records (  Of course, this isn’t stopping them from embedding their own data related to FAST into records Best Practices
  • 9.  But hope is not lost…  PCC has created the URIs in MARC Task Group  Charge: taskgroup.docx  This group is currently made up of PCC members, as well as consultants (like myself) to discuss how linked data elements could or should be made available within MARC data.  And give current practice, how do we ensure that existing data (which is linked data like, but not actionable) can be taken forward. Best Practices
  • 10.  Great Question!  We aren’t ready So why aren’t we doing this already?
  • 11.  Changing Strings to Objects is hard and expensive  Most Controlled vocabularies used in the Libraries are not available for consumption by linked data tools  And those that are aren’t production ready  Or – are proprietary So why aren’t we doing this already?
  • 12.  We can experiment  We can start looking for ways to leverage data that is being made available. So what can we do right now?
  • 13.  Over the past year, I’ve added to MarcEdit a linked data framework  Designed to support RDF, JSON-LD, SPARQL – and a wide range of library specific services currently providing one off access to controlled data  The framework has been utilized in MarcEdit for the development of a toolset called MARCNext MarcEdit and Linked Data
  • 14.  These are Experimental services that allow catalogers to play with their data and visualize it through the BibFrame lens – as well as begin the process of turning strings to objects. MARCNext
  • 16.  So yes, its all fine and good to provide experimental work – but does this help me now?  Well until the PCC and MARBI provide guidance related to URI generation and insertion – this is really something up to local practice. But who cares?
  • 18. We can build new services  Using Linked Data tools for Heading Validation
  • 19.  How it works  Working directly with the U.S. Library of Congress – MarcEdit queries the NACO and SACO headings directly  Returning information about URIs and variants/changes  MarcEdit then generates a report, automatically corrects headings (when possible) and can generate brief authority records if desired. Validate Headings
  • 20.  At every major ILS user conference this year, there was a commitment made to support BibFrame  What does that mean – who knows  But what we do know, is that it means ILS vendors are looking at how they can leverage linked data concepts within their systems  The PCC is committed to providing guidance around embedding linked data in library data by Summer ALA  OCLC’s WMS platform is being developed and positioned as a potential linked data service point  i.e. – OCLC Works, OCLC Persons, etc. Looking to the Future