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(Mobile) Developer’s Dilemma
         Paul Golding
                                     Copyright Paul Golding, 2008

Paul G - Mobile Apps Expert...
  Help companies with their mobile product strategies and
  architecture: Operators, Equipment vendors, Media
  companies, Start-Ups

  Done a long time: Mobilist since 1990, last 12 in applications -
  14 patents in mobile design. Worked in all parts of the
  mobile ecosystem. Expert member MIDP 3.

  Do it for real: 2006/7 Chief Applications Architect, Motorola
  Mobile Apps, Mobile TV/IPTV

  Done it a lot: Architect/designer of numerous mobile/Internet
  solutions - First ever mobile portal (Zingo)

  Done it widely: Worked on mobile projects in all continents:
  O2, Vodafone, 3 UK, 3 Italia, Virgin Mobile, Etisalat, Du,
  BSkyB, OMTP, BT, GSMA, Netscape, Morroc Telecom,
  Orascom, CSL, Al Jazeera, Lucent, NTT DoCoMo, MTC,
  Extreme, Metrowalker, mConnected...
                                                                     Copyright Paul Golding, 2008

The developer’s

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A brief examination of the psychology and motivations for hanging art on the walls inside our homes. From an "evolutionary biological" point of view, it serves no purpose.


  The developer’s
What should I build?

Copyright Paul Golding, 2008

a. Application

                 Copyright Paul Golding, 2008

a. Application
b. Open APIs

                 Copyright Paul Golding, 2008

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Mobile 2.0: Ubiquitous Connectivity
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Mobile 2.0: Ubiquitous Connectivity

Overview of where we are and where we're headed with using mobiles as computers rather than voice machines. Includes mention of possible Mobile 3.0 memes.

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Real Time Mobile Web V0.2
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Real Time Mobile Web V0.2

Rich mobile applications will be enabled by trends toward persistent and real-time web applications on mobile devices. Key trends include widgets and offline storage allowing persistence; push notifications and COMET for real-time updates; browser APIs exposing device functionality to JavaScript; and social and cloud computing moving data and services to the web. These trends will allow web applications to react to asynchronous events and integrate with telephony, messaging, and social media, improving the mobile user experience.

Mobile Augmented Reality and Mash-Ups
Mobile Augmented Reality and Mash-UpsMobile Augmented Reality and Mash-Ups
Mobile Augmented Reality and Mash-Ups

The document discusses augmented reality (AR) and augmented virtuality (AV) technologies. It notes that AR was proposed as early as the 1990s but is now growing with the adoption of smartphones which can serve as AR devices. Emerging platforms for mobile AR are mentioned like Wikitude, Junaio and Layar. The document predicts that within the next 3 years, AR will grow significantly as smartphones become the main AR device, dominant AR platforms will emerge, AR will be integrated into social networks and games, and AR will be used to enhance venues and events.

augmented realitypaul goldingwireless wanders

a. Application
b. Open APIs
c. Community

                 Copyright Paul Golding, 2008

a. Application
b. Open APIs
c. Community
 d. Platform

                 Copyright Paul Golding, 2008

a. Application
b. Open APIs
c. Community
 d. Platform
  e. Service
                 Copyright Paul Golding, 2008

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Mobile Web Evolution - Rich Mobile Applications and Real-time Web UX
Mobile Web Evolution - Rich Mobile Applications and Real-time Web UXMobile Web Evolution - Rich Mobile Applications and Real-time Web UX
Mobile Web Evolution - Rich Mobile Applications and Real-time Web UX

This 3 sentence summary provides an overview of the key details and purpose of the document: The document is an architect's guide to rich mobile applications written by Paul Golding, who has extensive experience in mobile technology and applications development since 1990 including designing the first mobile internet portal and working as Motorola's Chief Applications Architect. The guide discusses mobile web evolution and rich mobile applications, providing information on real-time web user experience for mobile. Golding draws on his experience developing mobile apps on every continent working with operators, vendors, startups and venture capitalists.

Mobile, Mobile, Mobile
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Mobile, Mobile, Mobile

This document summarizes Paul Golding's presentation on mobile technology trends at the 2010 Eduserv Symposium. It discusses the evolution from Mobile 1.0 to Mobile 2.0, highlighting increasing processing power, usability and productivity of mobile devices. It also notes the proliferation of smartphones and growing mobile internet and app usage. Golding argues that mobile is becoming "everyware" and transforming how people organize their lives and interact in real-time through their devices. He envisions a future of augmented reality and an "Internet of Things" where most digital services are mobilized.

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L2 Prestige100 - Mobile IQ 2012
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This document summarizes key insights from presentations and discussions at a Mobile IQ conference in New York on January 19, 2012 and an upcoming conference in Paris on January 24, 2012. It discusses how mobile commerce is growing rapidly and becoming a game changer, especially with the rise of tablets. However, many prestige brands have been slow to develop robust mobile strategies, with most focusing only on apps that lack functionality. To succeed, brands need to focus on optimizing their mobile sites and commerce capabilities across all devices. Competence in mobile may indicate a brand's ability to grow globally and tap into emerging markets.

raymondweilluxury watchesraymond weil

What should I build?

What should I build?

 ... f. Experience

Think UX, think whole product
POP3 client is not a product…
If the interface clumsy = not a whole product….
if the tariff is unclear = not a whole product...
Can't easily type = not a whole product….
Users like a WHOLE PRODUCT....

         100% of your emails accessible
               within seconds...

                  ...Fixed price...

                                                    Copyright Paul Golding, 2008
Successful mobile UX (in more detail)                                                                                                                   7

                                                      Mobile Experience

Discovery          Unboxing            Investment          Passion/               Accessible/        Anticipation        Conversation
                                                           Evangelism             Contextual
Can I easily find   Does it work out    Is this easy to                                               I will want to      I can easily use
the service?       of the box?         use?                I will love using      I can easily       keep coming         this with others
                                                           this because...        bump into this     back because...
Does it say        Can I play          Can I access                               because...                             I can easily find
something          immediately or      my data?            I will want to tell                       I look forward to   others
meaningful to      do I have to “get                       others                 It understands     new features
me on the box?     it?”                Can I easily        because...             my needs           because...          It adapts to my
                                       ‘bump into’                                because...                             social
Does it make       Can I invite        this?               If I stop using                                               relationships
me a promise?      others?                                 this, I will miss it   It adapts to my
                                       Does it get         because...             situation                              It adapts to my
Is it one click                        better the more                            because...                             social context
away?                                  I use it?           How is my

                                                 Mobile Web 2.0 Ecosystem

                                                          Usable devices

                                           Transparent business terms and tariff

                                       Open, secure and extensible architectures

                                                         Reliable networks
                                                                                          Copyright Paul Golding ( 2008

                                                                                                                               Copyright Paul Golding, 2008

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Why "mobile first" isn't enough - Developing a better user experience
Why "mobile first" isn't enough - Developing a better user experienceWhy "mobile first" isn't enough - Developing a better user experience
Why "mobile first" isn't enough - Developing a better user experience

"Mobile first," is a concept that serves us well as a design tool, putting constraints on our messaging, layout, etc. But to use "mobile first" as a complete mobile strategy can lead to some dangerous lines of thought. There's a bigger picture that needs to be seen, and it's what we've always done when developing experiences for the web. We need to put the "Experience First." Then we can think about "mobile", "desktop", "lean-back", and whatever other technologies are released in the next several years. It's not about devices, it's about users and experiences. Presentation first given at BarCamp Nashville in October of 2011.

user experienceuxmobile web
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The document discusses proximity and location technologies on mobile devices. It notes that while location services have seen widespread adoption in recent years, proximity has not yet been as widely used due to difficulties developers have faced in integrating proximity features. However, the presenter argues that if proximity technologies like Bluetooth can be made as easy for developers to work with as location APIs are now, it could unleash similar innovation in proximity-based applications and use cases. Several initiatives aimed at simplifying proximity development are also mentioned.

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Augmented reality (AR) has the potential to transform how people access and share information by overlaying digital content on the real world through mobile devices. The document discusses key challenges and opportunities for AR, including improvements needed in mobile processing power, screen size, GPS locating speed, network bandwidth, tools/APIs, and monetization methods, in order for AR to reach its full potential. It also introduces Senscape, a Chinese startup focused on developing AR browser and platform technologies.


Mobile UX: exploit context:
                  Location         Interests

          Time                                 Friends

                  Activities       Proximity

    All mobile products should take context into account
                                                    Copyright Paul Golding, 2008

Context: Web 2.0, Microformats:
                      Location                  Interests

          Time                                                Friends
                                   Web 2.0

                      Activities                Proximity

     Increasingly, mobile product design needs to take context into account
                                                                    Copyright Paul Golding, 2008

What should I build?

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Mobile-first, a quick introduction
Mobile-first, a quick introductionMobile-first, a quick introduction
Mobile-first, a quick introduction

Mobile-first is a simple idea with big implications: digital products should be designed for mobile first. Not the other way around. These are the slides for my 12 minute presentation at IA day 2012. Just a quick introduction to the mobile-first concept. Props to Luke Wroblewski and Brad Frost. I got most of the stuff in this presentation from their presentations and blogs. Luke Wroblewski: Brad Frost:

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Business is now Social, Jeremy Cooper,
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Businesses are looking to leverage social media as a way to gain deeper insight into what customers want and get feedback on how to improve the customer experience, while also attempting to navigate and utilize these same platforms for internal communication and creativity. Jeremy Cooper will share his insights on how cloud computing can bring together industry leading cloud platforms like Google, Facebook and Twitter with traditional contact center channels like phone, email and chat to capture every conversation and leverage every community expert in the cloud. He will also demonstrate how consumer driven sites have shown companies a smarter way to collaborate, leveraging ease-of-use and social features to create rich user experiences and improve productivity.

Soft not slow: Defining a design process for the internet of things
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This document discusses approaches to designing products for the Internet of Things (IoT). It outlines three approaches: designing to extend existing devices, designing to comfort by augmenting devices with connectivity, and designing to disrupt by developing new interaction models. It argues that successful IoT products will be "soft, not slow" - focusing on user delight through thoughtful designs that engage users differently than traditional gadgets. Retail and investment aren't fully ready, but consumers are increasingly open to new types of connected products.

internetofthingsiotinteraction design

What should I build?

  ... g. Business!

Think business architecture
Developers aim here          (Mega/Micro)

                Technology                  Business
                 Enablers                    models

                                                       How do we do this?....
                                                             Copyright Paul Golding, 2008

Social Business Model -
Co-creation & work with Frenemies
                                 Co-create or die! (TODAY: Find some
             Users               co-conspirators!) Social Coding.

                                 Ecosystem: common log-in, use
                                 microformats, exploit mash-ups: Click-
                                 off, but not click-out!
            Profitable            Open ideas exchange: it’s mostly in the
            business             execution, not the idea or technology

  Techies        Entrepreneurs   Share the risk - make frenemies

                                 A place to do all the above: O2

                                                     Copyright Paul Golding, 2008

Copyright Paul Golding, 2008

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Mobile social networking was growing rapidly in 2009, with mobile users surpassing non-mobile users. However, users faced issues with fragmentation across different social networks and platforms, lack of control over their privacy and data, and uncertainty about how networks and data would evolve. Service providers also grappled with determining the right metrics for innovation, engagement, and monetization strategies in the emerging mobile space. The future was predicted to see everything become more social and location-based on mobile, though consolidation or an open social web approach remained possible outcomes.

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Mobile Communities - Future Trends and Challenges

Session presentation at CommunityCamp 2008 Berlin, ccb08; 2008-11-01, 2008-11-02, post hoc produced, with new charts and slides // slideshow has been presented too at MobileCamp Dresden 2009, 2009-04-25 #mcdd09 and at InfoCamp Berlin 2008 (informationarchitecture)

Device market strategy lessons from the iPhone, Blackberry, Pre and Zune
Device market strategy lessons from the iPhone, Blackberry, Pre and ZuneDevice market strategy lessons from the iPhone, Blackberry, Pre and Zune
Device market strategy lessons from the iPhone, Blackberry, Pre and Zune

The document discusses lessons for mobile device manufacturers from the market strategies of popular devices like the iPhone, Blackberry, Zune, and Palm Pre. It distinguishes between "compound" devices that are tightly integrated into external software ecosystems and "elemental" devices that are standalone physical objects. Compound devices like the iPhone and Blackberry create dedicated long-term user bases through unique software, while elemental devices like the Razr are more disposable. To succeed, new devices need to integrate with pre-existing software ecosystems or release complementary software simultaneously.


What should I build?

                Copyright Paul Golding, 2008

What should I build?
2009: Opportunities:

               Copyright Paul Golding, 2008

What should I build?
2009: Opportunities:
 Mobilized social applications

                         Copyright Paul Golding, 2008

What should I build?
2009: Opportunities:
 Mobilized social applications
         Video apps

                         Copyright Paul Golding, 2008

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Mobile device strategy white paper with discussion and case studies of new way of categorizing mobile devices between compound and elemental devices

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This document discusses the rise of the "SoLoMo" phenomenon, which refers to the intersection of social, location and mobile technologies. It provides examples of how consumers are increasingly using social networks and sharing location data on mobile devices. The document also discusses how IBM is embracing SoLoMo by providing social and mobile access to resources and solutions for employees. It estimates that IBM has seen a 195% ROI from its investments in mobile technologies by increasing employee productivity and adoption rates. The document concludes with an invitation to a book signing event to learn more about IBM's approach to SoLoMo.

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bemoko's 5 easy steps to mobilising your brand
bemoko's 5 easy steps to mobilising your brandbemoko's 5 easy steps to mobilising your brand
bemoko's 5 easy steps to mobilising your brand

Bemoko provides a 5 step process for mobilizing brands: 1) Discover target audiences on mobile via social media, SMS, codes etc. 2) Engage audiences with relevant content on mobile. 3) Build trust with quality mobile experiences. 4) Measure mobile performance with analytics. 5) Repeat successful strategies to drive engagement and make the mobile experience valuable for users. The process emphasizes discovering users on their mobile devices and engaging them with conversations across different channels in a coordinated way.

mobilemobile webmobile marketing

What should I build?
2009: Opportunities:
 Mobilized social applications
         Video apps
  Enterprise social software

                         Copyright Paul Golding, 2008

What should I build?
2009: Opportunities:
 Mobilized social applications
         Video apps
  Enterprise social software
      Cloud computing
                         Copyright Paul Golding, 2008

What should I build?
2009: Opportunities:
 Mobilized social applications
         Video apps
  Enterprise social software
      Cloud computing
       SOHO solutions    Copyright Paul Golding, 2008

2009: Mobile Drivers:
     Increased device usability
   Greater Web 2.0-dependency
      More data-friendly tariffs
     Mobilized social networks
            App stores
 Greater user participation/appetite
 Easier transactional capability (€)
                              Copyright Paul Golding, 2008

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ITSinsider '09 Prognostications
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This presentation looks into the future 12 months and suggests what we might see trending in the enterprise 2.0 category.

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Moglue is an interactive ebook creation platform that allows content creators to easily turn their content into interactive ebooks that can be published to iOS and Android. It aims to lower the cost and time required for creation while providing excellent interactivity and usability. Moglue has raised $1 million in funding and sees opportunities in growing markets like eLearning and Android tablets. It is currently seeking $3 million in Series A funding to expand its team and developer platform.

LUON WassUp recap - mar 2014 - 2. the mobile landscape
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The document discusses recent developments in the mobile landscape. It notes that smartphones and tablets have matured with rising adoption rates and usage. Design trends are shifting to flat interfaces and card-based layouts. It also explores how screens are connecting through technologies like Bluetooth and WiFi Direct, allowing experiences to span devices. Sensors and connected devices are proliferating, enabled by technologies like Bluetooth LE, and these present new data opportunities for marketers throughout the customer journey. Key takeaways include the maturation of mobile, the rise of multi-screen experiences, and the value of sensor data from connected devices.


Thank you
       Paul Golding


                           (C) Copyright Paul Golding, 2008

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Mobile Developer's Dilemma

  • 1. 1 (Mobile) Developer’s Dilemma Paul Golding Copyright Paul Golding, 2008
  • 2. 2 Paul G - Mobile Apps Expert... Help companies with their mobile product strategies and architecture: Operators, Equipment vendors, Media companies, Start-Ups Done a long time: Mobilist since 1990, last 12 in applications - 14 patents in mobile design. Worked in all parts of the mobile ecosystem. Expert member MIDP 3. Do it for real: 2006/7 Chief Applications Architect, Motorola Mobile Apps, Mobile TV/IPTV Done it a lot: Architect/designer of numerous mobile/Internet solutions - First ever mobile portal (Zingo) Done it widely: Worked on mobile projects in all continents: O2, Vodafone, 3 UK, 3 Italia, Virgin Mobile, Etisalat, Du, BSkyB, OMTP, BT, GSMA, Netscape, Morroc Telecom, Orascom, CSL, Al Jazeera, Lucent, NTT DoCoMo, MTC, Extreme, Metrowalker, mConnected... Copyright Paul Golding, 2008
  • 3. 3
  • 5. 3 The developer’s dilemma: What should I build?
  • 7. 4 a. Application Copyright Paul Golding, 2008
  • 8. 4 a. Application b. Open APIs Copyright Paul Golding, 2008
  • 9. 4 a. Application b. Open APIs c. Community Copyright Paul Golding, 2008
  • 10. 4 a. Application b. Open APIs c. Community d. Platform Copyright Paul Golding, 2008
  • 11. 4 a. Application b. Open APIs c. Community d. Platform e. Service Copyright Paul Golding, 2008
  • 12. 5
  • 13. 5 What should I build?
  • 14. 5 What should I build? ... f. Experience
  • 15. 6 Think UX, think whole product POP3 client is not a product… If the interface clumsy = not a whole product…. if the tariff is unclear = not a whole product... Can't easily type = not a whole product…. Users like a WHOLE PRODUCT.... 100% of your emails accessible within seconds... ..Securely.. ..Anytime... ..Anywhere... ...Fixed price... ..Spam-free..... Copyright Paul Golding, 2008
  • 16. Successful mobile UX (in more detail) 7 Successful Mobile Experience Discovery Unboxing Investment Passion/ Accessible/ Anticipation Conversation Evangelism Contextual Can I easily find Does it work out Is this easy to I will want to I can easily use the service? of the box? use? I will love using I can easily keep coming this with others this because... bump into this back because... Does it say Can I play Can I access because... I can easily find something immediately or my data? I will want to tell I look forward to others meaningful to do I have to “get others It understands new features me on the box? it?” Can I easily because... my needs because... It adapts to my ‘bump into’ because... social Does it make Can I invite this? If I stop using relationships me a promise? others? this, I will miss it It adapts to my Does it get because... situation It adapts to my Is it one click better the more because... social context away? I use it? How is my loyalty rewarded? Mobile Web 2.0 Ecosystem Usable devices Transparent business terms and tariff Open, secure and extensible architectures Reliable networks Copyright Paul Golding ( 2008 Copyright Paul Golding, 2008
  • 17. 8 Mobile UX: exploit context: Location Interests Time Friends Activities Proximity All mobile products should take context into account Copyright Paul Golding, 2008
  • 18. 9 Context: Web 2.0, Microformats: Location Interests Time Friends Web 2.0 Microformats Activities Proximity Increasingly, mobile product design needs to take context into account Copyright Paul Golding, 2008
  • 19. 10
  • 21. 10 What should I build? ... g. Business!
  • 22. 11 Think business architecture Market Trends Developers aim here (Mega/Micro) Profitable app Technology Business Enablers models How do we do this?.... Copyright Paul Golding, 2008
  • 23. 12 Social Business Model - Co-creation & work with Frenemies Co-create or die! (TODAY: Find some Users co-conspirators!) Social Coding. Ecosystem: common log-in, use microformats, exploit mash-ups: Click- off, but not click-out! Profitable Open ideas exchange: it’s mostly in the business execution, not the idea or technology Techies Entrepreneurs Share the risk - make frenemies A place to do all the above: O2 Litmus!? Copyright Paul Golding, 2008
  • 25. 13 What should I build? Copyright Paul Golding, 2008
  • 26. 13 What should I build? 2009: Opportunities: Copyright Paul Golding, 2008
  • 27. 13 What should I build? 2009: Opportunities: Mobilized social applications Copyright Paul Golding, 2008
  • 28. 13 What should I build? 2009: Opportunities: Mobilized social applications Video apps Copyright Paul Golding, 2008
  • 29. 13 What should I build? 2009: Opportunities: Mobilized social applications Video apps Enterprise social software Copyright Paul Golding, 2008
  • 30. 13 What should I build? 2009: Opportunities: Mobilized social applications Video apps Enterprise social software Cloud computing Copyright Paul Golding, 2008
  • 31. 13 What should I build? 2009: Opportunities: Mobilized social applications Video apps Enterprise social software Cloud computing SOHO solutions Copyright Paul Golding, 2008
  • 32. 14 2009: Mobile Drivers: Increased device usability Greater Web 2.0-dependency More data-friendly tariffs Mobilized social networks App stores Greater user participation/appetite Easier transactional capability (€) Copyright Paul Golding, 2008
  • 33. 15 Thank you Paul Golding Follow @pgolding (C) Copyright Paul Golding, 2008