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Introduction to “Web
Narendran Solai Sridharan
HTML and Web Development
It gave rise to sharing Ideas &
documents across Universities and
eventually for all.
Interactive HTML
Opened Business on Internet across
World Wide Web.
AJAX, Dynamic HTML and
Made HTML Document More
Interactive and Less Expensive

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This document provides an overview of Jaggery, an open source JavaScript web application framework that allows developers to use JavaScript on both the front-end and back-end. Jaggery uses Rhino to execute JavaScript and handle requests through Java servlets. It provides features like accessing Java APIs from JavaScript, connecting to databases, invoking web services, and integrating with the WSO2 Carbon platform. The presentation then demonstrates building a sample web application using Jaggery.

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This document provides an introduction and overview of AngularJS, a JavaScript framework for building single page applications. It discusses the main concepts of AngularJS including two-way data binding, directives, expressions, models, views/templates, controllers, and filters. It also provides brief histories of JavaScript and AngularJS, reasons for choosing AngularJS, and instructions for getting started with AngularJS.

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EduGeek Logon Tracker is a next generation user tracking software that improves upon previous solutions. It limits concurrent logins to one user account, stores tracking data in an SQL database for reporting and searching through a web interface, and allows real-time login tracking. It is easy to deploy by adding scripts to a GPO and dragging folders to IIS, and supports Windows 7, Server 2008 and newer operating systems.

Non Destructive Java Scripting
and Jquery
Made Manipulation of HTML DOM easy
and to work without any flaws during
DOM Load with “Cross Browser
Support” for various Browsers.
Jquery Toolkits, DoJo Toolkit,
YUI Toolkit, GWT Toolkit, EXT JS
The Raise of Toolkits with built in
reusable Widgets increased productivity
of “Web Application” Development for
all browsers
Responsive HTML & Bootstrap
Raise of Mobile phones let to the
development of Responsive HTML &
Bootstrap CSS & JS Framework.
SPA, REST API, JSON & JS Frameworks
(Prototype, Ext, Angular, Backbone,
Ember, React, Knockout)
Single Page Applications (SPA), JavaScript Frameworks reconsidered
development of Web Application in a maintainable way. They Introduced,
1. Templating
2. Two Way Binding
3. Routing for AJAX calls & History Management
4. MVC Support - Modularity with Componentization.
5. Dependency Injection
6. Scoping of properties & behaviors of Components

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Angular JS provides several key pros for developers including two-way data binding that automatically updates the view and model with any changes, easy DOM manipulation through two-way data binding that saves developer time, faster app prototyping through quick initialization and obtaining feedback without annoyance, and responsive web applications that automatically adapt to different systems with fast loading and smooth navigation.

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Kendo UI presentation at
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High level overview of the Kendo UI framework and upcoming plans. See for current status and for online demos.

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What are JavaScript and how to apply validations in JavaScript and the different types of Javascript available and use them.

HTML 5 Standard
HTML 5 Standard New Tags,
1. Considered Common structure of Business Application,
most common UI Elemental Structures
2. Considered Mobile Platform, Offline Storage, Geo
Location Detection and Advanced Multimedia
What is NEXT?
Despite Web Application Developers remain
Happy stating “Enough is Enough”.
We have Too MUCH of same principles
present in different JS Frameworks.
Problems are wonderful
opportunities for Innovation
HTML 5 tried addressing few frequently
used and redundant work.
Now Again there is a redundancy
depicted by various JS Frameworks
Web Components
• It is a W3C Standard similar to HTML 5
• It will be implemented by All Browsers sooner or later
• Few principles followed in various JS Frameworks like Scoping,
Routing, Templating will be provided with First Class Support in the
Browser itself.
• It will help to reuse components Across Applications rather than
reusing components only within one Application.

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Kendo ui web

Lohith G N is a Developer Evangelist at Telerik India and a Microsoft MVP for ASP.NET/IIS. He leads the Bangalore Dot Net user group and his agenda includes introducing Kendo UI, discussing single page applications and hybrid apps, and building apps with Kendo UI. Kendo UI is a framework from Telerik that includes everything needed to build HTML5 and JavaScript sites and apps, including UI widgets, MVVM framework, data source, templates, and themes.

kendokendo uiwidgets
Word press
Word pressWord press
Word press

WordPress is an open-source content management system (CMS) often used for blogging. It has many features including a plugin architecture, templating system, and widgets that can be rearranged without editing code. WordPress was first released in 2003 and as of 2009 was being used by over 200 million websites worldwide. It allows for customization through themes and supports multiple categories and tags for posts.

Word press
Word pressWord press
Word press

WordPress is an open-source content management system (CMS) often used for blogging. It has many features including a plugin architecture, templating system, and widgets that can be rearranged without editing code. WordPress was first released in 2003 and as of 2009 was being used by over 200 million websites worldwide. It allows for customization through themes and supports multiple categories and tags for posts.

Web Components – Shadow
1. A First Class Support for Scoping.
2. Now only one DOM is in one HTML, With Web
Components we can have one Parent DOM and many
DOM modules/Shadow DOMs each having their own
3. It is essential for Templating & Custom Tag Creation
Web Components – Templates
1. Supports Templates or Widget Creation,
which can be reused.
2. If same Template is used in 2 different
Application, Browser will reuse it without
loading it for each Application.
Web Components – Custom
Extends HTML Tags
1. It is understood despite we could add thousands of Tags to Standard HTML
tags, still Custom Tags will be required.
2. Loading & Unloading JS frameworks Creating Custom Tags with Templates for
each Application is Redundant.
3. Despite HTML 5 considered Offline Storage, each Application can have
different version of same framework and framework always not only just has
features only required by the application.
4. Web Components Standard Considered Supporting “Extension of HTML Tags”
and allow Templating to create Custom Tags
Web Components – HTML
1. Supports Reusing already loaded HTML Document
2. It Increases Modularity and maintenance of
various Components.
3. With First Class Support for Custom Elements &
Templates, it becomes essential.

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Why jQuery Mobile is a better choice compared to other frameworks: 1. Create and style pages and dialogs 2. Use toolbars, theme en enhance them 3. and much more!

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JQuery mobile
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JQuery mobile

jQuery Mobile is a JavaScript framework that makes it easier to develop mobile web sites and apps. It allows developers to use standard HTML and CSS to build interfaces that work across various mobile device platforms. Some key features include automatically adapting layouts for different screens, supporting touch and mouse events, and providing common mobile widgets like sliders and flip switches. Navigation between pages is handled using internal links, and jQuery Mobile can fetch and integrate external pages using AJAX to provide a native-like experience.

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Building uis.with-react
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Building uis.with-react

This document discusses building user interfaces with React, an open-source JavaScript library for building user interfaces and web applications. React aims to be simple and declarative by using components to break down user interfaces and compose complex UIs from them. Components manage their own state and lifecycles without direct parent interactions. React uses a virtual DOM for efficient updates and handles events through delegation and autobinding. The document provides links to React documentation, tools, and additional resources for contributors and watchers.

“Web Component as NEW
• Will make most of the work done by JS Framework redundant &
• It will take years for all the browser to support this standard so don’t fear
if you are working on some JS frameworks
• JS Frameworks also will start supporting Web Components.
• Currently only “Google Polymer”, “Mozilla X-Tag” has First Class Support
for Web Components.
• Visit - for more info.

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Introduction to Web Components

  • 2. HTML and Web Development It gave rise to sharing Ideas & documents across Universities and eventually for all.
  • 3. Interactive HTML Opened Business on Internet across World Wide Web.
  • 4. AJAX, Dynamic HTML and JavaScript Made HTML Document More Interactive and Less Expensive
  • 5. Non Destructive Java Scripting and Jquery Made Manipulation of HTML DOM easy and to work without any flaws during DOM Load with “Cross Browser Support” for various Browsers.
  • 6. Jquery Toolkits, DoJo Toolkit, YUI Toolkit, GWT Toolkit, EXT JS The Raise of Toolkits with built in reusable Widgets increased productivity of “Web Application” Development for all browsers
  • 7. Responsive HTML & Bootstrap Raise of Mobile phones let to the development of Responsive HTML & Bootstrap CSS & JS Framework.
  • 8. SPA, REST API, JSON & JS Frameworks (Prototype, Ext, Angular, Backbone, Ember, React, Knockout) Single Page Applications (SPA), JavaScript Frameworks reconsidered development of Web Application in a maintainable way. They Introduced, 1. Templating 2. Two Way Binding 3. Routing for AJAX calls & History Management 4. MVC Support - Modularity with Componentization. 5. Dependency Injection 6. Scoping of properties & behaviors of Components
  • 9. HTML 5 Standard HTML 5 Standard New Tags, 1. Considered Common structure of Business Application, most common UI Elemental Structures 2. Considered Mobile Platform, Offline Storage, Geo Location Detection and Advanced Multimedia
  • 10. What is NEXT? Despite Web Application Developers remain Happy stating “Enough is Enough”. We have Too MUCH of same principles present in different JS Frameworks.
  • 11. Problems are wonderful opportunities for Innovation HTML 5 tried addressing few frequently used and redundant work. Now Again there is a redundancy depicted by various JS Frameworks
  • 12. Web Components • It is a W3C Standard similar to HTML 5 • It will be implemented by All Browsers sooner or later • Few principles followed in various JS Frameworks like Scoping, Routing, Templating will be provided with First Class Support in the Browser itself. • It will help to reuse components Across Applications rather than reusing components only within one Application.
  • 13. Web Components – Shadow DOM 1. A First Class Support for Scoping. 2. Now only one DOM is in one HTML, With Web Components we can have one Parent DOM and many DOM modules/Shadow DOMs each having their own Scope 3. It is essential for Templating & Custom Tag Creation
  • 14. Web Components – Templates 1. Supports Templates or Widget Creation, which can be reused. 2. If same Template is used in 2 different Application, Browser will reuse it without loading it for each Application.
  • 15. Web Components – Custom Elements Extends HTML Tags 1. It is understood despite we could add thousands of Tags to Standard HTML tags, still Custom Tags will be required. 2. Loading & Unloading JS frameworks Creating Custom Tags with Templates for each Application is Redundant. 3. Despite HTML 5 considered Offline Storage, each Application can have different version of same framework and framework always not only just has features only required by the application. 4. Web Components Standard Considered Supporting “Extension of HTML Tags” and allow Templating to create Custom Tags
  • 16. Web Components – HTML Imports 1. Supports Reusing already loaded HTML Document 2. It Increases Modularity and maintenance of various Components. 3. With First Class Support for Custom Elements & Templates, it becomes essential.
  • 17. “Web Component as NEW STANDARD” • Will make most of the work done by JS Framework redundant & unnecessary. • It will take years for all the browser to support this standard so don’t fear if you are working on some JS frameworks • JS Frameworks also will start supporting Web Components. • Currently only “Google Polymer”, “Mozilla X-Tag” has First Class Support for Web Components. • Visit - for more info.