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What is child development?   Child development  refers to how a child becomes able to do more complex things as they get older. Development is different than growth.   Growth  only refers to the child getting bigger in size. 
When we talk about normal development, we are talking about developing skills like: Gross motor:   using large groups of muscles to sit, stand, walk, run, etc., keeping balance, and changing positions.  Fine motor:   using hands to be able to eat, draw, dress, play, write, and do many other things.  Language:    speaking, using body language and gestures, communicating, and understanding what others say.  Cognitive:  Thinking skills:   including learning, understanding, problem-solving, reasoning, and remembering.  Social:    Interacting with others, having relationships with family, friends, and teachers, cooperating, and responding to the feelings of others.
What are developmental milestones? Developmental milestones  are a set of functional skills or age-specific tasks that most children can do at a certain age range.  Your pediatrician uses milestones to help check how your child is developing.  Although each milestone has an age level, the actual age when a normally developing child reaches that milestone can very quite a bit.  Every child is unique! 

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Gross Motor Skills & Development for Infants
Gross Motor Skills & Development for InfantsGross Motor Skills & Development for Infants
Gross Motor Skills & Development for Infants

What are gross motor skills? Gross motor skills involve the larger, stronger muscle groups. In early child development, it’s the development of these muscles that enable infants to hold their head up, sit up independently, crawl, and eventually walk, run, jump and skip. Learn about the gross motor skill development for infants from 0-21 months old in this presentation. We've also included activities you can do with your baby to help encourage the development of their gross motor skills.

gross motor skillsphysical therapyearly intervention
Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral PalsyCerebral Palsy
Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy is a group of disorders that affect movement and posture, caused by damage to the developing brain before or during birth. It involves motor disturbances as well as disturbances of sensation, perception, cognition, communication, and behavior. The main types are spastic, dyskinetic, and ataxic. Cerebral palsy is diagnosed through physical examination, neurological assessment, and imaging tests like MRI and CT scan. Treatment involves physical, occupational, speech, and recreational therapy to improve mobility and function. Medications can help reduce spasticity and seizures, while surgery may correct orthopedic issues. Nursing care focuses on supporting therapies, ensuring nutrition, and educating families.

Cerebral palsy
Cerebral palsyCerebral palsy
Cerebral palsy

This document provides an overview of cerebral palsy (CP), including its history, causes, risk factors, types, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and the potential role of kinesio taping in rehabilitation. CP is a non-progressive brain injury that causes movement disorders. It can be caused by problems before, during, or after birth. Treatment is non-curative and focuses on rehabilitation, physical therapy, medications, and surgery to improve function and prevent complications. Kinesio taping is a rehabilitation technique that may help improve motor skills in children with CP, but more research is needed on its effectiveness.

The First Two Years
First Month Movement   Makes jerky, quivering arm thrusts. Brings hands within range of eyes and mouth Moves head from side to side while lying on stomach. Head flops backward if unsupported. Keeps hands in tight fists. Strong reflex movements.
Focuses 8 to 12 inches away Eyes wander and occasionally cross Prefers black-and-white or high-contrast patterns Prefers the human face to all other patterns  Visual
Hearing   > Hearing is fully mature.  >Recognizes some sounds.  >May turn toward familiar sounds and voices.  Smell and Touch   Prefers sweet smells.  >Avoids bitter or acidic smells.  >Recognizes the scent of his own mother's. breastmilk.  >Prefers soft to coarse sensations.  >Dislikes rough or abrupt handling.

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Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by difficulties with social interaction and communication, and by restrictive and repetitive behavior. It is caused by differences in the brain and is diagnosed through assessments of social skills and development. While there is no cure, early diagnosis and treatment including behavioral therapies and social skills training can help children with ASD develop skills and improve functioning.

psychiatric nursing
Developmental assessment and screening
Developmental assessment and screeningDevelopmental assessment and screening
Developmental assessment and screening

This document discusses developmental assessment and screening. It provides an overview of principles of child development, domains of development, and factors affecting development. It describes procedures for developmental assessment, including history taking, physical examination, and testing of different developmental domains. The document discusses screening tests versus definitive tests and developmental quotients. It also compares several international and Indian developmental screening tools, noting their ages assessed, domains covered, psychometric properties, validation, costs, and uses. Overall, the document provides a comprehensive overview of assessing child development and identifying developmental delays through screening.

7. devlopmental milestones
7. devlopmental milestones7. devlopmental milestones
7. devlopmental milestones

This document discusses typical developmental milestones in children from birth through age 3. It describes how children progress from being totally dependent newborns to becoming independent individuals through acquiring skills in four domains: gross motor, fine motor/vision, language/hearing, and personal/social. Key milestones are provided for ages like sitting, walking, and communicating. The document also notes principles of developmental surveillance and potential warning signs or causes of delayed development.

Developmental Health Watch   If, during the second, third or fourth weeks of your baby's life, she shows any of the following signs of developmental delay, notify your pediatrician.  Sucks poorly and feeds slowly.  Doesn't blink when shown a bright light.  Doesn't focus and follow a nearby object moving side to side.  Rarely moves arms and legs; seems stiff Seems excessively loose in the limbs, or floppy Lower jaw trembles constantly, even when not crying or excited.  Doesn't respond to loud sounds.
END OF THIRD MONTH Movement  Raises head and chest when lying on stomach Supports upper body with arms when lying on stomach  Stretches legs out and kicks when lying on stomach or back  Opens and shuts hands  Pushes down on legs when feet are placed on a firm surface  Brings hand to mouth  Takes swipes at dangling objects with hands  Grasps and shakes hand toys
Visual  Watches faces intently  Follows moving objects  Recognizes familiar objects and people at a distance  Starts using hands and eyes in coordination  Hearing and Speech  Smiles at the sound of your voice  Begins to babble  Begins to imitate some sounds  Turns head toward direction of sound
Social/Emotional   Begins to develop a social smile  Enjoys playing with other people, and may cry when playing stops  Becomes more communicative and expressive with face and body  Imitates some movements and facial expressions  Developmental Health Watch   Although each baby develops in her own individual way and at her own rate, failure to reach certain milestones may signal medical or developmental problems requiring special attention. If you notice any of the following warning signs in your infant at this age, discuss them with your pediatrician.

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Developmental milestones
Developmental milestonesDevelopmental milestones
Developmental milestones

The document discusses developmental milestones in infants from birth to 12 months. It defines developmental milestones as skills achieved by certain ages in areas such as gross motor, fine motor, language, social/play, and cognitive development. The document then outlines typical milestones monthly in each area, such as sitting with assistance at 6 months and taking first steps at 10-12 months. It stresses every child develops at their own pace and healthcare providers assess growth over time.

Cerebral palsy
Cerebral palsyCerebral palsy
Cerebral palsy

Cerebral palsy is an umbrella term for physical disabilities caused by damage to the brain before or at birth. It is characterized by impaired muscle coordination and other disabilities. The prevalence is about 4 per 1000 live births. There are several types classified by motor deficit, including spastic (the most common), dyskinetic, atonic, and mixed forms. Management involves medical treatment to alleviate symptoms, physical and occupational therapy, and sometimes surgery to correct issues like scoliosis.

cerebral palsy
Growth and development of infant ppt
Growth and development of infant pptGrowth and development of infant ppt
Growth and development of infant ppt

The document summarizes growth and development from infancy (0-1 year). Key physical milestones include tripling birth weight, increases in height/head circumference, tooth eruption. Gross motor skills progress from reflexes to sitting, crawling, standing/walking with support. Fine motor skills develop from grasping to transferring objects. Language progresses from crying/sounds to 1-3 words. Social/emotional development includes attachment, exploration, and responding to caregivers. Sensory and cognitive abilities also rapidly advance in the first year. Play materials should stimulate physical, cognitive and social development.

Still has Moro reflex after 4 months  Doesn't seem to respond to loud sounds  Doesn't notice her hands by 2 months  Doesn't smile at the sound of your voice by 2 months  Doesn't follow moving objects with her eyes by 2 to 3 months  Doesn't grasp and hold objects by 3 months  Doesn't smile at people by 3 months  Cannot support her head well at 3 months  Doesn't reach for and grasp toys by 3 to 4 months  Doesn't babble by 3 to 4 months  Doesn't bring objects to her mouth by 4 months
Begins babbling, but doesn't try to imitate any of your sounds by 4 months  Doesn't push down with legs when feet are placed on a firm surface by 4 months  Has trouble moving one or both eyes in all directions Crosses her eyes most of the time. (Occasional crossing of the eyes is normal in these first months.)  Doesn't pay attention to new faces, or seems very frightened by new faces or surroundings  Still has the tonic neck reflex at 4 to 5 months
END OF SEVEN MONTHS Movement   Rolls both ways (front to back, back to front)  Sits with, and then without, support of her hands  Supports her whole weight on her legs  Reaches with one hand  Transfers object from hand to hand Uses raking grasp (not pincer)
Vision   Develops full color vision  Distance vision matures  Ability to track moving objects matures  Language  Responds to own name  Begins to respond to "no"  Distinguishes emotions by tone of voice  Responds to sound by making sounds  Uses voice to express joy and displeasure  Babbles chains of consonants

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Growth and development..ppt
Growth and development..pptGrowth and development..ppt
Growth and development..ppt

The document discusses growth and development in children. It defines growth as a quantitative increase in body size through cell multiplication, while development is the qualitative functional and physiological maturation of an individual. The principles of growth include cephalocaudal development from head to tail, proximodistal development from center to extremities, and general to specific development from broad abilities to fine motor skills. Factors that influence development are genetic, prenatal such as maternal health, and postnatal including nutrition, environment and socioeconomic status. The document outlines assessments of physical growth parameters and developmental milestones.

Growth And Development Of Infants
Growth And  Development Of  InfantsGrowth And  Development Of  Infants
Growth And Development Of Infants

During the first year of life, infants experience significant physical, cognitive, linguistic, and emotional growth and development. Caregivers monitor an infant's physical growth through regular checkups and maintaining a growth chart. Infants develop motor skills and learn to grasp objects and sit up on their own. Establishing routines for sleeping, eating, and playtime is important for development. Infants begin to understand language and may say their first words by the end of the year. Their brains grow rapidly, so interaction and reading are encouraged over excessive TV time. Caregivers should ensure infant safety by maintaining a secure environment, using approved car seats correctly, and preventing hazards like choking, burns, and falls. When infants are sick or hospitalized

infantsinfants growth and developmentgrowth and development of infants
mental retardation power point presentation
mental retardation power point presentationmental retardation power point presentation
mental retardation power point presentation

Intellectual disability (ID), once called mental retardation, is characterized by below-average intelligence or mental ability and a lack of skills necessary for day-to-day living. People with intellectual disabilities can and do learn new skills, but they learn them more slowly. The DSM-IV definition utilizes four degrees of severity that reflect the level of intellectual impairment: IQ levels between 50–55 to approximately 70 characterize mild mental retardation, 35—40 to 50–55 characterize moderate mental retardation, 20–25 to 35–40 characterize severe mental retardation,

nutritionnursingstudent nurse
Cognitive  Finds partially hidden object  Explores with hands and mouth  Struggles to get objects that are out of reach  Social/Emotional  Enjoys social play  Interested in mirror images  Responds to other people's expressions of emotion
Because each baby develops in his own particular manner, it's impossible to tell exactly when or how your child will perfect a given skill. The developmental milestones will give you a general idea of the changes you can expect, but don't be alarmed if your own baby's development takes a slightly different course. Alert your pediatrician; however, if your baby displays any of the following signs of possible developmental delay for this age range.  Seems very stiff with tight muscles  Seems very floppy like a rag doll  Head still flops back when body is pulled up to a sitting position  Reaches with one hand only  Refuses to cuddle  Shows no affection for the person who cares for him Developmental Health Watch
Doesn't seem to enjoy being around people  One or both eyes consistently turn in or out  Persistent tearing, eye drainage or sensitivity to light  Does not respond to sounds around him  Has difficulty getting objects to his mouth  Does not turn his head to locate sounds by 4 months  Doesn't roll over in either direction (front to back or back to front) by 5 months  Seems inconsolable at night after 5 months  Doesn't smile spontaneously by 5 months  Cannot sit with help by 6 months
Does not laugh or make squealing sounds by 6 months  Does not actively reach for objects by 6 to 7 months  Doesn't follow objects with both eyes at near (1 foot) and far (6 feet) ranges by 7 months  Does not bear some weight on legs by 7 months  Does not try to attract attention through actions by 7 months  Does not babble by 8 months  Shows no interest in games of “peekaboo” by 8 months

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Developmental Milestones
Developmental MilestonesDevelopmental Milestones
Developmental Milestones

The document discusses developmental milestones in children. It defines developmental milestones as abilities achieved by certain ages involving physical, social, emotional, cognitive and communication skills. It provides tables listing normal developmental milestones by age, including the average age of achieving milestones like sitting, crawling, walking and language development. The document also discusses the different domains of development - gross motor, fine motor, speech/language, cognition and socio-emotional. It explains that development in one domain influences and is influenced by other domains.

Growth and development in child
Growth and development in childGrowth and development in child
Growth and development in child

This document outlines growth and development milestones in children from infancy through adolescence. It discusses the definitions and differences between growth and development, factors that influence each, and methods for assessing growth including weight, length, head circumference and developmental milestones. Key stages of growth and development are outlined for infants, toddlers, preschoolers and school-aged children.


This document describes several neonatal reflexes present in newborn infants, including Moro's reflex, the palmar grasp, tonic neck reflex, rooting reflex, and sucking reflex. These reflexes are unconditioned responses to specific stimuli and help assess neurodevelopment. The document provides details on what elicits each reflex, the typical response, when they appear and disappear during development, and potential abnormalities if a reflex is absent, exaggerated, or persists beyond the normal timeframe. Understanding neonatal reflexes is important for evaluating infant development and identifying possible neurodevelopmental issues.

END OF 12 MONTHS Social and Emotional  Shy or anxious with strangers  Cries when mother or father leaves  Enjoys imitating people in his play  Shows specific preferences for certain people and toys  Tests parental responses to his actions during feedings.  Tests parental responses to his behavior.  May be fearful in some situations
Prefers mother and/or regular caregiver over all others  Repeats sounds or gestures for attention  Finger-feeds himself  Extends arm or leg to help when being dressed
Movement Reaches sitting position without assistance  Crawls forward on belly  Assumes hands-and-knees position  Creeps on hands and knees  Gets from sitting to crawling or prone (lying on stomach) position  Pulls self up to stand  Walks holding on to furniture  Stands momentarily without support  May walk two or three steps without support
Language   Pays increasing attention to speech  Responds to simple verbal requests  Responds to "no"  Uses simple gestures, such as shaking head for "no"  Babbles with inflection Says "dada" and "mama"  Uses exclamations, such as "Oh-oh!"  Tries to imitate words

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Developmental Assessment
Developmental AssessmentDevelopmental Assessment
Developmental Assessment

This document discusses child development and developmental assessments. It covers the following key points: 1. Child development involves growth in four main areas: gross motor, fine motor, personal-social, and language. Development follows a typical sequence but rates vary between children. 2. Developmental assessments evaluate a child's skills and compare them to typical ages and milestones. They are used to identify delays, provide support and interventions, and reassure parents of normal development. 3. Common developmental screening tests include Denver-II, Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ), and Phatak's Baroda Screening Test. Definitive tests like Bayley Scales and Wechsler Scales are used

Reflexes present at birth
Reflexes present at birthReflexes present at birth
Reflexes present at birth

This document summarizes various reflexes present at birth and during early childhood development. It describes general body reflexes like the moro reflex and startle reflex, as well as facial reflexes, oral reflexes, and other reflexes. It provides details on the onset and disappearance of each reflex, how they are elicited, and their significance. The document serves as a reference for understanding reflex development in infants and children.


The document discusses infant development over the first year of life. It outlines typical motor, cognitive, social, and language milestones that babies achieve each month from birth to 12 months. Caregivers are encouraged to interact with babies frequently through talking, reading, singing and play to support healthy development. Activities like tummy time are also recommended to help babies strengthen motor skills like head control and rolling over.

Cognitive  Explores objects in many different ways (shaking, banging, throwing, dropping)  Finds hidden objects easily  Looks at correct picture when the image is named Imitates gestures  Begins to use objects correctly (drinking from cup, brushing hair, dialing phone, listening to receiver)
Developmental Health Watch  Each baby develops in his own manner, so it's impossible to tell exactly when your child will perfect a given skill. Although the developmental milestones will give you a general idea of the changes you can expect as your child gets older, don't be alarmed if his development takes a slightly different course. Alert your pediatrician if your baby displays any of the following signs of possible developmental delay in the 8- to 12-month age range.  Does not crawl  Drags one side of body while crawling (for over one month)  Cannot stand when supported  Does not search for objects that are hidden while he watches  Says no single words ("mama" or "dada")  Does not learn to use gestures, such as waving or shaking head  Does not point to objects or pictures
18 TH  MONTH Motor Skills Like to pull, push, and dump things  Pull off hat, socks, and mittens  Turn pages in a book  Stack 2 blocks  Carry a stuffed animal or doll  Scribble with crayons  Walk without help  Run stiffly, with eyes on the ground
Sensory and Thinking Skills Identify an object in a picture book  Laugh at silly actions (as in wearing a bowl as a hat)  Look for objects that are out of sight  Put a round lid on a round pot  Follow simple 1-step directions  Solve problems by trial and error

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Six aspects of development during babyhood
Six aspects of development during babyhoodSix aspects of development during babyhood
Six aspects of development during babyhood

During the first 14 months of life, babies develop rapidly across six key areas: Emotional development involves forming strong attachments to caregivers and learning to trust others. Social development sees babies beginning to interact and engage with others. Physical development includes new abilities like rolling over, sitting up, and crawling. Language development starts with crying and cooing before babbling sets in. Intellectual development involves learning cause and effect and imitating behaviors. Personality is greatly influenced by relationships with caregivers during this critical period.

Normal Development In The First Year Power Point
Normal Development In The First Year   Power PointNormal Development In The First Year   Power Point
Normal Development In The First Year Power Point

This document provides an overview of typical infant development in the first year. It discusses development milestones for gross motor, fine motor, speech/language skills each month. It also outlines red flags that may indicate atypical development and warrant further assessment by pediatric physical, occupational or speech therapists. These include lack of skills such as head control, sitting, crawling, babbling by certain ages. The document also discusses conditions like torticollis and positional plagiocephaly that should be referred to therapists early for treatment.

checklist developmental milestones
checklist developmental milestoneschecklist developmental milestones
checklist developmental milestones

The document provides information about typical development in babies at various ages from 2 months to 9 months. It includes milestones for social/emotional development, language/communication, cognitive development, and movement/physical development. It also suggests activities parents can do with their babies at each age to help support learning and development. Checklists are included for parents to track the milestones their baby has reached at 2, 4, 6, and 9 months.

Language and Social Skills Say 8-10 words you can understand  Look at a person who is talking to him  Ask specifically for her mother or father  Use "hi," "bye," and "please," with reminders  Protest when frustrated  Ask for something by pointing or by using one word  Direct another's attention to an object or action  Become anxious when separated from parent(s)  Seek attention  Bring toys to share with parent act out a familiar activity in play (as in pretending to take a bath)  Play alone on the floor with toys  Compete with other children for toys  Recognize herself in the mirror or in pictures  Seem selfish at times
TWO YEARS Motor Skills Drink from a straw  Feed himself with a spoon  Help in washing hands  Put arms in sleeves with help build a tower of 3-4 blocks  Toss or roll a large ball  Open cabinets, drawers, boxes  Operate a mechanical toy  Bend over to pick up a toy and not fall  Walk up steps with help  Take steps backward
Sensory and Thinking Skills Like to take things apart  Explore surroundings  Point to 5-6 parts of a doll when asked  Language and Social Skills Have a vocabulary of several hundred words  Use 2-3 word sentences  Say names of toys  Ask for information about an object (asks, "Shoe?" while pointing to shoe box)  Hum or try to sing  Listen to short rhymes  Like to imitate parents  Sometimes get angry and have temper tantrums  Act shy around strangers  Comfort a distressed friend or parent
Take turns in play with other children  Treat a doll or stuffed animal as though it were alive  Apply pretend action to others (as in pretending to feed a doll)  Show awareness of parental approval or disapproval for her actions  Refer to self by name and use "me" and "mine"  Verbalize his desires and feelings ("I want cookie")  Laugh at silly labeling of objects and events (as in calling a nose an ear)  Enjoy looking at one book over and over  Point to eyes, ears, or nose when you ask

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About infancy development and other factors about it; Physical development during infancy; Cognitive development during infancy; Socio-emotional development during infancy.

infancy developmentdevelopmental psychologyinfancy cognitive development
Development state
Development stateDevelopment state
Development state

Development state Developmental Milestones -------------- Gross Motor & Fine Motor Skills Newborn To 1 Month Prone Physiological flexion Lifts head briefly Head to side Supine Physiological roll partly to side Sitting Head lag in pull to sit Standing Reflex standing and walking Regards object in line of gravity. Follow A object to midline. Hands fisted. Arm movement Jerky. Movement may be purposeful or random. Developmental Milestones Oral Motor and Feeding

development statedevelopmental milestonesdevelopmental milestones oral motor and feeding
Checklists with-tips reader-508
Checklists with-tips reader-508Checklists with-tips reader-508
Checklists with-tips reader-508

The document provides information about typical development milestones for a 2-month old baby. It notes that babies at this age may begin to smile at people, briefly calm themselves by sucking on their hands, try to look at parents, coo and make gurgling sounds, turn their head towards sounds, pay attention to faces, and begin to follow things with their eyes. It also mentions that babies should be able to hold their head up and begin pushing up when lying on their tummy. The document encourages parents to track their baby's development and discuss any concerns with their pediatrician.

END OF THREE YEARS Movement  Climbs well  Walks up and down stairs, alternating feet  Kicks ball  Runs easily  Pedals tricycle  Bends over easily without falling
Hand and Finger Skills  Makes vertical, horizontal and circular strokes with pencil or crayon  Turns book pages one at a time  Builds a tower of more than six blocks  Holds a pencil in writing position  Screws and unscrews jar lids, nuts and bolts  Turns rotating handles
Language  Follows a two- or three-component command  Recognizes and identifies almost all common objects and pictures  Understands most sentences  Understands physical relationships ("on," "in," "under")  Uses four- and five-word sentences  Can say name, age and sex Uses pronouns (I, you, me, we, they) and some plurals (cars, dogs, cats)  Strangers can understand most of her words
Cognitive  Makes mechanical toys work  Matches an object in her hand or room to a picture in a book  Plays make-believe with dolls, animals and people  Sorts objects by shape and color  Completes puzzles with three or four pieces  Understands concept of "two"  Social  Imitates adults and playmates  Spontaneously shows affection for familiar playmates  Can take turns in games  Understands concept of "mine" and "his/hers"

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Physical development in infancy period
Physical development in  infancy periodPhysical development in  infancy period
Physical development in infancy period

In the infancy period, infants have physical, social and emotional, and moral development. Out of that development, in this presentation physical development is discussed.

physicla developmentphysical development in infancyinfancy period

This document provides a comprehensive overview of infant and toddler development across physical, cognitive, and psychosocial domains. It describes key milestones in each domain from birth through age 3, including developing motor skills, exploring their environment, following directions, expressing emotions, and interacting with others. Safety considerations are also discussed.

#mtbmleeducationmother tongue
Psychology- Babyhood
Psychology- BabyhoodPsychology- Babyhood
Psychology- Babyhood

Babyhood spans from 2 weeks to 2 years of age. During this time, rapid physical and psychological development occurs. Babies grow in their motor skills like sitting, standing, and walking. They also develop cognitively by gaining object permanence and emotionally by displaying love, anger, and other emotions. Language development starts with crying and then progresses to babbling and first words. Moral and spiritual development involves recognizing familiar faces and expressing preferences. Babyhood establishes patterns that influence personal and social adjustments later in life.

Emotional  Expresses affection openly  Expresses a wide range of emotions  By 3, separates easily from parents  Objects to major changes in routine  Developmental Health Watch  The developmental milestones give you a general idea of the changes you can expect as your child gets older, but don't be alarmed if her development takes a slightly different course. Each child develops at her own pace. Do consult your pediatrician, however, if your child displays any of the following signs of possible developmental delay for this age range.
Frequent falling and difficulty with stairs  Persistent drooling or very unclear speech  Inability to build a tower of more than four blocks  Difficulty manipulating small objects Inability to copy a circle by age 3  Inability to communicate in short phrases  No involvement in "pretend" play  Failure to understand simple instructions  Little interest in other children  Extreme difficulty separating from mother
END OF FOUR YEARS Movement  Hops and stands on one foot up to five seconds  Goes upstairs and downstairs without support  Kicks ball forward  Throws ball overhand  Catches bounced ball most of the time  Moves forward and backward with agility  Hand and Finger Skills  Copies square shapes  Draws a person with two to four body parts  Uses scissors  Draws circles and squares  Begins to copy some capital letters
Language   Understands the concepts of "same" and "different"  Has mastered some basic rules of grammar  Speaks in sentences of five to six words  Speaks clearly enough for strangers to understand  Tells stories  Cognitive   Correctly names some colors  Understands the concept of counting and may know a few numbers  Approaches problems from a single point of view  Begins to have a clearer sense of time  Follows three-part commands  Recalls parts of a story  Understands the concept of same/different  Engages in fantasy play

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Gladys a.
Gladys a.Gladys a.
Gladys a.

This document outlines developmental milestones for infants from birth to 18 months. It notes that while development varies individually, guidelines can help parents understand realistic expectations. For premature infants, milestones should be measured based on their corrected age. The document then lists typical developmental milestones in 3-month intervals, noting skills babies may acquire in areas like motor skills, social interaction, and communication. Parents are advised to monitor development and seek guidance if children fall outside typical ranges.

Infant development
Infant developmentInfant development
Infant development

This document discusses infant development from birth to 12 months across physical, emotional/social, language, cognitive, and cultural domains. It outlines typical milestones at 2, 4, 6, 9, and 12 months. Physical development progresses from reflexes at birth to walking by 12 months. Emotionally, infants develop trust and the ability to communicate needs through crying and smiling. Language advances from babbling to first words. Cognitive skills grow from exploring with mouth to pretend play. Cultural factors can also influence development.

Finals fhn 1st week
Finals  fhn 1st weekFinals  fhn 1st week
Finals fhn 1st week

This document summarizes key physical, cognitive, social, and motor milestones in infant and toddler development from birth through 3 years of age. It outlines changes in growth, teething, motor skills, language, social behaviors, and play preferences at different months. Safety guidelines for infants are also provided.

Social  Interested in new experiences  Cooperates with other children Plays "Mom" or "Dad"  Increasingly inventive in fantasy play  Dresses and undresses  Negotiates solutions to conflicts  More independent  Emotional  Imagines that many unfamiliar images may be "monsters"  Views self as a whole person involving body, mind and feelings  Often cannot distinguish between fantasy and reality
Developmental Health Watch  Because each child develops in his own particular manner, it's impossible to tell exactly when or how he'll perfect a given skill. The developmental milestones will give you a general idea of the changes you can expect as your child gets older, but don't be alarmed if his development takes a slightly different course. Alert your pediatrician, however, if your child displays any of the following signs of possible developmental delay for this age range.  Cannot throw a ball overhand  Cannot jump in place  Cannot ride a tricycle  Cannot grasp a crayon between thumb and fingers  Has difficulty scribbling  Cannot stack four blocks  Still clings or cries whenever his parents leave him
Shows no interest in interactive games  Ignores other children  Doesn't respond to people outside the family  Doesn't engage in fantasy play  Resists dressing, sleeping, using the toilet  Lashes out without any self-control when angry or upset  Cannot copy a circle  Doesn't use sentences of more than three words  Doesn't use "me" and "you" appropriately
END OF FIVE YEARS Movement  Stands on one foot for 10 seconds or longer  Hops, somersaults  Swings, climbs  May be able to skip  Hand and Finger Skills  Copies triangle and other geometric patterns  Draws person with body  Prints some letters  Dresses and undresses without assistance  Uses fork, spoon and (sometimes) a table knife  Usually cares for own toilet needs

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Finals fhn1stweek-110925083116-phpapp01
Finals fhn1stweek-110925083116-phpapp01Finals fhn1stweek-110925083116-phpapp01
Finals fhn1stweek-110925083116-phpapp01

This document summarizes key physical, cognitive, social, and emotional milestones in infant and child development from birth through adolescence. It covers stages from newborn reflexes and growth to toddler walking and language development to school-aged skills and puberty. Safety concerns at different ages and common issues parents may face, like toilet training difficulties or bullying, are also outlined.

Child psychology
Child psychologyChild psychology
Child psychology

This document provides an overview of child psychology, focusing on social, emotional, and physical development from birth through adolescence. It covers key topics like motor skills development, vision and hearing development, speech milestones, attachment and separation anxiety, emotional development stages from infancy through the school-aged years, and factors that influence social-emotional development like family relationships and environment. The document aims to describe the typical progression of skills and abilities during childhood development.

period of infancy in developmental psychology
period of infancy in developmental psychologyperiod of infancy in developmental psychology
period of infancy in developmental psychology


Language  Recalls part of a story  Speaks sentences of more than five words  Uses future tense  Tells longer stories  Says name and address  Cognitive Milestones  Can count 10 or more objects  Correctly names at least four colors  Better understands the concept of time  Knows about things used every day in the home (money, food, appliances)
Social  Wants to please friends  Wants to be like her friends  More likely to agree to rules  Likes to sing, dance and act  Shows more independence and may even visit a next-door neighbor by herself  Emotional Milestones  Aware of sexuality  Able to distinguish fantasy from reality Sometimes demanding, sometimes eagerly cooperative
Developmental Health Watch  Because each child develops in her own particular manner, it's impossible to predict exactly when or how your own preschooler will perfect a given skill. The developmental milestones will give you a general idea of the changes you can expect as your child gets older, but don't be alarmed if her development takes a slightly different course. Alert your pediatrician, however, if your child displays any of the following signs of possible developmental delay for this age range.  Exhibits extremely fearful or timid behavior  Exhibits extremely aggressive behavior
Is unable to separate from parents without major protest  Is easily distracted and unable to concentrate on any single activity for more than five minutes  Shows little interest in playing with other children  Refuses to respond to people in general, or responds only superficially  Rarely uses fantasy or imitation in play  Seems unhappy or sad much of the time  Doesn't engage in a variety of activities  Avoids or seems aloof with other children and adults  Doesn't express a wide range of emotions  Has trouble eating, sleeping or using the toilet  Can't differentiate between fantasy and reality  Seems unusually passive

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This document outlines motor development milestones from birth to 6 years of age. It provides descriptions of physical skills infants and toddlers should meet at various ages, such as raising the head, grasping objects, sitting up, crawling, walking, running and jumping. It also lists visual and auditory milestones. For each age range, it identifies signs that could indicate developmental delays and recommends consulting a pediatrician if any of these signs are present. The milestones provide parents with a general guide to monitor children's progress but also emphasize each child develops at their own pace.

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The document provides an overview of typical development for babies with Down syndrome from birth to around 6 months old (Step 2). Key points include: - Babies start to make more sounds like cooing, squealing and laughing and enjoy simple conversations by taking turns vocalizing. - They begin to express a wider range of emotions and respond to emotional cues from caregivers to help develop trust and self-soothing. - Improved motor skills allow babies to hold their head steady, grasp objects, and explore things by mouthing them. Caregivers can encourage muscle development through play. - Routines help babies feel secure as they start to anticipate daily events like feeding and sleeping.

Diagnosing autism
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Diagnosing autism

This document provides information on diagnosing autism, including who to see for an evaluation, the typical age for diagnosis, and signs of autism. It recommends seeing a pediatrician, specially trained physician, or psychologist if concerns arise. Diagnoses are reliable as early as age 2, though most high-functioning cases are diagnosed by age 6. Signs include difficulties with social skills, speech and language, nonverbal communication, and flexibility, such as lack of eye contact or pretend play.

Cannot understand two-part commands using prepositions ("Put the cup on the table"; "Get the ball under the couch.")  Can't correctly give her first and last name  Doesn't use plurals or past tense properly when speaking  Doesn't talk about her daily activities and experiences  Cannot build a tower of six to eight blocks  Seems uncomfortable holding a crayon  Has trouble taking off clothing  Cannot brush her teeth efficiently  Cannot wash and dry her hands
AGE PHYSICAL-NEURO GROSS MOTOR FINE MOTOR LANGUAGE INTERPERSONAL SOCIAL PLAY FEEDING Neonate Head lag Reflex grasp Cry Prefers human face Root, suck. swallows 1 Dance reflex 2 Closure of posterior fontanels Social smile 3 Grasp reflex disappears Hans held open (-) Grasp Differential crying Coos & gurgeles Recognizes the mother Plays with rattle Extrusion reflex fades ,drools 4 Lifts head & chest on prone position Bring hand together Laughs aloud Very talkative Attempts to bring lips to cup 5 Moro gone Rolls over 2 hand grasp Vocalizes displeasure Anticipates food, begins solids 6 Doubles birth weight, dentition Sits with suppoort hitches Holds bottle with 2 hands, (palmar grasp) cannot hold small object Extend arms to loved person Beggins finger foods, self feeding 7 Bounces feet in mouth M-m-m when crying Coughs to get attention, begins to fear strangers Transfers object from hand to hand Chews, bites, begins to have food preference
8 Sits without support Height of stranger anxiety 9 Crawls then creeps Preference for one hand pincer grasp-uses thumb & fingers to hold Combines syllables mama, dada Cries when scolded Uses thumb and fingers to hold smaller toys 10 Moves from prone to sitting, pulls self to standing position with support Points at object 11 Cruises, almost ready to walk Puts object in a container 12 Triples birth weight, babinski disappears Walks with support & stand alone Attempts to tower blocks, put things in & out. Enjoys the dev’t. of holding things Follows direction Enjoys several toys, enjoys dropping objects to see where they will go 14-15 Plateau stage Walks alone Name familiar objects Vocalizes wants Grasps the spoon

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Definition, characteristics and challenging behaviors in students with autism. It also gives a brief introduction to positive behavior support interventions.

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In Odoo, separate discount account can be set up to accurately track and manage discounts applied on various transaction and ensure precise financial reporting and analysis

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Developmental Milestones

  • 2. What is child development? Child development refers to how a child becomes able to do more complex things as they get older. Development is different than growth.  Growth only refers to the child getting bigger in size. 
  • 3. When we talk about normal development, we are talking about developing skills like: Gross motor:   using large groups of muscles to sit, stand, walk, run, etc., keeping balance, and changing positions. Fine motor:  using hands to be able to eat, draw, dress, play, write, and do many other things. Language:   speaking, using body language and gestures, communicating, and understanding what others say. Cognitive:  Thinking skills:   including learning, understanding, problem-solving, reasoning, and remembering. Social:   Interacting with others, having relationships with family, friends, and teachers, cooperating, and responding to the feelings of others.
  • 4. What are developmental milestones? Developmental milestones are a set of functional skills or age-specific tasks that most children can do at a certain age range.  Your pediatrician uses milestones to help check how your child is developing.  Although each milestone has an age level, the actual age when a normally developing child reaches that milestone can very quite a bit.  Every child is unique! 
  • 6. First Month Movement Makes jerky, quivering arm thrusts. Brings hands within range of eyes and mouth Moves head from side to side while lying on stomach. Head flops backward if unsupported. Keeps hands in tight fists. Strong reflex movements.
  • 7. Focuses 8 to 12 inches away Eyes wander and occasionally cross Prefers black-and-white or high-contrast patterns Prefers the human face to all other patterns Visual
  • 8. Hearing > Hearing is fully mature. >Recognizes some sounds. >May turn toward familiar sounds and voices. Smell and Touch Prefers sweet smells. >Avoids bitter or acidic smells. >Recognizes the scent of his own mother's. breastmilk. >Prefers soft to coarse sensations. >Dislikes rough or abrupt handling.
  • 9. Developmental Health Watch If, during the second, third or fourth weeks of your baby's life, she shows any of the following signs of developmental delay, notify your pediatrician. Sucks poorly and feeds slowly. Doesn't blink when shown a bright light. Doesn't focus and follow a nearby object moving side to side. Rarely moves arms and legs; seems stiff Seems excessively loose in the limbs, or floppy Lower jaw trembles constantly, even when not crying or excited. Doesn't respond to loud sounds.
  • 10. END OF THIRD MONTH Movement Raises head and chest when lying on stomach Supports upper body with arms when lying on stomach Stretches legs out and kicks when lying on stomach or back Opens and shuts hands Pushes down on legs when feet are placed on a firm surface Brings hand to mouth Takes swipes at dangling objects with hands Grasps and shakes hand toys
  • 11. Visual Watches faces intently Follows moving objects Recognizes familiar objects and people at a distance Starts using hands and eyes in coordination Hearing and Speech Smiles at the sound of your voice Begins to babble Begins to imitate some sounds Turns head toward direction of sound
  • 12. Social/Emotional Begins to develop a social smile Enjoys playing with other people, and may cry when playing stops Becomes more communicative and expressive with face and body Imitates some movements and facial expressions Developmental Health Watch Although each baby develops in her own individual way and at her own rate, failure to reach certain milestones may signal medical or developmental problems requiring special attention. If you notice any of the following warning signs in your infant at this age, discuss them with your pediatrician.
  • 13. Still has Moro reflex after 4 months Doesn't seem to respond to loud sounds Doesn't notice her hands by 2 months Doesn't smile at the sound of your voice by 2 months Doesn't follow moving objects with her eyes by 2 to 3 months Doesn't grasp and hold objects by 3 months Doesn't smile at people by 3 months Cannot support her head well at 3 months Doesn't reach for and grasp toys by 3 to 4 months Doesn't babble by 3 to 4 months Doesn't bring objects to her mouth by 4 months
  • 14. Begins babbling, but doesn't try to imitate any of your sounds by 4 months Doesn't push down with legs when feet are placed on a firm surface by 4 months Has trouble moving one or both eyes in all directions Crosses her eyes most of the time. (Occasional crossing of the eyes is normal in these first months.) Doesn't pay attention to new faces, or seems very frightened by new faces or surroundings Still has the tonic neck reflex at 4 to 5 months
  • 15. END OF SEVEN MONTHS Movement Rolls both ways (front to back, back to front) Sits with, and then without, support of her hands Supports her whole weight on her legs Reaches with one hand Transfers object from hand to hand Uses raking grasp (not pincer)
  • 16. Vision Develops full color vision Distance vision matures Ability to track moving objects matures Language Responds to own name Begins to respond to "no" Distinguishes emotions by tone of voice Responds to sound by making sounds Uses voice to express joy and displeasure Babbles chains of consonants
  • 17. Cognitive Finds partially hidden object Explores with hands and mouth Struggles to get objects that are out of reach Social/Emotional Enjoys social play Interested in mirror images Responds to other people's expressions of emotion
  • 18. Because each baby develops in his own particular manner, it's impossible to tell exactly when or how your child will perfect a given skill. The developmental milestones will give you a general idea of the changes you can expect, but don't be alarmed if your own baby's development takes a slightly different course. Alert your pediatrician; however, if your baby displays any of the following signs of possible developmental delay for this age range. Seems very stiff with tight muscles Seems very floppy like a rag doll Head still flops back when body is pulled up to a sitting position Reaches with one hand only Refuses to cuddle Shows no affection for the person who cares for him Developmental Health Watch
  • 19. Doesn't seem to enjoy being around people One or both eyes consistently turn in or out Persistent tearing, eye drainage or sensitivity to light Does not respond to sounds around him Has difficulty getting objects to his mouth Does not turn his head to locate sounds by 4 months Doesn't roll over in either direction (front to back or back to front) by 5 months Seems inconsolable at night after 5 months Doesn't smile spontaneously by 5 months Cannot sit with help by 6 months
  • 20. Does not laugh or make squealing sounds by 6 months Does not actively reach for objects by 6 to 7 months Doesn't follow objects with both eyes at near (1 foot) and far (6 feet) ranges by 7 months Does not bear some weight on legs by 7 months Does not try to attract attention through actions by 7 months Does not babble by 8 months Shows no interest in games of “peekaboo” by 8 months
  • 21. END OF 12 MONTHS Social and Emotional Shy or anxious with strangers Cries when mother or father leaves Enjoys imitating people in his play Shows specific preferences for certain people and toys Tests parental responses to his actions during feedings. Tests parental responses to his behavior. May be fearful in some situations
  • 22. Prefers mother and/or regular caregiver over all others Repeats sounds or gestures for attention Finger-feeds himself Extends arm or leg to help when being dressed
  • 23. Movement Reaches sitting position without assistance Crawls forward on belly Assumes hands-and-knees position Creeps on hands and knees Gets from sitting to crawling or prone (lying on stomach) position Pulls self up to stand Walks holding on to furniture Stands momentarily without support May walk two or three steps without support
  • 24. Language Pays increasing attention to speech Responds to simple verbal requests Responds to "no" Uses simple gestures, such as shaking head for "no" Babbles with inflection Says "dada" and "mama" Uses exclamations, such as "Oh-oh!" Tries to imitate words
  • 25. Cognitive Explores objects in many different ways (shaking, banging, throwing, dropping) Finds hidden objects easily Looks at correct picture when the image is named Imitates gestures Begins to use objects correctly (drinking from cup, brushing hair, dialing phone, listening to receiver)
  • 26. Developmental Health Watch Each baby develops in his own manner, so it's impossible to tell exactly when your child will perfect a given skill. Although the developmental milestones will give you a general idea of the changes you can expect as your child gets older, don't be alarmed if his development takes a slightly different course. Alert your pediatrician if your baby displays any of the following signs of possible developmental delay in the 8- to 12-month age range. Does not crawl Drags one side of body while crawling (for over one month) Cannot stand when supported Does not search for objects that are hidden while he watches Says no single words ("mama" or "dada") Does not learn to use gestures, such as waving or shaking head Does not point to objects or pictures
  • 27. 18 TH MONTH Motor Skills Like to pull, push, and dump things Pull off hat, socks, and mittens Turn pages in a book Stack 2 blocks Carry a stuffed animal or doll Scribble with crayons Walk without help Run stiffly, with eyes on the ground
  • 28. Sensory and Thinking Skills Identify an object in a picture book Laugh at silly actions (as in wearing a bowl as a hat) Look for objects that are out of sight Put a round lid on a round pot Follow simple 1-step directions Solve problems by trial and error
  • 29. Language and Social Skills Say 8-10 words you can understand Look at a person who is talking to him Ask specifically for her mother or father Use "hi," "bye," and "please," with reminders Protest when frustrated Ask for something by pointing or by using one word Direct another's attention to an object or action Become anxious when separated from parent(s) Seek attention Bring toys to share with parent act out a familiar activity in play (as in pretending to take a bath) Play alone on the floor with toys Compete with other children for toys Recognize herself in the mirror or in pictures Seem selfish at times
  • 30. TWO YEARS Motor Skills Drink from a straw Feed himself with a spoon Help in washing hands Put arms in sleeves with help build a tower of 3-4 blocks Toss or roll a large ball Open cabinets, drawers, boxes Operate a mechanical toy Bend over to pick up a toy and not fall Walk up steps with help Take steps backward
  • 31. Sensory and Thinking Skills Like to take things apart Explore surroundings Point to 5-6 parts of a doll when asked Language and Social Skills Have a vocabulary of several hundred words Use 2-3 word sentences Say names of toys Ask for information about an object (asks, "Shoe?" while pointing to shoe box) Hum or try to sing Listen to short rhymes Like to imitate parents Sometimes get angry and have temper tantrums Act shy around strangers Comfort a distressed friend or parent
  • 32. Take turns in play with other children Treat a doll or stuffed animal as though it were alive Apply pretend action to others (as in pretending to feed a doll) Show awareness of parental approval or disapproval for her actions Refer to self by name and use "me" and "mine" Verbalize his desires and feelings ("I want cookie") Laugh at silly labeling of objects and events (as in calling a nose an ear) Enjoy looking at one book over and over Point to eyes, ears, or nose when you ask
  • 33. END OF THREE YEARS Movement Climbs well Walks up and down stairs, alternating feet Kicks ball Runs easily Pedals tricycle Bends over easily without falling
  • 34. Hand and Finger Skills Makes vertical, horizontal and circular strokes with pencil or crayon Turns book pages one at a time Builds a tower of more than six blocks Holds a pencil in writing position Screws and unscrews jar lids, nuts and bolts Turns rotating handles
  • 35. Language Follows a two- or three-component command Recognizes and identifies almost all common objects and pictures Understands most sentences Understands physical relationships ("on," "in," "under") Uses four- and five-word sentences Can say name, age and sex Uses pronouns (I, you, me, we, they) and some plurals (cars, dogs, cats) Strangers can understand most of her words
  • 36. Cognitive Makes mechanical toys work Matches an object in her hand or room to a picture in a book Plays make-believe with dolls, animals and people Sorts objects by shape and color Completes puzzles with three or four pieces Understands concept of "two" Social Imitates adults and playmates Spontaneously shows affection for familiar playmates Can take turns in games Understands concept of "mine" and "his/hers"
  • 37. Emotional Expresses affection openly Expresses a wide range of emotions By 3, separates easily from parents Objects to major changes in routine Developmental Health Watch The developmental milestones give you a general idea of the changes you can expect as your child gets older, but don't be alarmed if her development takes a slightly different course. Each child develops at her own pace. Do consult your pediatrician, however, if your child displays any of the following signs of possible developmental delay for this age range.
  • 38. Frequent falling and difficulty with stairs Persistent drooling or very unclear speech Inability to build a tower of more than four blocks Difficulty manipulating small objects Inability to copy a circle by age 3 Inability to communicate in short phrases No involvement in "pretend" play Failure to understand simple instructions Little interest in other children Extreme difficulty separating from mother
  • 39. END OF FOUR YEARS Movement Hops and stands on one foot up to five seconds Goes upstairs and downstairs without support Kicks ball forward Throws ball overhand Catches bounced ball most of the time Moves forward and backward with agility Hand and Finger Skills Copies square shapes Draws a person with two to four body parts Uses scissors Draws circles and squares Begins to copy some capital letters
  • 40. Language Understands the concepts of "same" and "different" Has mastered some basic rules of grammar Speaks in sentences of five to six words Speaks clearly enough for strangers to understand Tells stories Cognitive Correctly names some colors Understands the concept of counting and may know a few numbers Approaches problems from a single point of view Begins to have a clearer sense of time Follows three-part commands Recalls parts of a story Understands the concept of same/different Engages in fantasy play
  • 41. Social Interested in new experiences Cooperates with other children Plays "Mom" or "Dad" Increasingly inventive in fantasy play Dresses and undresses Negotiates solutions to conflicts More independent Emotional Imagines that many unfamiliar images may be "monsters" Views self as a whole person involving body, mind and feelings Often cannot distinguish between fantasy and reality
  • 42. Developmental Health Watch Because each child develops in his own particular manner, it's impossible to tell exactly when or how he'll perfect a given skill. The developmental milestones will give you a general idea of the changes you can expect as your child gets older, but don't be alarmed if his development takes a slightly different course. Alert your pediatrician, however, if your child displays any of the following signs of possible developmental delay for this age range. Cannot throw a ball overhand Cannot jump in place Cannot ride a tricycle Cannot grasp a crayon between thumb and fingers Has difficulty scribbling Cannot stack four blocks Still clings or cries whenever his parents leave him
  • 43. Shows no interest in interactive games Ignores other children Doesn't respond to people outside the family Doesn't engage in fantasy play Resists dressing, sleeping, using the toilet Lashes out without any self-control when angry or upset Cannot copy a circle Doesn't use sentences of more than three words Doesn't use "me" and "you" appropriately
  • 44. END OF FIVE YEARS Movement Stands on one foot for 10 seconds or longer Hops, somersaults Swings, climbs May be able to skip Hand and Finger Skills Copies triangle and other geometric patterns Draws person with body Prints some letters Dresses and undresses without assistance Uses fork, spoon and (sometimes) a table knife Usually cares for own toilet needs
  • 45. Language Recalls part of a story Speaks sentences of more than five words Uses future tense Tells longer stories Says name and address Cognitive Milestones Can count 10 or more objects Correctly names at least four colors Better understands the concept of time Knows about things used every day in the home (money, food, appliances)
  • 46. Social Wants to please friends Wants to be like her friends More likely to agree to rules Likes to sing, dance and act Shows more independence and may even visit a next-door neighbor by herself Emotional Milestones Aware of sexuality Able to distinguish fantasy from reality Sometimes demanding, sometimes eagerly cooperative
  • 47. Developmental Health Watch Because each child develops in her own particular manner, it's impossible to predict exactly when or how your own preschooler will perfect a given skill. The developmental milestones will give you a general idea of the changes you can expect as your child gets older, but don't be alarmed if her development takes a slightly different course. Alert your pediatrician, however, if your child displays any of the following signs of possible developmental delay for this age range. Exhibits extremely fearful or timid behavior Exhibits extremely aggressive behavior
  • 48. Is unable to separate from parents without major protest Is easily distracted and unable to concentrate on any single activity for more than five minutes Shows little interest in playing with other children Refuses to respond to people in general, or responds only superficially Rarely uses fantasy or imitation in play Seems unhappy or sad much of the time Doesn't engage in a variety of activities Avoids or seems aloof with other children and adults Doesn't express a wide range of emotions Has trouble eating, sleeping or using the toilet Can't differentiate between fantasy and reality Seems unusually passive
  • 49. Cannot understand two-part commands using prepositions ("Put the cup on the table"; "Get the ball under the couch.") Can't correctly give her first and last name Doesn't use plurals or past tense properly when speaking Doesn't talk about her daily activities and experiences Cannot build a tower of six to eight blocks Seems uncomfortable holding a crayon Has trouble taking off clothing Cannot brush her teeth efficiently Cannot wash and dry her hands
  • 51. AGE PHYSICAL-NEURO GROSS MOTOR FINE MOTOR LANGUAGE INTERPERSONAL SOCIAL PLAY FEEDING Neonate Head lag Reflex grasp Cry Prefers human face Root, suck. swallows 1 Dance reflex 2 Closure of posterior fontanels Social smile 3 Grasp reflex disappears Hans held open (-) Grasp Differential crying Coos & gurgeles Recognizes the mother Plays with rattle Extrusion reflex fades ,drools 4 Lifts head & chest on prone position Bring hand together Laughs aloud Very talkative Attempts to bring lips to cup 5 Moro gone Rolls over 2 hand grasp Vocalizes displeasure Anticipates food, begins solids 6 Doubles birth weight, dentition Sits with suppoort hitches Holds bottle with 2 hands, (palmar grasp) cannot hold small object Extend arms to loved person Beggins finger foods, self feeding 7 Bounces feet in mouth M-m-m when crying Coughs to get attention, begins to fear strangers Transfers object from hand to hand Chews, bites, begins to have food preference
  • 52. 8 Sits without support Height of stranger anxiety 9 Crawls then creeps Preference for one hand pincer grasp-uses thumb & fingers to hold Combines syllables mama, dada Cries when scolded Uses thumb and fingers to hold smaller toys 10 Moves from prone to sitting, pulls self to standing position with support Points at object 11 Cruises, almost ready to walk Puts object in a container 12 Triples birth weight, babinski disappears Walks with support & stand alone Attempts to tower blocks, put things in & out. Enjoys the dev’t. of holding things Follows direction Enjoys several toys, enjoys dropping objects to see where they will go 14-15 Plateau stage Walks alone Name familiar objects Vocalizes wants Grasps the spoon