SlideShare a Scribd company logo
• Closing the manufacturing
loop (Industrial)
• AI takes charge
• Autonomous vehicle
simulator (Industrial)
• Digital home bar (CGS)
• Connected coffee
machine (CGS)
• Intelligent service
execution (cross)
• Connected car lab
• Winning the Innovation
Game (cross)
• Transforming digital
operations (Res):
o Digital Plant
o Connected Worker
1 2
• Breakout sessions w. select
• Strategy SME‘s on the floor
to provide additional
business value, advice &
Indicates stop on Guided Tour
Indicates immersive treatment
• Create, collaborate and
scale (Industrial)
• Cobotics for quality control (LS)
Create, collaborate, and scale
3Copyright © 2019 Accenture All rights reserved.
Autonomous vehicle simulator
Connected coffee machine
Intelligent service executionDigital home bar Closing the manufacturing loop
Winning the innovation game Connected car lab
@Siemens Mindsphere Lounge:
Connectedport solution
@Oracle booth: Digital
field service
4Copyright © 2019 Accenture All rights reserved.
Cobotics for quality control Transforming plant operations
@SAP booth: Shop floor to
top floor integration
@Microsoft booth:
Connected construction
AI takes charge

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Internal Operations Automation Journey | Accenture
Internal Operations Automation Journey | AccentureInternal Operations Automation Journey | Accenture
Internal Operations Automation Journey | Accenture

Accenture makes major investments in IT automation capabilities to advance to more intelligent and touch less IT operations, and business efficiency. Read more.

operations automationartificial intelligenceautomatic process
Investing in Changemakers
Investing in ChangemakersInvesting in Changemakers
Investing in Changemakers

Accenture created a Journey and Change Management Center of Excellence to help its employees embrace change and adopt new technologies. The Center focuses on human-centric change management practices and provides services like training, communications, and change leadership. It has grown to over 250 change practitioners worldwide who help Accenture employees adapt to new technologies and work practices. The Center uses surveys, analytics and communities to continuously improve how it enables large-scale digital transformation at Accenture.

talent and organizationchange managementchange and adoption
Accenture Tech Vision 2020 - Trend 2
Accenture Tech Vision 2020 - Trend 2Accenture Tech Vision 2020 - Trend 2
Accenture Tech Vision 2020 - Trend 2

The document discusses how human and AI collaboration can reimagine businesses. It provides examples of companies that are using AI to enhance human work rather than replace it. Volkswagen partnered with Autodesk to use generative design tools in a collaborative process to redesign the Volkswagen Microbus. Adobe is transforming its creative suite with Adobe Sensei, using AI to provide intelligent collaborations for users. The document advocates that companies determine how AI can build new workforces with humans and AI working together, and find ways to pilot collaborative AI initiatives.

accenture technology vision
In today’s competitive market, innovation is a game that no business can stand to lose – which is
where Digital Service Factory comes into play. Welcome to the Digital Service Factory (DSF)
board game, which brings to life Accenture’s customizable set of end-to-end digital execution
capabilities to design, develop, test and launch new digital products and services. It sets the
stage for the Industry X.0 journey, allowing participants to explore key themes and strategies for
digital transformation in a fun and engaging way.
The aim of the game is simple – make it around the game board, returning to the Go Beyond tile.
As you move around the board, you will encounter multiple obstacles and challenges. To
counter these and progress faster to the finish, you will need to take advantage of the Digital
Service Factory’s capabilities to help you win the game and transform into an Industry X.0
So get your poker face on – play the game and become an Industry X.0 business by going
beyond with Digital Service Factory.
5Copyright © 2019 Accenture All rights reserved.
6Copyright © 2019 Accenture All rights reserved.
Schneider Electric, the leader in digital transformation of energy management and automation,
has proven that profitability and sustainability can thrive together. Schneider Electric is pleased
to announce the next evolution of Schneider Electric Exchange. Through empowering an
ecosystems’ bold ideas, together, they create, collaborate and scale business solutions and
seize new value. Registered users will access the network of technical tools and resources, a
diverse community of collaborators to co-create solutions, and entry into an open marketplace
to identify new business growth opportunities.
The evolution of Schneider Electric Exchange is an example of how Schneider Electric and
Accenture co-innovate to drive digital innovation. Experience the Exchange and witness yet
another successful outcome of Accenture and Schneider Electric’s Digital Service Factory.
The reinvention of industries requires us to imagine – and plan for – situations that are difficult
to recreate, and in some cases, can’t be safely reconstructed in the real world. Take the
autonomous vehicle industry. Data proliferation, scenario accuracy and high development costs
are limiting factors as OEMs seek to design future products, making it difficult to effectively test
new technology applications.
Enter the Autonomous Vehicle Simulator. Using Hexagon technology to create a realistic
experience of driving in the real-world, the AV simulator helps car makers generate virtual miles
to complement in-field test drives. Play the role of the automotive engineer and see how
changes in programming and design impact the way the car would operate on the road – all
without wheels ever touching the ground.
7Copyright © 2019 Accenture All rights reserved.
In order to achieve true digital transformation, you have to start by reinventing your products.
Faurecia and Accenture are combining innovation expertise and investment to do just that as
they develop products and services for tomorrow’s connected and autonomous vehicles.
In Faurecia and Accenture’s Connected Car Lab, witness how the product has become a
platform to reimagine and test new customer experiences. Integrated smart sensors, wearables
and in-car video gathers data about onboard conditions in the cockpit along with the behaviors
of its passengers and exterior activities. When combined with advanced analytics and AI
supported by Accenture’s Industry X.0 capabilities, intelligent design combined with fully
integrated digital technologies enable the complete reinvention of the consumer driving
experience by feeding real data back into the design and engineering of future products and
Experience intelligent monitoring of driver and onboard conditions as well as automated
feedbacks to understand why this “lab on wheels” has become the test bed for cutting-edge
digital services.
8Copyright © 2019 Accenture All rights reserved.

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By embracing Code Halo thinking and a programmatic approach to business process change, organizations can better engage with customers and deliver mass-customized products and services that drive differentiation and outperformance.

code halodigital transformationcognizant business consulting
Pathways to Profitability for the Communications Industry
Pathways to Profitability for the Communications IndustryPathways to Profitability for the Communications Industry
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Communications service providers' response to global trends & competition starts with a new path.

Future Ready Enterprise Systems ASEAN | Accenture
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Leaders who invest in future-ready enterprise systems and innovative enterprise planning increase revenue 2X faster than those who don't. Learn more.

enterprise of the futureenterprise planningenterprise systems
9Copyright © 2019 Accenture All rights reserved.
Can’t start your day without something hot to get you going? Now imagine that cup of coffee
or tea isn’t just any old cuppa. What if the machine that made it was ‘smart’ and created a
personalized cup just for you at the touch of a button?
Unilever [A global consumer goods company] decided to transform their coffee vending
business across India, by introducing a new breed of smart and connected coffee machines –
TAJ and BRU Maestro. In this innovative new product, they combined IoT, cloud and analytics
(on a Microsoft technology stack) to enhance the customer experience, generate more sales
and create new revenue streams through smarter error management, faster maintenance
execution, improved uptime and greater customer personalization.
Sales of coffee and tea are expected to grow significantly while operating costs go down. More
value to the customer, more value per cup, more value per machine. That’s the result of
Unilever’s new connected coffee machine.
10Copyright © 2019 Accenture All rights reserved.
What do you get when you combine deep insight into consumer behavior and understanding of the
existing product landscape, with clever engineering, human-centered design, and smart services? A
tall glass of product reinvention – shaken, not stirred.
By leveraging Product X.0 capabilities from Altitude (a 2017 Accenture acquisition) with our
innovation expertise, Accenture worked with Drinkworks™ leadership to develop product strategy,
design, engineering and go-to-market development for a revolutionary new product. Together, we
created Drinkworks Home Bar, a first-generation machine prototype that prepares carbonated and
non-carbonated cocktails and beer at the optimal temperature, while capturing consumption data to
support auto replenishment and promotions.
The collaborative effort helped achieve a market launch 12 months faster and 3x more cost efficiently
than anticipated—six months’ inventory sold out in less than three weeks! Thanks to this innovation,
Drinkworks has created an entirely new product category and are developing the next generation of
machines for release in the U.S. Consumers around the country may soon be able to serve cocktails
to themselves and friends by putting a pod into a Drinkworks machine and pushing a button – and so
can you! See product reinvention first hand with the Drinkworks Home Bar at the Accenture booth,
Hall 6 booth H46.
Digital manufacturing solves many challenges but comes with its own set of obstacles to
Experience the digitalization of process manufacturing through the lens of the tire industry. Built on
Siemens technology including Tecnomatix and MindSphere, the demo shows how the Industrial
Internet of Things (IIoT), machine learning and predictive analytics can help predict breakdowns
before they happen, reduce production bottle necks and improve process efficiency – ultimately
saving time, money and improving safety.
Watch as process orders are created based on scenarios in the digital twin of tire manufacturer,
all while the feedback of operations data from connected devices in the plant nurtures the
virtual environment.
11Copyright © 2019 Accenture All rights reserved.
As products become smarter and more connected, the skills needed to keep them running have
become more specialized even as customer expectations have increased. Intelligent aftersales
support is essential to maintain customer loyalty and realize the true value of connected
products. Experience for yourself how IoT is changing the way that connected devices are
maintained in market – from root cause analysis of a malfunction to AR-enabled worker
Intelligent service execution explores product transformation through digitization using
Dassault 3DExperience and PTC ThingWorx. IoT feedback from the connected device
dramatically improves support capabilities while collaborative design and development tools
create a digital thread of information so the latest trouble-shooting scenarios and product
modifications are documented and shared. And lastly augmented reality technology creates a
visual overlay that walks the worker through step-by-step product modifications in the field.
12Copyright © 2019 Accenture All rights reserved.

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High Tech Digital Transformation
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High Tech Digital Transformation

This document discusses the digital transformation of high-tech industries. It notes that profit and market value are migrating away from hardware and components towards internet platforms. It identifies trends like artificial intelligence, internet of things, cloud computing and edge processing driving changes. Few product companies have fully transformed, with internet platform companies outpacing spending on research and development. The document outlines a framework for companies to transform their core business while growing new business models in areas like connected products, living products and services, and ecosystem platforms. It emphasizes the need for digital talent and factories to drive transformation.

digital transformationproducthigh tech
Modernizing our data platform
Modernizing our data platformModernizing our data platform
Modernizing our data platform

Accenture migrated its analytics platform from an on-premise system to Google Cloud's Platform-as-a-Service model to address challenges around scalability, costs, and maintenance. This involved modernizing Accenture's data architecture and migrating over 400 terabytes of data and 50+ applications. The transition unlocked new analytics capabilities, increased cost savings through Google Cloud's pay-as-you-go model, and improved performance. Accenture also focused on developing its employees' cloud skills to support the new platform and drive business value from data insights.

google cloudapplied intelligenceai
Digital Business Transformation | Strategy + Execution
Digital Business Transformation | Strategy + ExecutionDigital Business Transformation | Strategy + Execution
Digital Business Transformation | Strategy + Execution

The document discusses how businesses need to transform into digital leaders to survive in today's digital world. It notes that 75% of businesses will be digital businesses or preparing to become one by 2020. Only 30% of companies attempting to go digital will succeed. The document provides advice on how businesses can overcome obstacles like traditional IT, sourcing, and literacy to transform their business models, customer experiences and operations through approaches like digital maturity assessments, accelerating speed to market, and gaining cost and quality transparency in technology investments. The goal is to help businesses reimagine themselves and adapt continuously to thrive in the digital age.

The tracking and verification of aeroplane parts – such as engine parts, seats or wings – has
historically been checked and verified through paper-based processes and then input into a back-
office system. This is time intensive and poses risks for accuracy.
Using computer vision, video analytics, and deep learning, this demonstration shows how
artificial intelligence can be used to ‘read’ handwritten notes and match the data to existing
records in a complex database, improving the efficiency of the Maintenance, Repair and
Operating Supply (MRO) process by speeding up the time it takes to correctly identify parts that
are aviation ready.
This demo is a mobile app that enables the user to scan the labels that contain information about
the item just by taking a photo and verify the details easily and accurately. Traditional computer
vision identifies the image. Deep learning using classification models then reads and understands
both handwritten and printed text. If the system can accurately match this with the database, it can
automatically verify it. If it isn’t 100% accurate, the recommendation engine makes suggestions to
the user with a likelihood of accuracy percentage, so the user can check the information and make
the verification with one click. If it is not in the database, the user can enter it or correct it if there is
a mismatch and the system will update in real-timethose verified labels are then stored accurately
and safely in the database and can be shared via email with one click
This solution reduces costs, improves efficiencies and acts as a safeguard ensuring data is accurate
and stored for future use.
13Copyright © 2019 Accenture All rights reserved.
Recent market conditions have forced companies in asset intensive industries to hone their
businesses by focusing on cost reduction and operational efficiency. But to maintain these
gains, companies need to shift focus again to sustained innovation and smart technology
Petrofac is working with Accenture to achieve comprehensive, digitally-enabled change across
the entire oil and gas lifecycle – from greenfield design and engineering to daily operations and
the workers who run and maintain operating assets.
Experience examples of end-to-end digital transformation with use cases for both the chemicals
and oil and gas industries. Start with Digital Twin for insight into how replicating real-world
assets in a virtual environment can help reduce operating costs, increase asset time, and
improve sales success. Move on to "The Plant that Talks“ and see how connected plants can
inform operators of their health – before they ever get sick. And finally, see how augmented
reality and RFID-enabled wearables are changing the ways workers do their jobs, while boosting
14Copyright © 2019 Accenture All rights reserved.
Demands for efficiency in the workplace is pushing the limits of human capabilities. But it’s not
always about speed; sometimes, it’s about being able to reduce the possibility for human error,
which is especially important in industries like life sciences. Cobots are stepping into production
and operations, taking the guess work out of potentially sensitive processes and becoming an
essential part of the new digital workforce.
Learn how one company is combining cobotics with computer vision, artificial intelligence and
machine learning to identify potentially contaminated batches in pharmaceutical
manufacturing. And explore how this same application could be used to identify quality control
issues in multiple other industries including automotive, consumer goods and services and
15Copyright © 2019 Accenture All rights reserved.

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This document discusses a value play called the "Structural Separator" for communication service providers (CSPs). It involves splitting CSPs into two separate businesses - one that operates the network (NetCo) and one that is customer-facing (ServCo). This separation could help address pressures on CSPs by simplifying operations, focusing each business separately, and opening new revenue opportunities. The document provides details on the challenges currently facing CSPs, the benefits of structural separation into NetCo and ServCo models, and recommends CSPs explore innovative structural separation options.


INTIENT Patient is a cloud solution created by Accenture to help healthcare and life sciences organizations focus on the patient journey from research and development to treatment. It provides tools to deliver personalized patient experiences and interactive digital solutions. The platform collects real-world data to generate insights that can improve patient retention, adherence, and outcomes. It also coordinates engagement through services that support treatment access and compliance.

intientpatient experience
Transforming the employee experience with Teams
Transforming the employee experience with TeamsTransforming the employee experience with Teams
Transforming the employee experience with Teams

Accenture has deployed Microsoft Teams to modernize collaboration and communication for its over 620,000 employees. Teams allows employees to work remotely and from anywhere using chat, video calls and file sharing. Accenture worked closely with Microsoft in testing and providing feedback on Teams. Usage of Teams at Accenture increased dramatically due to the COVID-19 pandemic, with over 680,000 active users and over 1 billion minutes of audio calls per month. Teams has transformed how Accenture works with clients and partners by providing inclusive, frictionless collaboration.

microsoft teamsdigital workercollaboration platform
The Connected Construction solution captures real-time information about people, equipment,
and materials; in order to improve health and safety, site security, productivity and enable
detailed accountability related to cost and schedule compliance for all parties involved in a
It provides the user with a web-based interface which correlates information from many
different data sources into simple and easy to use platform to enable strategic, tactical and
operational decision-making. Alerts associated with safety incidents, threshold breaches, and
variances to cost and schedule compliance are raised using the tool. It is possible to look at the
movement of people or groups of people in the construction site to observe productivity and
safety related information regarding where they have been, what they have been doing, the
equipment they are using and the materials and tools used at the site.
17Copyright © 2019 Accenture All rights reserved.
Seamlessly connect shop floor with top floor and enable cross-functional, global collaboration
based on “one version of the truth” coming from globally aligned processes and IT-systems.
• Manufacturing Execution → Create Edge, Execution & Machine Integrationlayer to enable
seamless data flow from production assets to Management & Data Analysts
• Reporting → Enable performance improvements through close to real-time decision-making
• Advanced Analytics → Design & implement advanced analytics capability to simplify
querying for data scientists
• Future oriented factory IT architecture based on the whole SAP Leonardo stack
18Copyright © 2019 Accenture All rights reserved.
19Copyright © 2019 Accenture All rights reserved.
Digital Field Service for industrial manufacturing is a 100% cloud-based solution
combining IoT, real-time predictive analytics, mobile scheduling, and routing,
enabling service providers to manage the service life cycle for their customers’
assets. The solution demonstrates end-to-end asset management leveraging the
key capabilities via real-time predictive analytics, using a rules-based engine for
guided assistance in resolving critical issues remotely and field service
Experience the demo for yourself and see IOT Asset Monitoring, SCM Cloud
Asset Management, Service Cloud, PaaS & IaaS in action.
20Copyright © 2019 Accenture All rights reserved.
The Accenture Connected Port platform aims to improve the efficiency of port
operations and asset utilization through the capture and consolidation of Operational
Technology (OT) data and the application of specialized analytics & alerts. By
combining existing data from the terminal operating system (TOS) with IoT and
analytics capabilities from the Siemens MindSphere operating system, the Connected
Port platform helps clients optimize operations and improve equipment utilization and
productivity. Terminal operators can achieve greater visibility into operations, resulting
in more dynamic planning, few operations bottlenecks, reduced machine downtime
and greater workforce efficiency.
Join us in the Siemens MindSphere Lounge to learn more about how Accenture (with
Microsoft and Siemens) are using intelligent platform integration and IoT capabilities to
help port owners dramatically improve operations – resulting in as much as 12%
improvements in operational efficiency.

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At our second meetup about the Smart Factory we have introduced the advantages from the management's point of view.

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New Value in Sustainability
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New Value in Sustainability

The document discusses Accenture's sustainability goals and the role of its Geographic Services team in achieving them. It outlines Accenture's three environmental sustainability goals of achieving net-zero emissions, moving to zero waste, and planning for water risk. The Geographic Services team plays a vital role in powering sustainable innovation and providing the rigor needed to meet Accenture's science-based environmental targets through business infrastructure and support solutions that complement local needs. Examples are given of initiatives having impact, such as reducing emissions from travel and optimizing green IT practices.

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  • 2. • Closing the manufacturing loop (Industrial) • AI takes charge (A&D) • Autonomous vehicle simulator (Industrial) • Digital home bar (CGS) • Connected coffee machine (CGS) • Intelligent service execution (cross) • Connected car lab (Industrial) 22 PRODUCT INNOVATION A THREE-STEP JOURNEY SHOWING HOW OUR IX.0 FRAMEWORK ENABLES THE TRANSFORMATION OF ENTIRE INDUSTRIES, BROUGHT TO LIFE BY REAL INDUSTRY EXAMPLES: INDUSTRY X.0 IN ACTION: INNOVATE. EXPERIENCE. REINVENT. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY ENGINEERING X.0 OPERATIONS X.0PRODUCT X.0 • Winning the Innovation Game (cross) • Transforming digital operations (Res): o Digital Plant o Connected Worker 1 2 STRATEGY 3 • Breakout sessions w. select visitors • Strategy SME‘s on the floor to provide additional business value, advice & context Indicates stop on Guided Tour Indicates immersive treatment • Create, collaborate and scale (Industrial) • Cobotics for quality control (LS)
  • 3. Create, collaborate, and scale IMMERSIVE IX.0 EXPERIENCES ALIGNED TO OUR PRACTICE AREAS (1/2) 3Copyright © 2019 Accenture All rights reserved. Autonomous vehicle simulator Connected coffee machine Intelligent service executionDigital home bar Closing the manufacturing loop Winning the innovation game Connected car lab
  • 4. @Siemens Mindsphere Lounge: Connectedport solution @Oracle booth: Digital field service IMMERSIVE IX.0 EXPERIENCES ALIGNED TO OUR PRACTICE AREAS (2/2) 4Copyright © 2019 Accenture All rights reserved. Cobotics for quality control Transforming plant operations @SAP booth: Shop floor to top floor integration @Microsoft booth: Connected construction AI takes charge
  • 5. PRODUCT INNOVATION In today’s competitive market, innovation is a game that no business can stand to lose – which is where Digital Service Factory comes into play. Welcome to the Digital Service Factory (DSF) board game, which brings to life Accenture’s customizable set of end-to-end digital execution capabilities to design, develop, test and launch new digital products and services. It sets the stage for the Industry X.0 journey, allowing participants to explore key themes and strategies for digital transformation in a fun and engaging way. The aim of the game is simple – make it around the game board, returning to the Go Beyond tile. As you move around the board, you will encounter multiple obstacles and challenges. To counter these and progress faster to the finish, you will need to take advantage of the Digital Service Factory’s capabilities to help you win the game and transform into an Industry X.0 business. So get your poker face on – play the game and become an Industry X.0 business by going beyond with Digital Service Factory. WINNING THE INNOVATION ‘GAME’ 5Copyright © 2019 Accenture All rights reserved.
  • 6. PRODUCT INNOVATION CREATE, COLLABORATE AND SCALE 6Copyright © 2019 Accenture All rights reserved. Schneider Electric, the leader in digital transformation of energy management and automation, has proven that profitability and sustainability can thrive together. Schneider Electric is pleased to announce the next evolution of Schneider Electric Exchange. Through empowering an ecosystems’ bold ideas, together, they create, collaborate and scale business solutions and seize new value. Registered users will access the network of technical tools and resources, a diverse community of collaborators to co-create solutions, and entry into an open marketplace to identify new business growth opportunities. The evolution of Schneider Electric Exchange is an example of how Schneider Electric and Accenture co-innovate to drive digital innovation. Experience the Exchange and witness yet another successful outcome of Accenture and Schneider Electric’s Digital Service Factory.
  • 7. ENGINEERING X.0 The reinvention of industries requires us to imagine – and plan for – situations that are difficult to recreate, and in some cases, can’t be safely reconstructed in the real world. Take the autonomous vehicle industry. Data proliferation, scenario accuracy and high development costs are limiting factors as OEMs seek to design future products, making it difficult to effectively test new technology applications. Enter the Autonomous Vehicle Simulator. Using Hexagon technology to create a realistic experience of driving in the real-world, the AV simulator helps car makers generate virtual miles to complement in-field test drives. Play the role of the automotive engineer and see how changes in programming and design impact the way the car would operate on the road – all without wheels ever touching the ground. AUTONOMOUS VEHICLE SIMULATOR 7Copyright © 2019 Accenture All rights reserved.
  • 8. PRODUCT X.0 / ENGINEERING X.0 In order to achieve true digital transformation, you have to start by reinventing your products. Faurecia and Accenture are combining innovation expertise and investment to do just that as they develop products and services for tomorrow’s connected and autonomous vehicles. In Faurecia and Accenture’s Connected Car Lab, witness how the product has become a platform to reimagine and test new customer experiences. Integrated smart sensors, wearables and in-car video gathers data about onboard conditions in the cockpit along with the behaviors of its passengers and exterior activities. When combined with advanced analytics and AI supported by Accenture’s Industry X.0 capabilities, intelligent design combined with fully integrated digital technologies enable the complete reinvention of the consumer driving experience by feeding real data back into the design and engineering of future products and services. Experience intelligent monitoring of driver and onboard conditions as well as automated feedbacks to understand why this “lab on wheels” has become the test bed for cutting-edge digital services. CONNECTED CAR LAB 8Copyright © 2019 Accenture All rights reserved.
  • 9. PRODUCT X.0 CONNECTED COFFEE MACHINE 9Copyright © 2019 Accenture All rights reserved. Can’t start your day without something hot to get you going? Now imagine that cup of coffee or tea isn’t just any old cuppa. What if the machine that made it was ‘smart’ and created a personalized cup just for you at the touch of a button? Unilever [A global consumer goods company] decided to transform their coffee vending business across India, by introducing a new breed of smart and connected coffee machines – TAJ and BRU Maestro. In this innovative new product, they combined IoT, cloud and analytics (on a Microsoft technology stack) to enhance the customer experience, generate more sales and create new revenue streams through smarter error management, faster maintenance execution, improved uptime and greater customer personalization. Sales of coffee and tea are expected to grow significantly while operating costs go down. More value to the customer, more value per cup, more value per machine. That’s the result of Unilever’s new connected coffee machine. FOR A DEMONSTRATION AND MORE INFORMATION, VISIT THE ACCENTURE BOOTH @ HALL 6, STAND H46.
  • 10. PRODUCT X.0 DIGITAL BARTENDER BY DESIGN 10Copyright © 2019 Accenture All rights reserved. What do you get when you combine deep insight into consumer behavior and understanding of the existing product landscape, with clever engineering, human-centered design, and smart services? A tall glass of product reinvention – shaken, not stirred. By leveraging Product X.0 capabilities from Altitude (a 2017 Accenture acquisition) with our innovation expertise, Accenture worked with Drinkworks™ leadership to develop product strategy, design, engineering and go-to-market development for a revolutionary new product. Together, we created Drinkworks Home Bar, a first-generation machine prototype that prepares carbonated and non-carbonated cocktails and beer at the optimal temperature, while capturing consumption data to support auto replenishment and promotions. The collaborative effort helped achieve a market launch 12 months faster and 3x more cost efficiently than anticipated—six months’ inventory sold out in less than three weeks! Thanks to this innovation, Drinkworks has created an entirely new product category and are developing the next generation of machines for release in the U.S. Consumers around the country may soon be able to serve cocktails to themselves and friends by putting a pod into a Drinkworks machine and pushing a button – and so can you! See product reinvention first hand with the Drinkworks Home Bar at the Accenture booth, Hall 6 booth H46.
  • 11. ENGINEERING X.0 Digital manufacturing solves many challenges but comes with its own set of obstacles to overcome. Experience the digitalization of process manufacturing through the lens of the tire industry. Built on Siemens technology including Tecnomatix and MindSphere, the demo shows how the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), machine learning and predictive analytics can help predict breakdowns before they happen, reduce production bottle necks and improve process efficiency – ultimately saving time, money and improving safety. Watch as process orders are created based on scenarios in the digital twin of tire manufacturer, all while the feedback of operations data from connected devices in the plant nurtures the virtual environment. CLOSING THE MANUFACTURING LOOP 11Copyright © 2019 Accenture All rights reserved.
  • 12. PRODUCT X.0 As products become smarter and more connected, the skills needed to keep them running have become more specialized even as customer expectations have increased. Intelligent aftersales support is essential to maintain customer loyalty and realize the true value of connected products. Experience for yourself how IoT is changing the way that connected devices are maintained in market – from root cause analysis of a malfunction to AR-enabled worker coaching. Intelligent service execution explores product transformation through digitization using Dassault 3DExperience and PTC ThingWorx. IoT feedback from the connected device dramatically improves support capabilities while collaborative design and development tools create a digital thread of information so the latest trouble-shooting scenarios and product modifications are documented and shared. And lastly augmented reality technology creates a visual overlay that walks the worker through step-by-step product modifications in the field. INTELLIGENT SERVICE EXECUTION 12Copyright © 2019 Accenture All rights reserved.
  • 13. PRODUCTION & OPERATIONS X.0 The tracking and verification of aeroplane parts – such as engine parts, seats or wings – has historically been checked and verified through paper-based processes and then input into a back- office system. This is time intensive and poses risks for accuracy. Using computer vision, video analytics, and deep learning, this demonstration shows how artificial intelligence can be used to ‘read’ handwritten notes and match the data to existing records in a complex database, improving the efficiency of the Maintenance, Repair and Operating Supply (MRO) process by speeding up the time it takes to correctly identify parts that are aviation ready. This demo is a mobile app that enables the user to scan the labels that contain information about the item just by taking a photo and verify the details easily and accurately. Traditional computer vision identifies the image. Deep learning using classification models then reads and understands both handwritten and printed text. If the system can accurately match this with the database, it can automatically verify it. If it isn’t 100% accurate, the recommendation engine makes suggestions to the user with a likelihood of accuracy percentage, so the user can check the information and make the verification with one click. If it is not in the database, the user can enter it or correct it if there is a mismatch and the system will update in real-timethose verified labels are then stored accurately and safely in the database and can be shared via email with one click This solution reduces costs, improves efficiencies and acts as a safeguard ensuring data is accurate and stored for future use. PUTTING ‘AI’ IN QUALITY ASSURANCE 13Copyright © 2019 Accenture All rights reserved. @MWC 2019
  • 14. PRODUCTION & OPERATIONS X.0 Recent market conditions have forced companies in asset intensive industries to hone their businesses by focusing on cost reduction and operational efficiency. But to maintain these gains, companies need to shift focus again to sustained innovation and smart technology investments. Petrofac is working with Accenture to achieve comprehensive, digitally-enabled change across the entire oil and gas lifecycle – from greenfield design and engineering to daily operations and the workers who run and maintain operating assets. Experience examples of end-to-end digital transformation with use cases for both the chemicals and oil and gas industries. Start with Digital Twin for insight into how replicating real-world assets in a virtual environment can help reduce operating costs, increase asset time, and improve sales success. Move on to "The Plant that Talks“ and see how connected plants can inform operators of their health – before they ever get sick. And finally, see how augmented reality and RFID-enabled wearables are changing the ways workers do their jobs, while boosting productivity. TRANSFORMING PLANT OPERATIONS 14Copyright © 2019 Accenture All rights reserved.
  • 15. PRODUCTION & OPERATIONS X.0 Demands for efficiency in the workplace is pushing the limits of human capabilities. But it’s not always about speed; sometimes, it’s about being able to reduce the possibility for human error, which is especially important in industries like life sciences. Cobots are stepping into production and operations, taking the guess work out of potentially sensitive processes and becoming an essential part of the new digital workforce. Learn how one company is combining cobotics with computer vision, artificial intelligence and machine learning to identify potentially contaminated batches in pharmaceutical manufacturing. And explore how this same application could be used to identify quality control issues in multiple other industries including automotive, consumer goods and services and more. COBOTICS FOR QUALITY CONTROL 15Copyright © 2019 Accenture All rights reserved.
  • 17. PRODUCTION & OPERATIONS X.0 The Connected Construction solution captures real-time information about people, equipment, and materials; in order to improve health and safety, site security, productivity and enable detailed accountability related to cost and schedule compliance for all parties involved in a build. It provides the user with a web-based interface which correlates information from many different data sources into simple and easy to use platform to enable strategic, tactical and operational decision-making. Alerts associated with safety incidents, threshold breaches, and variances to cost and schedule compliance are raised using the tool. It is possible to look at the movement of people or groups of people in the construction site to observe productivity and safety related information regarding where they have been, what they have been doing, the equipment they are using and the materials and tools used at the site. @MICROSOFT BOOTH, HALL 7 STAND C40 CONNECTED CONSTRUCTION SOLUTION 17Copyright © 2019 Accenture All rights reserved.
  • 18. PRODUCTION & OPERATIONS X.0 Seamlessly connect shop floor with top floor and enable cross-functional, global collaboration based on “one version of the truth” coming from globally aligned processes and IT-systems. • Manufacturing Execution → Create Edge, Execution & Machine Integrationlayer to enable seamless data flow from production assets to Management & Data Analysts • Reporting → Enable performance improvements through close to real-time decision-making capability • Advanced Analytics → Design & implement advanced analytics capability to simplify querying for data scientists • Future oriented factory IT architecture based on the whole SAP Leonardo stack @SAP BOOTH, HALL 7 STAND A02 SHOP FLOOR TO TOP FLOOR INTEGRATION 18Copyright © 2019 Accenture All rights reserved.
  • 19. PRODUCTION & OPERATIONS X.0 @ORACLE BOOTH, HALL 7 STAND B16 DIGITAL FIELD SERVICE FOR INDUSTRIAL MANUFACTURING 19Copyright © 2019 Accenture All rights reserved. Digital Field Service for industrial manufacturing is a 100% cloud-based solution combining IoT, real-time predictive analytics, mobile scheduling, and routing, enabling service providers to manage the service life cycle for their customers’ assets. The solution demonstrates end-to-end asset management leveraging the key capabilities via real-time predictive analytics, using a rules-based engine for guided assistance in resolving critical issues remotely and field service management. Experience the demo for yourself and see IOT Asset Monitoring, SCM Cloud Asset Management, Service Cloud, PaaS & IaaS in action.
  • 20. @SIEMENS MINDSPHERE LOUNGE, HALL 9 STAND J30 CONNECTED PORT SOLUTION WITH MINDSPHERE ON AZURE 20Copyright © 2019 Accenture All rights reserved. PRODUCTION & OPERATIONS X.0 The Accenture Connected Port platform aims to improve the efficiency of port operations and asset utilization through the capture and consolidation of Operational Technology (OT) data and the application of specialized analytics & alerts. By combining existing data from the terminal operating system (TOS) with IoT and analytics capabilities from the Siemens MindSphere operating system, the Connected Port platform helps clients optimize operations and improve equipment utilization and productivity. Terminal operators can achieve greater visibility into operations, resulting in more dynamic planning, few operations bottlenecks, reduced machine downtime and greater workforce efficiency. Join us in the Siemens MindSphere Lounge to learn more about how Accenture (with Microsoft and Siemens) are using intelligent platform integration and IoT capabilities to help port owners dramatically improve operations – resulting in as much as 12% improvements in operational efficiency.