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1. Dutch, living in Berlin
2. MA in Art History
3. Taming web app demons since 1998
Product Evangelist for Vamp
So, what is Vamp?

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Kubernetes vs dockers swarm supporting onap oom on multi-cloud multi-stack en...
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Kubernetes vs dockers swarm supporting onap oom on multi-cloud multi-stack en...

Kubernetes vs Dockers Swarm supporting ONAP-OOM on multi-cloud multi-stack environment Description: ONAP was set originally to support multiple container platform and cloud through TOSCA. In R1 ONAP and OOM is dependent completely on Kubernetes. As there are other container platforms such as Docker Swarm that are gaining more wider adoption as a simple alternative to Kubernetes. In addition operator may need the flexibility to choose their own container platform and be open for future platform. We need to weight the alternatives and avoid using package managers as Helm that makes K8s mandatory. The use of TOSCA in conjunction with Kubernetes provides that "happy medium" where on one hand we can leverage Kubernetes to a full extent while at the same time be open to other alternative. In this workshop, we will compare Kubernetes with Docker Swarm and walk through an example of how ONAP can be set to support both platforms using TOSCA.

Containerize vs Virtualize
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Containerize vs Virtualize

From an Oscon 2009 talk we gave this year in San Jose, California. It's about when to use virtualization technologies, and when to containerize (similar, but a bit different.).

RubyConf Brazil 2011
RubyConf Brazil 2011RubyConf Brazil 2011
RubyConf Brazil 2011

Talk given in SaoPaulo in 2011 for 45mins. Focussing on servver side mash-ups and our use of them in a Strangler pattern

server side mashupsstangler pattern
deployment != git push
(at least not for on-prem / non-SaaS/ self-hosted)
1. Deployments
2. Routing
3. Workflows

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Torquebox @ Raleigh.rb - April 2011
Torquebox @ Raleigh.rb - April 2011Torquebox @ Raleigh.rb - April 2011
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TorqueBox allows developers to build and deploy Rack and JRuby applications on JBoss Application Server. It provides features such as background processing, scheduling, services and clustering out of the box. TorqueBox makes use of JRuby's Java integration to provide a fast Ruby runtime and access to Java libraries and tools. It aims to provide all the capabilities of a full application server while allowing developers to work in Ruby and avoid technologies like XML, Java code and WAR files. Setting up TorqueBox involves downloading the distribution, exporting some environment variables and using Rake tasks to deploy and manage applications.

Merb + Nanite
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Merb + Nanite

This is my keynote from MerbCamp, where I talk about merb past and present as well as introduce nanite a self assembling cluster of ruby processes

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This talk will explore the concepts and experiences of using configuration management in a highly disposable environment of ephemeral virtual machines. It will cover why an operations team may desire such an environment, the tools the presenter used to build one, and most importantly, the sorts of failures, accomplishments and considerations encountered during the journey. (Source: RSA Conference USA 2018)
1. Dependencies
2. Scope + Variables
3. Artefacts management
1. Dependencies
2. Scope + Variables
3. Artefacts management
blueprint (static)
deployment (runtime)
Blueprints & Breeds
1. Load balancing
2. Service discovery
3. Filters and weights

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An in-depth introduction to Canary Deployments PDF.pdf
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Canary deployments allow developers to rollout code or feature changes to a subset of users/servers first before a full rollout. This acts as an early warning system to detect issues before impacting all users. The process involves deploying a new version to one server, monitoring it, explicitly testing the changes, and if all is well, rolling out to remaining servers gradually. If issues arise, developers can quickly rollback the changes as they are only deployed to a few machines initially.

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When performance hits rock-bottom everybody (and their dog) is called upon and all of a sudden developers should have been responsible for last half a year or so and code with performance in mind (and deadlines, but that of course goes unsaid). So, here I'm talking about what can a dev do to meet those unreasonable demands) and what might he do anticipating them. Strictly JVM, mostly Sun Hotspot impl, but number of points can be used to other JVMs as wel

It Works On My Machine: Vagrant for Software Development
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It Works On My Machine: Vagrant for Software Development

Vagrant is a command-line interface for simplifying the use of virtual machines (VM's). Vagrant allows teams to standardize their software development workflows by offering a uniform and portable interface to provision and run VM's on different operating platforms such as Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux and achieve identical results. It supports all the major virtualization solutions such as VirtualBox, VMWare, and Hyper-V and supports configuration tools that range from simple shell scripts to powerful Chef and Puppet recipes. Developers simply invoke “vagrant up” and immediately enjoy a standard, consistent, and reproducible VM for software development and testing.

1. Event based or daemon
2. Interact with services
3. Interact with Vamp API
Demo Time
All things Vamp
DCOS integration SQL Server, Oracle and MySQL support
Kubernetes integration Namespacing
AWS ECS integration (upcoming) Virtual Hosting
Health checks Service Discovery
CLI tool Audit logging
REST API Autoscaling
Admin Dashboard Testing tools
Open Source Community Edition SSL support
Enterprise Edition Professional support

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Java tuning on GNU/Linux for busy dev
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This document discusses various tools for diagnosing performance problems in Java applications running on Linux. It introduces the concept of "The Box" which represents all of the components that can affect application performance, including traffic, code, JVM, OS, virtualization, and hardware. It emphasizes the importance of understanding how the application is used, its code and algorithms, JVM configuration and garbage collection, OS limits and configuration, and underlying hardware. It also recommends using tools like Linux perf and following Brendan Gregg's USE method of analyzing utilization, saturation, and errors of key resources to help identify bottlenecks. The key takeaway is that GNU/Linux has tools that can help determine what is impacting performance at each level from traffic

Modernize your Solaris Apps
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Modernize your Solaris Apps

Modernize your Solaris Applications summarizes the challenges of running outdated Solaris operating systems and applications. It introduces AppZero as a solution that allows migrating applications to newer operating systems through application virtualization. AppZero encapsulates applications and their dependencies into virtual application appliances (VAAs) that can run on newer Solaris versions, providing benefits like support on current hardware, server consolidation, and application mobility. The document outlines the AppZero solution components, how to create VAAs from existing applications, and properties of the resulting VAA files.

solarisapplication virtualization
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State of the art: server-side javaScript - NantesJS

1) The document provides a history of server-side JavaScript, beginning with its origins in 1995 and discussing key developments through 2011. 2) It outlines the growing JavaScript ecosystem, including large communities, conferences, libraries, frameworks, development tools, and engines like V8 and SpiderMonkey. 3) Server-side JavaScript aims to integrate well with other platforms and APIs, as seen in solutions like Rhino for Java and JScript.NET for .NET.


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