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Building Encrypted APIs
HTTPS and Paillier
Nick Doiron - @mapmeld
~30 min + questions
About me
Traveling web dev and mapmaker
Some useful things:
One Laptop per Child, Code for America,
Myanmar 2015 election API
Some useless things:, GitJK
(can answer Qs in Spanish… maybe)
What’s so special about HTTPS?
HTTP is easy to track, intercept, modify, or forge
HTTPS encrypts page’s
- URL (beyond
- content
An HTTPS certificate shows that the content was encrypted by the domain
(no modifying / forgery)
Forward secrecy: compromised key can’t decode old sessions (iOS mandatory)
HTTPS critical for news, political sites:
Building Encrypted APIs with HTTPS and Paillier

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Integrity protection for third-party JavaScript
Integrity protection for third-party JavaScriptIntegrity protection for third-party JavaScript
Integrity protection for third-party JavaScript

Modern web applications depend on a lot of auxiliary scripts which are often hosted on third-party CDNs. Should an attacker be able to tamper with the files hosted on such a CDN, millions of sites could be compromised. Web developers need a way to guarantee the integrity of scripts hosted elsewhere. This is the motivation behind a new addition to the web platform being introduced by the W3C: sub-resource integrity ( Both Firefox and Chrome have initial implementations of this new specification and a few early adopters such as Github are currently evaluating this feature.

Integrity protection for third-party JavaScript
Integrity protection for third-party JavaScriptIntegrity protection for third-party JavaScript
Integrity protection for third-party JavaScript

Modern web applications depend on a lot of auxiliary scripts which are often hosted on third-party CDNs. Should an attacker be able to tamper with the files hosted on such a CDN, millions of sites could be compromised. Web developers need a way to guarantee the integrity of scripts hosted elsewhere. This is the motivation behind a new addition to the web platform being introduced by the W3C: sub-resource integrity. Both Firefox and Chrome have initial implementations of this new specification and a few early adopters are currently evaluating this feature.

hstssriweb appliation security

What happens in between the time you type a URL in your browser and the time you see the fully rendered page.

Some JS won’t run without HTTPS
Web crypto API (OpenPGP.js)
getUserMedia (camera/mic)
Where do certs come from?
Certificate Authorities (and uber-authorities)
Team started in 2012: FREE HTTPS ON DEMAND
Public beta in December 2015 - over 24 million in one year!

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Tale of Forgotten Disclosure and Lesson learned
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Tale of Forgotten Disclosure and Lesson learned

Visual version of The presentation talks about how a disclsoure was forgotten and what we can do to prevent such issues and how to keep a track on Vulnerable components

vulnerableolder browserdisclosure
Operations security (OPSEC)
Operations security (OPSEC)Operations security (OPSEC)
Operations security (OPSEC)

Operations security (OPSEC) presentations given in Bangkok Python meetup. The presentation covers topics about device encryption, two factor-authentication, SSH, preventing brute force attacks and ensuring your infrastructure integrity.

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Operations security - SyPy Dec 2014 (Sydney Python users)Operations security - SyPy Dec 2014 (Sydney Python users)
Operations security - SyPy Dec 2014 (Sydney Python users)

This document discusses operational security (OPSEC) for teams, users, and infrastructure related to Bitcoin exchanges. It recommends encrypting devices, using two-factor authentication, password managers, login throttling, third-factor authentication parameters like browser fingerprinting and IP whitelisting to strengthen security. Infrastructure security topics covered include fail2ban, Cloudflare, log storage and backups, and intrusion detection. The goal is to mitigate threats like phishing, malware, and physical attacks against systems handling valuable Bitcoin transactions.

LetsEncrypt: can I do it?
-, written in Python, maintained with EFF
- you could have a big impact on online security, by
helping out this repo
- ./certbot-auto CLI
- No wildcard domains
- Easier if you run in sudo
- Apache or Nginx auto-setups (you should be using one already)
- Also does renewals
Checking your HTTPS settings
SSL Labs: grades your HTTPS security on several settings
Hacker News bait - Security beyond LetsEncrypt Defaults
Apache/Nginx config
- Is this necessary?
- ‘Stormchaser’
- Steps reviewable
on SSL Labs
OCSP Stapling = standard to publicly notify when revoking
Must-Staple tells browser to always check that the cert has
not been revoked
LetsEncrypt supports it, but does not auto-enable

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Operations Security - SF Bitcoin Hackday March 2015
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Operations Security - SF Bitcoin Hackday March 2015

This document discusses various operational security (OPSEC) measures for protecting online services and user accounts. It recommends encrypting devices, using two-factor authentication, password managers, and SSH keys. For user security, it suggests moving past passwords and implementing login attempt throttling, two-factor authentication, and third authentication factors. The document also covers infrastructure security techniques like fail2ban, attack mitigation proxies, and flood attack prevention. Hosting provider and physical security are addressed as well, along with server security monitoring.

Recent Trends in Cyber Security
Recent Trends in Cyber SecurityRecent Trends in Cyber Security
Recent Trends in Cyber Security

The document discusses recent trends in cyber security. It begins with threat statistics showing a rapid expansion of the cyber security landscape, with the number of data breaches and records exposed increasing significantly each year. It then provides a technical overview of the top threats such as mobile application vulnerabilities, XML entity expansion attacks, SQL injection, and improper use of HTTP headers. The document also covers education and certification opportunities in cyber security, individual research areas, the local job market, and communities like Colombo White Hat Security.

information securitysecurity
Content Security Policy - Lessons learned at Yahoo
Content Security Policy - Lessons learned at YahooContent Security Policy - Lessons learned at Yahoo
Content Security Policy - Lessons learned at Yahoo

Content Security Policy (CSP) is a browser security mechanism against content injection. Using the CSP header, browsers can restrict content from just the domains whitelisted in the policy. This session shares lessons learned with deploying CSP at Yahoo.

csp xss websec webapp security csptester bsidesdc
Certificate Transparency
Mostly forward-thinking and not fully used today
LetsEncrypt posts every cert issued, on
Goal is to notice unusual and distrust non-public certs
More info:
Public Key Pinning
WARNING: this can brick your entire domain
Tells browsers to only allow certs with a certain SHA256 hash
I recommend current cert + root cert (renewal gives you a
brand new cert and hash)
But then you are tied to LetsEncrypt :-
Allow Preload
Used on major websites, governments, etc
Most major browsers have a list of expected certs for these
websites, you can apply
Avoids attacks on cert authorities, first-time users
OverEncrypt CLI
I’m developing a CLI to recommend or make these changes
Python Nginx-config-parser broke on my settings (?)

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My presentation to Code for Japan (Japanese slides, English verbal, bilingual Q&A)

japanmapscivic tech
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Plurality and Gender Polarity in Somali

Lecture held on 13 May 2015 at the Department of African Languages, Faculty of Oriental Studies, Saint Petersburg State University. It is a slightly altered version of a talk previously given on 27 March 2015 at the 46th Annual Conference on African Linguistics hosted by the University of Oregon in Eugene.

Homomorphic Encryption
Homomorphic EncryptionHomomorphic Encryption
Homomorphic Encryption

Homomorphic encryption allows computations to be carried out on encrypted data without decrypting it first. This summary discusses Craig Gentry's scheme for fully homomorphic encryption based on ideal lattices. The scheme works by encrypting bits as ciphertexts with small noise that grows with computations. A bootstrapping procedure called re-crypt reduces the noise to keep ciphertexts decryptable. While promising for applications like cloud computing, the scheme has high computational costs that scale poorly with security level. Current research aims to make homomorphic encryption more efficient and practical.

General Tips
and future notes
And you can start
living in the future NOW
UUID - don’t use sequential IDs
Future: Quantum Computers and BoringSSL
- initially created by Google to avoid sketchy
OpenSSL code
- recently testing ‘A New Hope’
- Ring Learning With Errors > Lattice-based
Encryption > Post-Quantum Encryption
Future: Homomorphic Encryption
What if I could send you encrypted data and numbers,
and you could run code / operations on it,
without ever decrypting it?
1st fully-homomorphic algorithm in 2009
Potential for e-voting, private medical data, exchange rates,
searching encrypted data

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Partial Homomorphic Encryption
Partial Homomorphic EncryptionPartial Homomorphic Encryption
Partial Homomorphic Encryption

Presented by Sreelakshmy and Mythily in SecurityXploded cyber security meet. visit: http://www.securitytrainings.

encrytpionpaillier encryptionhomomorphic
Homomorphic Encryption
Homomorphic EncryptionHomomorphic Encryption
Homomorphic Encryption

Homomorphic encryption allows computations to be performed on encrypted data without decrypting it first. This document discusses homomorphic encryption techniques including partially homomorphic encryptions that support either addition or multiplication operations, and fully homomorphic encryption introduced by Craig Gentry that supports both types of operations. It also covers the use of ideal lattices in lattice-based cryptosystems and the bootstrapping technique used to "refresh" ciphertexts and prevent noise from accumulating during homomorphic computations.

Homomorphic encryption in cloud computing final
Homomorphic encryption  in cloud computing finalHomomorphic encryption  in cloud computing final
Homomorphic encryption in cloud computing final

This document discusses homomorphic encryption and its applications in cloud computing. It begins by defining cloud computing and encryption. Homomorphic encryption allows computations to be performed on encrypted data without decrypting it first. This allows a third party like a cloud provider to process data while maintaining its confidentiality. The document outlines partially homomorphic encryption schemes like RSA that support only some operations, and fully homomorphic encryption that supports any computation. Potential applications of homomorphic encryption include online voting systems, encrypted data analytics, and encrypted database queries. In conclusion, homomorphic encryption enables secure computation on encrypted data and enhances privacy in cloud computing.

cloud computinghomomorphic encryption
Crypto-GeoFence project
Uses partially-homomorphic encryption called Paillier
Check if client’s latitude / longitude is in the target area
- don’t reveal client location to server
- don’t reveal target area to client
pip install phe (partially-homomorphic encryption)
X > Left_Border
X > Right_Border
X > Left_Border
X < Right_Border
Calculate distance
to sides
Client can decrypt if
it is inside the box

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Homomorphic Encryption
Homomorphic EncryptionHomomorphic Encryption
Homomorphic Encryption

The document discusses homomorphic encryption, which allows computations to be performed on encrypted data and obtain an encrypted result without decrypting the inputs. It provides examples of partially homomorphic encryption schemes like RSA that allow only addition or multiplication, and fully homomorphic encryption introduced by Craig Gentry in 2009 that allows any computation. The document also discusses applications of homomorphic encryption like secure cloud computing and processing of sensitive encrypted medical records. It summarizes Craig Gentry's homomorphic encryption scheme and the HELib software library implementation.

online privacyhomomorphic encryptioncloud security
Introduction to Homomorphic Encryption
Introduction to Homomorphic EncryptionIntroduction to Homomorphic Encryption
Introduction to Homomorphic Encryption

Introduction to homomorphic encryption, encryption which allows computations on ciphertext. An overview of key aspects and the ideas that allow these schemes to work is given, as well as examples of how to apply it. Christoph Matthies (@chrisma0), Hubert Hesse (@hubx), Robert Lehmann (@rlehmann)

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Thank you - Muchas gracias - Questions?
Nick Doiron - @mapmeld

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Building Encrypted APIs with HTTPS and Paillier

  • 1. Building Encrypted APIs with HTTPS and Paillier Nick Doiron - @mapmeld ~30 min + questions
  • 2. About me Traveling web dev and mapmaker Some useful things: One Laptop per Child, Code for America, Myanmar 2015 election API Some useless things:, GitJK (can answer Qs in Spanish… maybe)
  • 3. What’s so special about HTTPS? HTTP is easy to track, intercept, modify, or forge HTTPS encrypts page’s - URL (beyond - content An HTTPS certificate shows that the content was encrypted by the domain (no modifying / forgery) Forward secrecy: compromised key can’t decode old sessions (iOS mandatory) HTTPS critical for news, political sites:
  • 5. Some JS won’t run without HTTPS Web crypto API (OpenPGP.js) getUserMedia (camera/mic)
  • 6. Where do certs come from?
  • 7. Certificate Authorities (and uber-authorities)
  • 8. Team started in 2012: FREE HTTPS ON DEMAND Public beta in December 2015 - over 24 million in one year!
  • 9. LetsEncrypt: can I do it? -, written in Python, maintained with EFF - you could have a big impact on online security, by helping out this repo - ./certbot-auto CLI - No wildcard domains - Easier if you run in sudo - Apache or Nginx auto-setups (you should be using one already) - Also does renewals
  • 10. Checking your HTTPS settings SSL Labs: grades your HTTPS security on several settings
  • 11. OverEncrypt Hacker News bait - Security beyond LetsEncrypt Defaults Apache/Nginx config - Is this necessary? - ‘Stormchaser’ - Steps reviewable on SSL Labs
  • 12. Must-Staple OCSP Stapling = standard to publicly notify when revoking certificates Must-Staple tells browser to always check that the cert has not been revoked LetsEncrypt supports it, but does not auto-enable
  • 13. Certificate Transparency Mostly forward-thinking and not fully used today LetsEncrypt posts every cert issued, on Goal is to notice unusual and distrust non-public certs More info:
  • 14. Public Key Pinning WARNING: this can brick your entire domain Tells browsers to only allow certs with a certain SHA256 hash I recommend current cert + root cert (renewal gives you a brand new cert and hash) But then you are tied to LetsEncrypt :-
  • 15. Allow Preload Used on major websites, governments, etc Most major browsers have a list of expected certs for these websites, you can apply Avoids attacks on cert authorities, first-time users
  • 16. OverEncrypt CLI I’m developing a CLI to recommend or make these changes automatically Python Nginx-config-parser broke on my settings (?)
  • 17. General Tips and future notes And you can start living in the future NOW
  • 18. UUID - don’t use sequential IDs
  • 19. Future: Quantum Computers and BoringSSL BoringSSL: - initially created by Google to avoid sketchy OpenSSL code - recently testing ‘A New Hope’ - Ring Learning With Errors > Lattice-based Encryption > Post-Quantum Encryption
  • 20. Future: Homomorphic Encryption What if I could send you encrypted data and numbers, and you could run code / operations on it, without ever decrypting it? 1st fully-homomorphic algorithm in 2009 Potential for e-voting, private medical data, exchange rates, searching encrypted data
  • 21. Crypto-GeoFence project Uses partially-homomorphic encryption called Paillier cryptosystem Check if client’s latitude / longitude is in the target area - don’t reveal client location to server - don’t reveal target area to client
  • 22. Crypto-GeoFence pip install phe (partially-homomorphic encryption)
  • 23. X > Left_Border && X > Right_Border X > Left_Border && X < Right_Border
  • 25. Thank you - Muchas gracias - Questions? Nick Doiron - @mapmeld