Research that's ready for the grid

The RTDS Simulator allows engineers to model the behaviour of power systems and power electronics over a wide frequency range – in real time

The fastest, most efficient way to understand the network’s response to a wide range of conditions and contingencies

The RTDS Simulator provides instantaneous value outputs in real time, significantly decreasing the time of simulation compared to offline tools. Many hundreds of iterative tests can be automated with a script, with simulation results saved for each case and available immediately for the user’s viewing and manipulation.

The transformative ability to perform Hardware-in-the-Loop testing to validate the grid-readiness of devices and schemes

Simulating the network in real time means that physical hardware – such as protection, control, or power devices – can be connected to the simulator in a closed loop. Hardware-in-the-loop testing is the only way to validate the behaviour of control and protection equipment from the perspective of how the grid responds to operation or misoperation of the device.

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Maximize operational benefits and minimize downtime

With the increasing complexity of modern power systems, the process of forming an accurate and evaluative idea of the state of a network at any given time can be difficult for operators. Real-time simulation is a safe, controllable, and efficient environment where utility operators can develop fluency in a given portion of the network and its potential control interventions.

The RTDS Simulator may be particularly interesting to utilities considering:
  • Transitioning of operational responsibilities between departments or companies (such as handover of DERs)
  • Implementation of new control or protection schemes, particularly where multiple systems may interact
  • Prevention of sustained outage events due to cascading contingencies or cyber-physical attack

These, and hundreds more, leading research and learning institutions around the world are making waves in the power industry with the RTDS Simulator


The RTDS Simulator is a key part of Great Britain’s National HVDC Centre and will help familiarize control operators with the system