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Digital transformation in financial services

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external data sources

integrated into one central hub


time to market

for new insight and functionality

Raw data

refined efficiently

helps boost productivity


St James’s Place (SJP) uses external data sources to provide the most valuable service to clients. But it needed to integrate data from these external sources into a single location. The company was also spending far too much time on manual processes which created control risks and wasted time that should be dedicated to adding strategic value to the business.


SJP created an investment data hub to centralize its data. Using Matillion ETL, it was able to get its people the right tools, and automate the right activities to increase controls and productivity across the group. All while retaining and developing its skilled workforce.


  • Better data has allowed St James’s Place to remove a lot of its manual processes – freeing its highly skilled people to add more strategic value to the business.
  • Matillion’s ease of use reduces the entry barrier for non-data professionals to manage their own workflows and transformations, making data available to everyone at the company.
If the investment data hub is the heart of everything we do, Matillion is the circulatory system – pumping everything around. Tom Back Head of Investment Data| St. James's Place Wealth Management