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Matillion Modern Slavery Statement

This Modern Slavery Statement is made on behalf of Matillion Ltd., (“Matillion”) in compliance with the requirements of the United Kingdom Modern Slavery Act 2015. Matillion is committed to maintaining a work environment that is free from human trafficking and slavery. We do not tolerate or condone human trafficking or slavery in any part of our global organization or supply chain. This statement expresses our firm commitment to protect and advance human dignity and human rights in our global business practices.

Organizational Structure

Matillion is The Data Productivity Cloud. We help teams get data business-ready, faster – accelerating time-to-value and increasing the impact data can have. Matillion Ltd. is a limited UK company and does not have any other subsidiaries or affiliates based in the UK.

Supply Chains

Given the nature of our solution, our supply chains are limited and narrow in scope. We do not act as a producer, manufacturer, or retailer of physical goods and have no supply chains in relation to such activities. Our products are developed and maintained by our employees. Our suppliers predominantly provide cloud and SaaS services, professional services (i.e., marketing, audit, tax, accounting, legal), and office equipment or other business hardware. We further work with a limited number of contractors, most of whom are based in the United States, and all of whom also provide a limited scope of professional services.

Risk of Modern Slavery

Based on the nature of our business, workforce, and solution, the risk of modern slavery in our operations is low. Additionally, given the nature of our suppliers detailed above, the risk of modern slavery in our supply chain is also low.

Actions Taken to Address Modern Slavery

While we engage in an industry that would not ordinarily be considered at risk of the perils of modern slavery, we take our obligations and responsibilities seriously and as part of our initiative to identify and mitigate risk we maintain a range of policies and processes, which include the following:

Next Steps

We recognize that combatting modern slavery is an ongoing, ever-present effort, and we are committed to continuously monitoring, evaluating, and iterating on our current practices and policies. We will continue to keep apprised of legal requirements and best industry practices regarding the prevention and eradication of modern slavery.