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Bring the power of AI to data engineering

Boost productivity, level up your analytics projects, and build pipelines for new AI use cases.

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Find new data insights and ramp up efficiency with AI

Learn how Matillion’s AI platform, the first to offer pushdown ELT and pushdown AI, can help you make your work more productive and drive new AI use cases and innovation.

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Create data innovation

Create AI pipelines for new use cases and customize them with your valuable enterprise data without leaving the security parameters of your cloud data platform.

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Bring unstructured data to analytics

Enhance data pipelines by incorporating previously untapped data sources. Access and extract data from unstructured data sources, contextualizing it for use in LLMs.

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Enable your team to build more, faster

Accelerate ELT pipeline building with Matillion Copilot. Use plain language to complete simple tasks or highly complex transformations.

AI Use Case

AI-powered Customer Support

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Add data context with prompt engineering

Add customer context into your data pipelines to bring into analytics. 

  • Matillion currently integrates with popular LLMs, including OpenAI ChatGPT, AWS Bedrock, and Azure Open AI. Integration with Snowflake Cortex is coming soon
  • Augment and enrich datasets using prompt and natural language
  • Our model-agnostic approach means that Matillion can connect to any new LLM, within a week of hitting the market

Get more contextualized responses from LLMs with Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)

Add data context to LLMs using RAG and inform AI answers for more personalized, accurate responses with no coding required.

  • Load your data into vector stores, such as Pinecone or pg_vector
  • Create embeddings in vector stores from our library of connectors using low-code pipelines
  • Use unstructured, semi-structured, or structured data to extend LLM knowledge

Open up new use cases with AI applications

Build your own AI applications to meet specific needs across your business, from Marketing and Sales to Customer Service. For example:

  • Inform LLMs with customer support histories for more personalized customer experiences
  • Generate actionable insights, such as churn prediction and market analysis, directly from unstructured data
  • Efficiently categorize data using LLMs for parameters such as address, PII, or GDPR specifics
AI Applications

Discover unprecedented productivity

With Matillion Copilot (join our waitlist today!), you can use plain language prompts to create pipelines whether you’re new to data engineering or an experienced pipeline engineer.

  • Easily generate visual pipelines using natural language prompts
  • Enhance collaboration with Auto-Documentation to annotate your data pipelines, providing context to your data team
  • Empower all types of users to successfully use generative AI
Join the waitlist for Matillion Copilot

Matillion has helped the business teams focus on their core mission, which is delivering better service and customer engagement.

Melanie St-Martin Vice President Information Technologies | Groupe Legault
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We have solely relied on Matillion. It is more or less doing the work of an entire data department.

Diana Pilzer Data Engineer | Lima One Capital
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Matillion gives high productivity and high performance. It’s more beneficial for our customers as well.

Suman Shanthakumar Senior Data Warehouse Architect | Juniper Networks
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Get started today

Schedule a demo to learn how Matillion's Data Productivity Cloud can transform your data pipelines with AI.

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