Blind Men and the Elephant

Blind Men and the Elephant

Scaling an online business comes with a number of challenges. But the most frustrating one is dealing with losing visibility into what’s happening in your business. Don’t you find?

As your business grows, you expand your team and let go of one thing after another. On one level you feel relieved, but on the other—quite unsettled.

As overwhelming as it was doing everything yourself, you felt in control, knew what was happening in every part of your business, and had a clear 10,000feet view of things.

And now you are constantly trying to bring things into focus. You have the most amazing and capable team, but each one of them has visibility only into the area they are in charge of. Each one of them reports on the progress they’ve made in their area. 

It is workable, until...  

Until the day you tell your team “Hey, let's work to optimize the funnel.” But the team is like the blindfolded men around the elephant. They’re each looking at a different part. No one really sees how it all works together. 

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The ads team starts tweaking ads. The sales team—their conversations. The copy team—the email delivery. And so they continue doing that without understanding what's happening in other parts of the funnel, risking making things worse, not better.

But that’s not the worst of it.

The riskiest thing happens when you, not being able to see into everything, begin feeling like you should step in. And you know what happens if you actually step in, don’t you? You become the bottleneck and risk derailing absolutely everyone.

I’ve seen this happen time and again. It’s very common. So, if you are currently experiencing these growing pains, there is nothing wrong with you or your business. It’s a phase. But unlike the “terrible twos,” you don’t have to patiently suffer through it.

The fastest way to put this phase behind you is to create a central place for your numbers—an easy-to-read dashboard that visualizes for you what’s happening in your business. 

With your critical metrics at your fingertips, rather than buried in an avalanche of opaque numbers, you’ll be able to optimize your funnel, deploy your resources wisely, and, most definitely, increase your profitability.

And the best part—your team won’t need to go into a brute force attack trying to fix everything at the same time. Instead, you will be able to pinpoint the problem with surgical precision and easily adjust the dials to reach the exact outcome you’re looking for.

I promise you, it will give you a totally different experience of running your business. 

Here’s to a business based on clarity, focus, and predictability!

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