National Institute on Aging (NIA)

National Institute on Aging (NIA)

Research Services

Bethesda, MD 20,451 followers

Life at National Institute on Aging (NIA)

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Careers at NIA

NIA's most valuable asset is its dedicated and knowledgeable staff. If you would like to join us in our mission, explore intramural, extramural, and administrative careers with us.

Learn about career opportunities at NIA.

The people behind aging science: NIA staff stories

At NIA, we are proud to be a diverse, highly skilled group of individuals passionate about the science of aging and improving the lives of older adults. Get to know NIA’s staff, their work, and why they pursued a career in aging research.

Read NIA staff stories.

Internships, training programs and student reources

From a master's in data science fellowship to the Butler-Williams Program, NIA offers high school, undergraduate, graduate, and medical students an array of internship and career development opportunities. Students can also find easy-to-read materials, articles, and fact sheets on Alzheimer’s and related dementias, caregiving, aging, and issues related to older adults.

Check it out here.

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