What Is Clean Technology?

It's how a corporation can reduce its negative impact on the environment. Is anyone actually doing it?

Clean technology, also known as greentech or cleantech, is any technology that aims to improve and/or reduce its negative impact on the environment. Companies can do this by using resources sustainably, protecting the environment, or utilizing significant energy efficiency improvements during development. Essentially, it's all about companies being more environmentally friendly. 

What Is Clean Technology?

Clean technology is a fast-growing concept within many areas. The general term was initially coined in the American financial sector and is also known as green energy or eco-technology. 

Clean Tech Definition

Clean technology is the process in which companies can reduce their negative impact on the environment, such as by using renewable sources of energy, implementing new methods of recycling, or ensuring the resources they use are sustainably replaced. 

Because it's a general term, it can apply to any form of business or company as it's simply a way to be more environmentally aware of how companies run their enterprises. 

Which Companies are Using Clean Energies?

Tech companies like Apple have made commitments to become carbon neutral for the entire life cycle of its products by 2030. Google says it became carbon neutral in 2007; it's more focused now on running 24/7 carbon-free energy by 2030.

Microsoft is targeting 50% of its total power generation after 2035 via renewables, primarily wind, solar, and hydroelectric technologies.

Related industries (like electronics and semi-conductor companies) are also busy working on improving how their processes and products impact the planet. Most have less defined programs, though.

What's the Importance of Clean Technology?

Climate change and global warming are a growing issue globally, and companies are keen to invest in renewable energy and clean technology to minimize the problem. A 2018 report released by the United Nations found global investment in renewable energy surpassed $200 billion in 2017 with $2.9 trillion invested in sources such as solar and wind power since 2004. 

For a safer world, it's important, but clean technology also applies to job seekers. Yahoo Finance reported that positions like a solar panel installer were the fastest-growing job category in eight different states in 2018. The thinking being the number of such jobs would more than double by 2026. 

How Does Clean Technology Impact Me?

You can make a difference by choosing companies that align with your clean technology goals, by the way. Verizon, for instance, is a phone carrier that is working on sourcing renewable energy equivalent to 50 percent of its annual electricity usage by 2025 and 100 percent by 2030.

T-Mobile says it's already sourcing 100 percent of its total electricity usage with renewable energy. Xfinity Comcast, too, has made good strides in the right direction.

Xfinity Clean Energy Usage chart 2019 to 2022
Xfinity Comcast Clean Energy Usage improvements from 2019 to 2022.

Xfinity Comcast

There are many different green technology examples out there you may not truly realize are clean technology.

Here's a look at the various forms of clean technology likely to be impacting your life right now.

  • Energy. Energy conservation is one of the most prominent forms of clean technology, with many energy companies seeking alternative fuel sources that are more environmentally friendly than existing fossil fuels. These include solar, wind, and hydroelectric dams. Even companies like Starbucks have invested in wind and solar energy to help power their stores.
  • Recycling. We can reuse many resources multiple times if they're recycled correctly. Examples include plastic that's reused numerous times in a container you use for food or recycling water or waste in the manufacturing process. 
  • Clean water. Clean and green technology can purify water resources so that dirty water can be made safe or salt can be removed from seawater, increasing the availability of clean and safe drinking water.
  • Clean air. Purifying the air by reducing carbon emissions and gasses makes things safer for us and better for the environment around us. 
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