How to Delete Clips on Twitch

Go to your Creator Dashboard and look under Content to manage clips; go to Settings and look under Stream to enable clips

What to Know

  • Clips can be deleted via Creator Dashboard > Content > Clips > Trash Can.
  • You can delete your clips as well as followers' clips.
  • Automatic Clip Creation can be turned off via Settings > Stream > Enable Clips.

This article teaches you how to delete clips on Twitch—both your own and those of your followers—along with how to turn off automatic clip creation.

How to Delete Your Clips on Twitch

If you've collected plenty of Twitch clips, you may wish to delete some of them to tidy up your clip collection. Here's how to delete Twitch clips within a few easy steps.

  1. Go to Twitch's site and click your profile image.

    Twitch home page with profile image highlighted
  2. Click Creator Dashboard.

    Twitch home page with profile options open
  3. Click Content.

    Twitch Creator Dashboard with content highlighted
  4. Click Clips.

    Twitch Creator Dashboard with Clips highlighted
  5. Click the clip you wish to delete.

    Twitch Clips with a clip highlighted
  6. Click the trash icon.

    Twitch clips with trash icon highlighted for deleting clip
  7. Click Delete.

    Twitch clips with permanently delete clip highlighted

How to Delete Your Followers' Clips on Twitch

If your Twitch followers have been saving plenty of clips of your work, you may wish to delete some of them. Here's how to do it.

If you're building a community of followers on Twitch, it's good practice to let them keep their clips, but there are scenarios where you may wish to do this.

  1. Go to Twitch's site and click your profile image.

    Twitch home page with profile image highlighted
  2. Click Creator Dashboard.

    Twitch home page with Creator Dashboard highlighted
  3. Click Content.

    Twitch Creator Dashboard with Content highlighted
  4. Click Clips.

    Twitch Creator Dashboard with Clips highlighted
  5. Click Clips of My Channel.

    Twitch Creator Dashboard with Clips of My Channel highlighted
  6. Click the video you wish to delete.

  7. Click the trash icon.

    Twitch Clips with trash icon highlighted over one clip
  8. Click Delete.

    Twitch permanently delete dialog for deleting a clip

How to Delete All Your Clips on Twitch

If you wish to delete all your clips -- whether they're your own or your followers' -- the process is very similar. Here's what to do.

  1. Go to Twitch's site and click your profile image.

    Twitch dashboard with profile image highlighted
  2. Click Creator Dashboard.

    Twitch home page with Creator Dashboard highlighted
  3. Click Content.

  4. Click Clips.

  5. Click the box above all the clips.

  6. Click Delete All Clips I've Created or Delete All Clips of My Channel to delete everything. 

    Twitch clips with Delete All Clips For Channel highlighted

How to Turn Off Automatic Clip Creation on Twitch

Twitch automatically switches on clip creation so that anyone can save clips of your streams. However, if you wish to switch the feature off, it is possible. Here's what to do.

  1. Go to Twitch's site and click your profile image.

  2. Click Creator Dashboard.

  3. Click Settings.

    Twitch Creator Dashboard with Settings highlighted
  4. Click Stream.

  5. Click Enable Clips so that the box is unticked.

    Twitch Settings with Enable Clips toggle highlighted

How to Manage Who Can Create Clips on Twitch

If you'd prefer to limit who can create clips of your streams on Twitch, you can do so from a similar place in Settings. Here's how to moderate your clips.

  1. Go to Twitch's site.

  2. Click your profile image.

  3. Click Creator Dashboard.

  4. Click Settings.

  5. Click Stream.

  6. Click Followers-only to change how long someone needs to follow you before making a clip, or click Subscriber-only to set it so that only subscribers can create clips.

    These options only appear if clips are enabled.

Why Would I Want to Delete a Follower's Twitch Clips?

Sometimes, a clip can cause a potential copyright strike against your streaming name, which can be a problem if you're a regular streamer. 

Also, some users can abuse the clip feature to attempt to bully you or harass you, so you may wish to limit the ability to make clips. 

  • How do I delete Twitch clips on mobile?

    In the Twitch app for Android or iOS, tap your Profile icon > My Channel > Clips. Select the clips you want and tap Delete.

  • Can I hide old clips on Twitch?

    No. There's no way to hide clips on Twitch. You can only delete clips or turn them off altogether.

  • How long do Twitch clips last?

    Saved clips on Twitch will not go away until you delete them. Automatically saved broadcasts stay up for 7 days or 60 days for Twitch Partners, Prime, and Twitch Turbo users.

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