Can Personal Loans Be Included in Bankruptcy?

Yes, but not in all cases

Personal loans from friends, family, or employers are debts that can be discharged in the case of bankruptcy. A discharge releases individual borrowers from the legal obligation to pay previously existing debts. Other examples of debt that can be discharged include debt credit cards, medical bills, past due utility bills, as well as dishonored checks and civil court fees not deemed fraudulent.

Key Takeaways

  • There are different types of dischargeable debt, in addition to different types of bankruptcies.
  • Often personal loans from friends and family can be discharged.
  • Some debt might not be discharged in bankruptcy, such as student loans and taxes.

Filing for Bankruptcy

There are two primary ways that individuals can file for bankruptcy. One is Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which involves the cancellation of most or all debts, depending on which debts are deemed dischargeable. It is possible that in the case of Chapter 7 bankruptcy, also known as “liquidation bankruptcy,” the bankruptcy trustee liquidates or sells the property of the debtor filing for bankruptcy to repay all or a portion of their debts to creditors.

Some personal property is exempt from liquidation in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, though there are limits on the value of the exemption. Examples include:

  • Homestead
  • Motor vehicle
  • Personal property
  • Retirement accounts
  • Health aids
  • Jewelry

Chapter 13 bankruptcy is sometimes called “reorganization bankruptcy.” A court-mandated repayment plan is implemented in the case of a Chapter 13 filing. If the plan is executed to the satisfaction of the court, additional debt may be canceled or forgiven. The debtor’s property is not confiscated or sold to raise money in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy. As of June 21, 2022, debtors cannot owe more than $2,750,000 in combined secured and unsecured debt to file for a Chapter 13 bankruptcy. The Bankruptcy Code makes provision for an increase to these limits every three years.

Unsecured debts may be wiped clean in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy but not in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy.

Differences Between Types of Bankruptcy

Chapter 7 bankruptcy differs from Chapter 13 bankruptcy in important ways. Most notably, in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, the debtor keeps their property with the understanding that they are required to pay back all or a portion of the debts over a three-to-five-year period. Chapter 13 bankruptcy allows the debtor to retain assets and recover from bankruptcy quickly, provided the debtor is able to meet the eligibility requirements, such as earning enough income to repay the debt in a timely fashion.

Chapter 7 bankruptcy can be more devastating to a debtor with a sizable asset base, but it is a preferable option if the debtor’s asset base is small and the amount of debt is seemingly insurmountable. It can allow debtors to very quickly discharge a large amount of debt. Chapter 7 bankruptcy is usually reserved for people with little income who cannot pay back a portion of their debts.

With a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, unsecured debts are wiped clean once the court has approved the filing. This process can take several months. With a Chapter 13 bankruptcy filing, unsecured debts are not wiped clean. Instead, payments have to be made according to a plan mandated by the court. Once you reach the end of the plan and all payments have been made, any remaining debt is wiped clean.

Can Personal Loans Be Discharged in Bankruptcy?

Yes, personal loans that you took out from banks or credit unions, plus personal loans from family, friends, or your employer can be included in a bankruptcy discharge.

What Loans Are not Dischargeable in Bankruptcy?

There are 19 categories of debt that are considered generally non-dischargeable through bankruptcy, including student loans, many types of taxes, child support or alimony, and fines or penalties owed to government agencies.

Can You Get a Personal Loan While in Chapter 7?

Once your debt is discharged, it's entirely possible to obtain a personal loan after bankruptcy. However, even if you can secure a personal loan, it's likely that interest rates will be high and loan terms will be less-than favorable.

The Bottom Line

If you have any outstanding personal loans that you cannot pay and you are filing for bankruptcy, there's a good chance they can be discharged. Bankruptcy may not be the perfect solution, but it could give you the financial fresh start you might need.

Article Sources
Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our editorial policy.
  1. U.S. Courts. "Discharge in Bankruptcy—Bankruptcy Basics."

  2. U.S. Courts. "Chapter 7—Bankruptcy Basics."

  3. United States Bankruptcy Court. "Bankruptcy Threshold Adjustment and Technical Corrections Act Raises Debt Limit in Subchapter V and Chapter 13 Cases."

  4. U.S. Code. "11 USC §104."

  5. U.S. Courts. "Chapter 13—Bankruptcy Basics."

  6. Justia. "Non-Dischargeable Debt in Bankruptcy."

  7. SoFi. "Getting Approved for a Personal Loan After Bankruptcy."

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