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Soho Manhattan

New York City


HotelTonight – Soho Manhattan Hotels

When you spend time in New York City, you spend time in a place that everyone in the world has heard of at least once and for any number of reasons. I love spending time in the Big Apple, as every time I go there I learn, see and experience something new. My life is enriched as a result of each of my trips to the city. Fortunately, I travel there for work quite a bit, so lately I've been taking advantage of the opportunity to see more of New York. I've done so by extending my trips there by 24 hours beyond the time when my work obligations are complete. That gives me one full day to explore a neighborhood of my choosing, which allows me to get to know a community on a deeper level. My most recent choice for neighborhood exploration was Soho, which is legendary for several different reasons, mostly because of how trendy it is. I wasn't concerned about finding a place to stay, either, as I travel with HotelTonight. I'd find a Soho Manhattan hotel in seconds as soon as I was ready to get some rest.

The Shopping

If you're into fashion, you need to spend time in Soho. Not only are the people on the streets dressed in all of the latest looks, but it seems as though they're acquiring those looks in stores that are right there in their neighborhood. Street after street is lined with retail shops selling clothing. Some of these operations are enormous and known around the world, but the majority of them appear to be small boutiques that are family owned. I walked through several of them and wound up with a few things for myself. I couldn't help it.

The History

For generations, the Soho neighborhood was basically the center of the textile industry in New York. Most of the buildings were just that at one time – textile factories. Rather than tear them down, builders here have gotten quite creative when it comes to re-purposing these buildings and giving them much-needed facelifts. These days, you'll find former factories serving as lofts, studios, office spaces and several other things. It's a nice way to preserve the past of a place but to still accommodate the very real needs of the present. It all looks very nice.

The Dining

If you're in a trendy part of town, you should expect that your dinner options are also going to be pretty trendy. That's exactly what I expected, but instead I wound up in a classic Italian restaurant that I had heard about more than once that day. It was a great place. The pasta was made fresh that day and the sauce, or gravy as it was called by my server, was tasty and smooth. The lasagna was perfectly cooked and the wine that came with it brought all of the flavors together.

HotelTonight – Soho Manhattan Hotels Are Available

After such a great meal, I needed some sleep. I opened my HotelTonight app and immediately booked a Soho Manhattan hotel room. I made my way towards what I was sure would be a comfortable room and a cozy bed, happy with how my day had gone.