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Forest Hills Queens

New York City


HotelTonight – Forest Hills Queens Hotels at the Drop of a Hat

There are certain visual scenes that pop into mind when you think of certain places. When I think of New York City, I think of busy streets, honking horns, huge skyscrapers and more fun and excitement than you'll get in any other city in the world. I was familiar with this type of New York, as I had been there more times than I could remember. I always enjoyed myself, even though I was usually there for work. After a few recent trips, I wanted to get out and explore the city on a bit of a deeper level. I wanted to see if there was another side of the Big Apple that I had yet to see. I was sure there was such a place or places, but I had never taken the time to find one of them. On my most recent trip, I decided to use 24 hours I had free for myself to explore the Forest Hills neighborhood in Queens. I would find a Forest Hills Queens' hotel room near me with the help of HotelTonight when I was ready to call it a day.

The Family Living

When I left my ride behind and began to explore Forest Hills, I wondered if I had been dropped off in some tree-lined Midwestern city by mistake. Not only were there trees lining the streets, but the homes were occupied by families, many or most of whom had cars in the driveway. Kids were out playing in their front yards and in the streets, as you'd see in some smaller town somewhere. People were out mowing their lawns. I almost had to rub my eyes and remind myself that I was still in New York City. I had found a piece of traditional suburbia after all.

The Green Spaces

Family-oriented communities tend to have a lot of options when it comes to outdoor activities. That's what you'll find in Forest Hills. There were two big parks that I saw, and since it was such a nice day, I decided to take some time to walk around in one of them. Imagine that: hiking among huge, green trees on a lovely hiking path in New York City. I spent a couple of hours doing so, stopping and talking to a few locals along the way. What I found is a level of happiness among them that made me happy to be there.

The Cuisine

One of the downsides to family-oriented communities in general is that you'll find a dearth of dining choices in many places. That's not the case in Forest Hills. Some people in the park had told me about a gastropub that served great food and beers. I stopped there and ordered the ribs. They were so big they were almost intimidating. They were served on a carving board, and they were so juicy they basically fell off the bone. The beers were also fantastic and the meal overall was memorable.

HotelTonight – Forest Hills Queens Hotels Near Me

After such a big meal and a full day, I was ready to get some sleep. I opened the HotelTonight app on my phone and found a Forest Hills Queens hotel room in seconds. I made my way towards my hotel room, happy to have seen another side of New York.