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Flatiron Manhattan

New York City


HotelTonight – Flatiron Manhattan Hotels Brought to You

New York is almost a universe in itself. Every borough is like its own country and every neighborhood is its own community with its own identity. I've been exploring the Big Apple for years, and every time I spend a day or two somewhere I go home with a much deeper understanding of what life is like in that little part of the world. Fortunately, I travel to New York a lot for work, and I've been making an effort to learn as much as possible about this wondrous place. On my last trip, I decided to explore the Flatiron neighborhood in Manhattan. I had never been there and the neighborhood is not one of the more famous parts of town that you hear about from time to time. I was looking forward to seeing what life was like for the people who live there. I also wasn't worried about finding a place to stay. I travel with my HotelTonight app on my phone. All I'd have to do to book a Flatiron Manhattan hotel room is open the app and let it present me with my choices. It wasn't something to worry about at all.

The Evolving Community

I sat and had a coffee at a café as soon as I got to Flatiron in hopes of striking up a conversation with a local, and fortunately that's what happened. I got to hear about the history of the area. About 100 years ago, this was almost a purely commercial area with some residences in the mix. During the middle of the 20th Century, the neighborhood fell off a bit in terms of popularity and activity. As tends to happen in larger cities, recent years has led to a lot of reinvestment in the area to the point where it's once again a thriving business and residential area.

The Shopping

Fifth Avenue runs through Flatiron, and all that means is that you'll find some of the best shopping in the world here. I'm not generally much of a shopper, but when I'm in a place like this I'm going to get my walking shoes on and go see what there is to see. What I saw there was some of the most famous retail brands on the planet in stores that were so opulent it was almost as if they were destinations as much as anything.

The Cuisine

As I was shopping, I asked a few people about places to have dinner. More than once, I heard about an Italian restaurant that had been drawing big crowds. I went late and managed to avoid the rush, and I was glad I found it. The marinara sauce was made fresh that day and the spices used in it were extraordinarily tasty. The pasta was perfectly cooked and the staff paired the perfect wine with my dish. It was a beautiful meal from start to finish.

HotelTonight – Flatiron Manhattan Hotels

I was incredibly full and happy with my dinner experience. I was also happy to have seen a new part of the Big Apple. I opened my HotelTonight app and it found a Flatiron Manhattan hotel room for me in seconds. I could not wait to relax and rest.