
Shoot Quotes

Quotes tagged as "shoot" Showing 1-30 of 58
Karl Lagerfeld
“What i like about photographs is that they capture a moment that’s gone forever, impossible to reproduce.”
Karl Lagerfeld

Raymond Carver
“Honey, no offense, but sometimes I think I could shoot you and watch you kick.”
Raymond Carver, Where I'm Calling From: New and Selected Stories

“He mulled that over. "Sheriff Connally woulda let us shoot 'em."
I reached over and took his coffee away from him. "Yep. Lucian probably would have done the job himself, but we're living in more enlightened times." I drained his cup and handed it back with a smile. "Ain't it grand?”
Craig Johnson, The Cold Dish

Rachel Corrie
“We are protecting civilians. We are unarmed. We are no threat to you. Please do not shoot.”
Rachel Corrie

Christine Feehan
“All around him the chanting swelled, Harm no one, harm no one. What the hell did that mean? He was going to have to shoot the poor son of a bitch, but maybe that was a far better way to go than what the house of horrors had planned. This was a hell of a way for men to die, even if they deserved it.”
Christine Feehan, Safe Harbor

Holly Black
“He looks up at me with his night - colored eyes, beautiful and terrible all at once.
"For a moment," he says, "I wondered if it wasn’t you shooting bolts at me."
I make a face at him.
"And what made you decide it wasn’t?"
He grins up at me.
"They missed.”
Holly Black, The Wicked King

Steven Magee
“In the USA, the police are encouraged to shoot people with the reward of paid time off.”
Steven Magee

Jason Medina
“When you open the door, shoot anything that moves.”
Jason Medina, The Manhattanville Incident: An Undead Novel

Jason Medina
“Kevin was ready to shoot anything that got in his way, even though he already knew shooting would only bring more.”
Jason Medina, The Manhattanville Incident: An Undead Novel

Jill Telford
“Stop. Shooting. Stars burn out like bullets falling from the sky.”
Jill Telford

Mehmet Murat ildan
“If you believe you are a bullet-proof person, to convince the people you must let them shoot you!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Steven Magee
“I do not own a gun because the only person I would shoot with it is myself.”
Steven Magee

Jarod Kintz
“I shot at the moon and hit its friend instead. I’m sorry about that, Gary.”
Jarod Kintz, Powdered Saxophone Music

Jason Medina
“Second, you two idiots are not getting your hands on any firearms, while you are in this group. You’re too unstable and I don’t want to have to shoot you.”
Jason Medina, The Manhattanville Incident: An Undead Novel

Jason Medina
“No offense, Charles, but they’ll probably shoot you just for being black.”
Jason Medina, The Manhattanville Incident: An Undead Novel

“Words are the new violence. Mouth is the new gun.”
Vineet Raj Kapoor

“Hold his tongue and he will shoot.
Hold his gun and he will shout.”
Vineet Raj Kapoor

Steven Magee
“Police assassinations of innocent people usually follow this routine: 1. Police officer assassinates unarmed member of the public. 2. The victims reputation is publicly trashed by the police. 3. The Internal Affairs investigation is rigged from the outset to protect the murderer. 4. Murderer is off work on full pay during the rigged investigation. 5. Murderer returns to work.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Hello heaven, goodbye gun.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The murder of Botham Jean appears to be a classic case of USA police training to shoot first and ask questions later.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“When are we going to see the police trainers go to jail for teaching police officers to shoot first and ask questions later?”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“To shoot or not to shoot, that is the question.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Turn eighteen, shoot grandma, crash the truck, storm the school and return to dirt.”
Steven Magee

“Return with flowers to all the stones that are thrown at you.
There will be a time when your enemies' stones will run out,
and so they will only be able to throw at you
the same flowers they received from you.”
Augusto Branco

Steven Magee
“Out of four police officers that were assigned to my 911 call, two had been involved with killing people.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“It is very concerning that police officers are killing people they have just woken up from a deep sleep.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The police do not wait for someone to shoot at them before they shoot their victim.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I do not like the aspect of carrying a gun, as if someone takes it from you, you may get shot.”
Steven Magee

“I told the truth - but I wasn't being honest.”
Hulk Hogan, My Life Outside the Ring

Holly Black
“He looks up at me with his night - colored eyes, beautiful and terrible all at once.
"For a moment," he says, "I wondered if it wasn’t you shooting bolts at me."
I make a face at him.
"And what made you decide it wasn’t?"
He grins up at me.
"They missed.”
Holly Black, The Cruel Prince / The Wicked King / The Queen of Nothing

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