
Self Motivation Quotes

Quotes tagged as "self-motivation" Showing 1-30 of 1,240
Allie Brosh
“Most people can motivate themselves to do things simply by knowing that those things need to be done. But not me. For me, motivation is this horrible, scary game where I try to make myself do something while I actively avoid doing it. If I win, I have to do something I don't want to do. And if I lose, I'm one step closer to ruining my entire life. And I never know whether I'm going to win or lose until the last second.”
Allie Brosh, Hyperbole and a Half: Unfortunate Situations, Flawed Coping Mechanisms, Mayhem, and Other Things That Happened

Idowu Koyenikan
“When you work on something that only has the capacity to make you 5 dollars, it does not matter how much harder you work – the most you will make is 5 dollars.”
idowu koyenikan, Wealth for All: Living a Life of Success at the Edge of Your Ability
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Idowu Koyenikan
“Today is a new day and it brings with it a new set of opportunities for me to act on.
I am attentive to the opportunities and I seize them as they arise.
I have full confidence in myself and my abilities.
I can do all things that I commit myself to.
No obstacle is too big or too difficult for me to handle because what lies inside me is greater than what lies ahead of me.
I am committed to improving myself and I am getting better daily.
I am not held back by regret or mistakes from the past.
I am moving forward daily.
Absolutely nothing is impossible for me.”
Idowu Koyenikan, Wealth for All: Living a Life of Success at the Edge of Your Ability

Richelle E. Goodrich
“You may be the only person left who believes in you, but it's enough. It takes just one star to pierce a universe of darkness. Never give up.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Smile Anyway: Quotes, Verse, and Grumblings for Every Day of the Year

Anthon St. Maarten
“Never surrender your hopes and dreams to the fateful limitations others have placed on their own lives. The vision of your true destiny does not reside within the blinkered outlook of the naysayers and the doom prophets. Judge not by their words, but accept advice based on the evidence of actual results. Do not be surprised should you find a complete absence of anything mystical or miraculous in the manifested reality of those who are so eager to advise you. Friends and family who suffer the lack of abundance, joy, love, fulfillment and prosperity in their own lives really have no business imposing their self-limiting beliefs on your reality experience.”
Anthon St. Maarten

Idowu Koyenikan
“Let your creative and imaginative mind run freely; it will take you places you never dreamed of and provide breakthroughs that others once thought were impossible.”
Idowu Koyenikan, Wealth for All: Living a Life of Success at the Edge of Your Ability

Nathan W. Morris
“Edit your life frequently and ruthlessly. It's your masterpiece after all.”
Nathan W. Morris

Brian Tracy
“Always choose the future over the past. What do we do now?”
Brian Tracy, Tracy Create Your Own Future: How to Master the 12 Critical Factors of Unlimited Success

Amit Ray
“There is a God part in you. The consciousness. The pure Self. Learn to listen the voice of that Power.”
Amit Ray, Nonviolence: The Transforming Power

Alysha Speer
“Depression weighs you down like a rock in a river. You don't stand a chance. You can fight and pray and hope you have the strength to swim, but sometimes, you have to let yourself sink. Because you'll never know true happiness until someone or something pulls you back out of that river--and you'll never believe it until you realize it was you, yourself who saved you.”
Alysha Speer

Amit Ray
“Write it on your heart you are the most beautiful soul of the Universe. Realize it, honor it and celebrate the life.”
Amit Ray, Nonviolence: The Transforming Power

Connor Franta
“Forget about self-image and self-judgment. It's about self-love, and no one teaches you that at school. No one teaches you that if you accept and love yourself, nothing and no one can touch you.
This is the only face and body you're ever going to get, so be comfortable and happy in it. Own it. Own every aspect of who you are and present it to the world with the utmost pride.”
Connor Franta, A Work in Progress

Stephen Richards
“Never allow your mind to wander untamed like a wild animal that exists on the basis of survival of the fittest. Tame your mind with consistent focus on your goals and desires.”
Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free

Stephen Richards
“Grateful souls focus on the happiness and abundance present in their lives and this in turn attracts more abundance and joy towards them.”
Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free

Amit Ray
“Stand up for who you are. Respect your Self and ignite the divine sparks in you. Access your powers. Choose your rights and work together with others to bring blessings into the lives.”
Amit Ray

Stephen Richards
“Manifesting is a lot like making a cake. The things needed are supplied by you, the mixing is done by your mind and the baking is done in the oven of the universe.”
Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free

Toba Beta
“Do not depend on good motivator!
Find your words of self-motivation!”
Toba Beta

Stephen Richards
“It is not enough if you just live life as it comes to you like a floating leaf in a pond. Make use of the powers bestowed in you and soar like an eagle.”
Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free

Stella Adler
“The thing that makes you say, "I want to do something" - that is the beginning of talent.”
Stella Adler, The Art of Acting

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