
Mockingjay Quotes

Quotes tagged as "mockingjay" Showing 1-30 of 89
Suzanne Collins
“Well, don't expect us to be too impressed. We just saw Finnick Odair in his underwear.”
Suzanne Collins, Mockingjay

Suzanne Collins
“Fire is catching! And if we burn, you burn with us!”
Suzanne Collins, Mockingjay

Suzanne Collins
“I must have loved you a lot.”
Suzanne Collins, Mockingjay

Suzanne Collins
“There are much worse games to play.”
Suzanne Collins, Mockingjay

Suzanne Collins
“Sometimes when I'm alone, I take the pearl from where it lives in my pocket and try to remember the boy with the bread, the strong arms that warded off nightmares on the train, the kisses in the arena.”
Suzanne Collins, Mockingjay

Suzanne Collins
“Are you, are you coming to the tree?
Wear a necklace of rope, side by side with me.
Strange things did happen here.
No stranger would let it be if we met up
At midnight in the hanging tree.”
Suzanne Collins, Mockingjay

Suzanne Collins
“I drag myself out of nightmares each morning and find there's no relief in waking.”
Suzanne Collins, Mockingjay

Suzanne Collins
“They'll either want to kill you, kiss you, or be you.”
Suzanne Collins, Mockingjay

Suzanne Collins
“I raise my left arm and twist my neck down to rip off the pill on my sleeve. Instead my teeth sink into flesh. I yank my head back in confusion to find myself looking into Peeta’s eyes, only now they hold my gaze. Blood runs from the teeth marks on the hand he clamped over my nightlock.

“Let me go!” I snarl at him, trying to wrest my arm from his grasp.

“I can’t,” he says.”
Suzanne Collins, Mockingjay

Suzanne Collins
“Katniss. I remember about the bread.”
Suzanne Collins, Mockingjay

Suzanne Collins
“My name is Katniss Everdeen. I am seventeen years old. My home is District 12. I was in the Hunger Games. I escaped. The Capitol hates me........”
Suzanne Collins, Mockingjay

Suzanne Collins
“Stay with me.

Suzanne Collins, Mockingjay

Suzanne Collins
“I know what blood poisoning is, Katniss," says Peeta. "Even if my mother isn't a healer."
I'm jolted back in time, to another wound, another set of bandages. "You said that same thing to me in the first Hunger Games. Real or not real?"
"Real," he says. "And you risked your life getting the medicine that saved me?"
"Real." I shrug. "You were the reason I was alive to do it.”
Suzanne Collins, Mockingjay

Suzanne Collins
“All those months of taking it for granted that Peeta thought I was wonderful are over. Finally, he can see me for who I really am. Violent. Distrustful. Manipulative. Deadly. And I hate him for it.”
Suzanne Collins, Mockingjay

Suzanne Collins
“No problem," Gale replies. "I wake up ten times a night anyway."
"To make sure Katniss is still here?" asks Peeta.
"Something like that,"...
"That was funny, what Tigris said. About no one knowing what to do with her."
"Well, WE never have,"...
"She loves you, you know," says Peeta. "She as good as told me after they whipped you."
"Don't believe it,"Gale answers. "The way she kissed you in the Quarter Quell...well she never kissed me like that."
"It was just part of the show," Peeta tells him, although there's an edge of doubt in his voice.
"No, you won her over. Gave up everything for her. Maybe that's the only way to convince her you love her." There's a long pause. "I should have volunteered to take your place in the first Games. Protected her then."
"You couldn't," says Peeta. "She'd never have forgiven you. You had to take care of her family. They matter more to her than her life."
"I wonder how she'll make up her mind."
"Oh, that I do know." I can just catch Gale's last words through the layer of fur. "Katniss will pick whoever she thinks she can't survive without”
Suzanne Collins, Mockingjay

Suzanne Collins
“You're punishing him over and over for things that are out of his control. Now, I'm not saying you shouldn't have a fully loaded weapon next to you round the clock. But I think it's time you flipped this little scenario in your head. If you'd been taken by the Capitol, and hijacked, and then tried to kill Peeta, is this the way he would be treating you?" demands Haymitch.
I fall silent. It isn't. It isn't how he would be treating me at all. He would be trying to get me back at any cost. Not shutting me out, abandoning me, greeting me with hostility at every turn.”
Suzanne Collins, Mockingjay

Suzanne Collins
“You're alive," I whisper, pressing my palms against my cheeks, feeling the smile that's so wide it must look like a grimace. Peeta's alive.”
suzanne collins, Mockingjay

Suzanne Collins
“In the end, the only person I truly want to comfort me is Haymitch, because he loves Peeta, too.”
Suzanne Collins, Mockingjay

Suzanne Collins
“While I was waiting...I ate your lunch.”
Suzanne Collins, Mockingjay

Suzanne Collins
“He looks down at his legs as if noticing his outfit for the first time. Then he whips off his hospital gown, leaving him in just his underwear. "Why? Do you find this" - he strikes a ridiculously provocative pose - "distracting?”
Suzanne Collins, Mockingjay

Suzanne Collins
“We fight, we dare, we end our hunger for justice.”
Suzanne Collins

Suzanne Collins
“Peeta's awake already, sitting on the side of the bed, looking bewildered as the trio of doctors reassure him, flash lights in his eyes, checks his pules. I'm disappointed that mine was not the first face he saw when he woke up, but he sees it now. His features registrer disbelief and something more intense that I can't quite place. Desire? Desperation? Surely both, for he sweeps the doctors aside, leaps to his feets and moves towards me. I run to meet him, my arms extended to embrace him. His hands are reaching for mine too, to caress my face, I think.

My lips are forming his name when his fingers lock around my throat.”
Suzanne Collins, Mockingjay

Suzanne Collins
“It's meant to be pretty," whispers Octavia, and I can see the tears threatening to spill over her lashes.
Posy considers this and says matter-of-factly, "I think you'd be pretty in any color."
The tiniest of smiles forms on Octavia's lips. "Thank you.”
Suzanne Collins, Mockingjay

Suzanne Collins
“Still, I hate them. But, of course, I hate almost everybody now. Myself more than anyone.”
Suzanne Collins, Mockingjay

Suzanne Collins
“Plutarch rushes to reassure me. "Oh, no, Katniss. Not your wedding. Finnick and Annie's. All you need to do is show up and pretend to be happy for them."
"That's one of the few things I won't have to pretend, Plutarch," I tell him.”
Suzanne Collins, Mockingjay

Suzanne Collins
“We just saw Finnick Odair in his underwear.”
Suzanne Collins, Mockingjay

Suzanne Collins
“If he wants me broken, then I will have to be whole.”
Suzanne Collins, Mockingjay

Suzanne Collins
“At the moment, the choice would be simple. I can survive just fine without either of them.”
Suzanne Collins, Mockingjay

Suzanne Collins
“You'll never be able to let him go. You'll always feel wrong about being with me.”
Suzanne Collins, Mockingjay

Suzanne Collins
“Why don't I just pretend I'm on camera, Plutarch?" I say.
"Yes! Perfect. One is always much braver with an audience," he says. "Look at the courage Peeta just displayed!"
It's all I can do not to slap him.”
Suzanne Collins, Mockingjay

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