
Low Self Esteem Quotes

Quotes tagged as "low-self-esteem" Showing 1-30 of 186
Shannon L. Alder
“If you spend your time hoping someone will suffer the consequences for what they did to your heart, then you're allowing them to hurt you a second time in your mind.”
Shannon L. Alder

Shannon L. Alder
“Often those that criticise others reveal what he himself lacks.”
Shannon L. Alder

Shannon L. Alder
“There will always be someone willing to hurt you, put you down, gossip about you, belittle your accomplishments and judge your soul. It is a fact that we all must face. However, if you realize that God is a best friend that stands beside you when others cast stones you will never be afraid, never feel worthless and never feel alone.”
Shannon Alder

Shannon L. Alder
“Staying silent is like a slow growing cancer to the soul and a trait of a true coward. There is nothing intelligent about not standing up for yourself. You may not win every battle. However, everyone will at least know what you stood for—YOU.”
Shannon L. Alder

Shannon L. Alder
“If a man, who says he loves you, won’t tell you the details of a private conversation between him and another woman you can be sure he is not protecting your heart. He is protecting himself and the women he has feelings for. Wise women simply see things as they are, not as their low self-esteem allows.”
Shannon L. Alder

Shannon L. Alder
“Insecure people only eclipse your sun because they’re jealous of your daylight and tired of their dark, starless nights.”
Shannon L. Alder

Shannon L. Alder
“Accomplishments don’t erase shame, hatred, cruelty, silence, ignorance, discrimination, low self-esteem or immorality. It covers it up, with a creative version of pride and ego. Only restitution, forgiving yourself and others, compassion, repentance and living with dignity will ever erase the past.”
Shannon L. Alder

Shannon L. Alder
“I don't understand women that call themselves a "bitch". It doesn't empower a woman. Rather, it reveals to everyone that you were deeply hurt at one time. Because of the pain your still carrying, you will continue to hurt anyone that reminds you of those moments when you let your guard down and were fooled. Sadly, it sends a clear message to the observant that you are still hurt. If only women would realize that "we all" have moments of stupidity then they would stop comparing themselves to the masses.”
Shannon L. Alder

Shannon L. Alder
“Bitter people are not interested in what you say, but what you hide.”
Shannon L. Alder

Israelmore Ayivor
“Those who mistrust their own abilities are being too wicked to themselves, discouraging themselves from doing what they should have been excelling in. If you are good at discouraging yourself, you can't be a good leader because leadership is built on inspiring others to face challenges.”
Israelmore Ayivor

Shannon L. Alder
“Don't waste your time trying to provide people with proof of deceit, in order to keep their love, win their love or salvage their respect for you. The truth is this: If they care they will go out of their way to learn the truth. If they don't then they really don't value you as a human being. The moment you have to sell people on who you are is the moment you let yourself believe that every good thing you have ever done or accomplished was invisible to the world. And, it is not!”
Shannon L. Alder

Shannon L. Alder
/hi pakrise/ noun

1. The moment you tell someone it is not important to be right, in order to look right to everyone else.”
Shannon L. Alder

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Being shy is a symptom of a low self-esteem.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana, The Confessions of a Misfit

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“The average person’s self-esteem is so low that they are way less frequently surprised that they love someone than they are surprised that someone loves them.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Melina Marchetta
“When a woman has not received much flattery in her life, she will be seduced.”
Melina Marchetta, Froi of the Exiles

Megan Nolan
“I made mistakes like this all the time, seeking affirmation from the very worst people, so that what I must have been after deep down was confirmation of the fears instead of their dismissals”
Megan Nolan, Acts of Desperation

J.K. Rowling
“What Harry found most unusual about life at Ron's, however, wasn’t the talking mirror or the clanking ghoul: it was the fact that everybody there seemed to like him.”
J.K Rowling Harry Potter and The Chamber Of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Shannon L. Alder
“Often the inspiration to write music comes from the voices in your head. You’re not crazy. Just be thankful they are not making you rescue people in 20-degree weather at 2:30 in the morning in the forest.”
Shannon Alder

Michael Bassey Johnson
“If you can’t love someone, leave them for those who can.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Song of a Nature Lover

Katie Hall-May
“It is a private battlefield, the school arena, perhaps created by adults, but a war, nonetheless, that they cannot easily fight in. I informed the headmaster that if he could prove that a teacher could have thumped Georgie Smales as effectively, then I would be willing, next time, to call a teacher. I would, I told him, very much like to see that.”
Katie Hall-May, Memories of a Lost Thesaurus

Elelwani Anita Ravhuhali
“I know challenging situations are meant to make us stronger, but maybe I don’t want to be strong anymore. Perhaps I just want to lead a life where I can be vulnerable and be met with compassion, kindness, and love. ”
Elelwani Anita Ravhuhali, From Seeking To Radiating Love: Evolution is unavoidable in the process of overpowering doubt

Sarah J. Maas
“You told me about the time with Cassian, but did you and Azriel ever...?'

A sharp laugh. 'No. Azriel? After that time with Cassian, I swore off any of Rhys's friends. Azriel's got no shortage of lovers, though, don't worry. He's better at keeping them secret than we are, but... he has them.'

'So if he were ever interested would you...?'

The issue, actually, wouldn't be me. It'd be him. I could peel off my clothes right in front of him and he wouldn't move an inch. He might have defied and proved those Illyrian pricks wrong at every turn, but it won't matter if Rhys makes him Prince of Velaris- he'll see himself as a bastard-born nobody, and not good enough for anyone. Especially me.'

'But... are you interested?'

'Why are you asking me such things?' Her voice became tight, sharp. More wary than I'd ever heard.

'I'm still trying to figure out how you all work together.'

A snort, that wariness gone. I tried not to look too relieved. 'We have five centuries of tangled history for you to sort through. Good luck.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Mist and Fury

John Joclebs Bassey
“Jealousy comes from deep within; it just takes time to unfold.”
John Joclebs Bassey, Night of a Thousand Thoughts

“If I could give you anything
I would give you value,
not because you lack it, but
because you are unable to
see it in yourself. Perhaps,
if I wrap it in ribbons and
bows, and place it in your
hands as something tangible
and apparent, you will stop
denying yourself the gift
of embracing its existence.”
Caroline Carter

“Underachievers may exhibit a sense of helplessness, inner conflict, and low self-esteem. They may withdraw from group situations, preferring interaction only with like-minded peers. Recognizing their emotional and social patterns is essential for tailored support and intervention.”
Asuni LadyZeal

“Wealthless life is a respectless life.”
Bharani Kumar Buyakar, Once Again Beautiful And Pure: A Tale of Strength and Redemption

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