
Emotionally Charged Quotes

Quotes tagged as "emotionally-charged" Showing 1-21 of 21
Susan  Rowland
“The Alchemy Scroll works on the heart,” he said. “It plants words as I plant stones. The Scroll-maker is my brother. He paints the mysteries of God while I, guided by the Mother, built the new Hall as a door to heaven,” he said.”
Susan Rowland, The Alchemy Fire Murder

Susan  Rowland
“We’re so very sorry about this latest murder. Ignore Simon’s levity.”
Susan Rowland, Murder On Family Grounds: A Mary Wandwalker Mystery

“With Finn, Vic, and Maeve shooting darts at him, Buster thought better of bellyaching and took off down the street with Finn.”

Patricia D'Arcy Laughlin
“There’s no such thing as ‘settling down’ when you get married. Getting married is the most unsettling thing one can ever do.”
Patricia D'Arcy Laughlin, Sacrifices Beyond Kingdoms: A Provocative Romance Torn Between Continents and Cultures

Patricia D'Arcy Laughlin
“Forgiveness heals the forgiver, though not necessarily the forgiven.”
Patricia D'Arcy Laughlin, Sacrifices Beyond Kingdoms: A Provocative Romance Torn Between Continents and Cultures

Miriam Verbeek
From the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of Peter. He was on the road to the side, probably waiting to ensure she’d managed to negotiate the first part of the track. She didn’t stop, her adrenaline pumping. He’d catch up. “Come get me!” she yelled, making a slight counter-direction turn in the air to help her blow into the berm on the other side of the road. The trail crossed a short flat, a marked rock garden, a beam over a bog, another rock drop and berm, a zigzag around massive trees, roots and rocks that kicked the bike’s tyres this way and that and tested her balance, more air over another drop – this one caused by a massive log – enough air for her to do a back flip from a kicker over another part of the forestry trail, steep to the left. The first wall appeared. She took it fast, skidded around to slam into the side of a berm and round off on to another gully crossing.
Miriam Verbeek, The Forest: A new Saskia van Essen crime mystery thriller

Miriam Verbeek
“The only clarity – if oppressive fog could ever be clarity – was the violent, throbbing, boiling agony pressing her against the ground.
There were sounds, too: shouting, screaming, banging, thudding, squawking, chittering.
It hurt to breathe.
“No snake! No snake!” A woman’s voice shrilled.
“Christ sake! Let the bloody thing out. That one, too.” A man’s voice, shouting – bellowing – commands.
A hand lifted her wrist, and through the torment of pain, she realised that fingers were releasing her watch strap.”
Miriam Verbeek, The Forest: A new Saskia van Essen crime mystery thriller

Chad Boudreaux
“Stepping back, Anika smiled at her prisoners and clicked open the Zippo. Its flame hopped to life. Wasting no time, she underhand-tossed the lighter through the air. It hit the middle of its target, and the banner exploded into flames. ”
Chad Boudreaux, Homecoming Queen

Cricket Rohman
“Thieves? A twinge of panic shot through her. Dabbing at the fever-induced perspiration beading across her forehead, she wondered vaguely why the air conditioning wasn't blowing full-force on this hot September afternoon. Then she realized it was.”
Cricket Rohman, Wanted: An Honest Man

Chad Boudreaux
“Ascending the creaky steps, she heard the old timers discussing the weather. But this wasn’t the usual small talk. They ranked Texas storms. Not by category, wind speed, or monetary damage, but by casualties—body count. ”
Chad Boudreaux, Homecoming Queen

“George looked around the office. Five dirty and chipped desks, one with a missing leg held upright with a stack of out-of-date telephone books, a two-year out-of-date calendar, a filing cabinet overflowing with case notes, four chairs all with tears in the fabric, and a printer that hadn’t worked since, well since ever – having no print cartridges was obviously an issue.”
Matt Francis, Murder in the Pacific: Ifira Point

Katie Hall-May
“Why is it that school is still always so much like school?
humour, school,”
Katie Hall-May, Memories of a Lost Thesaurus

Katie Hall-May
“It is a private battlefield, the school arena, perhaps created by adults, but a war, nonetheless, that they cannot easily fight in. I informed the headmaster that if he could prove that a teacher could have thumped Georgie Smales as effectively, then I would be willing, next time, to call a teacher. I would, I told him, very much like to see that.”
Katie Hall-May, Memories of a Lost Thesaurus

“Everything washes up here’, she said. ‘Even dead bodies”
Matt Francis, Murder in the Pacific: Ifira Point

“The Convention Centre had caused great consternation in Vanuatu for many years. All of this was the result that Vanuatu didn’t want it, Vanuatu didn’t ask for it, and Vanuatu couldn’t afford it. That hadn’t stopped the generosity of the Chinese Government insisting on building it with very favourable financial terms.”
Matt Francis, Murder in the Pacific: Ifira Point

Lindsay Harrel
“It all took a paintbrush to her insides and dipped her soul in a bright yellow she hadn't known in a long, long time.”
Lindsay Harrel, The Heart Between Us: Two Sisters, One Heart Transplant, and a Bucket List

Guy Morris
“ Elections have consequences, and the consequence of losing the next one could end the American democratic experiment.”
Guy Morris, The Last Ark: Lost Secrets of Qumran

“One thing, though, was for sure – here I was, alive, healthy but as unquiet in my way as they were in theirs.  Transcendent equality.  You’ve got to love it.”
Michael W. Thomas, The Erkeley Shadows: A novel

“All happened so damn fast,” he said. “’Phone call here after she arrived.  Her mom and dad were just after leaving Halifax…ten cars, twelve maybe, made it onto the CBC News”.”
Michael W. Thomas, The Erkeley Shadows: A novel

“Will turned over the last words for a long time.  Then he thought about the flashing message-light up in the kitchen.”
Michael W. Thomas, The Erkeley Shadows: A novel