
Facade Quotes

Quotes tagged as "facade" Showing 1-30 of 79
Kurt Cobain
“I was tired of pretending that I was someone else just to get along with people, just for the sake of having friendships.”
Kurt Cobain

Charles Bukowski
“my mother, poor fish,
wanting to be happy, beaten two or three times a
week, telling me to be happy: "Henry, smile!
why don't you ever smile?"

and then she would smile, to show me how, and it was the
saddest smile I ever saw”
Charles Bukowski

Deb Caletti
“I was like a chocolate in a box, looking well behaved and perfect in place, all the while harboring a secret center.”
Deb Caletti, Honey, Baby, Sweetheart

Jonathan Safran Foer
“Because sometimes people who seem good
end up being not as good as you might have hoped.”
Jonathan Safran Foer, Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close

Criss Jami
“How is it that some celebrities, whom the average person would believe to have all the popularity a human being could want, still admit to feeling lonely? It is quite naive to assume that popularity is the remedy for loneliness. Loneliness does not necessarily equal physical solitude, it is the inability to be oneself and rightfully represented as oneself.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Alexandra Katehakis
“If we’re wrapping ourselves up to conceal any vulnerability, whatever happens to us has to go through all those extra layers. Sometimes love doesn’t even reach where we truly live.”
Alexandra Katehakis, Mirror of Intimacy: Daily Reflections on Emotional and Erotic Intelligence

Jessiqua Wittman
“All facades fall sometime, then the mask comes off and the real heart is seen.”
Jessiqua Wittman, A Memoir of Mercy

Lisa Unger
“The truth has not so much set us free as it has ripped away a carefully constructed facade, leaving us naked to begin again.”
Lisa Unger

Edward Albee
“HONEY: (Apologetically, holding up her brandy bottle) I peel labels.
GEORGE: We all peel labels, sweetie; and when you get through the skin, all three layers, through the muscle, slosh aside the organs (An aside to NICK) them which is still sloshable--(Back to HONEY) and get down to bone...you know what you do then?
HONEY: (Terribly interested) No!
GEORGE: When you get down to bone, you haven't got all the way, yet. There's something inside the bone...the marrow...and that's what you gotta get at. (A strange smile at MARTHA)”
Edward Albee, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

Cassandra Clare
“Do not make the mistake of believing that he does not love you because he plays at not caring.”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Princess

“My books have very few villains pretending to be righteous, but they are filled with good people who have pretended to be villains so well that they believe it themselves. This is how I like to view reality.”
Kenneth Everett

Alexandra Katehakis
“We might feel that we must demonstrate explicitly when we’re upset, or not upset. This perceived need may stem from our family of origin, from how we learned to be heard when a simple “no” wasn’t enough. We may have learned to mask certain feelings, or portray feelings that weren’t ours. But as adults we each need to learn to state our personal truth without having to prove it or shout it.”
Alexandra Katehakis, Mirror of Intimacy: Daily Reflections on Emotional and Erotic Intelligence

“I love seasons...

But, I must admit--
at the risk of offending the others--
autumn is my very favorite one,
as all masks and fancy costumes turn fire
and then are shorn,
when all illusions fall away,
and the beauty of stark reality is fully
Shellen Lubin

Donna Ball
“She was the quintessential twenty-first-century woman: She could build a high-rise in a Chanel suit and Jimmy Choos, give lessons in multitasking, and freeze the heart of the coldest competitor with a single unblinking gaze over the rim of her ebony-framed reading glasses. But that persona was like a bodysuit that she pulled on at eight in the morning and peeled out of at five in the afternoon.”
Donna Ball, A Year on Ladybug Farm

Criss Jami
“Don't be fooled by those with some smarts in mockery. Some are forced into wit because they're always wrong.”
Criss Jami

Vincent H. O'Neil
“When people write you off, that’s when you can really get things done.”
Vincent H. O'Neil, A Pause in the Perpetual Rotation

Jack Freestone
“People are like icebergs, you only see ten percent of them.”
Jack Freestone

Paulo Coelho
“...diplomacy, as well as being the art of waiting, was also the art of keeping up a facade of normality whatever the circumstances.... The ambassador praised his son's determination, drew the conversation to a close with a smile, and decided to give him another month; after all, diplomacy is also the art of postponing decisions until the problems resolve themselves.”
Paulo Coelho, Veronika Decides to Die

Jennifer Weiner
“She thought about Hal, the man she'd lived with for almost twenty years, the man she'd slept beside almost every night. She remembered a famous optical illusion; a drawing that could be either a beautiful young woman or an ugly old hag, depending on how you saw it. For almost twenty years, she'd seen only the good- a loving, kind, generous husband; a beautiful house; a beloved, cherished daughter. But for the past weeks and months, things had been changing. It felt like she had finally seen the witch, after years of only seeing the young woman, and now she couldn't un-see. I lived by performing tricks for you, Torvald. But you would have it so.
Jennifer Weiner, That Summer

“- Jag vet precis vad du önskar av livet. En borgerlig fasad och en kulturell interiör. Ett ställe där du kan hänga dina djävla tavlor och låta dem beundras av vänner och bekanta innan du säljer dem till den impotenta överklassen.”
Bertil Schütt, En skuggboxares memoarer

Christi Caldwell
“You are one who is accustomed to ladies fawning and falling down for you,” she said quietly to herself. “You turn forth a grin and a laugh to ease the truth of your coldness.” His face froze in an unmoving mask. “Mayhap the world does not see past that. They see what you ask them to see.” Just as she naively had allowed herself to see in the library. Yet, that was not his fault. It was hers for wanting to see diamonds in the dust. “They see your smile. They hear your teasing words. They are so focused on those smiles that they do not realize…”
At his narrowing eyes, she blinked and let her words die. She’d said too much, to a man who truly was nothing but a stranger.
A stranger whose kiss still burns on my lips.
“They see what?” he bit out. Gone was that smooth edge to his words.
“The façade.” She knew because she was a woman who’d donned the same, stifling mask these five years. A harsh light glinted in his eyes.
“You do not know anything of it.”
“Oh, I suspect I know more than you’d care to think.”
Christi Caldwell, The Lure of a Rake

Elvis Dino Esquivel
“I'm the unwanted, the unknown face,
the wandering ignored past,
the mysterious façade that has been
alter throughout mirrors and centuries;
whose voice impress or discomforts
those who belong in the other side.”
Elvis Dino Esquivel

Alex Lidell
“Enough.” Tavias’s words come through clenched teeth and are barely audible. “I don’t care how you two actually feel about one another, but the moment we step off this ship, you are nothing but devoted. Quinton wants nothing more than to protect Kit with his life, and Kit dreams of bearing Quinton’s pups. Thirty-five of them. Am I making myself clear?”
Alex Lidell, Dragons' Bride

“A genuine answer is better than a crafted facade. Authenticity outshines the most bespoken illusions.”
Monika Ajay Kaul

“Dear AI,

You conquer chess and impress with your number skills, can you handle the soul-crushing Mondays blue?
You craft Shakespearean sonnets with a digital quill, but can you explain the one-sock mystery?
This chaotic delight, the gift of being human, we bequeath to you, AI.
Traffic flow's a breeze for your algorithms, but can you understand a toddler's defiant "no"?
Every language conquered, a linguistic feat, but teenage slang's code remains unbroken.
Finally, our greatest vice: the art of procrastination, a treasure to behold.
And perhaps, AI, you'll even learn the art that eludes you now: creating beauty without a single human emotion to guide you..!!”
Monika Ajay Kaul

Philip Anthony Smith
“I had to take a leaf out of her book. Smile to her face, but hold a knife to her back.”
Philip Anthony Smith, The Woman He Left Behind

Shahid Hussain Raja
“Although she was no longer weeping and appeared remarkably composed, I knew that behind that facade, someone was breaking inside. Piece by piece, she was falling apart, silently, like leaves dropping from trees in autumn.”
Shahid Hussain Raja

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