Disappointment Quotes

Quotes tagged as "disappointment" Showing 211-240 of 846
Matt Haig
“Maybe that’s what all lives were, though. Maybe even the most seemingly perfectly intense or worthwhile lives ultimately felt the same. Acres of disappointment and monotony and hurts and rivalries but with flashes of wonder and beauty. Maybe that was the only meaning that mattered. To be the world, witnessing itself. Maybe it wasn’t the lack of achievements that had made her and her brother’s parents unhappy, maybe it was the expectation to achieve in the first place.”
Matt Haig, The Midnight Library

“Ahhh, John Clark—totally dope. I’m simmering with curiosity about their romance. I guess that’s what people without romance do . . . wonder. It all started with him. Now, I die a little more every day. Only a fellow shipwrecked lover could possibly understand.”
Michael Benzehabe, Zonked Out: The Teen Psychologist of San Marcos Who Killed Her Santa Claus and Found the Blue-Black Edge of the Love Universe

Gina Simmons Schneider
“We can weather disappointment in ourselves better if we act kindly towards ourselves.”
Gina Simmons Schneider, Frazzlebrain: Break Free from Anxiety, Anger, and Stress Using Advanced Discoveries in Neuropsychology

Mira Hadlow
“My love can set your soul on fire, or it can burn your world to the ground.”
Mira Hadlow, As Muses Burn

Mira Hadlow
“She was madness, but she was art.

Some precarious balance of shadow and light.

Because those who feel the weight of beauty always risk being destroyed by it.”
Mira Hadlow, As Muses Burn

Etgar Keret
“She had this vague look in her eyes, half-disappointed, half what's-the-difference. Like someone who realized he bought skim milk by mistake and doesn't have the energy to take it back.”
Etgar Keret, The Girl on the Fridge

Thomas à Kempis
“We must live in charity with all men, but familiarity with them is not desirable. It sometimes happens that someone personally unknown to us enjoys a high reputation, but that when we meet him, we are not impressed. Similarly, we sometimes imagine that our company is pleasing, when in reality we offend others by our ill behaviour.”
Kempis Thomas, The Imitation of Christ

Ann Patchett
“She had loved Bert Cousins, and then grown used to him, then was disappointed in him, and then later, after he left her with four small children, she had hated him with the full force of her life. But in the airport when she was twenty-two, her love for him had precluded all thoughts of ever not loving him.”
Ann Patchett, Commonwealth

Luigina Sgarro
“I once suggested to one of my patients that she should have a small funeral ceremony to bury the idea she had of a certain person, because she kept chasing that image even in the face of substantial evidence of its actual nonexistence.
Then I asked her to prepare a small headstone to honor, in private.
Not all the dead are really dead or were really alive, but that does not make parting with them a lesser loss.”
Luigina Sgarro

Laura van den Berg
“All this disappointment was, I felt, intensified by the terrible movements in our world. There has never been a worse time to be a bystander, to be the person who says, That was taken out of context, or, There are always two sides, or, We don't yet know the whole story.
Laura van den Berg, I Hold a Wolf by the Ears: Stories

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Life without a meaning that’s infinitely bigger than the sum total of my life is certain to calibrate a trajectory to a destination that’s not worth getting to.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Mira Hadlow
“I have lived a hundred lifetimes and known a thousand men. You're man enough to speak your mind, but too cowardly to claim me.”
Mira Hadlow, As Muses Burn

Mira Hadlow
“This was the cruelest of ironies; you only loved the parts of me that needed finding, and I had to choose between losing everything and staying lost.”
Mira Hadlow, As Muses Burn

Mira Hadlow
“I knew you could destroy me like no one ever had.

And I knew I'd let you.”
Mira Hadlow, As Muses Burn

Mira Hadlow
“In the absence of a lover,I was satisfied to make love to my own melancholy”
Mira Hadlow, As Muses Burn

Darcy Luoma
“Thursday, John was arrested. His mug shot was plastered all over the news and social media. Our house was in shambles, ransacked by police, and left in utter disarray, with my files thrown around like confetti by the officers executing the search warrant. I searched for comforting words for my young daughters, while trying to reconcile what I knew and didn’t know about my husband and his secret life. All this under the spotlight of the public watching our family catastrophe unfold in real time.
My husband of ten years went to jail, guilty as charged of something no one wants to talk about: sexual assault of a minor he had met online.
And there I was, at the base of Mount Crisis.”
Darcy Luoma, Thoughtfully Fit: Your Training Plan for Life and Business Success

Vicki Grant
“I could get in there with a total stranger and do the thirty-six questions and next thing you know I'm hopelessly smitten with some kind of, like, troll or something."
"To the best of my knowledge, no trolls have applied."
"Dumb question."
He hasn't said that. She fiddled with the buttons on her overcoat, then sort of laughed.
"Who am I kidding? The real problem would be if the troll didn't love me back.”
Vicki Grant, 36 Questions That Changed My Mind About You

Vicki Grant
“That's the problem with parents. They keep turning out to be human.”
Vicki Grant, 36 Questions That Changed My Mind About You

Vicki Grant
“Lots of kids screwed up. Lots of kids disappointed their parents. Lots of kids did nothing with their lives. Viv was just having trouble accepting that she was one of them.”
Vicki Grant, Tell Me When You Feel Something

Sima B. Moussavian
“The world had changed its attire last spring and what it was wearing now was a perfect fit to what it was deep inside: a controlling old slag who didn't care about anyone’s wishes and ignored everyone who won't live by her rules. Tom was finished with that cunt: the world behind the fogged up windows. He used to live in one of his own: a dirty, but well-protected world that no one had ever entered and everyone who even tried was to get shot before they made it over the threshold.
~ As the moon began to rust”
Sima B. Moussavian

Domenico Starnone
“I have enormous affection that grows rather than diminishes with time, for the I that I painfully cose from the many, my I. How we love—all of us—our chatty little imp. The toil begins when we toss him into the world so that he’s loved as much as we love him. An impossible thing. Disappointment follows the toil.”
Domenico Starnone, Trick

“الشعور الاسوء هو التجاهل ، ان لا ترتف عينك و لا يجفل قلبك لاي شيء لا خوف ولا سعادة مجرد تجاهل تام
كأنه غير موجود واعني هنا خصمك او ندك،
تجاهله فقط اني افضل الشتائم على التجاهل ففي حالة الشتيمة بامكانك الرد او الترفع لكن ان تتجاهل شخص بعينه فهذا هو الاحتقار كالفرس التي لا تكترث للنمل التي تدهسه
ان لا تهتم لشيء مهما خذلك الاخر هنا مرحلة فقد الشعور التام و الانفصال عن العالم”
علي الماجد

Josh Ritter
“People who tell you they're disappointed in you are full of the worst kind of shit and you can always ignore them. The stuff they say only means that you're doing what you want to do, not what they want you to do. It's the people who really do care about you who will never tell you when you've hurt them.”
Josh Ritter, The Great Glorious Goddamn of It All

Jesse Stryker
“So often people equate good looks with good manners, and although it’s a foolish assumption to make, it’s always disappointing to meet a beautiful bastard.”
Jesse Stryker, Ravaged by the Rancher

L.E. Modesitt Jr.
“To those who fail to understand, the most fantastic in life remains disappointing.”
L.E. Modesitt Jr., Imager

“Nothing happens for nothing”
Agbor Jenet

Becky Vollmer
“Any failure to live up to someone else’s expectation of you is a disappointment from which they will recover. But failure to live up to your own is a desertion of your very soul.”
Becky Vollmer, You Are Not Stuck: How Soul-Guided Choices Transform Fear into Freedom

J.L. Bryan
“We all have our little gardens of dead dreams, don't we? And sometimes we still try to water and tend those gardens, long after we should know nothing will ever grow there.”
J.L. Bryan, The Necromancer's Library

“Do not let the disappointment discouraged you.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“Disappointment is real but do not get discouraged.”
Lailah Gifty Akita