Disappointment Quotes

Quotes tagged as "disappointment" Showing 181-210 of 846
Martin Luther King Jr.
“One of the most agonizing problems of human experience is how to deal with disappointment. In our individual lives we all too often distill our frustrations into an essence of bitterness, or drown ourselves in the deep waters of self-pity, or adopt a fatalistic philosophy that whatever happens must happen and all events are determined by necessity. These reactions poison the soul and scar the personality, always harming the person who harbors them more than anyone else. The only healthy answer lies in one’s honest recognition of disappointment even as he still clings to hope, one’s acceptance of finite disappointment even while clinging to infinite hope.”
Martin Luther King Jr., Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community?

Akshay Vasu
“To get out of that quicksand, she needed validation, and she sought it the most in the world than anything else. Every time someone she knew passed by and looked at her, she would say everything that led her to get stuck in that quicksand. And every time someone blamed her for getting stuck or would just pass away without acknowledging her story, the quicksand consumed her a bit more.”
Akshay Vasu, Reflections in a Shattered Mirror

Fyodor Dostoevsky
“وتتساءل: أين هي إذن أحلامك؟
وتهز رأسك قائلا: كم تطير السنوات سريعا!
وتتسائل من جديد: ماذا فعلت بسنواتك؟
أين دفنت أفضل وقتك؟
هل عشت؟!
نعم أو لا؟
انظر، كنت تقول لك، انظر، كم هو هذا العالم بارد. سنوات أخرى ستمر، وتعقبها الوحدة الحزينة، والشيخوخة المرتعشة مع عكازها، وبعد ذلك الضجر واليأس. سيشحب عالمك الخيالي، ستموت، ستذبل، أحلامك، وستسقط كما تهوي الأوراق الصفراء من الأشجار.. كم سيكون حزينا، أن يبقى المرء وحيدا، وحيدا تماما، وألا يكون لديه حتى شيء يتأسف عليه، لا شيء إطلاقا.. لأن كل ما فقدته، كل هذا، ليس شيئا، ليس إلا صفرا منقطا، غبيا، كل هذا لم يكن إلا حلما!”
Fyodor Dostoevsky, White Nights

Holly Black
“It feels a bit like expecting a proposal of marriage, only to get offered the role of mistress.”
Holly Black, The Cruel Prince

“My daydreams never let me down (217).”
Linda Murphy Marshall, Ivy Lodge: A Memoir of Translation and Discovery

Giannis Delimitsos
“Never be disappointed and never lose your hope and fortitude when all that you see around is only shadows. Because if there are shadows, there must also be sources of light nearby. Find them, take them with you to illuminate your trail and make shadows disappear!”
Giannis Delimitsos

Nick Oliveri
“Facing myself was the hardest thing. pressure and loss alone, running away from the pain.”
Nick Oliveri

“Your faith is only as strong as the crisis it survives.”
Myles Monroe

“Only a good player knows... what it takes to reach there...”
Bhawna Dehariya

Martin Luther King Jr.
“All of this represents disappointment lifted to astronomical proportions. It is disappointment with timid white moderates who feel that they can set the timetable for the Negro’s freedom. It is disappointment with a federal administration that seems to be more concerned about winning an ill-considered war in Vietnam than about winning the war against poverty here at home. It is disappointment with white legislators who pass laws on behalf of Negro rights that they never intended to implement. It is disappointment with the Christian church that appears to be more white than Christian, and with many white clergymen who prefer to remain silent behind the security of stained-glass windows.”
Martin Luther King Jr., Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community?

Ljupka Cvetanova
“I only remember the good days. I don't remember anything.”
Ljupka Cvetanova, Yet Another New Land

Ian St. Martin
“Sometimes, I consider whether the Emperor hated the Primarchs the way Fulgrim hates us."
"Speak for yourself. Our father does not hate us."
"Of course he does. From afar, you feel the lie of his warmth, the false affection you all so urgently crave. And he gives it to you but always from pity. You are his champion, yet still you cannot see it. You will never be as close to him as I was. You never see the way he really looks at us. Never seeing the wonders we wrought, only the limitations. Not our triumphs, just our flaws. He hates us, Lucius, because to Fulgrim, we are not his sons. We are a mirror, holding up an image before him that he can never do anything other than hate. We are his own failure made manifest, the miscarriage that comes about when a father tries to mould his children into something better than himself.”
Ian St. Martin, Lucius: The Faultless Blade

“Don't be disappointed at any point you meet yourself in life. Always know that God have a better plan for you.”
Ojingiri Hannah

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“We would be wise to understand that the utterly galling frustration of getting knocked down can be completely offset by understanding the far greater opportunities presented to us now that we have been handed a chance to get up.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“If the human spirit dreads anything, it is to finally arrive at some long fought for destination, and after celebrating the arrival to suddenly discover that there are no other roads that go forward from that place for there are no other destinations to go to. And it is out of the life-sustaining passion of the human spirit to be ever-achieving that God crafted beginnings and endings so that such a horrific reality will never be reality.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“Doing right with the wrong person
and doing wrong with the right person:
this is the source of all disappointment.”
Augusto Branco

Rifa Coolheart
“The difficulty of objective arises when we anticipate things to happen without good intentions. If we understand that our objectives will bring us what we expect, then we should set ourselves up for disappointment.”
Rifa Coolheart

Valerie Patkar
“Dreams are disappointing, right? Kita selama ini selalu berharap sama mimpi. Lewatin hidup cuma untuk mengejar mimpi itu, karena kita percaya dia yang bakal bawa kita bebas dan bahagia. Tapi waktu kita udah bisa gapai mimpi itu, nggak ada yang bisa bikin kita bahagia. Dan yang brengsek, sekalipun mimpi itu terus-menerus mengecewakan lo dan membuat lo menjadi orang asing untuk diri sendiri, di suatu titik lo akan sadar kalau lo nggak akan pernah bisa ninggalin mereka. Karena lo tahu, selama ini cuma karena mimpi itu, hidup lo akhirnya punya tujuan.”
Valerie Patkar, Lukacita

Mark Allen Moore
“Expectations and faith can go hand in hand or they can run counter to each other. It all depends on where our expectations are placed. Are they placed in the outcome or are they placed in who He is? You see, if our expectations are anchored in the outcome, we will be disappointed and lose faith when the outcome does not match up with what we expected. God’s goodness will come into question, and we will be in danger of losing faith in Him.”
Mark Allen Moore, Shattered: Finding Hope and Purpose in the Midst of Disappointment

Mark Allen Moore
“It’s in these seemingly “hopeless” moments, in our darkest trials, that we discover who we are. Greatness in our lives is almost always built on top of struggle, difficulties, failures, and disappointments.”
Mark Allen Moore, Shattered: Finding Hope and Purpose in the Midst of Disappointment

S.E. Harmon
“Life would be so much easier if I didn’t mind disappointing you.”
S.E. Harmon, Principles of Spookology

Shannon Hale
“Another universal truth is that endings trump beginnings. Charlotte's memories of James began to warp and darken, like photographs held too close to heat, till all his past kindnesses were tainted by how he'd ultimately hurt her. James had been sweet at first only to make her ache all the more when he wasn't.”
Shannon Hale, Midnight in Austenland

Sandra L. Rostirolla
“Never once in the history of receiving good news has someone ever replied, “It’s okay. I understand.” Those words are reserved for when someone has let you down. I should know.”
Sandra L. Rostirolla, Making Friends With Monsters

“Do not be discouraged in disappointment.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“In the past, I used to write to you and now I write about you, there is a difference of course, like saying I love you and I used to love you, but it is not the difference in how to write the words, but it’s all about you in my eyes, how you were? And how you are?

قديماً كنتُ أكتب لك والآن أكتب عنك، هناك فارق بالطبع، كقولي أحبك وكنت أحبك، لكن ليس الأمر هو الإختلاف في كيفية الكتابة، بل الخطب كله في حجمك بأعيني، كيف كان؟ وكيف بات؟”
Mohamed Nashan

Wajahat Ali
“Hope can be dangerous because it means exposing yourself to the possibility of success, to allow yourself to imagine a happy ending, only to be confronted by cold, brutal disappointment.”
Wajahat Ali, Go Back to Where You Came From: And Other Helpful Recommendations on How to Become American

Colleen Hoover
“he smiles. 'My mother fears i'm wasting my life away because all i do is work'
'You're a neurosurgeon and your mother is disappointed in you?' i laugh. Good lord that is insane.
Are parents ever really happy with their childeren? Will they ever be good enough?”
Colleen Hoover, It Ends with Us

Gabino Iglesias
“Fishing… is like life: mostly about deception, waiting, luck, and going home empty-handed.”
Gabino Iglesias, Coyote Songs

Rebecca Yarros
“I'm proving to be the one thing my mother hates- average.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

“Eventually we learn to live..

Beyond the concepts of
Selections and rejections.
Awards and lacks.
Contentment and disappointments.
Applauds and anonymity.

Comparisons and distinctions too
become outworn in the process.”
Monika Ajay Kaul