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v5.6 Release Notes

Welcome to gatsby@5.6.0 release (February 2023 #1)

Key highlights of this release:

Also check out notable bugfixes.

Bleeding Edge: Want to try new features as soon as possible? Install gatsby@next and let us know if you have any issues.

Previous release notes

Full changelog

Gatsby is joining Netlify

In case you have missed the news, Gatsby is joining Netlify 🎉

Gatsby as a framework will continue to evolve and grow. We’ve always shared with Netlify a mutual commitment to open-source and have never been more excited about Gatsby’s future. Many of Gatsby’s core contributors will join Netlify and continue to maintain the Gatsby framework.

Be sure to join our Discord, follow Gatsby and Netlify on Twitter or continue to read these release notes to know when we share our plans for the future.

Head API supports context providers from wrapRootElement

Head now has access to React context provided by wrapRootElement API. Example setup:

If wrapRootElement API is used to wrap templates with UI components those will be skipped and you will see warnings in browser console about invalid head elements. In this case it’s recommended to move UI elements to wrapPageElement API.

Notable bugfixes & improvements

  • gatsby:
    • Fix static query mapping when contentFilePath contains a space, via PR #37544
    • Bump @gatsbyjs/reach-router to fix husky install issue, via PR #37547
    • Support Slices in DEV_SSR, via PR #37542
    • Move react-dom-server out of framework chunks, via PR #37508
  • gatsby-plugin-utils: Export two IRemoteFile utility types, via PR #37532


A big Thank You to our community who contributed to this release 💜

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