About: blockchain

Climate change 24-09-2018

Europe should lead in greening digitalisation and AI

Est. 5min

Greenhouse gas emissions linked to digitalisation are rapidly increasing, despite efforts by tech groups to get more of their energy from renewables. The negative environmental effects need to be addressed more clearly than today, argues Mats Engström.

Energy 06-02-2018

Rethinking urban energy: How Europe is leading the way

Est. 5min

To achieve ambitious climate goals in line with the Paris Agreement, cities will need to implement major changes to their energy systems by 2030. The good news is that the transformation in the energy sector is making such ambitious programmes much more feasible and European cities are in the forefront, writes Eric Woods.

The Commission and Member States should start looking carefully at the developments in blockchain technology.
copyright 28-11-2017

Benifei: Embed blockchain in copyright reform

Est. 7min

Blockchain technology can provide a win-win-win between the fight against censorship, verified traceability of digital artworks, and a fair remuneration for its creators. The copyright reform debate is a good opportunity to embed blockchain and create a better regulatory framework, argues Brando Benifei.

Economy 27-04-2017

Russia opens the door to cryptocurrencies

Est. 7min

The benefits of blockchain are attractive to Russia’s financial system, writes Antonia Colibasanu.