About: blockchain

Circular economy 24-11-2022

Tech start-up: Blockchain is ideal tool for circular economy

Est. 6min

Digital product passports will be critical to trace the origin of products and recover raw materials, and could bring several new opportunities for businesses, according to Phil Brown from Circularise. Phil Brown is Vice-President for Business Development Strategy at Circularise, a …

Sharing economy 12-06-2017

Darknet guru: New technology can help build European identity

Est. 12min

Modern technology could shore up the European project, boost transparency and help governments collect taxes. Author Jamie Bartlett told EURACTIV.com that the EU should become the great technological innovator but warned that politicians simply aren’t prepared for massive changes ahead.

Brexit 26-10-2016

Robert Madelin: ‘We have to assume the hardest possible Brexit’

Est. 21min

The EU treaty mentions a two-year deadline for a member state to conclude negotiations to leave the European Union. But it also foresees possible extensions, opening the way for a follow-on process, says Robert Madelin, who just left the EU executive.

Brexit 08-06-2016

MasterCard international chief: ‘Brexit wouldn’t be a significant change for us’

Est. 7min

Blockchain is expected to have a larger impact on our business than a potential Brexit, suggests MasterCard’s deputy boss, Ann Cairns. In her view, the technology behind virtual currencies like bitcoin is “a good thing for the future”, she told EURACTIV.com.

Bitcoin expert: EU should ‘wait and see’ before regulating blockchain

Est. 6min

Lawmakers are debating how to deal with virtual currencies and, in particular, with the promising technology behind them: blockchain. Patrick Murck, co-founder of Bitcoin Foundation, believes that the current ‘hands-off’ approach is the right one.

Technology 13-11-2015

Tapscott: There is a very real risk that capitalism can be replaced

Est. 7min

Don Tapscott, whose books have been used by Barack Obama, gave a TED-type inspirational speech to senior members of the in-house think tanks of the EU institutions on Thursday (12 November). In his view, either we share wealth, or it will be the end of capitalism.