About: blockchain

Circular economy 24-11-2022

Tech start-up: Blockchain is ideal tool for circular economy

Est. 6min

Digital product passports will be critical to trace the origin of products and recover raw materials, and could bring several new opportunities for businesses, according to Phil Brown from Circularise. Phil Brown is Vice-President for Business Development Strategy at Circularise, a …

Economy 30-06-2022

Crypto arrives in the world of EU regulation

Est. 6min

In a late success for the French presidency of the EU Council, negotiators from the European Parliament and the EU Council agreed to extend the rules on information accompanying the transfers of funds to crypto assets.

Agrifood 08-11-2021

Brewers turn to blockchain for beer sustainability

Est. 5min

To make the production of beer more sustainable, European brewing companies have started making use of blockchain technology. However, NGOs warn that single-use packaging still contributes to a large carbon footprint for many beverages.

Technology 07-09-2021

Blockchain might be the solution to the digital identity hurdle

Est. 4min

The European Commission proposed before the summer an EU-wide framework to enable all EU citizens to have a digital identity but it did not urge countries to use blockchain in the process, although the technology seems quite fitting

Technology 04-06-2021

European Commission proposes ‘digital identity wallet’

Est. 4min

The European Commission has introduced a legislative proposal for an EU "digital identity wallet" that would allow numerous services like opening a bank account or filing tax returns to be done purely digitally.

Technology 02-06-2021

EU faces €5-10 billion investment gap on AI and blockchain – report

Est. 3min

The EU is not investing enough in artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain to keep up with the US and China and it should start investing €5-10 billion each year but also strengthen its eco-systems in order to be competitive, a report said.

Technology 25-05-2021

Germany’s rocky path to becoming a blockchain nation

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Germany harbours ambitions to become one of the world’s leaders in blockchain and has recently taken stock of its near two-year-old strategy to boost adoption of the pioneering technology, the first of its kind worldwide.

Energy 01-05-2020

Power grid operators launch blockchain for home and car batteries

Est. 5min

European electricity grid operators TenneT, Swissgrid and Terna have launched a cross-border blockchain platform, saying it will help stabilise the grid while allowing households to earn “a few hundred euros per year” from their home and car batteries.

Technology 10-04-2019

‘Five Star’ guru bets on blockchain to fix party’s e-voting platform

Est. 3min

Blockchain technologies could help to ensure transparency on the controversial voting platform where Five Star Movement's activists make decisions, said the software owner's Davide Casaleggio in Brussels on Tuesday (9 April).

Cybersecurity 19-10-2018

Blockchain technologies can reinforce voting systems, Sefcovic says

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EU Energy Commissioner Maroš Šefčovič has hailed the future of blockchain technologies across the continent, citing the importance they may have in future elections, as cybersecurity experts warn about the vulnerability of the current digital voting systems.

Climate change 24-09-2018

Europe should lead in greening digitalisation and AI

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Greenhouse gas emissions linked to digitalisation are rapidly increasing, despite efforts by tech groups to get more of their energy from renewables. The negative environmental effects need to be addressed more clearly than today, argues Mats Engström.

Economy 05-09-2018

Europe moves towards a common approach to regulate cryptoassets

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European decision-makers and regulators are progressing towards an EU approach for dealing with cryptoassets, digital assets that use cryptography such as Bitcoin and represent a booming market still viewed with concern by financial supervisors.

Economy 26-02-2018

Commission holds its fire against Bitcoin and Co.

Est. 5min

The European Commission is still hesitant to regulate cryptocurrencies, despite a warning issued by European regulators and bans imposed in other regions following the rising market volatility of digital currencies.

Energy 06-02-2018

Rethinking urban energy: How Europe is leading the way

Est. 5min

To achieve ambitious climate goals in line with the Paris Agreement, cities will need to implement major changes to their energy systems by 2030. The good news is that the transformation in the energy sector is making such ambitious programmes much more feasible and European cities are in the forefront, writes Eric Woods.

The Commission and Member States should start looking carefully at the developments in blockchain technology.
copyright 28-11-2017

Benifei: Embed blockchain in copyright reform

Est. 7min

Blockchain technology can provide a win-win-win between the fight against censorship, verified traceability of digital artworks, and a fair remuneration for its creators. The copyright reform debate is a good opportunity to embed blockchain and create a better regulatory framework, argues Brando Benifei.

Notaries turn blockchain into ally for digital transactions

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Once feared as a technology that would make legal practitioners redundant, blockchain has now actually strengthened the role of notaries as interpreters of complex transactions, best illustrated by the convoluted issue of land registries.

Economy 21-09-2017

Commission wants bigger role for regulators in sustainable finance development

Est. 4min

The European Commission has proposed giving the European Supervisory Authorities broader powers to determine what represents environmental, social and governance investment and to monitor banks’ activities in this field.

Electricity 13-07-2017

Could a blockchain-based electricity network change the energy market?

Est. 6min

Blockchain-enabled energy trading could help lower carbon emissions but efficiency and privacy issues must first be overcome, EURACTIV's media partner The Guardian reports.

Electricity 04-07-2017

Is blockchain about to disrupt the electricity sector?

Est. 7min

While EU lawmakers are picking over proposals intended to drag Europe’s electricity sector into a 21st century dominated by intermittent renewable power and decentralised generation, others are already contemplating ways in which new digital technologies might shake things up even more.

Technology 28-06-2017

The EU’s FinTech strategy: Can Europe compete globally?

2017 will be a pivotal year for FinTech. The European Commission recently published a consultation and the European Parliament voted on its own initiative report in May. Both initiatives will input into an EU FinTech strategy expected by the end of the year.

Seventeen EU leaders ask Tusk for digital talks on ‘highest level’

Est. 4min

On the eve of an EU summit, leaders from 17 EU countries have asked European Council President Donald Tusk for highest-level talks on EU digital policy, saying it was the single market’s main engine and should receive stronger political support.

Sharing economy 12-06-2017

Darknet guru: New technology can help build European identity

Est. 12min

Modern technology could shore up the European project, boost transparency and help governments collect taxes. Author Jamie Bartlett told EURACTIV.com that the EU should become the great technological innovator but warned that politicians simply aren’t prepared for massive changes ahead.

Future EU 05-05-2017

EU analysts say traditional parties should learn from populists

Est. 5min

In the wake of Brexit and the growing dissatisfaction of European voters, populists are gaining ground across the continent. But experts don’t seem concerned, as they see the shake-up as a healthy sign of democracy.

Economy 27-04-2017

Russia opens the door to cryptocurrencies

Est. 7min

The benefits of blockchain are attractive to Russia’s financial system, writes Antonia Colibasanu.