
Elections 13-06-2024

The Brief – A battle against disinformation was won

Est. 7min

We may like or dislike the results of the European elections, but we can safely say that no major incidents involving propaganda and disinformation took place in the days of 6-9 June, which amounts to a victory for those who are busy countering this threat.


The Brief – The EU has a media freedom problem

Est. 6min

The EU likes to think of itself as the birthplace and guardian of the free media. But at least once a year, it has a chance to look the truth in the face - and it's not pretty.

Global Europe 27-02-2024

The Brief – Navalny vs Russian propaganda

Est. 6min

On 18 March 2016, Russian dissident Alexei Navalny participated in a live TV debate with Vladimir Pozner, one of Russia’s most famous journalists, on the issue of media censorship.


The Brief – Looking out of the window

Est. 7min

This weekend saw a new episode in the battle of digital narratives in Israel and Palestine — the uncanny horrors of which were haunting, even by recent standards.


New EU media law: Ownership transparency provision needs broader scope

Est. 6min

This week's trilogue negotiations on the European Media Freedom Act will include the key issue of media ownership transparency. The outcome will have tremendous consequences for the future of media freedom in the EU, write Eva Simon and Jascha Galaski.


‘Media pluralism test’ in European Media Freedom Act must achieve what it is set out to do

Est. 5min

The inclusion of a ‘media pluralism test’ is a very welcome innovation in the proposal for a European Media Freedom Act, but to succeed, some changes at the Board level are needed, write Karim Ibourki and Mark Dempsey. Karim Ibourki is …


Pressure builds on Serbia over controversial new media laws

Est. 5min

Civil society groups, political opposition and independent media organisations in Serbia are sounding the alarm over proposed changes to media laws that will increase the state’s already strong grip on access to news and information, writes Antoinette Nikolova.


Breton’s megaphone enforcement is no way to tackle disinformation

Est. 5min

EU Commissioner Thierry Breton is taking an aggressive public approach to social media platforms’ failure to tackle disinformation about the Israel-Hamas conflict. Breton’s approach may help boost his public profile – but it risks undermining more useful steps in the fight against disinformation, writes Zach Meyers.


Unanswered questions over social media actions in Slovakia loom over upcoming elections

Est. 5min

In the aftermath of the Slovak elections, questions are emerging about the transparency and effectiveness of social media platforms’ efforts to safeguard election integrity and their preparedness to deal with hate speech, writes Barbora Bukovská. Barbora Bukovská is Senior Director for …


The value of social media for Hungary

Est. 3min

As the regulatory conversation in the European Union about large social media platforms ramps up, many of us living in increasingly authoritarian regimes need to remember the immense value proposition of Facebook, Twitter, and other sites, writes Zoltán Kész.


Possible risks if EU does not change course of Media Freedom Act

Est. 6min

The idea that digital platforms can only moderate illegal content under national law is a grave mistake and a gift to those running disinformation campaigns, writes Clara Jiménez Cruz. Clara Jiménez Cruz is the chair of the European Fact-Checking Standards …


EURACTIV joins Mediahuis group: Why media sector consolidation is necessary

Est. 7min

After the internet and social media triggered national media concentration, artificial intelligence requires cross-border cooperation, facilitated by new EU policies. Integration of the pan-European network with the five-country group can show the way, writes Christophe Leclercq.


Give teeth to the European Media Freedom Act!

Est. 5min

Seen from Berlin, the European Media Freedom Act currently under negotiation doesn’t need to give the Commission any authority on media regulation, but countries in Eastern Europe and EU hopefuls in the Balkans want a legislation with teeth, writes Antoinette Nikolova.

Enlargement 21-03-2023

Russian disinformation in the Balkans: Predating the invasion?

Est. 5min

Russia's successful infiltration of media in the Balkans predates a possible invasion, thanks to a network of Kremlin-aligned businesspeople, politicians, and influence agents who shape editorial policies and amplify disinformation campaigns, write Goran Georgiev and Ruslan Stefanov.

Enlargement 11-11-2022

European Media Freedom Act needs a Balkan focus

Est. 5min

The candidate countries for EU membership must be fully in line with the European Media Freedom Act, which in the meantime needs improving, writes Antoaneta Nikolova.

Special ReportPromoted content

Innovation beyond the hype. The pivot to collaboration

Est. 5min

Encouraging signs for the financial situation of the European news industry have surfaced in the very last years, with a gradual adaptation of business models to an increasingly digital-first market (Newman et al., 2022). However, at a closer look, things …

Disinformation 16-08-2022

To stop war breaking out in Kosovo, media freedom in Serbia must be addressed

Est. 5min

An explosion of Russian disinformation threatened a breakout of conflict in Kosovo, highlighting the urgent need to address the declining information environment in the region, writes Antoinette Nikolova.


World Press Freedom Day: Safeguarding journalism as a public good in Europe

Est. 6min

The extraordinary courage of journalists and media workers reporting from conflict areas in Ukraine and other parts of the world reminds us once again how crucial their work is in providing timely, trusted and fact-based information, write Birgit Van Hout, Irene Khan, and Louise Haxthausen.


Media Freedom: A rebalanced ecosystem and sector consolidation

Est. 5min

Given the war in the East, and recent riots in the United States, the quality of the information ecosystem has become central. Media leaders could seize industrial, policy and budget opportunities, beyond the basic democracy principles, with a view to media resilience, write Pedro Ortún Silvan and Christophe Leclercq.


Freedom of the press: Why censorship by platforms must be resisted

Est. 6min

The Digital Services Act is a major piece of legislation that should result in a safer digital space. However, a recent vote in the European Parliament stopped short of adopting an amendment that would have made freedom of information in Europe free from non-EU private sector digital giants, writes Pierre Louette.


The Brief, powered by Facebook — EU needs to show teeth to protect Greek media freedom

Est. 7min

Say 'media freedom in the EU', and chances are you will think of Poland or Hungary and their rows with Brussels. But Greece has recently passed a draconian media law that should put the country on the Commission's radar. Except no one really talks about it.


The perturbing silence surrounding the case of Julian Assange

Est. 7min

The case for the extradition of Julian Assange raises questions about the freedom of the press, about the extraterritorial creep of US law and about Europe’s readiness - or lack off - to protect media freedom, writes Dick Roche.


EU democracy needs all voices in media

Est. 5min

When our consumption of news changed from traditional presses to the digital, we lost something more than just a physical newsprint in our hands. Media entered an era of emotion. But it doesn’t have to be that way, writes David Mekkaoui.


The erosion of media freedom in the Balkans has gone too far

Est. 5min

The EU is supposed to embody the values of liberty, democracy and fundamental human rights. But when it comes to media freedom, it is a passive observer in the face of widespread abuses on its own turf and in its immediate neighbourhood, writes Antoinette Nikolova.