

EU must go further to protect journalists from abusive litigation, expert says

Est. 5min

The Council's latest draft of the EU anti-SLAPP directive is significantly watered down and does not go far enough to protect journalists from lawsuits designed to harass and intimidate them, director of Article 19 Europe Sarah Clarke told EURACTIV in an interview.

China 03-06-2021

MEPs sound the alarm over Chinese mass surveillance project in Belgrade

Est. 5min

The European Parliament is taking a close look at China's high-tech present to Serbia, a mass surveillance system that involves the installation of thousands of smart surveillance cameras equipped with facial recognition features, MEP Gwendoline Delbos-Corfield (Greens/EFA, France) told EURACTIV in an interview.

Freedom of thought 22-05-2020

UN freedom of speech rapporteur must wear several hats, says Bulgarian candidate

Est. 6min

Iveta Cherneva, a Bulgarian author who writes about security, politics, human rights, and sustainability, and a EURACTIV contributor, has been shortlisted for the position of the UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of speech.


Austria’s ‘video crisis’ exposes poor treatment of media – media expert

Est. 5min

In an interview with EURACTIV, Reporters Without Borders Austria President and distinguished journalist Rubina Möhring spoke about the effects of the controversial 'Ibiza video' and why Austria is getting ever so close to the Hungarian media model.

Justice 10-05-2011

Reding: ‘Companies don’t take protection of personal data seriously enough’

Est. 9min

Recent data protection breaches involving Apple and Sony show that "the protection of personal data doesn't work properly," says the EU commissioner in charge of justice and fundamental rights Viviane Reding. In a wide-ranging interview with EURACTIV, she also discusses other issues such as EU communications, media funding, Roma discrimination and gender quotas.

Public Affairs 27-04-2011

Journalist chief: Press freedom in Europe ‘not just a Hungarian problem’

Est. 12min

Even as a growing number of challenges - including new media, the economic crisis and the rise of populist politics - are threatening the independence and viability of traditional media in Europe, quality journalism remains as necessary as ever to democracy, argues Aidan White, the former head of the International Federation of Journalists.